Copenhagen demonstrates in solidarity with East Jerusalem residents facing evictions and demolitions

13 July 2009

International day of solidarity with East Jerusalem residents facing eviction or demolition of their homes. Demonstration in front of the Israeli embassy in Copenhagen.

At 8.30 in the morning on Monday 13th of July Scandinavian activists showed their solidarity with the Palestinians in East Jerusalem facing eviction or demolition of their houses by putting up 6 tents in front of the Israeli embassy in Copenhagen.

The Danish police showed up after less than ten minutes, took the details of the activists, and ordered the manifestation to move to the opposite side of a busy street away from the Israeli embassy. The police moved the manifestation a second time further away from the Israeli embassy on demand from the employees of the embassy.

The 6 tents raised in front of the Israeli embassy in Copenhagen symbolize Palestinians in East Jerusalem threatened with eviction or demolition of their houses.

A tent for the Ghawe family and one for the Hanoun family in Sheikh Jarrah as well as each one tent for the Palestinian neighborhoods Silwan, Ras Khamis/ Shu’fat, The Old City and At-Tur. On the wall facing the embassy was a big banner with the words “No To Ethnic Cleansing” and a poster for the Al-Kurd family.

The residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood have used the tent as a symbol for their struggle since the Al-Kurd family got evicted from their home in November 2008.

Another two eviction orders have been given to the Hanoun Family and the Ghawe Family, both family fathers face imprisonment if they do not hand over the keys to their houses.

Later the symbol has spread and is now used in Silwan were 88 homes are threatened with demolition to make room for a park leading to the new settlement “Ir David”. More than 50 Palestinian homes have been demolished in Silwan during the past 10 years.

Also Ras Khamis are using the tent as symbol for the threat demolition orders cause. 55 houses or more than 500 persons are in danger of becoming refugees if Israeli plans are carried out.

Common for all the above mentioned neighborhoods is that the residents are originally refugees that had to flee their homes in 1948.
UN reports estimate that 60.000 Palestinians in East Jerusalem are in danger of administrative house demolitions or evictions.

The many house demolitions and evictions are all part of the ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem.

The International society have to act now. Have to share the responsibility for the ongoing catastrophe.

Transportation Ministry to Hebraize road signs

Udi Etzion | YNet News

13 July 2009

Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz recently ordered a change in roadside signs across Israel’s highways so that the all names appearing on them in English and Arabic would be a direct transliteration of Hebrew.

For example, the sign directing drivers to Jerusalem would read Yerushalayim, Nazareth will become Natsrat and Caesarea will become Kesariya. Arab names are to be changed accordingly.

The Transportation Ministry has been working on the project for over a year and says its main purpose is to create uniform roadside spelling for more than 2,000 names of cities, towns and villages.

Current road signs, says the ministry, reflect the vast changes and development in Israel’s highways, and as such there are many variations of places’ names. Caesarea, for instance, appears as Caesarea, Qesarya, Qesariyya and Ceysaria.

“The lack of uniform spelling on signs has been a problem for those speaking foreign languages, citizens and tourists alike,” explains Yeshaayahu Ronen, head of the ministry’s Transportation Planning Department.

“It impairs drivers’ ability to find their way and we have decided to follow many other countries around the world and make the transliteration of all names correspond directly with Hebrew.”

Katz authorized Ronen’s department to decide which signs would be replaced.

“Almost all Israeli communities’ names have previous names. Some Palestinian maps still refer to the Israeli cities by their pre-1948 names, since they see them as settlements,” said Katz. “I will not allow that on our signs. This government, and certainly this minister, will not allow anyone to turn Jewish Jerusalem to Palestinian al-Quds.”

Katz is convinced the new style will not infringe on Arab drivers’ ability to find their way. “We will continue to serve the Arab public and have signs in Arabic. I have no problem with an Area B (defined by the Oslo Accords as areas under the Palestinian Authority’s civil control and Israel’s security control) sign reading ‘Nablus’ in Arabic.

“The names on the signs should reflect the reality of the local population, which is exactly why Israeli signs must have Hebrew transliteration.”

As for the cost of the new plan, the Transportation Ministry says the change will be gradual. Ministry Spokesman Avner Ovadia says that no existing sign will be changed and that the new ordinance will only affect new signs, or those replaced due to wear.

MK Tibi: Al-Quds will remain al-Quds

Arab Knesset members were infuriated by the proposal: “Al-Quds will remain al-Quds and Shfaram will remain Shefa-‘Amr,” said MK Ahmad Tibi (United Arab List-Ta’al).

“Minister Katz is mistaken if he thinks that changing a few words can erase the existence of the Arab people or their connection to Israel. This is a blatant attempt at harming the Arabic language and everything it represents.”

Hadash Chairman Mohammad Barakeh added that the decision was too far-reaching: “Yisrael Katz is merely the transportation minister and it appears that the power went to his head… I hereby inform him that he cannot change the nature of a place. Yisrael Katz will come and go but Shefa-‘Amr is here to stay.”

Minister of Minority Affairs Avishay Braverman criticized the decision as well: “Road signs are not a political issue. Arabic is an official language in the State of Israel,” he said.

“I would suggest the Minister Katz place much needed street signs in Arab communities before he changes road signs.

International day of solidarity with East Jerusalem residents facing eviction or demolition of their homes

For Immediate Release

12 pm, Monday, 13 July 2009: Israeli and international solidarity activists will set up tents on King George St. in West Jerusalem as part of a coordinated campaign in solidarity with Palestinians facing home evictions and demolitions in East Jerusalem.

4 pm, Monday 13 July 2009: A press conference will be held at the Sheikh Jarrah protest tent.

Speakers will include:
Sheikh Raed Salah – President of the Islamic Movement inside the Green Line
Mr. Maher Hanoun – Owner of one of the house in danger of eviction, Sheikh Jarrah
Mr. Fakhrie Abu Diab – Owner of one of the houses in danger of demolition, Al Bustan , Silwan

Maher Hannoun, a Sheikh Jarrah resident facing eviction and imprisonment, said:

As refugees and people living under occupation, we are asking the Israeli and international public to help us with our struggle for our rights. It is unbelievable that in the 21st century, Israel’s authorities can get away with demolishing the homes of Palestinians in order to build settlements or national parks. The price we and our neighbours have to pay is too high, we are faced with two impossible choices – either we throw our kids out on the street or we go to prison. If we lose our homes, there is nowhere else for us to go, the only option we have is to live in tents.

Later in the evening a play for children by the Sanabel theatre will be held at the tent.

Similar actions will be happening on the same day in the USA, the UK, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Ireland, France, Spain, Denmark, Holland and Egypt.

Tents have become a powerful symbol of the struggle of Palestinian people living in occupied East Jerusalem. They have been set up as centers of protest in neighbourhoods threatened by Israel’s policy of ethnically cleansing East Jerusalem of its Palestinian population through house evictions and demolitions. A number of the tents, notably the one in Sheikh Jarrah, have been built by Palestinian residents forcibly displaced as a result of this policy. Palestinians, who became refugees in 1948 & 1967 are, once again, facing dispossession from their homes and land as the international community stands by.

The neighbourhoods most severely affected are Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, Ras Khamiis, Al Tur and Sur Beher however house evictions and demolitions are not uncommon in the Old City itself. In Silwan, 88 homes in the al Bustan quarter are facing immediate destruction in order to create space for a planned national park. A total of 1500 residents would be displaced if this plan went ahead. In Sheikh Jarrah, 28 families are living under the threat of house evictions which are part of a plan to implant a new Jewish settlement in the area, close to the Old City. After the Al Kurd family has been forcibly removed from their home in November 2008, it is now the turn of the al-Ghawe and Hannoun families who face imminent eviction, while others are awaiting further court decisions. Fathers of the two families with current eviction orders also face imprisonment, should they not leave the houses voluntarily by the deadline (19th July) issued by the latest court hearing.

In Beit Hanina, Al Tur, Ath Thuri and Wadi Yasul, a combined total of more than 3,600 persons are affected by pending demolition orders – this includes two apartment buildings in Al Abbasiyya, housing 34 families.

Israel demolishes Palestinian house on Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives

Ma’an News

30 June 2009

Two women were hospitalized after Israel’s Jerusalem Municipality demolished a house on the Mount of Olives in occupied East Jerusalem on Monday morning.

During the demolition Israeli police clashed with inhabitants of the house, bruising nine of them.

The destruction came a day after the municipality declared that it would freeze 70% of demolition orders.

Owner of the house Samir Jum’a said the home was 150 square meters in size and housed 15 people.

Israeli police who came to protect bulldozers during the demolition attacked the family and as a result nine people, including four women, were bruised, Jum’a said . Two women were evacuated to the nearby Al-Maqasid Hospital.

The injured family members were identified as 61-year-old Jamila Abu Jum’a, 65-year-old Huda Abu Jum’a, 38-year-old Ikhlas Abu Jum’a, 29-year-old Rwan Abu Jum’a, 27-year-old Hanadi Abu Jum’a, 32-year-old Samir Abu Jum’a (owner of the house), 42-year-old Khalid Abu Jum’a, 30-year-old ‘Amir Abu Jum’a, and 30-year-old Suheil Abu Jum’a.

The owner said the demolition came without any warning.

The West Jerusalem Municipality, which also governs occupied East Jerusalem, demolishes Palestinian houses on the grounds that they are built without construction permits, which are nearly impossible to obtain.

According to the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Yakir Segev, revealed that in 2008 only 18 permits were issued for building in the Palestinian parts of the city, home to some 270,000 Palestinians.

It is the municipality’s policy of granting so few permits that is driving Palestinians to construct illegally, ICAHD said in a statement issued on Tuesday.

“To get a construction permit in East Jerusalem you have to be more than a saint,” Segev was quoted as saying.

ICAHD reports that in 2008 the Municipality demolished 87 Palestinian homes, issued 959 demolition orders and collected 3.6 million US dollars in fines from Palestinians, 70% of whom live below the poverty line.

Support Sheikh Jarrah: International day of actions against house demolitions in Palestine

The community of Shiekh Jarrah calls on the international community to set up tents outside of Israeli embassies worldwide in solidarity with the neighborhoods threatened with eviction or demolition in occupied East Jerusalem.

Tents have become a powerful symbol of the struggle of Palestinian people living in occupied East Jerusalem. They have been set up as centres of protest in neighbourhoods threatened by numerous eviction and demolition orders, part of Israel’s wider policy to ethnically cleanse Jerusalem of its Palestinian population. Ultimately this would destroy any hope of East Jerusalem becoming the capital of a future Palestinian state. A number of the tents, notably the one in Sheikh Jarrah, have been built by Palestinian residents forcibly evicted from their homes as a result of Israel’s racist policy. Palestinians, who became refugees in 1948 & 1967 are, once again, facing dispossession from their homes and land as our governments stand by and do nothing.

The neighbourhoods most severely affected are Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, Ras Khamiis, Al Tur and Sur Beher however house evictions and demolitions are not uncommon in the Old City itself. In Silwan, 88 homes in the al Bustan quarter are facing immediate destruction in order to create space for a planned national park. In addition, two apartment buildings housing 34 families in the adjacent al Abbasiyya quarter have also received demolition orders. When completed, up to 2,000 Palestinians will be uprooted from their homes.

The local communities are calling for international activists to organise symbolic protests and set up tents outside of Israeli embassies or Zionist organisations worldwide to stand in solidarity with the protest tents in the neighbourhoods of Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, Ras Khamiis, Al Tur and Sur Beher.

The case of Sheikh Jarrah

The neighbourhood consists of 28 families, and is facing a number of eviction orders which are part of a plan to implant a new Jewish settlement in the area, close to the Old City. After the Al Kurd family has been forcibly removed from their home in November 2008, it is now the turn of the al-Ghawe and Hannoun families to face imminent eviction, while others are awaiting further eviction orders.

The families have gone through 37 years of legal battles, fighting for the right to stay in their houses where many of them have been born and which they legally own. To date, the Israeli courts, including the High Court, decided in favour of the Jewish settler organisations, which claim the ownership of the land based on falsified documents. The courts have not only ignored all the documents produced by the Sheikh Jarrah community which clearly prove their legal status and the ownership of the land, they have also shown that their decisions are not based on law and justice, but are clearly political decisions, serving the goal of cleansing the Palestinian people from Jerusalem.

The latest court hearing, held on the 17th May, ordered the families to sign a guarantee for 50,000 NIS and present a further guarantee for $50,000 from the bank. The court has ruled for this money to be taken if the families refuse to hand in their keys and leave their houses voluntarily by noon on the 19th July. After this date, the settler organisations have permission to enter the houses and the fathers of the families will be sent to prison, charged with contempt of court.
Now that all legal avenues have been exhausted, the families last hope is that media attention & international pressure can help stop the evictions taking place

Maher Hannoun, resident from Sheikh Jarrah faced by imminent eviction order and imprisonment, said:
As refugees and people living under occupation, we are asking people to help us with our struggle for our rights. It is unbelievable that in the 21st century, Israel’s authorities can get away with demolishing the homes of Palestinians in order to build settlements or national parks. The price we and our neighbours have to pay is too high, we are faced with two impossible choices – either we throw our kids out on the street or we go to prison. If we lose our homes, there is nowhere else for us to go, the only option we have is to live in tents.

International solidarity gives us more power and strength to continue in our struggle and stay in our homes. We need support from people around the world to let everybody know about our story and pressure their goverments to help stop this racist policy of house evictions and demolitions.

What you can do – suggestions for further actions:

  • Contact your MPs and other political representatives to tell them about this story. Ask them to raise the issue of East Jerusalem in the Parliament and Government meetings and put diplomatic pressure on the Israeli authorities.
  • Contact media representatives in your countries and ask them to cover the story of Sheikh Jarrah and the ongoing ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem.
  • Organise demonstrations, talks, film nights or photo exhibitions in your countries. Email to receive updates, tell us about your ideas for actions, events and the co-ordination of an international day of actions.
  • Set up a contigency plan with your organization or affinity group in the event that these evictions are carried out or Maher Hannoun is arrested. Send your email to to recieve alerts and co-ordinate your actions.

We ask for people to stand in solidarity with the residents of Sheikh Jarrah and support their fight for justice.