Three injured during weekly Bil’in demonstration

13th September 2013 | Friends of Freedom and Justice | Bil’in, Occupied Palestine

Today, 09/13/2013, the weekly demonstration at Bil’in continued with protests in solidarity with the prisoners in Israel, against the illegal settlements and the apartheid wall. Three people were injured, Abdullah Ahmad Yassin (22), was shot with a tear gas canister in the head, Muawiya Ghazi (19) received injuries as he fell attempting to run from the Israeli army, and 14-year-old Nasser Bernat was shot with a rubber-coated steel bullet in the chest.

A demonstrator confronting soldiers (Photo by Mohammed Yasin)
A demonstrator confronting soldiers (Photo by Mohammed Yasin)

Dozens of Palestinian, Israeli and international activists marched from the centre of the village towards the annexation wall, waving Palestinian flags and chanting for national unity.

Israeli army firing tear gas at demonstrators (Hamza Burnat)
Israeli army firing tear gas at demonstrators (Hamza Burnat)

The Israeli occupation forces responded with tear gas canisters, sound grenades and rubbed-coated steel bullets.

A soldier throwing a tear grenade towards demonstrators (Photo by Rani Bornat)
A soldier throwing a tear grenade towards demonstrators (Photo by Rani Bornat)

Photo essay: Israeli forces shoot teargas into mosque, suffocating hundreds before start of Kafr Qaddum demonstration

23rd August 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus Team | Kafr Qaddum, Occupied Palestine

Today, Friday 23rd August, Israeli occupation forces invaded the village of Kafr Qaddum before their regular demonstration began. Shooting gas and sound grenades at residents, the army stormed the village from several different directions, attempting to make arrests – two protesters were injured with teargas canisters, which were shot directly at protesters. Soldiers shot teargas directly into the village mosque, whilst around three hundred people were inside praying, causing people to flee from the building.

Soldiers inading the village before the demonstration begins (picture by Svenson Berger)
Soldiers inading the village before the demonstration begins (picture by Svenson Berger)

At around midday, over twenty soldiers ran directly down the main road of Kafr Qaddum, shooting gas and sound grenades towards a group of people in the village, some of whom were preparing to go to the mosque. Shortly afterwards they retreated, but continued to attack the village from several directions for the next hour, before the demonstration had started. Two people were injured by teargas canisters which were shot directly into a crowd of people who were running away from the soldiers charging down the road; one was hit in the back and one in his arm. The latter immediately required stitches by Red Crescent medics and later had to go to the hospital for further treatment and to ensure that there was no damage to the bone.

Protester treated by medic after being hit by teargas canister
Protester treated by medic after being hit by teargas canister (photo by ISM)

The Israeli military guidelines for shooting teargas canisters state that they should be fired at an arc into the air, but as usual the soldiers disregarded this rule, shooting directly at people. This is a dangerous practice which has killed protesters in the past – today several villagers reported that they had seen and felt the heavy metal canisters flying straight past their heads. “I feel I was nearly killed today,” said one demonstrator who experienced the near-miss.

Israeli military shooting teargas canisters (Photo by Svenson Berger)
Israeli military shooting teargas canisters (Photo by Svenson Berger)

At 1 o’clock, following a sustained attack of multiple teargas canisters shot from the hill overlooking the village, several canisters were fired directly into the village mosque. Around three hundred men were inside, ranging from the elderly to very young children – most came fleeing outside as the gas filled the building, choking and blinded from the severe effects of gas inhalation.

People fleeing the mosque after teargas was shot inside (photo by Sevnson Berger)
People fleeing the mosque after teargas was shot inside (photo by Sevnson Berger)

Angered by the attack on the mosque, residents of Kafr Qaddum then began their weekly demonstration, gathering on the main street which used to lead to Nablus and now is blocked by the settlement of Qedumim. Fires, set by burning tyres, were lit on the road and smoke billowed towards the illegal settlement – a reminder from the villagers of Qaddum that they are still present and that they are the legitimate owners of the land, as well as a deterrent for the army invading the village.

Protesters burning tyres, the smoke of which blew towards the illegal settlement of Qedumim (photo by Svenson Berger)
Protesters burning tyres, the smoke of which blew towards the illegal settlement of Qedumim (photo by Svenson Berger)

Soldiers continued to invade the village, shooting excessive teargas into residential areas, between homes and into gardens – causing many more to suffer from the effects of teargas inhalation. Finally, the villagers advanced all the way down the blocked road towards the settlement as soldiers retreated out of the village – following one final volley of teargas, the soldiers left and the people of Kafr Qaddum went to their homes, chanting and clapping; celebrating their continued existence and resistance.

Teargas filling the streets of Kafr Qaddum village (photo by Sevenson Berger)
Teargas filling the streets of Kafr Qaddum village (photo by Sevenson Berger)

The village of Kafr Qaddum has been holding weekly Friday demonstrations for over two years. In the last weeks, three youths were arrested in night raids on the village, including one seventeen year old – because of this, several impromptu demonstrations were held on days other than Friday in the last week. The demonstrations in Kafr Qaddum are held in protest at the continued occupation of Palestine, along with the injustices and human rights abuses that come along with it. The village has suffered personally from the occupation, with their land stolen for the illegal Israeli settlement of Qedumim and their main access to Nablus being blocked, adding 14 kilometres to the journey and causing two deaths when ambulances were not able to reach the village in time.

Protester on blocked road leading to Nablus (photo by Svenson Berger)
Protester on blocked road leading to Nablus (photo by Svenson Berger)

Follow live tweets every Friday from the International Solidarity Movement at Kafr Qaddum and other demonstrations across the West Bank, by following us on twitter @ISMPalestine or looking up the hashtag #PalResists

Video from Al Masira Kafr Qaddum

Photo essay: Israeli army incursion through Apartheid Wall in Ni’lin

10th August 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah Team | Ni’lin, Occupied Palestine

Yesterday at around 1pm, Palestinians together with Israeli and international activists marched through the olive groves towards the annexation wall on Ni’lin’s land.

Protesters marching to the wall (Photo by ISM)

Demonstrators approached the area of the wall chanting slogans against Israel’s apartheid policies and the annexation of land for the illegal Israeli settlements. Israeli forces, located behind the wall, shot numerous amounts of tear gas canisters and sound bombs at people as they approached.

Demonstrators reaching the wall (Photo by ISM)
Israeli forces shot multiple rounds of tear gas canisters at protesters (Photo by ISM)
A Ni’lin resident flies the Palestinian flag as tear gas rains down (Photo by ISM)

After an hour of continuous shooting of tear gas canisters, Israeli forces crossed through the gate in the wall and chased protesters up the hill shooting more gas canisters and rubber-coated steel bullets.

In the distance, the black figure of an Israeli soldier who has come out from behind the wall in an attempt to intimidate protesters. Behind him are the illegal settlements (Photo by ISM)

The protest finished at around 3pm when Israeli forces retreated. Two Palestinian demonstrators needed medical treatment after being shot with rubber coated steel bullets.

For five years the people of Ni’lin have been demonstrating against the Apartheid Wall that  has taken 2500 dunums of Ni’lin land.

Photo Essay: Ongoing resistance in Bil’in

2nd August 2013 | Friends of Freedom and Justice | Bil’in, Occupied Palestine

Dozens of Palestinian, international and Israeli activists participated at today’s demonstration against the apartheid wall and land annexation organised by the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Bil’in. The demonstration was dedicated to the Palestinian Bedouins  in Al Nakab and to the international day of Jerusalem.

The march began after Friday midday prayers from the center of the village towards the apartheid wall.


The participants raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans calling for the end of the occupation, the demolition of the apartheid wall and freedom for all Palestinian political prisoners.


Upon arrival to the area of the wall, Israeli soldiers, located behind the wall, fired rubber-coated steel bullets, tear gas canisters and sound grenades at the demonstrators.




Many suffered from tear gas inhalation and were treated on the spot.


Photo essay: Israeli activist injured with a rubber-coated steel bullet at Nabi Saleh demonstration

19th July 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah Team | Nabi Saleh, Occupied Palestine

Today, around fifty Palestinians together with Israeli and international activists marched from the centre of Nabi Saleh down the main road towards the stolen spring.


Protesters made barricades of burning tyres to prevent Israeli forces from raiding the village.


Soon after that, several Israeli border police officers appeared behind a house on the right side of the main road and started shooting rubber coated steel bullets at protesters.


More Israeli border police then arrived at the bottom of the main road, running towards protesters and shooting more rubber coated steel bullets.


An Israeli woman activist was shot in her upper thigh with a rubber coated steel bullet from close range and had to be taken to hospital in Tel Aviv. She underwent a very minor surgery to get the bullet removed and will remain in hospital until Sunday.

Israeli forces continued shooting rubber coated steel bullets and tear gas canisters from various locations inside the village.



According to a resident of Nabi Saleh, yesterday night at around 3am, an Israeli bulldozer was working in the spring. Settlers from Halamish also went to the spring to talk to the soldiers. Palestinian youths went to the hilltop in front of this area to see what was happening and verbal confrontations between settlers and them erupted. Israeli forces, defending the settlers as usual, shot several tear gas canisters at Palestinians.

Previously this week, on Tuesday, clashes between residents of Nabi Saleh and Israeli forces erupted in the same spot where Rushdi Tamimi was shot last November. Israeli forces shot rubber coated steel bullets and injured Mohammed Tamimi (10) in the leg. Mahmoud Tamimi (22) was then shot with live ammunition also in the leg. Read the full report here.