“It’s our land and we don’t want to go anywhere else”: Jordan Valley Activist brutally Attacked by Occupation Forces

01 July 2024 | International Solidarity Movement | Jordan Valley

Ayman’s car destroyed by occupation bulled on June 24.


June 29 began like any other for Ayman Ghraib’s, 41, who is an activist from the village of Tamoun, north-east of Nablus.

Ayman was scheduled to film with Al Jazeera about illegal settlements, settler attacks and confiscation of land and water in the Jordan Valley, sharing his stories of attacks from settlers and the occupation army.

The filming was supposed to be in a symbolic area of the valley and Ayman was travelling in his friend’s car as his car was destroyed by occupation forces, who slashed the tyres and put sand in the engine.

Ayman reports arriving around 12:00 p.m. As usual, he said, they were stopped at a checkpoint by the occupation soldiers and asked to get out of the car. Al Jazeera crew was on the other side waiting and when they saw the occupation soldiers holding him, they went to the barrier and started filming. The soldiers told the crew to leave as Ayamin would be released shortly.

The sun was burning, and the temperature was about 40 degrees Celsius, and Ayman reported starting to collapse and telling the officer in charge that he has heart and breathing problems. The office laughed and said, “I’m not a seven-year-old boy, I don’t believe what you’re saying.”

After more than two hours of detention, the symptoms of the sun’s heat began to increase, with severe headache, and body pain made it difficult to breathe until Ayman fell on the ground. The officers, who refused to call an ambulance, started to kick and punch him and hit him with the butts of their guns, while shouting nasty words. He felt that he was going to lose consciousness, when the soldiers poured ice water on his head: he felt like he was being electrocuted. They opened his mouth and poured water in his throat and nose until he almost choked. While he was getting lot worse, the soldiers moved Ayman in his friend’s car and told him to help, going every now and then to pour ice water on his head: every time it was a shock.

Soldiers also took Ayman’s phone, taking pictures of materials on it and then finally released them. He arrived home completely exhausted and received the needed first aid.

Ayman said: “This is not the first time that I have been subjected to similar attacks by the occupation army, in addition to having been imprisoned more than once. Every time I am charged with crimes, I had not committed any violent act against the army or settlers.

“All I can say is that I closely film violation towards the inhabitants of the Jordan Valley and spread through social media the confiscation of land and water and the suffering of the inhabitants of the Valley from Israel’s policy of displacement against them.”

Ayman reported that settlers spread his photographs and publicly incite to kill him, asking the army to arrest him. He has also received death threats from settlers. Several of his friends who had transported him around have been attacked and harassed and had their cars damaged by the occupation army.

Ayman said: “I’m not inciting against anyone, just fighting for my people to have land and water before they’re all confiscated for the benefit of the settlers. It’s our land and we don’t want to go anywhere else, and we don’t want settlers to replace us.”

The Israeli occupation forces use a warplane to carry out an assassination in Nur Shams Camp

By Diana Khwaelid

Tulkarm-Nur Shams refugee camp

30 – Jun – 2024

The Israeli occupying forces carried  out an assassination in partnership with the Israeli commander in charge of the north-central areas of the West Bank and The Israeli internal security service, an assassination in broad daylight in the Nur Shams refugee camp northeast of the city of Tulkarem in the West Bank.

At about 2: 00pm an Israeli warplane bombed a Palestinian house in the Al-Manshiyeh area of the camp,with Palestinian resistance members inside. The bombing resulted in the death of a Palestinian man, and injured five others. Two of them are in serious condition.

A bomb dropped by Israeli forces during the attack on Nour Shams camp

According to Palestinian eyewitnesses, there are at least four Palestinian houses damaged by this shelling, where women, children, and men were living inside and whose lives were threatenede as a result of shrapnel that penetrated the walls of their houses and the windows were broken from the force of the shelling.

A resident of Nour Shams Camp looks out of her window after the Israeli attack
A resident of Nur Shams Camp looks out of her window after the Israeli attack

A resident of Nour Shams sits amongst shrapnel strewn inside his home after the Israeli bombardment
A resident of Nur Shams sits amongst shrapnel strewn inside his home after the Israeli bombardment

The Palestinian medical and civil defense teams rushed to secure the house and the area. They recovered the injured and the body of the Palestinian martyr Saad Jaber, 24, who died as a result of his injury.

Relief teams evacuate the injured after the attack on Nour Shams

The residents of Nur al-Shams camp are living in a state of fear due to the increase in Israeli attacks on the camp over the past few months.

Hundreds of Palestinians mourned the Palestinian martyr Said Ezzat Jaber, 24, who Israeli occupation forces tried to assassinate more than once. The last time a few days ago, but he miraculously survived these attempts. Said is considered one of the most prominent Palestinian resisters in the camp and he died defending the camp today. The people of the camp are mourning him and saying goodbye for the last time.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, there are at least 116 martyrs in the city of Tulkarm since October 7.

The funeral of a martyr from Nour Shams
The funeral of a martyr from Nur Shams
The funeral of Said Ezzat Jaber
The funeral of Said Ezzat Jaber

Palestinians Harassed during Eid Celebrations in Masafer Yatta

16 June 2024 | International Solidarity Movement | Masafer Yatta

What began as a joyous Eid celebration turned into a tense invasion for the residents of the small Palestinian village of At-Tuwani, Masafer Yatta, on Sunday afternoon, June 16. Children, cousins, and extended family members were playing in the yard of Mosahb’s home when an Israeli military jeep sped up to the house, a short distance from the nearby Ma’on settlement.

The security video shows soldiers jumped out of their vehicle with guns drawn, causing panic among the children playing in front of the house. The soldiers ignored the frightened children and stormed toward the house, attempting to force their way inside. The family, led by Mosahb, quickly emerged, only to be met with threats of arrest for Mosahb and his brother.

The situation dissipated as international human rights activists, who were in the area, rushed to the scene. The local community also gathered in support, holding many eyes on the aggressive soldiers. After a short while, the soldiers retreated, justifying their combative actions by claiming they were responding to reports of someone taking pictures.

This incident is the latest in a series of harassments faced by Mosahb’s family and other villagers in At-Tuwani. Residents report an increase in such confrontations since the expansion of the Ma’on settlement during the COVID-19 pandemic. The harassment has intensified further since the events of October 7, creating a constant state of terror and fear among the villagers.

Despite the community’s resilience and international support, the ongoing presence and actions of settlers and the military continue to disrupt the daily lives of At-Tuwani’s residents, highlighting the broader issues of settlement expansion and military occupation in the region.

Steadfastness and Colonisation in Palestine

Israeli settlers at the illegal outpost.

Dispatch from June 5th, 2024.

Today was the anniversary of Israel’s colonial occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967. Thousands of right wing colonists marched through East Jerusalem – terrorising Palestinian residents and shopkeepers. Racist Security minister Itamar Ben Gvir was among them.

I was in Jerusalem this afternoon, and saw the police, armed with baton rounds, automatic weapons and tear gas, closing off Jerusalem’s old city to make way for the flag draped settler mob.

We arrived in the late afternoon to the hamlet of Um Dhorit in Masafer Yatta – to stay with a family who have been steadfastly staying in their home despite countless acts of violence from the settlers of Avigail intended to push them out. That violence has accelerated sharply since October 7th.

Last week Israel’s far right finance minister Bezalel Smotrich visited the outpost of Avigail to award it with legal status. The colony of Avigail was set up in 2001, on stolen Palestinian land. It remained technically illegal under Israeli law until last week when the settlers and Smotrich celebrated the creation of Avigail as a ‘legal’ settlement (still illegal under international law).

But the colonists of Avigail are not content with what they have already stolen. The settlement is constantly expanding – and the settlers are using intimidation and violence to try to force Palestinians out of their homes. They have established a new outpost just a few hundred metres from Um Dhorit, and are using it as a staging post for attacks on the community.

This evening, as the settler mobs attacked people in the city of Jerusalem, the settlers of Avigail had a party at their new outpost to celebrate Israel’s past and present campaign of colonisation.

As always – their colonisation is based on violence and intimidation. To give just one example, the settlement of Avigail has stolen four wells belonging to Um Dhorit. Settlers can regularly be seen bathing in the wells which they have stolen from the Palestinian residents.

On top of that, settlers have come in the night and poured gasoline in Um Dhorit’s remaining wells, in an attempt to render life unlivable for the people here.

For the Palestinian residents of Um Dhorit the act of remaining in their homes is a form of steadfast resistance. This steadfastness (‘sumud’ in Arabic) in the face of colonisation is what connects together people resisting in isolated hamlets across rural Palestine – it is a sense of collective struggle that is rooted in community, belonging and the land. It remains brave and resilient in the face of the occupier, despite the violence and coercion people face here daily.

Israeli settlers at the illegal outpost.

Three martyred and five wounded in Tulkarem

People mourn a martyr in Tulkarem

By Diana Khwaelid

Three Palestinian men were martyred and more than five Palestinians were wounded during the Israeli occupation’s invasion of Tulkarem.

The city of Tulkarm in the northern West Bank has witnessed dozens of incursions by the Israeli occupation forces recently. Since 7th October, the number of martyrs of the city of Tulkarm has risen to 109, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

On 16th May, Israeli occupation forces stormed the city of Tulkarm around 1:00 AM. The Israeli occupation forces stationed themselves in the city center on Nablus Street, where the occupation vehicles, accompanied by a D9 bulldozer, stormed the Gulf Exchange store. Israeli occupation forces completely destroyed the store and confiscated its money safe under the pretext that the exchange store transferred money to Palestinian organizations described by Israeli occupation forces as terrorist organizations.

The Israeli occupation forces also deployed snipers throughout the city in buildings and on the roofs of Palestinian homes. These snipers killed three Palestinian youths and wounded more than five other Palestinians.

The Palestinian martyrs are: Ahmed Mubarak, 26, from Tulkarem camp; Imad Dabbas, 22; and Mohammed Yusuf Nasrallah, 27.

Funeral processions started from Tulkarem’s Martyr Doctor Thabit Thabit Governmental Hospital amid angry national chants condemning the crimes of the Israeli occupation against the residents of Tulkarem and the massacres in the West Bank and Gaza.

The families of the martyrs bid a last farewell with a state of great sadness and sorrow.


People mourn a martyr in Tulkarem