Settlers attack Urif and Qusra with guns, knives and stones

January 10th, 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Urif and Qusra, Occupied Palestine

As the villages around Nablus woke up to the rare scene of a snow-covered landscape, Israeli settlers violently attacked groups of youngsters playing with snow in the villages of Urif and Qusra. Two people were both hit in the leg by live bullets fired from settlers’ guns and six people were hospitalized because of rubber-coated steel bullets shot by the Israeli army.

In Urif, a group of thirty-five settlers came down the hills from the nearby Yizhar illegal settlement and attacked youth engaged in a snow-battle. One settler, who was carrying a sword, went to slash one of them but was stopped in time by the villagers. Other settlers started shooting live bullets and attacked two houses, smashing their windows. Shortly after the attack started the Israeli army also came down the hills, openly protecting the settlers from people that were gathering to defend their village. International human-rights activists that arrived in Urif saw settlers throwing stones and filmed them uprooting olive trees while the Israeli army shot tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets, preventing the activists and villagers from approaching the settlers. As the attack went on, settlers again opened fire on people from Urif and hit one young person in the leg. Five other persons were taken to hospital because of injuries sustained from rubber-coated steel bullets shot by the Israeli military.

A similar scenario occurred in the village of Qusra, with settlers from the Esh Kodesh and Qida illegal settlements attacking at the same time the attack in Urif was underway, thus raising the possibility that these were coordinated attacks. Fifteen settlers gathered on the hill overlooking Qusra and five of them, three of whom were armed with guns, went down to the village. The five settlers first headed to one of the homes on the edge of the village, previously targeted in a number of other assaults. As youth who were playing with snow went running to defend the home, settlers started shooting at them with their M-16 guns. 21-year-old Ammar was hit in the leg after the bullet passed through the mobile phone in his pocket. Settlers continued shooting at friends of Ammar who were trying to carry him away from the scene. He is currently in hospital and will have to undergo surgery because of the wound caused by the bullet.

In the meantime, dozens of Israeli soldiers started gathering on the hills, while settlers went around fields breaking olive trees. Only this morning a total of 188 olive trees were destroyed, with some of the trees having up to 20 years-worth of toil invested in them. When villagers from Qusra went to confront the settlers in the act they were met by tear-gas and rubber-coated steel bullets fired by the Israeli army positioned on top of the hills; resulting in one person being hospitalized, after a hit by a rubber-coated steel bullet in the leg.

Settlers and soldiers’ attacks are nothing new for both Urif and Qusra. Urif has been struck almost daily in the past month and a half, as settlers attacked the school and homes at the outer part of the village. This is often followed by soldiers’ incursions into the village, routinely shooting huge amounts of tear-gas in the streets and houses of Urif. Twenty women suffered miscarriages because of tear-gas inhalation in the last six weeks. Furthermore, soldiers frequently arrive at night, shouting through megaphones, throwing stun grenades and turning on their sirens, simply to deprive people of their sleep. Qusra has also been attacked four times in the past few weeks, when settlers uprooted thousands of olive trees, attacked a Red Crescent ambulance and beat up villagers. Recent offensive graffiti in Hebrew was still to be seen on the walls of the mosque there today, a year and a half after being subjected to arson.



Photo Story: Hajazi family – Jabalia Refugee Camp, Gaza

January 9th, 2013 | Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestine
Amna Hajazi (43) sitting on her bed in a rented room in Jabalia refugee camp, after her home was destroyed by a bomb. On November 19th 2012, a missile hit her home, killing two of her sons – Mohammad (4) and Suheen (2) – and her husband Fu´ad (45). As a result of the explosion, her collar bone was broken (as seen on the X-ray) and got shrapnel embedded into her head, damaging her central nervous system and rendering her unable to walk.
After being in Egypt for treatment, she was told by the doctors that the shrapnel is damaging her brain tissues, and if not removed promptly, it will cause severe damages that could cause her death. She is now waiting for a surgical operation that for the moment, is uncertain where or if it will be performed.
Noor Hajazi (19) lying in bed sustaining a severe spinal injury caused by the explosion that destroyed her home. She was thrown by the blast around 20 meters, hitting the stairs of a neighbour´s home. The impact damaged six vertebrae, leaving her bed-ridden for the next six months. Prior to the attack, she was a university student, and as a result of her injuries she will not be able to continue her studies.
Amna Hajazi sitting in bed with her surviving children. Masab (2 – playing with a cellphone), lost his twin brother Suheen (also aged 2) in the explosion that destoyed their home.
Mustafa Hajazi (17) holding a poster with the photographs of his father Fu´ad and his brothers Mohammad (right) and Suheen (left), murdered by Israeli forces during the “Pillar of Defense” operation in Gaza.
On the bottom-left corner of the poster there is a photograph of Mohammed, murdered in 2009 during the “Cast Lead” operation. His mother Amna was pregnant at the time he was killed, and after giving birth to her new child she decided to call him Mohammad, in honor of her deceased son. The younger Mohammad, aged four, was killed on November 19th by a missile explosion while he was in his home in Jabalia refugee camp.

Photo Essay: Gaza City – Aftermath of the bombing

5 January 2013 | Occupied Palestine, Gaza City



A man prays surrounded by the remnants of a governmental building in Gaza City.


A building in Gaza City after being bombed by an Israeli F-16.


Belal Almzannar stands in front of his house, next to the building where 10 members of the Al-Dalou family were killed. He lost his brother and grandmather in the bombing.


A kid plays near the whole left in the ground by a bomb in an olive grove in Shuja´iyya.


Photo Essay: The funeral and burial of Rushdi Tamimi

20th November 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank

Policemen take Rushdi Tamimi´s body out of the morgue

Palestinian policemen waiting for the arrival of Rushdi Tamimi´s remains.

Rushdi Tamimi´s body is taken for a funeral procession through the streets of Ramallah.

Hundreds of people join the funeral procession in Nabi Saleh.

Rushdi Tamimi being lowered into his grave in Nabi Saleh.

Demonstrations in solidarity with Gaza: all over the West Bank, all over the world [Constantly Updated]

Since the bombing on Gaza started days ago, demonstrations all over the West Bank and in cities all over the wolrd, from Jerusalem to New York; have been happening every day. Here we present updates from these protests:

West Bank Updates:

November 17th:


Around 200 people block the road near Huwwara checkpoint. Army uses tear gas on demonstrators. Around 10 palestinians arrested.


Around 400 people demonstrating in front of Ofer Prison. Army uses tear gas, sound bombs and live ammunition to disperse protestors. At least 9 wounded. Two medics injuried, one of them critically.

via @JskwLeeds


Clashes between demonstrators and the army near the old city. Tear gas and sound granades used on demonstrators. Border police enters a building to control the area. One person arrested.

Beit Ummar

Clashes with the army.


Clashes with the army at Jalama Checkpoint. Several protestors arrested.

Nabi Saleh

Tear gas, skunk water  and live ammunition used on demonstrators. Three injuried, one of them by a bullet.


A selection of photographs from previous demonstrations:




Tel Aviv:


