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Photo Story

Israeli crimes around the clock in the West Bank

  22 October 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Zawata by Diana Khwaelid Zawata town-Nablus. On the evening of Sunday, 22-10-2023, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) stormed the town of Zawata, northwest of the city of Nablus. The residents of ...

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A new massacre in Nour Shams camp, Tulkarm

  19 October 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Tulkarm By Diana Khwaelid The Israeli occupation forces launched a major military assault on the city of Tulkarm, especially on the Nur Shams refugee camp. A curfew was imposed throughout the ...

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Beit Dajan faces the occupation

Beit Dajan resists 29/9/23

By. Diana khwaelid for ISM Palestinian activists marked the third consecutive anniversary of the revival of national events to resist the occupation of the lands of Beit Dajan – east of Nablus. At noon on Friday-2-9-2023, Palestinians set off to ...

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Report on the weekly protests in Kafr Qaddum

A demonstrator in Kafr Qaddum

The Palestinian village of Kafr Qaddum is located 13 kilometres west of Nablus and has a population of roughly 4300 citizens. Eleven thousand dunams of the village’s land (roughly 52% of the total area) are part of area C, under ...

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Invasion of Jenin Camp – A Photo Journal.

By ISM volunteer D. N. When I arrived in Jenin, on Tuesday July 4th, the city was a battlefield, the streets were destroyed and burnt, tear gas canisters and bullets lay on the ground, the air was filled with smoke, ...

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