New York protest against detention without trial of Palestinian BDS activist

Adalah NY

17 October 2009

Demonstrators protest in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners, Photo: Hanan Tabbara
Demonstrators protest in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners, Photo: Hanan Tabbara

On Saturday forty New York human rights advocates rallied on a cold fall day at the Madison Avenue jewelry store of Israeli settlement mogul Lev Leviev to demand that Israel release jailed Palestinian boycott activist Mohammad Othman. Othman, held without charges and in solitary confinement since September 22nd, is from Jayyous, a West Bank village where Leviev’s company Leader is building the Israeli settlement of Zufim. The protesters also called for an end to Israel’s wave of arrests of Palestinian activists from Bil’in, another West Bank village campaigning against the construction of settlement homes by another Leviev company, Africa-Israel.

Andrew Kadi of Adalah-NY commented, “Israel’s arrest of Mohammad Othman and residents of Bil’in simply affirms the need for a global movement of Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), similar to the movement against apartheid South Africa, to hold Israel accountable, and pressure Israel to respect Palestinian rights.”

Mohammad Othman is believed to be the first person to be arrested by Israel specifically for advocating for the growing international movement to boycott companies, including Leviev’s, that support Israeli human rights abuses. The New York protest was one of fourteen events held worldwide on October 16th and 17th calling for Mohammad Othman’s immediate release.

Hundreds of Madison Avenue shoppers took home a cartoon flyer “Jailed for an Idea” that depicts Othman’s detention, and Israel’s efforts to crush the protest campaigns in the villages of Bil’in and Jayyous against Leviev’s settlements (download the cartoon flyer). The protesters chanted, “Jayyous and Bil’in will not bow, Free Mohammad Othman now,” and “Boycotting Israel is no crime, Leviev should be doing time.” With a guitar accompaniment, the protesters sang songs calling for the boycott of Leviev and Israel, including an updated version of the civil rights classic, “which Side are You On,” and “Don’t Buy Israeli” to the tune of Hava Nagila.

Calls to free Mohammad Othman have been highlighted by The Nation, in letter campaigns by the US organizations Jewish Voice for Peace and Grassroots International, as well as in an international petition. Othman was detained as he crossed the Allenby bridge from Jordan, returning home to the West Bank from a trip to Norway. Othman’s advocacy efforts on behalf of the growing international movement for BDS against Israel contributed to the Norwegian government’s recent decision to divest from its pension funding holdings in Elbit Systems. Norway has also been asked by a coalition of eleven organizations and the villages of Jayyous and Bil’in to divest from Leviev’s company Africa-Israel.

The villages of Jayyous and Bil’in have both been targeted with arrests and repression due to their multi-year nonviolent protest campaigns. Twenty-eight Bil’in activists have been arrested by Israel since June when Bil’in’s lawsuit against settlement construction on village land was heard in Canadian court. Just weeks after he testified in Canada, Bil’in activist Mohammed Khatib was jailed by Israeli forces for 15 days and then released on bail. Bil’in protester Adeeb Abu Rahme and seventeen others are still being held in Israeli jails, and Bil’in protest organizer Abdullah Abu Rahme is “wanted” by the Israeli army for his nonviolent organizing.

The protest was 14th held in front of Leviev’s New York store since it opened in November, 2007. Leviev’s company Africa-Israel is currently reeling from a financial crisis. Additionally, the international campaign to boycott Leviev due to his settlement construction and involvement in abusive business practices in the diamond industry in Angola and Namibia has achieved a string of successes. UNICEF, Oxfam, The British Government and major Hollywood stars have all distanced themselves from Leviev. The investment firm BlackRock and pension giant TIAA-CREF both also recently sold off their shares of Leviev’s company Africa-Israel, though both denied they did so due to his settlement construction.


Settlers attack Palestinians in Hebron following Friday prayers

9 October 2009

Palestinian sources reported that about 40 settlers armed with M16 rifles made an unprovoked attack on a crowd outside the mosque in Shalalah Street following Friday prayers. Many people, including women and children were in the street. Israeli soldiers were also present at the time of the attack but made no attempt to stop the violence. The settlers tried to catch Palestinians and beat them. One boy injured his wrist after falling while trying to climb out of the way. The attack was aborted because of the intervention of a group of about 15 Norwegian tourists, who happened to be in the area. The settlers withdrew as a consequence. In response to the attack a group of four boys, aged between 10 and 21, were later detained for stone throwing. Also detained were two boys who went to the Ibrahimi Mosque allegedly carrying knives.

While the settlers in Hebron can walk around freely with M16 rifles, Palestinians are not allowed to carry guns. They are regularly detained by the Israeli army and imprisoned for throwing stones or carrying knives.

Israeli soldier arrested for beating Palestinian


9 October 2009

Israeli military police have arrested a soldier accused of beating a Palestinian activist involved in regular protests against the West Bank separation barrier, an Israeli human rights group said.

Yesh Din said the arrest was made after it filed a complaint and demanded an investigation into claims Mohammed Khatib, a member of the Bilin regional council, was beaten by soldiers last month.

The army confirmed the arrest and said the soldier will be held until Monday.

The incident allegedly took place when Israeli soldiers raided the home of Abdullah Abu Rahme of the Bilin Popular Committee Against the Wall, in order to arrest him. Rahme was not at home at the time, but Khatib was allegedly severely beaten when he came to check on his family.

The village of Bilin is the scene of weekly protests against construction of Israel’s West Bank barrier, which often lead to clashes between protesters and soldiers.

In recent months, soldiers have been conducting nighttime raids in Bilin searching for leaders of the protests. Yesh Din said that of the 28 people arrested over the past three months, 18, including 10 minors, remain in custody.

Yesh Din lawyer Michael Sfard decried what he called “a culture of total impunity among Israeli soldiers when they enter West Bank villages, which can only be stopped by imposing consequences on such behaviour.”

The rights group said that of 1,246 investigation files opened by Israel’s military police between 2000 and the end of 2007, only six percent led to indictments against one or more soldiers.

Israel Arrests Soldier Over Beaten Protester

Dominic Waghorn | Sky News

8 October 2009

The move comes as concern mounts about Israeli methods in handling protests in the West Bank village of Bil’in.

Village councillor Mohammed Khatib was treated in hospital after he allegedly was beaten to the head on September 15, during an attempt to arrest one of his friends.

Human rights organisation Yesh-Din has released a photograph showing the injuries he sustained.

Bil’in has been the scene of a persistent campaign of protests against Israel’s security barrier.

Israeli authorities failed to implement an Israeli court order to re-route the barrier in the area.

Recently Israeli security forces have conducted a series of early morning raids targeting protest leaders.

Israeli human rights lawyer Michael Sfard claims the Israeli military is attempting to “squash the legitimate unarmed popular struggle in Bil’in through a variety of illegal means: violence, wrongful arrests and night searches carried out just to instill fear”.

Yesh Din human rights organisation says Khatib was warned by soldiers that “unless the protests stop, you’ll end up like Bassem”.

Israeli soldier fires tear gas at protesters in the West Bank

Controversial tear gas tactics

This was said to be a reference to Bassem abu Rahma, who was killed during a protest rally in the village in April, with a high velocity tear gas round.

The use of such rounds is highly controversial.

In March, American activist Tristan Anderson was critically injured and put in a coma when he was struck by a tear gas round during a demonstration in the neighbouring village of Nalin.

Israeli security forces claim the rounds are necessary to disperse rock throwing protesters.

But when they are fired directly at people such rounds are potentially lethal.

Video of the incidents involving Anderson and Bassem suggests in both cases they were fired at directly.

Last year, an 11-year-old Palestinian boy was killed by Israelis using live ammunition in the village of Naalin.

During his funeral a 18-year-old Palestinian was shot dead at close range with a rubber-coated bullet.

Israeli forces raid Bil’in

30 September 2009

Shortly before 2am, the occupation forces invaded Bil’in once again. They raided the house of Basil Mansour Ali Mansour (age 32), a member of the Bil’in Popular Committee, in an attempt to arrest him, but he was not at home at the time.

About a dozen soldiers had entered the house when Palestinian and international activists arrived at the site. Another 15 soldiers surrounded the house preventing anyone from approaching during their search operation. They aggressively pushed the activists away from the house, declaring it a closed military area, and prohibiting any filming. They grabbed the camera of the local cameraman, Haitham Al-Khatib, damaging it.

At 3am, the occupation forces left the house without any victim and exited the village in five jeeps.