Bil’in Unites in Solidarity With Gaza

By Sunbula and Jennie

Photos by Sunbula

Yet again, the people of Bil’in were joined in solidarity by international and Israeli peace activists on a Friday afternoon after midday prayers to protest the annexation of the village’s land by the illegal Apartheid Wall. The Israeli presence here is constant, and there is a camaraderie among the people here, sharing together a comfort that is almost surreal considering what we are about to face.

We gathered in front of the house where a few Internationals are staying, and made our way to the metal gate in front of the Wall where 2 hummers full of Israeli Border Police with guns and cameras were waiting. They knew to expect us and it was another Friday demo for those who participate weekly.
The theme of this Friday’s demonstration was the massacre on the Gaza sea shore where 7 members of the Ralia family were murdered by Israeli artillery fire. The demonstrators carried 7 mock open coffins to symbolize them and made a mock grave in front of the wall.

It was obvious today how the border police were there just to beat people. Everybody was committed to getting past the wall. We walked together down the road, and had a relatively quiet demo until the soldiers responded to a couple of stones thrown by the children. You have to understand that a stone, no matter how well thrown, is no match for the guns, sound bombs and tear gas which were the response from the soldiers. The mock graves were still successfully laid side by side next to the barrier.

A couple of people even managed to get amongst the Border Police jeeps and at times it seemed that they didn’t quite know what to do with such determined people. Nevertheless, they threw five or six sound bombs, one of which lightly injured Palestinian ISM activist Mohammad Mansour.

They also engaged in indiscriminate beating and shoving of protestors, including women and children, when they refused to move back.

A bunch of people responded by sitting down where they were and chanting. Some of them were forcibly picked up and manhandled by the soldiers.

A young man from the village received a rubber bullet in the side of his torso. As they have been doing in the past few weeks, after the protest was called off and people started to walk back to the village, the soldiers started firing tear gas cannisters at us. It seemed that they wanted to punish us for demonstrating, but an Israeli peace activist gave a more banal explanation: they need to expend all the tear gas earmarked in their budget for each demonstration otherwise it will appear later as if they weren’t doing their job properly! Overall though, the protest lasted longer and was a lot less violent than the protests of the past few Fridays.

I’ll quote what Mohammad said to me later: we are doing this for the Israeli children as much as for anyone else, so that they can play and swim together with our kids as one in the future, without thinking who is Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Arab or Israeli. It’s a simplistic thought but still a nice one to keep in the back of your mind when you’re here as an activist to remind yourself, in stressful situations, why you came here.

From Bil’in to Gaza

Credit: Tess Scheflan


On Friday, the villagers of Bil’in, joined by international and Israeli supporters will hold a demonstration in which they will protest against the Apatheid Wall and against the recent spate of killings of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip by Israeli missiles.

They will use the occasion to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza by marching to the route of the Wall while carrying mock gravestones on their heads, on which will be written in Hebrew “The Israeli occupation kills children”. They hope that this demonstration will be a means to unite Palestinians suffering from the Israeli occupation in all its forms, whether it is the Wall that is grabbing the farmland of villagers or the killing of innocent children playing on the beach in Gaza.

For more information call:
Abdullah Abu Rahma: 05-47258210
ISM media office: 02-2971824

Bil’in Outpost World Cup Party

by Martin

The Bil’in out post has for the last six months been a “thorn in the side ” of the occupation. Located on the part of Bil’in land that’s going to be stolen by the annexation/separation wall it in it self makes a stand against the land theft.

It has also served as a appreciated home for the many internationals who alongside local Palestinians keep a around the clock presence there to protect it from “accidents” such as arson.

Now the out post ads yet another dimension. A satellite dish a TV and a generator has turned it in to a outdoor living room and every night for the next month it’s going to be packed with football lovers from Bil’in, and from all over the world.

So join us in the fight against the apartheid wall and the land theft while enjoying a game or two of world class football. And while you’re there, why not spend the night out in the beautiful nature.

Not that interested in football? No problem, we offer other forms of entertainment also. Just the long faces of envy on the evening patrolling soldiers make the trip worth while.

The People of Bil’in Honour Journalists

Credit: Ammar Awad/Reuters

by Raad

At 13:00 today the people of Bil’in started their weekly march to protest the apartheid wall which is being built on their land. The march started with around 100 Palestinians and 40 internationals and Israeli activists who attended in solidarity with the locals to support their resistance. The people started the march as usual singing and chanting different Palestinian songs and slogans.

The theme of the protest was centred around a memorial box bearing the names of all the journalists who were killed by the Israeli occupation forces during the second intifada. This was erected at the gate in Bil’in as a memorial to remember those journalists .

Once the march arrived to the usual confrontation point, border police and army were already waiting for the march to prevent people from getting to their lands. And also as usual, the border police declared the area a closed military zone through the jeeps’ loud speakers in both Arabic & Hebrew, but the people didn’t accept that and kept singing and chanting in front of the soliders.

After 20 minutes Abdullah Abu Rahme from the Bil’in popular committee called the people together and he declared a ceremony to honour the journalists who have been participating in and covering the activities in Bil’in for the last 16 months and who have suffered like the villagers from being shot and jailed. The ceremony started with a speech for a representative from the local council who thanked the journalists for the important role that they have played and continue to play by documenting the army and the border police’s acts in the occupied territories in general and in Bil’in in particular.

Later on Abdullah called some representatives from different establishments like the local council and the youth club and the national committee against the wall and the popular committee against the wall to honour the journalists.

Different journalists and photographers from different like AP, AFP Reuters, and Ma’an News Network in addition to the Bil’in people, honoured the ISM for the great media work that the ISM did and still is doing. Finally, Abdullah declared the end of the action.

Once the people turned back there was some stones thrown toward the border police and soldiers who had not stopped harassing the people during the celebration. The border police then attacked the people with sound grenades and tear gas, as well as rubber bullets which caused some injuries among the people and also to an American photographer who got hit by a sound bomb.

Here is the full list of the injured people:

1- Phil, US photographer sound bomb in the arm
2 – Mahdi Abu Rahme (17 yrs) shot with a rubber bullet which entered his hand. He has been transferred to Shaikh Zayed hospital in Ramallah so they can operate on his hand.
3 – Solaiman Yaseen (14 yrs) rubber bullet in the back.
4 – Ali Abu Rahme (14 yrs) rubber bullet in the back .
5 – Mohammad Yaseen (11 yrs) rubber bullet in the back.
6 – Khamees Abu Rahme (23 yrs) rubber bullet in the back.
7 – Ayed Abu Rahme (32 yrs) rubber bullet in the back.
8 – Fuad Samara (20 yrs) rubber bullet in the back.

Being a jounalist can get you killed

Bil’in villagers protest Israeli attacks on journalists and pay tribute to journalists killed.


Join us, Friday June 9th 12:00 pm, Bil’in, West Bank

In the past month, attacks on journalists by the Israeli military during the demonstrations against the annexation barrier in Bil’in have escalated. Many of the photographers and reporters covering the demonstrations have been injured and hospitalized. Bil’in demonstrators report that Israeli soldiers have an “aim for the camera” policy.

Bil’in will pay a tribute to journalists who dare to cover the occupation in Gaza and the West Bank by honoring six who have been killed by the Israeli army since the outbreak of the Al Aqsa intifada in September, 2000.

They plan to erect a monument on their land that is “behind the wall” that is earmarked for settlement expansion.

The monument will honor and bear the names of:

Raffaele Ciriello (42), Italian journalist killed by the Israeli army, Ramallah, 13 March 2002.

Imad Abu Zahra (35), Palestinian journalist killed by the Israeli army, Jenin, 12 July 2002.

Issam Hamza Tillawi (32), Palestinian journalist killed by the Israeli army in Ramallah, 22 September 2002.

Nazeh Darouazi (42), Palestinian journalist killed by the Israeli army, Nablus, 19 April. 2003.

James Miller (34), British journalist killed by Israeli army gunfire, Rafah, Gaza, 2 May 2003.

Mohamed Abu Halima, Palestinian journalist, killed by Israeli army gunfire, Balata Refugee Camp, Nablus, March 22, 2004

For more information call:
Abdullah Abu Rahma: 05-47258210
ISM media office: 02-2971824