Deadline extended: Submit your photos for the liberation of Shuhada street

20 February 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank

Beginning this week local organizers in Al Khalil (Hebron) and supporters have organized a series of events to commemorate the Baruch Goldstein Massacre and demand the re-opening of Shuhada Street, once the commercial heart of Al Khalil, now off limits to locals, Palestinians in general, and even international supporters following the massacre that claimed 29 Palestinian lives.

While one street may seem insignificant or small, the segregation, economic strangulation, violence, and oppression that Shuhada Street suffers is a microcosm of Zionist policy. As extremist settlers continue to harass and violently attack Palestinians and internationals, and the Golani Brigade continues to show no accountability or concern for international law, it is all the more essential that this street be the symbolic avenue of freedom for Palestinians.

An illegal Zionist settlement pollutes the very heart of a historic piece of Al Khalil now overtaken with settler violence, racial epithets, and sadly, pure hatred for Palestinians and their supporters.

The residents of Al Khalil, Palestinian activists, and International Solidarity Movement  call on the international community to display their support in a project that will showcase international solidarity for the opening of Shuhada Street.

As such we ask that the international community submits a photo of solidarity to International Solidarity Movement. This photo will be of a major street or landmark of your hometown with a display or sign of solidarity for Shuhada Street. Diversity in support for human rights can humanize the victims of Zionist oppression in Al Khalil and elsewhere.

Get creative with your slogans and locations! Please note that multiple photos from the same location will not all be published, so local organizing in deciding a location in your community is suggested, or the ISM media team will select 1 photo from each location.

In order to participate, please submit a photo to and keep in mind the following guidelines:

  1. In the subject line of your email please be sure to write “Open Shuhada Street Photo Campaign”
  2. Photos should not be a maximum of 1 MB
  3. A poster, sign, clothing or any other visual statement supporting the opening of Shuhada Street should be visible in the photo along with the landmark or major street
  4. It is not necessary for individuals to be a part of the picture, as your privacy is honored, however if individuals can please indicate their names (if they wish to be identified)
  5. Please include a location of the photo (example: Hollywood sign, Hollywood, California) in the email
  6. Include the date when the photograph was taken in the email
  7. If the visual is written in a language other than English, please write the statement in the body of the email in order to be translated.
  8. Photos are original and not edited or borrowed from another entity
  9. Please submit photos no later than April 2nd

ISM Palestine looks forward to receiving your photographs. Stay tuned for a publication on April 4th on

The world must heed Khader Adnan’s call: Make Palestinian Political Prisoners’ Day, 17 April 2012, a day of international action

21 February 2012 | Samidoun

Organizational endorsements are welcome for this statement.

Please click here or email to endorse.

“I hereby assert that I am confronting the occupiers not for my own sake as an individual, but for the sake of thousands of prisoners who are being deprived of their simplest human rights while the world and international community look on,” Sheikh Khader Adnan wrote from the bed that Israeli soldiers chained him to in the Ramleh prison hospital on 11 February.

“It is time the international community and the UN support prisoners and force the State of Israel to respect international human rights and stop treating prisoners as if they were not humans.” (Ma’an News Agency, “Hunger-striking prisoner not backing down,” 11 February 2012)

As we mark the 65th day of an ongoing hunger strike by Sheikh Khader Adnan, whose struggle has inspired millions and infused the Palestinian national and solidarity movements with new energy, we must reflect on his call to the world and prepare a meaningful international strategy to support Palestinian prisoners’ struggle for freedom, justice, and equality.

Khader Adnan is fighting for rights that should be guaranteed to all prisoners, including due process, fair and equal treatment, and freedom from torture and other coercive methods. Palestinian prisoners from the West Bank face a military justice system that is entirely separate from that for Jewish Israelis, including settlers, who are instead part of the Israeli civil justice system; this military justice system for Palestinian political prisoners includes systematic and arbitrary detention without charge, the acceptance of torture, an almost complete lack of due process, vague charges, very low standards of evidence including the use of secret evidence, and widely disparate and harsher sentencing than the civil justice system.In Israel’s domestic criminal justice system exists a system of apartheid Palestinian citizens of Israel charged with political offenses are deemed ‘security prisoners’ and treated very differently from Jewish citizens. Palestinians are subject to unjust and unequal trials using secret evidence, gag orders, and evidence obtained through torture. (Please see this comprehensive analysis by Addameer for further details.)

As of January 2012, 4,417 Palestinian political prisoners are held in jails in Israel, including 170 children and 6 women. Just like Khader, 310 prisoners are held – without charge or trial – under administrative detention including over 20 lawmakers. In solidarity with them, and to broaden Khader’s struggle, we will actively oppose their imprisonment and any detentions without fair trials.

We demand the immediate release of all Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. They have been targeted by an unfair and unequal legal system. Their imprisonment reflects Israel’s inherent system of injustice and racism. In addition, Israel must immediately halt its practices of:

  • Administrative detention.
  • Torture and ill-treatment of detainees.
  • Solitary confinement and isolation.
  • The use of military courts in the occupied Palestinian territory that illegally try civilians.
  • Undermining a fair trial by using secret evidence against the accused.
  • Arresting vulnerable groups, such as children, disabled, elderly and ill people.

On Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, Tuesday, April 17, we ask that all supporters of the Palestinian political prisoners’ movement bring Khader Adnan’s spirit of resistance to the doorsteps of his captors and would-be killers:

  • Organize a protest in front of your local Israeli embassy, consulate or mission.
  • Write letters to protest the violations of rights of Palestinian political prisoners and to call for an intervention to the International Committee of the Red Cross, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and your government or parliamentarians.
  • Raise awareness on your University campus or in your community about Palestinian political prisoners
  • Picket and protest G4S, Motorola, the Volvo Group, and the Israeli Medical Association – all providing services to Israel’s prisons – as well as other targets of the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which challenges the Israeli policies of occupation, colonization and apartheid these repressive institutions maintain.
  • Write letters to Palestinian prisoners expressing your support.

We must not allow Khader’s struggle to pass, like so many before his, as one more brave stand crushed by the armed might of the Israeli apartheid regime, unremarkable and inconsequential. Rather let this historic moment mark the beginning of a revitalized global movement for Palestinian prisoners, their rights, their families, and their struggle. Together, we can make it so.

Khader lives.

Initiating Signatories:

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
Defence for Children International – Palestine Section
UFree Network
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Free Ameer Makhoul Campaign
Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat
Al-Awda New York, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition 
Arab Organization for Human Rights
Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association
Canada Palestine Association
Coalition for a Free Palestine – South Africa
Existence is Resistance
Frantz Fanon Foundation, France
French Jewish Union for Peace
International Solidarity Movement – France
Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Labor for Palestine
Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights
Leeds Palestinian Solidarity Campaign
National Lawyers Guild International Committee/Free Palestine Subcommittee
Netherlands Palestine Committee
New York City Labor Against the War
“Palestina nel cuore” Committee
Palestine Solidarity Campaign (UK)
Palestinian Youth Movement-USA
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Students for Justice in Palestine National
Tower Hamlets Jenin Friendship Association
United 4 Palestine
US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
US Palestinian Community Network
Vermonters for a Just Peace
Yousef Alsedeeq Institute for Prisoners’ Protection

URGENT: Heed Randa Adnan’s call. Military court rejects Khader Adnan’s appeal in de facto death sentence

13 February 2012 | Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

“My husband is dying inside an Israeli jail. The world should make sure I am able to see him,” she said. “And it should pressure the Israeli government to release him before it’s too late… Israel denied Khader any fairness or decency…But maybe the rest of humanity will show more mercy.” – Randa Adnan (via Joe Catron in Mondoweiss)

It is urgent that people take action around the world, as Khader Adnan’s persecution continues in his 58th day on hunger strike. On Monday, February 13, an Israeli military court rejected Adnan’s appeal. Adnan is being held without charge, on secret evidence. He is now in his 58th day of hunger strike, and entering an extremely critical health stage in which organ failure is imminent. The military court’s action is an effective death sentence for Khader Adnan, who has refused to stop his hunger strike so long as arbitrary detention, torture and abuse continue in the occupation’s prisons.

Carlos Latuff's cartoon for Khader Adnan

The Israeli military court action has shown once more the utter contempt of the Israeli occupation for Palestinian life. Khader Adnan has spent six years in Israeli prisons over different times in detention – almost all of that time with no charge or trial, held on secret evidence and at the whim of the illegal Israeli occupation.

Heed Randa’s call. Action is URGENT now more than ever. It is time to occupy Israeli consulates and embassies, engage in solidarity hunger strikes, and protests. Please use this form to send us information about your local protests and actions.

Khader Adnan is dying to live. Take action now to support him. 

1. Organize a protest, occupation or solidarity hunger strike at your local Israeli Embassy (for a list, click here).

Post your local actions to the Khader Adnan facebook page here: and tell us here:

Help us spread the word with social media after you take action.
Download this photo of Khader Adnan to use for your social media profile pictures and click on the suggested messages below and they will be automatically tweeted.  

2. Call your government officials and demand that they pressure Israel publicly and privately to release Khader Adnan.
In Canada:

Call the Israeli Embassy in Ottawa at (613) 567-6450 OR your local Embassy (for a list, click here).

Call the Office of the Foreign Minister, John Baird (Tel: 613-990-7720; Email:

Just last week, Baird stated that “There is not a government on the planet today more supportive of Israel than Harper’s Canada.” Call Baird’s office and let him know that this shameful declaration implicates Canada in Israel’s crimes and human rights violations. Demand that Baird’s office call for Khader Adnan’s release.

In the US:

Call the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC (1.202.364.5500) OR your local Embassy (for a list, click here).

Call the office of Jeffrey Feltman, Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs (1.202.647.7209)

Demand that Jeffrey Feltman bring this issue urgently to his counterparts in Israel and raise the question of Khader Adnan’s administrative detention.

3. Write to Israeli officials and demand an end to delay and the immediate, unconditional release of Khader Adnan. Samidoun has provided a template and an automated letter-writing system. Send yours and make your voice heard today!

4. It is important to note the responsibility of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Sign this petition and join hundreds demanding that the ICRC exercise its responsibilities to protect Palestinian prisoners.

5. Your creative resistance is needed: your articles, videos, and art. Spread the word:

Tweet Now: STOP Israeli Military de facto death sentence for #KhaderAdnan #Dying2Live

Doc Jazz cartoon for Khader Adnan

Commemorating Palestinian Land Day: Join the BDS Global Day of Action on 30 March 2012!

10 February 2012 | Palestinian BDS National Committee

Commemorating Land Day, the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) invites people of conscience around the world to unite for a BDS Global Day of Action on 30 March 2012 in solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle for freedom, justice and equality and for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it fully complies with its obligations under international law.

Let’s showcase our BDS successes through creative actions and media efforts and mobilize for the World Social Forum Free Palestine in November 2012.

First launched at the World Social Forum in 2009, the BDS Global Day of Action on 30 March coincides with Palestinian Land Day, initiated in 1976, when Israeli security forces shot and killed six Palestinian citizens of Israel and injured many in an attempt to crush popular protest against ongoing theft of Palestinian-owned land. Thirty-six years on, Israel continues to entrench its regime of occupation, colonization and apartheid and intensify its grave violations of the basic rights of Palestinians everywhere, whether those living under occupation, citizens of Israel, or the majority of the Palestinians, the refugees.

In the past year we have continued to witness a historic outburst of people power motivated by the desire for justice and freedom from tyranny and corporate greed. There is renewed belief in popular struggles as a means to achieve human emancipation and empowerment. Ordinary people have bravely stood up to the decades-old regimes of the Arab region, overcoming their fears and challenging their longstanding subjugation. Largely inspired by the Arab popular upheavals and earlier, similar uprisings across Latin America, people across the world have vocally “occupied” the centers of corporate exploitation or otherwise mobilized to demand social justice and an end to devastating wars. The ‘Arab Spring’ has given new impetus to the ongoing struggle against imperial hegemony in the global south and a new reach for the alternatives to neoliberalism. The global 99% are further uniting and connecting their struggles for justice, rights and dignity.

In this spirit of shared struggle, we invite Palestine solidarity activists and all those active in social justice and human rights causes worldwide to use this day of action to launch a far reaching mobilization effort towards the upcoming World Social Forum Free Palestine to be held in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in November 2012 and to take action to highlight and develop the key campaigns of our global movement.

The Forum will provide a unique space for discussion of a unified global strategy to uphold the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination and end Israeli violations of international law.

Ideas for action

The BDS Global Day of Action is an opportunity to showcase the achievements of our diverse and global movement through visible and creative actions. The BNC calls on supporters of Palestinian rights to focus on developing thoroughly researched, broad based and strategic BDS campaigns that are based on the three operational principles of the movement: context-sensitivity, gradualness and sustainability.  Developing such a long-term vision is essential for the growth and sustainable success of the movement.

With these criteria in mind, the BNC suggests the following forms of action for this BDS Global Day of Action:

1. Organize a visible and creative protest, flash mob or action that promotes an existing long-term campaign to a new audience;

2. Prepare outreach meetings or events or media initiatives that seek to bring BDS to new audiences;

3. Launch mobilization initiatives for the WSF Free Palestine, to be held in late November in Port Alegre, Brazil. Consider announcing the formation of national, regional or sector mobilizing committees and to start public and media outreach. The mobilizing committees for the WSF Free Palestine serve to mobilize and to discuss how to use this opportunity to strengthen local solidarity efforts and provide them with global reach and exposure. More information here.

4. Where possible, use the Global BDS Day of Action as a launching pad for new BDS campaign initiatives;

5. Call on governments to implement incremental sanctions against Israel, by heeding the call from Palestinian civil society for a military embargo on Israel or by suspending free trade agreements or other agreements;

6. Publicize, promote and make use of the recently published report issued by EU heads of mission to occupied Jerusalem calling for preventing and discouraging “financial transactions in support of [Israeli] settlement activity.” This can be accurately interpreted as a call for a ban on colonial settlement products from entering the EU market and for effective measures against all actors implicated in Israel’s colonization of East Jerusalem and the rest of the OPT.

Join the BDS Global Day of Action on Land Day, 30 March 2012!

For information on how to join this global event and how to develop ongoing BDS action in your country, organization and network, please contact the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) at:

We’ll be highlighting all of the day’s actions on the website, so please send any information about planned actions ahead of time to

On the day itself, let’s all use Twitter hashtag #bds to promote our actions and don’t forget to follow @bdsmovement to follow the action as it unfolds!

For further inspiration:

BDS Global Day of Action 2011 press release
BDS Global Day of Action 2010 press release

Take Urgent Action: Appeals Decision Delayed as Khader Adnan Dying to Live

12 February 2012 | Samidoun- Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Khader Adnan, Palestinian political prisoner being held under administrative detention, is now entering his 57th day of hunger strike and facing a severe health crisis.  Despite the fact that Khader Adnan risks death with every minute that passes, the Israeli military court system is delaying decisions in his case and further prolonging his unjust imprisonment. This delay shows utter disregard for Khader Adnan’s life, health and humanity. Write now to the Israeli Military Judge Advocate General to demand that Khader Adnan be freed immediately and unconditionally. 

Keep the pressure on: make phone calls, send letters, and protest to free Khader Adnan.  See actions:

Tweet Now: Tell Israeli Courts: Your Delays are Killing #KhaderAdnan #Dying2Live

On Thursday, February 9, an appeals hearing was held in Adnan’s hospital room in Zief Hospital in Safad, where six lawyers represented him. Despite the urgency of the situation and the threat of Adnan’s imminent death, the judge postponed ruling on the case until typed documents were presented, expecting a ruling sometime “next week.” 

In the hospital, he remains shackled to the bed, even as he has lost over 80 pounds. After 50 days without food, a hunger striker has a severe risk of organ failure – which is why action now to demand Khader Adnan’s freedom is urgent.

Khader Adnan has been protesting his detention and the abuse and torture suffered since he was seized by Israeli occupation soldiers on December 17, 2011, as Addameer reports. Prisoners – like Khader Adnan – held under administrative detention are imprisoned without charge, on secret evidence, for up to six-month periods at a time – which can be renewed repeatedly.

Palestinian and solidarity activists in Chicago, New York, and Washington, DC held protests in the United States, while a solidarity hunger strike continued in Gaza. Near Beitunia, outside Ofer prison, the Israeli occupation army attacked a Palestinian demonstration calling for Khader Adnan’s release with tear gas and bullets, injuring 16 people, including a journalist.

International pressure is also mountingHuman Rights Watch joined Amnesty International’s call to “charge or release” Adnan on Saturday February 11, and United Nations envoy Robert Serry issued a statement, calling on Israel “to do everything in its power to preserve the health of the prisoner and resolve this case while abiding by all legal obligations under international law.” Organizations including theArab Doctor’s Union and the National Lawyers Guild’s Free Palestine Subcommittee, have joined the call for Khader Adnan’s release.

Khader Adnan is dying to live. Take action now to support him.

1. Call your government officials and demand that they pressure Israel publicly and privately to release Khader Adnan.
In Canada:

Call the Israeli Embassy in Ottawa at (613) 567-6450 OR your local Embassy (for a list, click here).

Call the Office of the Foreign Minister, John Baird (Tel: 613-990-7720; Email:

Just last week, Baird stated that “There is not a government on the planet today more supportive of Israel than Harper’s Canada.” Call Baird’s office and let him know that this shameful declaration implicates Canada in Israel’s crimes and human rights violations. Demand that Baird’s office call for Khader Adnan’s release.

In the US:

Call the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC (1.202.364.5500) OR your local Embassy (for a list, click here).

Call the office of Jeffrey Feltman, Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs (1.202.647.7209)

Demand that Jeffrey Feltman bring this issue urgently to his counterparts in Israel and raise the question of Khader Adnan’s administrative detention.

2. Organize a protest outside your local Israeli Embassy (for a list, click here). View Chicago and Washington DC protests here.

Post your local actions to the Khader Adnan facebook page here:

Help us spread the word with social media after you take action.

Download this photo of Khader Adnan to use for your social media profile pictures and click on the suggested messages below and they will be automatically tweeted.  

3. Write to Israeli officials and demand an end to delay and the immediate, unconditional release of Khader Adnan. Samidoun has provided a template and an automated letter-writing system. Send yours and make your voice heard today!

4. It is important to note the responsibility of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Sign this petition and join hundreds demanding that the ICRC exercise its responsibilities to protect Palestinian prisoners.

5. Spread the word:

Tweet Now: 56 Days: Take Action Now for #KhaderAdnan #Palestine #Israel #Dying2Live

Tweet Now: Tell Israeli Courts: Your Delays are Killing #KhaderAdnan #Dying2Live