Students Unite Against Checkpoints

1-Students Unite Against Checkpoints 2- Ha’aretz: “With a little help from the outside” 3- Palestinian Unity Against Military Brutality 4- Beit Ummar Farmers Struggle to Work Their Land 5- Two Houses Demolished in Brukin, Salfit 6- The impact of the financial crisis on the Palestinian community 7- Sunbula’s Journal: “Normalised Occupation” 8- Tel Rumeida, Hebron: … Continue reading Students Unite Against Checkpoints

Cementing Apartheid in the South Hebron Hills

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The villagers of Qawawis woke up Wednesday morning to workers building a meter-high cement wall along the road that runs through their land between the illegal Israeli settlement of Susya and Hebron. The mini-wall designed to keep Palestinian cars from accessing the settler-only road will have the effect of preventing the villagers … Continue reading Cementing Apartheid in the South Hebron Hills

Two Houses Demolished in Brukin, Salfit

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 30 May 2006: Two houses were demolished by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the village of Brukin, Salfit, West Bank, on Tuesday morning, 30 May, 2006. They were among 70 houses that have received demolition orders, according to Brukin’s Mayor Ekremah Samara. The village, which has lost 8000 dunums of land … Continue reading Two Houses Demolished in Brukin, Salfit

Arson, Raids, Beatings

1. Arson at the Outpost in Bil’in 2. Occupation Forces Continue Raids on Budrus Village 3. Settler Attacks on International volunteers in Tel Rumeida, Hebron 4. IMEMC: “Five Palestinians, including three teens, killed by Israeli artillery shells in the Gaza Strip” 5. Non-Violent Demonstration in Bil’in Deliberately Targeted by Israeli Soldiers 6. Palestinian Buildings Destroyed … Continue reading Arson, Raids, Beatings

Palestinian Buildings Destroyed by IOF in Beit Ummar

by Lee and Zadie Settler carries gun as they bike through Beit Omar Last Thursday, May 24, we visited Beit Ummar, which is a village of 20,000 just south of Bethlehem’s large settlement block that includes Gush Etzion. The main road, route 60, connects Bethlehem to Hebron and goes right through Beit Ummar. It is … Continue reading Palestinian Buildings Destroyed by IOF in Beit Ummar