Twelve-year old undergoing surgery after being shot in the head at Bil’in

by the ISM media team, March 2nd

Twelve-year old Mahmoud Yusef Abu Rahme is undergoing surgery on his skull in Sheikh Zaid hospital in Ramallah after being shot at close range by rubber bullets in Bil’in today. Two other children and one Palestinian adult were hospitalised after being shot at close range with rubber bullets but have been discharged. According to eyewitnesses, 16-year old Fares Abu Ghosh said something to a soldier and walked away. As he was walking away the soldier shot him three times with rubber bullets in his legs and arms from about 10 metres.

After midday prayers the DFLP (Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine) held a rally to celebrate their 38th anniversary with music and speeches which lasted around an hour. Speakers included PLC member and head of the DFLP committee against the Wall Walid Assaf, Amna Arrimawi, and Sayed Abu Saleh from the PLF (Palestine Liberation Front).

A large crowd of around 600 protesters then marched to the gate in the Wall, where their path was blocked by the IOF standing in front of the gate.

Political and anti-occupation slogans were chanted and some protesters climbed on the gate. Isolated incidents of stone-throwing were met with large amounts of tear gas and sound grenades and the shooting of protesters not throwing stones.

As well as the four protesters hospitalised after being shot with rubber bullets 17 others were injured.


تسعة عشر جريحا في مسيرة بلعين الأسبوعية

الجبهة الديمقراطية تحي ذكرى انطلاقتها الثامنة والثلاثين في بلعين

بلعين \الجمعة 2\3\2007

مرفق كلمة اللجنة الشعبية لمقاومة الجدار في بلعين

احتفلت الجبهة الديمقراطية لتحرير فلسطين اليوم بعد صلاة الجمعة بذكرى انطلاقتها الثامنة والثلاثين في قرية بلعين ،وقد اختارت الجبهة بلعين لرمزيتها وصمودها في مقاومة الجدار والإستيطان ،وقد شارك في المهرجان أكثر من ألف متظاهر من كوادر واعضاء الجبهة الديمقراطية ومؤازريها ، بالاضافة إلى عدد من المتضامنين الدوليين والإسرائيليين وأهالي قرية بلعين ، وقد بدأ المهرجان بكلمة ترحيبية القاها منسق اللجنة الشعبية لمقاومة الجدار في القرية عبدالله أبو رحمة ، مثمنا ما قامت به الجبهة من خلال اعلان انطلاقتها في بلعين ،داعيا كافة الفصائل للتواجد في مناطق التماس مع الاحتلال في مثل هذه المناسبات ، منبها إلى الخطر الذي يحيط بمدينة القدس من اعتداء على الأماكن الدينية ومصادرة الأراضي داعيا إلى إنتفاضة شعبية أخرى في كل المناطق وبمشاركة كل الفئات ،وقد ختم كلمته بدعوة إلى الوحدة الوطنية مباركا اتفاق مكة .

وتحدث بعد ذلك عضو المجلس التشريعي وليد عساف رئيس لجنة الجدار في المجلس التشريعي ،مشيدا بخيار الجبهة في اختيارها بلعين للاحتفال بانطلاقتها ،وتعرض في حديثه عن القدس وما يتعرض له من تهويد ومن اعتداء على المقدسات الإسلامية والمسيحية ،وقد بعث بتحية اجلال واكبار لشهداء الجبهة الديمقراطية وشهداء فلسطين .

اما كلمة القوى الوطنية والإسلامية فقد القاها السيد أبو صالح من جبهة التحرير الفلسطينية ،وقد اشاد بنضال الجبهة ونضال أهالي قرية بلعين متمنيا أن تكون الحكومة القادمة مشكلة على أساس من الكفاءة ، ثم اشاد بالدور الذي يقوم به علماء القدس في الدفاع عنها .

وفي ختام المهرجان القت الرفيقة أمنة الريماوي عضو اللجنة المركزية للجبهة كلمة الجبهة الديمقراطية متحدثة عن الجدار وسلبياته والأضرار الناجمة عنه ،مستذكرة اللاجئين وحق العودة لهم داعية الشعب الفلسطيني إلى التوحد والتكاثف .

وانطلق المحتفلون بعد ذلك في مسيرة حاشدة جابوا خلالها شوارع القرية رافعين الاعلام الفلسطينية ومرددين الهتافات الوطنية حتى وصلوا إلى الجدار في الجهة الغربية من القرية ،حيث كان الجيش يتمترس باعداد كبيرة ، محاولا منع المتظاهرين من العبور من بوابة الجدار هناك بحجة أنها منطقة عسكرية مغلقة ، لكن المتظاهرين لم يثنيهم ذلك عن مواصلة مسيرتهم واعتصموا هناك مما أدى إلى حصول مشادات واشتباكات بينهم وبين الجيش ،حيث استخدم الأخر في البداية العصي وأعقاب البنادق في ضرب المتظاهرين ،ومن ثم قنابل الصوت والغاز والرصاص المعدني المغلف بالمطاط ،مما أدى إلى اصابة تسعة عشرمتظاهرا وهم : قيس سرحان ،نهاد أبو غوش وابنه فارس وقد نقلا إلى مستشفى الشيخ زايد في رام الله ، أديب أبورحمة ،نسيم سعد ،فواز حماد ،وجدي نوفل ،معاذ صالح ،عبد الفتاح برناط ،شريف عاصي ،أحمد صلاح الدين ،محمد الياس نزال ،حسن العاروري ،محمود فايز ،راني أيوب النجار ،محمد العباسي ،أحمد محمد حسن ،محمد يوسف أبورحمة ،عبدالله أحمد ياسين

لمزيد من المعلومات مراجعة :

عبدالله أبو رحمة – منسق اللجنة الشعبية لمقاومة الجدار والإستيطان في بلعين

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DFLP Anniversay demo in Bil’in village this Friday


This Friday the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine will celebrate its 38th anniversary in the village of Bil’in. Speeches will be held in the village after midday prayers before the march to the Apartheid Wall, which has annexed over 60% of the village’s land for the settlement of Mod’in Elit and its ongoing expansion. Two months ago the Fateh party held its 42nd anniversary celebration at the weekly Bil’in protest.

This week’s demo comes at a critical time for the village. A few days ago an Israeli Planning Council legalized the largest-ever settlement construction project in the West Bank, which is illegal even according to Israeli law.

The villagers of Bil’in filed an appeal with the Israeli High Court and a decision is expected imminently. According to their lawyer Michael Sfard, “the takeover of the lands was carried out by a conspiracy involving private developers and Israeli authorities. Thus, criminal companies that stole private Palestinian lands won the protection of the fence – which was intended as a means of security and became a tool for annexation – as well as backing from the planning authorities, whose approval laundered the offenses.”

Haaretz: “Legitimization of land theft”

Haaretz editorial, February 27th

The theft of private land and lawless construction, with the authorities’ collaboration, have long been routine in the land of the settlers. The scope of these deeds and their seriousness are described extensively in the report on illegal outposts compiled by Talia Sasson, formerly a senior state prosecution attorney. The report was buried almost two years ago.

However, the decision of the Supreme Planning Council (SPC) for Judea and Samaria, which was revealed in Haaretz on Sunday, to legitimize the plan to build the Matityahu East neighborhood in Modi’in Ilit, beyond the Green Line, marks a nadir.

The plan is to legitimize 42 high-rises, which are in various stages of construction, some of them on land allegedly stolen from the villagers of Bil’in. All of the high-rises being built contravene the planning and construction laws. Peace Now and Bil’in’s residents petitioned the High Court of Justice two years ago to have construction stopped. The legal counsel of Modi’in Ilit warned in writing of “construction offenses of such colossal proportions, ignoring the law and planning regulations, that words cannot describe [them].”

Following the petition, with the support of the State Prosecution, the High Court ordered a halt to construction and to the neighborhood’s occupancy more than a year ago. At that time the prosecution instructed the police to open an investigation into those involved in the affair.

The authorities responsible for enforcing the region’s planning and building laws knew what was going on and turned a blind eye. Instead, they recently decided to legitimize it retroactively.

Matityahu East is the latest in a series of such affairs in which the separation barrier, supposedly serving Israel’s security needs, is used to annex West Bank territory to expand the settlements. The defense minister is dragging his feet on everything concerning the evacuation of illegal outposts. At the same time, bodies he is responsible for – led by the civil administration – are colluding in land grabbing and legitimizing illegal construction throughout the West Bank.

Attorney General Menachem Mazuz is not fulfilling his duty by publicly denouncing the anarchy in the territories in everything concerning law enforcement. He must demand that the defense minister halt the implementation of the SPC’s plan until the inquiry into suspicions of land theft is completed.

The scope of the offenses and the advanced stages of building and selling of apartments most not provide shelter for scofflaws. Peace Now is to be commended for its legal aid to Bil’in residents – as are the Israeli and international peace activists who come every week to demonstrate against the fence being built there.

The High Court did not hesitate to halt the construction in Matityahu East until the planning procedures and inquiry into the ownership issue could be completed. If the government does not quash the planning council’s decision to allow construction to continue, the High Court will have no choice but to respond to the recent petition. It will have to abrogate that decision, to protect both the rule of law and the rights of those victimized by its breach.

Haaretz: “Council approves illegal West Bank building plan”

by Akiva Eldar, February 25th

The Supreme Planning Council for Judea and Samaria recently legalized the largest-ever illegal construction project in the West Bank. Part of the project is situated on private land, which belongs to Palestinian residents of the village of Bil’in.

The project calls for the construction of 42 buildings containing approximately 1,500 apartments. The buildings, already in various stages of construction, are in the neighborhood of Matityahu East, which is located in the large ultra-Orthodox settlement of Modi’in Illit.

Peace Now and Bil’in residents filed a petition against the construction a week ago at the High Court of Justice.

About a year ago, following another petition by Peace Now and Bil’in residents, the High Court ordered a halt on the construction and occupation of the buildings.

Following an appeal to the State Prosecutor’s Office, the National Fraud Squad opened an investigation into those involved in the affair. The neighborhood is being built by Green Park and Green Mount, companies registered in Canada, along with two other companies: Ein Ami and Hefziba.

The laundering of the buildings’ construction allows members of the planning council, who were aware of the illegalities and did nothing to stop them, to avoid criminal charges and suits for damages.

The petitioners’ attorney, Michael Sfard, who asked that construction be halted, said the planning authorities knew about the illegal circumstances and did nothing to stop the construction.

He said the body administering the separation fence planned a route that would intentionally leave land for the neighborhood on the Israeli side of the fence. This move, apparently, came at the request of the Housing Ministry, which sought hundreds of dunams of Bil’in’s agricultural lands for Modi’in Illit’s expansion.

“The takeover of the lands was carried out by a conspiracy involving private developers and Israeli authorities. Thus, criminal companies that stole private Palestinian lands won the protection of the fence – which was intended as a means of security and became a tool for annexation – as well as backing from the planning authorities, whose approval laundered the offenses,” Sfard wrote in the petition. Justice Salim Joubran ordered the state to respond to the petition by March 6.

The petition stated that the planning council’s decision would “bury the criminal act and the impaired rights of ownership deep in the earth, and would quickly lead to continued construction of the neighborhood, as if no offense had been committed and there were never any rights of ownership.”

The planning authorities also refused to hear the claims of the residents of Bil’in who sought to prove their ownership of the land.

In September 2004, Moshe Moskowitz of the Civil Administration, the highest authority in planning and construction in the West Bank, wrote to Modi’in’s council comptroller that “construction authorization for the new project of Matityahu East was doubtless given against the instructions of the existing [master] plan and therefore was not within the licensing authority’s power.”

However, last week’s petition stated that Moskowitz and other members of the planning council, had a vested interest in legalizing the project, because the demolition of dozens of apartments would expose them to lawsuits by purchasers.

A lawyer for one of the settler’s associations is suspected of purchasing the land for the project with an affidavit from the mukhtar of Bil’in. The affidavit allegedly claimed that the security situation prevented the lawyer from entering Bil’in to obtain the property owners’ signatures.

In the decision to legalize construction on the new neighborhood, the planning council conceded that it had no master plan for Modi’in Illit, but cited an exception in Jordanian law – the basis for Israeli law in the West Bank – by which small communities do not require a master plan for the construction of new neighborhoods.

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, in September 2006, 33,200 residents were living in Modi’in Illit.


Water cannon fails to dampen spirits on Bil’in second anniversary demo

by the ISM media team, February 23rd

Around 1500 demonstrators attended today’s second anniversary protest against the Apartheid Wall in Bil’in. Despite the peaceful nature of the protest the IOF used violent means to try to disperse the crowd, including firing sound bombs directly at protesters at close range. Several needed medical treatment for injuries incurred when the sound bombs exploded on them.

Before today’s march to the Wall protesters had a chance to view a photo exhibition of the two years of resistance in Bil’in as well as some of the props used in various creative actions. Bil’in villagers were joined by other Palestinians, including two Palestinian Legislative Council members and Member of the Knesset Jamal Zahalka, as well as 200 Israeli activists and 50 internationals.

On reaching the gate in the Wall the villagers chanted resistance slogans and waved Palestinian flags. When some protesters climbed onto and walked along the gate soldiers tried to push them off. The restraint of the soldiers lasted longer than usual, perhaps due to the large media presence, but a few stones thrown at them was the trigger for them to use tear gas and sound grenades against all the protesters. Several were hit directly with the sound grenades . They then invaded through the gate and started firing rubber bullets at children throwing stones. Some activists went down the hill and started dismantling some razor wire.

A water cannon was brought up and used indiscriminately against everyone, including the media, but this didn’t have much effect.

When a small group of 20 protesters sat down in front of the gate soldiers tried to remove them violently but failed.

Then several bursts of water were sprayed at them but they remained steadfast.

Others standing near them had sound bombs thrown at their feet, which exploded causing deep cuts on their shins and ankles. Two had to be carried away to have their injuries bandaged. One Israeli activist was arrested.

There were 20 injuries from sound bombs and rubber bullets, including three journalists.


click here for Guardian coverage
click here for BBC coverage
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