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Israeli soldiers bolster camera confiscation tactic

At least one person in Bil’in on Friday reported soldiers had tried to take his camera while he recorded footage of Israeli activists being kicked. In Nablus, several cameras and film were seized. Being that no physical harm can come ...

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Protesters blocked the path of the Annexation Barrier

For photos of the action see: freckle.blogs.com/photos/strength_in_unity Bil’in- 6:00 AM Today Protestors blocked the path of the Israeli bulldozers working to build the Apartheid Wall in Bil’in. They were chained together in a cylinder six meters long which allowed only ...

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IWPS: Killing Salfit

16 year old boy killed in Salfit following assassination of two men by Apache helicopters; 9 people injured by gunshots, rubber bullets, and tear gas inhalation; Army raids hospital and fires tear gas at entrance; ambulances blocked and doctor beaten. ...

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Village Demolished

Khirbet Tana, near Beit Furik, Nablus On July 5th, Israeli forces demolished the entire village of Tana, near Beit Furik, Nablus. The residents had received one day’s notice (via a piece of paper left outside one of their dwellings) that ...

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Shop flattening scheduled by illegal expansion

Eight shops next to the Israeli Chemical factory built on land stolen from Tul Karem municipality are scheduled to be destroyed in fourteen days. Built in 1996, and owned by Ali Qasim, the shops have been closed since September 2000 ...

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