The Tent of Defiance

In a demonstration held at noon on Dec 23, the villagers of Bil’in erected a tent on land cut off from the village by the annexation barrier. The tent was meant to replace the trailer that was forcefully evacuated and removed the day before by the Israeli military. The tent and trailer are the headquarters of “The centre for joint struggle”.

The evacuation took place a few hundred meters away from the construction site of the Matityahu Mizrah settlement where, according to the Israeli civil administration, hundreds of housing units are being built without permit contrary to Israeli law (not to mention International law).

Some 400 Palestinians, Israelis and internationals, walked peacefully from the village to the soldiers’ lines and managed to put up the tent despite the soldiers’ violent attempts to prevent them. The demonstrators chanted and sang in the rain around the tent.

Some of the villagers tried to access their lands across mounds of rocks nearby while soldiers beat them with batons in response. Suddenly a group of soldiers went after one of villagers, Adib Abu Rahma, father of 8 children; they pushed him to the ground hitting his head strongly on a rock and then dragged behind a military jeep kicking him along the

Soon after Israeli activist Yotam Ronnen was also arrested. According to Yotam, soldiers of the “Yasam” unit, beat him and Adib, focusing on Adib, while the two were sitting on the ground with their hands handcuffed behind there backs.

“Adib was already in a lot of pain from the blow to his head. I kept asking the soldiers to have the military doctor who was there with them check Adib. When they finally did this half an hour later the military doctor concluded that due to his head injury Adib requires hospitalisation. Despite this and the fact that he was clearly in severe pain the military released me after some time but kept Adib.” said Yotam.

Adib was transferred to Givat Zeev settlement police station and interrogated for five hours. At 9:00 PM he was transferred by a Palestinian ambulance to a hospital in Ramallah. He was later released to his home but was not able to comment due his condition.

Israeli activist Leiser Peles and another Palestinian activist were also beaten severely.
For main stream media coverage click here
The route of the wall in Bil’in was designed to annex Bil’in’s lands to allow for the expansion of the Modi’in Elite settlement.

A Weekend Program of Nonviolent Resistance

Friday, December 23

  • 9:00 AM: Salem Village, Nablus Region
    Farmers, joined by international and Israeli supporters, will replant hundreds of olive trees destroyed by settlers from the Alon More settlement. 200 trees were cut down by settlers on November 27, and in October 50 acres were burned and more than 300 trees destroyed. There have been ten such attacks in the past two years. Salem residents have difficulty accessing 2,500 dunums of their land due to settler violence. Israeli authorities have failed to provide adequate protection.

    For more information call:
    Albert 054-5617547
    Mohammed 0546218759

  • 12:00 AM: Bilin Village
    Villagers will be joined by Israeli and International activists as they march to their lands that are being cut off by the annexation wall. Yesterday a structure established by the villagers on their own land and with a permit from the Bilin Village Council was removed and its inhabitants evicted by the Israeli military. This happened while massive illegal construction in the nearby settlement is allowed to continue and confiscate more of Bilin’s land.

    For more information call:
    Mohammed Khatib 0545851893
    Abdullah Abu Rahme 0547258210

Saturday, December 24

  • 9:00 AM: Salem Village, Nablus Region
    Farmers will continue to replant hundreds of olive trees destroyed by settlers from the Alon More settlement with the help of international and Israeli supporters.

    For more information call:
    Albert 054-5617547
    Mohammed 0546218759

Sunday, December 25

  • 9:00 AM: Burin Village, Nablus Region
    Farmers, supported by Israeli and international activists, will tend their olive trees destroyed by settlers of Har Bracha settlement on Friday, December 16th. 140 trees were cut down that day. The attack was a response to villagers accessing the land for the first time in many years with the support of the Israeli human rights organization Rabbis for Human Rights.

    For more information call:
    Albert 054-5617547
    Mohammed 0546218759
    Arik Ascherman (Rabbis for HR) 050-5607034
    The head of Burin village (Arabic only) 052-2458857

Nablus Region: Palestinian Farmers Protest Massive Settler Vandalism


From on Friday Dec. 23 untill Sunday 25 , villagers in Salem and Burin, in the Nablus region, will attempt to replant trees and tend their land near the settlements of Elon Moreh and Bracha and the Har Bracha outpost. The farmers will be joined by Israeli and international activists.

“We haven’t been here for five years,” said one of the farmers from Burin on Thursday, Dec. 15th, as they were taking a break from the plowing of their lands next to Har Brakha. “What do you mean?” another asked. “I haven’t been here since 1989.” “The last time I was here was with my grandfather” a third commented. But on this day, the villagers, accompanied by Israeli activists with Rabbis for Human Rights and ISM internationals, the people of Burin were able to plow their land and tend to their land and trees in peace, despite the attempt of a settler to stop the day’s work.

But on Friday the 16th, 140 trees in that very area were cut down, and on the 19th of December another 100 trees of Burin village were cut down by the settlers of Bracha. This is just one of many acts of property destruction, land theft, and violence committed by the Nablus area settlers who are able to act with impunity and without any significant response by the Israeli military, police or justice system for their actions.

On Friday Dec. 23 and Saturday Dec. 24, villagers in Salem, to the east of Nablus, will attempt to replant trees and tend their land near the settlement of Elon Moreh, joined by Israeli and international activists. All the farmers’ fruit trees in the area that the villagers will attempt to work in are gone, victim to settler attacks on Nov. 27, when 200 trees were cut down, and in October, when settlers burned 50 acres and destroyed more than 300 trees, according to the Israeli daily Yediot Aharanot. There have been ten such attacks in the past two years. Salem villagers have difficulties accessing 2,500 dunums of their land due to settler violence, and Israeli authorities have failed to provide adequate protection.

Where to meet in Burin: Sunday 8:30 AM by the Council building.

Where to meet in Salem: Friday and Saturday at 8:30 AM by the Council building

For more information call:
Mohammed Ayash 054-6218759 or 0522-223374
ISM media office 02-2971824
Arik Ascherman (Rabbis for HR) 050-5607034
The head of Burin village (Arabic only)052-2458857

Peace workers denied access to Bethlehem

In the early hours of this morning the Israeli authorities at Tel Aviv airport stopped a group of international observers who were en route to a Christmas peace conference in Bethlehem.

After lengthy interrogations, two (UK) were allowed to enter the country and three were denied entry on ‘security grounds’. The three (S Africa, Italy, Australia) intend to challenge this decision in the Israeli courts. Now they expect to spend Christmas in jail, rather than in Bethlehem.

The group are experienced peace campaigners who were on their way to the “Celebrating Non-Violence” conference to be held in the Palestinian town early next week. All five have worked previously as international observers in the Palestinian territories.

Spokesperson Charlotte Carson states: “Our colleagues are being stopped from attending a conference about non-violent activism because they are non-violent activists. Clearly, Israel is afraid of the power of non-violence.”

The detained are all members of Access for Peace in the Middle East, a pressure group that intends to challenge the criminalisation of peace workers and the deliberate isolation of Palestinians from international observation and assistance.

Robin Horsell, a UK-based South African who formerly campaigned against apartheid gave his reasons for making this legal challenge:

“Israel gives spurious grounds for deportation or refusal of entry. But the real reason is our support for human rights and justice. We hope this legal challenge sets a precedent that in future will allow international citizens full access to Palestinian lands.”

This campaign is supported by many prominent peace campaigners, including Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Nonviolence International, George Monbiot, AngieZelter, Jeremy Hardy and European Jews for a Just Peace.


Since 2000, the Israeli authorities have denied entry to the Occupied Palestinian Territories to hundreds of international citizens who intend to work with grassroots organisations such as the International Solidarity Movement, Christian Peacemaker Teams, the International Women’s Peace Service, and many other NGOs that provide humanitarian assistance to the occupied civilian population.

Israel calls itself ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’, yet its practice of obstructing the passage of hundreds of observers and peace activists calls its democratic credentials into question.

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent organisation (the equivalent of the Red Cross), during the last five years 3754 Palestinian men, women and children have died from Israeli military action. The vast majority of these casualties have been civilians.

For more information, contact: Charlotte: +44 (0) 7768 305897
or Roger +44 (0) 7785 792107

Love is possible

1. A Conference Against the Wall in Bil’in
2. “Love is possible in spite of all the evil we experience”
3. IOF Continues Harassing Jayyous Villagers
4. Downloadable film on The Wall
5. Who’s Afraid of Human Rights Observers?
6. Farmers march for their lives
7. From the Israeli Press: Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem slams West Bank separation fence


1. A Conference Against the Wall in Bil’in
An invitation from Bil’in’s Popular Committee Against the Wall and settlements

[BIL’IN , West Bank] In our village of Bil’in, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, we are living an important but overlooked story of the occupation. Though Israeli forces withdrew from Gaza earlier this year, they are continuing to expand their West Bank settlements.

On our village’s land, Israel is building one new settlement and expanding five others. These settlements will form a city called Modiin Illit, with tens of thousands of settlers, many times the number that were evacuated from Gaza. These settlements consume most of our area’s water. Throughout the West Bank, settlement and wall construction, arrests, killing and occupation continue.

Over one year ago the International Court of Justice handed down an advisory ruling that Israel’s construction of a wall on Palestinian land violated international law. Today, Palestinians in villages like ours are struggling to implement that decision and stop the illegal construction using nonviolence. Unfortunately the international community has done little to support us.

Our village is being strangled by Israel’s wall. Though Bil’in sits two and a half miles east of the Green Line, Israel is taking roughly 60 percent of our 1,000 acres of land in order to annex the six settlements and build the wall around them. This land is also money to us – we work it. Bil’in’s 1,600 residents depend on farming and harvesting olives for our livelihood. The wall will turn Bil’in into an open-air prison, like Gaza.

After Israeli courts refused our appeals to prevent wall construction, we, along with Israelis and international citizens from around the world, began peacefully protesting the confiscation of our land. We chose to resist nonviolently because we are peace-loving people who are victims of the occupation. We have opened our homes to the Israelis who have joined us. They have become our partners in struggle. Together we send a strong message that we can coexist in peace and security. We welcome anyone who comes to us as a guest and who works for peace and justice for both peoples, but we will resist anyone who comes as an occupier.

We have held more than 90 peaceful demonstrations since February. We learned from the experience and advice of villages such as Budrus and Biddu, who resisted the wall nonviolently. Palestinians from other areas now call people from Bil’in “Palestinian Gandhis.”

Our demonstrations aim to stop the bulldozers destroying our land, and to send a message about the wall’s impact. We’ve chained ourselves to olive trees that were being bulldozed for the wall to show that taking the life of our trees takes the life of our village. We’ve distributed letters asking the soldiers to think before they shoot at us, explaining that we are not against the Israeli people, we are against the building of the wall on our land. We refuse to be strangled by the wall in silence. In a famous Palestinian short story by Ghassan Kanafani, “Men in the Sun,” Palestinian workers suffocate inside a tanker truck. Upon discovering them, the driver screams, “Why didn’t you bang on the sides of the tank?” In Bil’in, we are banging, we are screaming.

In the face of our nonviolent resistance, Israeli soldiers have attacked our peaceful protests with teargas, clubs, rubber-coated steel bullets and live ammunition. They have injured over 400 villagers. They invade the village at night, entering homes, pulling families out and arresting people.

But a year after the International Court of Justice’s decision, wall construction Palestinian land continues. Behind the smoke screen of the Gaza withdrawal, the real story is Israel’s attempt to take control of the West Bank by building the illegal wall and settlements that threaten to destroy dozens of villages like Bil’in and any hope for peace.

Bil’in is banging, Bil’in is screaming. Please stand with us so that we can achieve our freedom by peaceful and nonviolent means.

We invite you to participate with us in an international conference that we will hold in Bil’in to address the occupation and build nonviolent resistance to it, February 20 & 21, 2006.

For more information on the conference, please write to:

Please forward this invitation widely!

2. “Love is possible in spite of all the evil we experience”

11 December 2005

For pictures see:

Despite an Israeli checkpoint that prevented journalists from accessing the village, a peaceful march of one thousand people, Christians and Muslims, went forward on Sunday in the West Bank Village Aboud. The march was stopped by Israeli soldiers three hundreds meters from bulldozers digging up Aboud’s land to construct the annexation barrier.

Latin Patriarch Michael Sabbah led a short worship and then planted an olive tree, symbolically protesting the destruction of hundreds of trees by the construction of the annexation barrier. The route of the wall on Aboud’s land will de facto annex Bet Arye and Ofarin settlements together with 4000 Dunams (around 1000 Acres) of Aboud’s agricultural land to Israel. The march was joined by Israeli and international activists .

Patriarch Michel Sabbah addressed the crowd and the Israeli soldiers guarding the bulldozers:

“With our faith and love, we demand the removal of this Wall. We affirm that it is a mistake and an attack against our lands and our properties, a mistake and an attack against friendly relationship among the two people. (…) In your faith and your love you shall find a guide in your political actions and in resistance against every oppression. You may say that love is an unknown language to politics, but love is possible in spite of all the evil we experience, we shall make it possible!”

After the Patriarch’s departure, one hundred people stood in front of the soldiers singing slogans against the Wall. Israeli activist Jonothan Polack was arrested for trying to plant an olive tree.


3. IOF Continues Harassing Jayyous Villagers

By ISM local contact

Today, 11th December 2005, at 2:30am, the IOF troops invaded the west bank village of Jayyous. They searched houses and arrested the Vice President of the Jayyous municipality, Mr. Issam Muhammad Hassan Shbaita.

Mr. Shbaita is known as a local human rights activist for his work that coordinated with international organizations that helped to resist the Israeli occupation. More recently, Mr. Shbaita was known for his efforts in joining the international calls for the release of the four kidnapped Christian Peacemaker Teams activists in Iraq. He has been coordinating with local people and the Popular Committees Against the Wall and Settlements to send a strong call to release the CPT activists.

Jayyous village has suffered a lot from the construction of the Israeli apartheid wall. Lately the Israeli government has started building a new settlement on the confiscated lands. This is not the first time the village has been invaded by the occupation forces.

The people of Jayyous have been a great example of popular resistance. They say that these actions of the Israeli occupation force will not stop their resistance.


4. Downloadable film on The Wall

In November 2002 the first section of the Israeli Aparthied Wall on Palestinian territory in the West Bank was under construction in the Qalqilya district. This short film looks at how the Wall will affect Palestinian communities and what locals and internationals were doing to resist the construction of the wall.

Filmed by a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement.

You can find the film at the Internet Archive :


5. Who’s Afraid of Human Rights Observers?

Israeli soldiers violate court order and close off Palestinian homes, assault Human Rights Workers, confiscate cameras and destroy film in Tel Rumeida, Hebron

A human rights worker was filming the Israeli army’s violation of a recent Israeli court order to open a pathway to Palestinian homes at around 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 14, near the illegal Israeli settlement of Tel Rumeida. Israeli Occupation Forces recently installed a coil of razor wire, blocking a path that leads to Palestinian families’ homes located just below the settlement. The razor wire violates a recent court order saying that Palestinians in the area are allowed to use the path at all times.

The Israeli military commander at the scene pushed the human rights worker and tried to take her camera. Upon witnessing the scene, another human rights worker started filming and the IOF commander approached him, pushed him to the ground and started dragging him along the street, holding the strap of his bag and video camera until he managed to take the camera. A few minutes later the woman who was initially pushed was once again attacked by three soldiers who surrounded her, pushed her to the ground as she was screaming in fear, and took her video camera. In the commotion a third human rights worker was assaulted in a similar way by another soldier; he was pushed to the ground and the soldier ripped his camera out of his hands. Two other human rights workers were assaulted during this time.

The cameras were returned at 3:15 p.m. with the film missing from the still camera and the tapes in the two video cameras fully taped over by the military.

The International Solidarity Movement, together with the Tel Rumeida Project, provides an international presence in Tel Rumeida to support the Palestinian families in the area in their daily struggle to lead a normal life next door to the violent settlers of Tel Rumeida and Beit Hadassah. Among other activities, these human rights workers accompany Palestinian children to school on a daily basis to help prevent frequent attacks on the children and their teachers by settlers.

For more information about the Tel Rumeida Project, and videos of recent settler attacks in Tel Rumeida, see their website: .


6. Farmers march for their lives

On Sunday the 18th at 2:00 PM Farmers of the Tubas region will hold their second march to the Bardala checkpoint. This checkpoint has served as the only venue where Palestinian farmers could sell their produce to Israeli traders for distribution. For the last two weeks the checkpoint has been closed and the farmers produce has been left to rot.

Villagers from Tubas region own fertile agricultural land on which they depend as their only source of income.

Ahmed Sawaft Director of PARC (Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees) in Tubas warns: “If this closure continues it will mean an agricultural and economic disaster for the area.”

The villages of Bardala, Ein Al Beda, Cardala and Wadi Al Malech are in an enclave in the Jordan Valley. The only entry and exit point to this enclave is the Tyaseer checkpoint. Anyone who is not registered on their Israeli-issued I.D. card as from these villages or has a limited-time permit is forbidden to enter by the Israeli military.

On Wednesday The 14th of December the farmers marched to the checkpoint with their produce. Journalists as well as International and Israeli supporters were denied access the area.


7. from the Israeli press;Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem slams West Bank separation fence

December 13th, 2005 | By The Associated Press

The top Roman Catholic official in the Holy Land planted an olive tree Sunday on the planned route of Israel’s separation barrier in a West Bank village and prayed for the wall’s removal, saying it is serves no purpose.

The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Michel Sabbah, visited the barrier in the village of Abud that Israel says it needs to keep Palestinian attackers out.

“This position and the confiscation of lands have no reason at all. (The wall) doesn’t benefit the security of either Israel or anybody else. Our prayers are for the removal of this physical wall currently under construction and the return of our lands and your lands to you,” Sabbah told his audience, a group of some 1,000 protesters and believers who traveled with him to the planned route of the wall.
Sabbah, the first Palestinian to hold the top Roman Catholic position in the Holy Land, has been the patriarch since 1988 and has often had testy relations with Israel. He said last Christmas that the separation barrier has turned Bethlehem into a “prison.”

“We share your concerns,” Sabbah said Sunday to the people of Abud, but urged them to keep their protests peaceful.

“Our hearts are filled with love, and no hatred for anybody, We want life for ourselves,” he said. “This peace will be possible regardless of the obstacles put between the people.”

Israeli soldiers stood on the other side of the barbed wire and removed one of the protesters from the scene, averting a clash, witnesses said.