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Prisoners’ Solidarity Demo

24 October 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Ramallah The ISM attended the weekly demonstration held in front of the International Red Cross, in Ramallah, to demand the release of prisoners from the Occupation’s jails. When we arrived at the ...

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Israeli crimes around the clock in the West Bank

  22 October 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Zawata by Diana Khwaelid Zawata town-Nablus. On the evening of Sunday, 22-10-2023, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) stormed the town of Zawata, northwest of the city of Nablus. The residents of ...

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A new massacre in Nour Shams camp, Tulkarm

  19 October 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Tulkarm By Diana Khwaelid The Israeli occupation forces launched a major military assault on the city of Tulkarm, especially on the Nur Shams refugee camp. A curfew was imposed throughout the ...

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Colonial repression accelerates in Jordan Valley

  17 October, 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Jordan Valley Tuesday 17 Oct, an update from the Jordan Valley: Since Israel waged war on Gaza, on October 7, the situation in the Jordan Valley has deteriorated dramatically. Military checkpoints ...

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