Palestinians and Internationals Attacked in Falamia


[Falami, Qalqilia District] This morning at 8:00 am Palestinian Falami farmers along with a group of approximately 20 International civilians were attacked by hired Israeli Security Personnel as they tried to peacefully protest the destruction of the Palestinian agricultural land.

Israeli government contractors along with Israeli private security overlooked by the Israeli military continued to chop down trees and even managed to destroy 10-15 trees. As the group of internationals peacefully came between the contractors and trees ready to be chopped down the hired security personnel (hired security personnel are usually Israeli soldiers or Israeli police) began to aggressively push volunteers away from the trees. Volunteers who wouldn’t step away from the trees began “hugging” the trees as their bodies were being pulled away by the security personnel. Many volunteers had been attacked by the Israeli security and three had sustained minor injuries.

Adam Keller, late 40’s Israeli citizen, a volunteer from the Gush Shalom Organization was attacked and kicked by the security personnel and was almost cut in half by a chainsaw as he hugged the tree while the contractor was chopping the tree.

Tom Dale, 18 year old British citizen was also attacked by the security personnel as he stood chatting with a group of volunteers. Tom was also beaten and kicked as the Israeli military stood by and watched and sustained bruises on his body.

Emily Winkelstein, 27 years old and a U.S. citizen sustained scratches on her body as she was being dragged away.

Heidi Niggeman, 29 years old a German citizen was beaten and punched in the stomach as she tried to stop a contractor/worker from Chopping down a tree with a chainsaw.

Dan O’ Reilly-Rowe, 25 years old Australian/ American was kicked in the stomach and attacked repeatedly by the security personnel as he held on to save the tree from being destroyed. Dan was nailed to the ground 5-6 times by the security men and is suffering from a twisted ankle.

Yesterday and today Palestinian farmers and internationals have been partially successful in delaying any more destruction of their land.

Tomorrow morning November 5, 2002 at 8:00 AM Palestinian farmers and International volunteers will again sit on the land. The French Ambassador along with members of the Israeli Parliament will accompany the Palestinian farmers in a joint attempt to stop the Israeli destruction of Palestinian land.

Photos and video footage of today’s attacks available by calling below.

For more information contact:

Heidi Niggeman: tel. 067-365-669
Huwaidaa Shapiro: tel. 067-473-308
Osama Qashoo’: tel. 052-225-703

ISM OFFICE: tel. 02-277-4602


The International Solidarity Movement calls on you to:


Freedom Summer Palestine is a campaign designed to highlight to the world the injustice of occupation, the inevitable rightness of freedom and the determination of a people to achieve freedom.

All people of the world are called upon to come to the Occupied Palestinian Territories and to stand side by side, hand in hand, with the Palestinian people in their demand to be free.

The campaign is a 54-day (one day for each year of occupation) initiative in which Palestinian and foreign civilians will engage in nonviolent, direct action against the forces of occupation and their illegal policies. Internationals will work with Palestinians to rebuild demolished homes, replant uprooted trees, tear down roadblocks, challenge checkpoints and closure, and more. Actions will take place simultaneously throughout the West Bank and Gaza. Internationals will be hosted in local communities and with local families.

CNN: Interview with Adam Shapiro, Huwaida Arraf

Transcript originally published by CNN

Paula Zahn, CNN anchor: As events unfold in the Middle East, Adam Shapiro and his fiance, Huwaida Arraf, are here in America watching. The couple had been working in Israel with the International Solidarity Movement, a pro-Palestinian group advocating the non-violent end to Israeli occupation.

You might remember that Shapiro, a Jewish New Yorker, tried to evacuate the wounded during the Israeli assault on Yasser Arafat’s Ramallah compound, and was trapped inside along with Arafat.

Last week, his fiance helped a group of pro-Palestinian activists get food to those holed up inside the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. She was later detained by Israeli soldiers. The couple returned to America, so that they can get married on May 26.

And Adam Shapiro and Huwaida Arraf are with us this morning — congratulations on…

Adam Shapiro, International Solidarity Movement: Thank you.

Zahn: … the marriage news.

Shapiro: Thank you.

Zahn: What happened to you when you were essentially arrested for trying to get food and water into the compound — or into, you know, Bethlehem?

Huwaida Arraf, International Solidarity Movement: Well, after we had approached the Church of the Nativity and got the food inside, food that was desperately needed by the Palestinians inside that had been denied this for months, we also put international activists inside in the hopes of providing an international civilian shield, if you will.

After that, the 13 activists that remained outside and did not go into the church started leaving the area. We got the food inside, we got the activists inside, and we tried to leave nonviolently. We were, of course, detained, dragged off the scene by Israeli soldiers, and then detained inside the Peace Center for about seven hours.

In the middle of the night, we were taken out of Bethlehem, split between men and women. There were eight men and five women. We were tied, hands and feet tied and thrown in the back of a jeep. And then at least the women — we didn’t know what was happening to the men. At least the women were driven around Jerusalem in the middle of the night after they had taken our phones. They had taken our IDs, and they dropped each woman off in a different location in the middle of the night with nothing on us.

After we saw this happening to the first woman, we all protested, and I got slapped across the face. We were dropped off, told to shut up and just report to a certain location at 9:00 in the morning, which we did in good faith.

And after that, we were all split up again in different locations. I was with a British woman by the name of Jo Harrison (ph). We were taken to a detention center at the airport, not being told what was going to happen to us, except that we were being deported, which we protested right from the beginning. We said we are not going to accept being dragged out of Palestinian territory, in which Israel has no sovereignty, and then put on a flight out.

Zahn: How did you expect to be treated though, when you clearly were in an area that the Israeli military had declared off limits to everyone and including journalists?

Arraf: Well, as international civilians, we are concerned with upholding international law. We don’t respect the sovereignty — Israel has no sovereignty in Bethlehem. And according to — as according to international law, what they were doing by denying civilians food and medical treatment was illegal, and we were just concerned with providing this humanitarian aid to the civilians no matter what that meant to us.

Zahn: Adam, what is the release of these Palestinians represent to you? Is this the first step on getting things back on track in terms of a potential political settlement?

Shapiro: Possibly. However, I think it’s a very dangerous precedent to set. We have the Israeli army surrounding the church, surrounding the presidential compound, forcing negotiations upon the Palestinians at their own discretion, at their own will.

And what we have here is the exiling of basically 13 Palestinians out of the West Bank to foreign countries, and 26 to the Gaza Strip. I hope this doesn’t represent the beginning of large-scale expulsion of Palestinians, which as we have heard from members of the Israeli cabinet, this is what many people on the right wing in Israel, many people who support the solidarity movement, want. They want Palestinians out of the West Bank.

Zahn: I’m going to give both of you a chance to something that was written about you in an article that — well, actually you co-authored the article. There has been much analysis of what the two of you said. Let’s put those up on the screen now.

You wrote that the: “Palestinian resistance must take on a variety of characteristics, both violent and nonviolent. But most importantly, it must develop a strategy involving both aspects. Nonviolent resistance is no less noble than carrying out a suicide operation.”

And then “The New Republic” concludes that — quote — “Shapiro and his fiance are indeed activists, just not for peace.”

Now, if you read what was up on the screen, some people could lead to the conclusion that you were promoting suicide bombing.

Shapiro: If I may…

Zahn: Why would they be wrong?

Shapiro: If I may answer that. The article that we wrote was actually in response to another article written by a Palestinian, who said the Palestinians could not be nonviolent. And so we were addressing within the context of the debate over whether the Palestinians could use violence or could not use nonviolence or could use nonviolence. So it was, first of all, within that context.

Secondly, these are, of course, taken from — at the very end of a longer piece…

Zahn: Sure.

Shapiro: … in which we were advocating that you have to deal with the reality on the ground. The reality on the ground is that Palestinians are living in a context of extreme violence. The occupation itself is violence, as has been pointed out by many international organizations, including the United Nations.

And the Palestinians, you know, they feel, unfortunately, that they are helpless against this overwhelming force of Apache helicopters and F-16s, and sometimes feeling this hopelessness that they must act out violently in order — the only way to be heard and only way to get their message out.

And so we were trying to say that the emphasis actually was that we had intended to put, which was taken out of context, was that it can be both violent and nonviolent, that it doesn’t have to be just violent. That there can be nonviolent resistance, and this is what we were calling for. This is what we advocate.

Zahn: But you advocate violence…

Shapiro: That there should be…

Zahn: … in some situations?

Shapiro: That — no, no, that there is already violence. The resistance, I mean, as you see, you report on suicide bombings all the time and on the military attacks, but that there has to also be nonviolence. That’s what we are calling for.

There already is violence. We’re not advocating it. It’s already there. It’s on the ground. We’re working with people and with Palestinians who want to promote nonviolence, and that was the context of the whole article.

Zahn: And you have been subjected death threats for some of what you have said. How is your family getting along?

Shapiro: Thankfully…

Zahn: Can you go back home?

Shapiro: Yes, I have been home, and thankfully my family is safe, and the death threats are subsiding. But actually just recently, my father lost one — he teaches mathematics, one in a public school and one in a Jewish day school, a Yeshiva, and just this week he was fired from his Jewish day school job.

Zahn: And you think that’s a result…

Shapiro: Absolutely.

Zahn: … of maybe some of what you have said and the reaction to it.

Shapiro: Absolutely.

Zahn: All right, Adam and Huwaida, we’ve got to leave it there this morning. Thank you very much for coming in.

Shapiro: Thank you.

Arraf: Thank you.

Zahn: Appreciate your time.

International Peace Activists Barred from Entering Hebron

At 8:00 this morning The I.D.F. declared the Kefar Etzion settlement checkpoint a closed military zone thus preventing 300 international peace activists from entering Hebron.

The order the soldiers produced stated that the area was closed from the 29th of Dec until the 9th of January. The delegation waited in the area for three hours but were not allowed to proceed. The Group, Consisting of Peace Activists from Italy, Belgium, France and America including Members of the European and Italian parliaments, were scheduled to meet with municipality officials of the city of Hebron.

After the meeting the group planned a carnival activity for the children of Hebron who have spent 194 days imprisoned in their homes since October 2000 due to curfews imposed on Palestinians in the Israeli controlled part of the city.

Luisa Morgantini a member of European Parliament stated: “The Israeli authorities are illegally preventing us from contacting any Palestinian officials. We will not cease in our efforts to witness the conditions Palestinians are subject to under Israeli occupation. Our responsibility as Human beings is to return and continue to support peace and an end to 0ccupation.”

For more information Luisa Morgantini 067-271742 or Huwaida Arraf 052-642709

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is comprised of local Palestinian and foreign civilians working to raise awareness of the Palestinian plight for freedom and an end to Israeli military occupation. We call on Israel to immediately implement UN Resolutions and abide by international law. We urge the United Nations and our respective governments to take decisive action to ensure Israel’s compliance therewith.

Over 100 Internationals Deploy to Allow Palestinians Safe Passage

[Surda, Palestine] Over one hundred foreign civilians served as an “international protection force” for Palestinians today and deployed at the Surda military checkpoint (on the road from Ramallah to Birzeit University) to allow Palestinians safe passage to and from work and school.

The Israeli military checkpoint set up at Surda is illegal according to UN Resolutions and international law. The checkpoint is also a site of daily abuses of Palestinian human rights by Israeli soldiers. Palestinian cars are not permitted to pass and thousands of Palestinians, old and young are forced to walk uphill for over a kilometer when passing. The identification cards of young Palestinian men are often confiscated and the young men themselves forced to wait, sometimes hours, in obedient positions behind barbed wire. Israeli soldiers have even resorted to harassing Palestinian youth, as international observers* have witnessed soldiers yelling at 8-10 year old children, asking them for their identification.**

Israeli soldiers attacked the international group deployed in the area with tear gas and concussion bombs, despite the nonviolent nature of their presence. The foreign peace activists clearly identified themselves as an international peace force and carried a message of peace and justice. Activists were pushed, shoved and even kicked by soldiers who acted violently and aggressively. More than one time, soldiers trained their sights and laser targeting from their guns on unarmed activists in a threatening gesture.

Palestinian and international activists held firm, and kept the road open all day, allowing Palestinians to pass without harassment. Additionally, Palestinian activists removed an Israeli outpost, used by soldiers to illegally control the area. At no time were stones thrown by protesters and at no time were there any violent gestures or actions by the peace activists.

Today’s action by internationals and Palestinians is a call for more concrete intervention by the international community. “It’s shameful that our countries stand by while Israel continues to terrorize the Palestinian people. I’m here to stand up against injustice and to urge my government to do the same,” said U.S. citizen and participant Brian Wood.

For more information, call Huwaida at 052-642-709 or Palestinian Center for Rapprochement at 02-277-2018.

Notes to Editor:

*The international observers are part of a group called International Checkpoint Watch. The ICW is made up of volunteers from various foreign countries who monitor checkpoints on a regular basis to document human rights abuses.

** Children do not have identification. You are assigned an ID card at the age of 16 in Palestine.

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is comprised of local Palestinian and foreign civilians working to raise awareness of the Palestinian plight for freedom and an end to Israeli military occupation. We call on Israel to immediately implement UN Resolutions and abide by international law. We urge the United Nations and our respective governments to take decisive action to ensure Israel’s compliance therewith.