The Subcommittee for Judea and Samaria, chaired by MK Tzvi Sukkot (Religious Zionism), convened for a debate on the “Inflammatory activity by activists in Judea and Samaria whose center of life is not in Judea and Samaria.”

The following was published on March 12, 2024 Knesset News on the official website of the Israeli parliament:

Twenty-Fifth Knesset, Second Session, Summer Recess

Knesset News: Judea and Samaria Subcommittee Chair MK Sukkot: Those who create violence are radical left-wing anarchists who harass IDF soldiers and heroic settlers; MK Michaeli: Outrageous attempt to present an opposite and completely false reality

​The Subcommittee for Judea and Samaria, chaired by MK Tzvi Sukkot (Religious Zionism), convened on Tuesday for a debate on the topic of “Inflammatory activity by activists in Judea and Samaria whose center of life is not in Judea and Samaria.”

At the start of the debate, Subcommittee Chair MK Sukkot said, “We are still in the midst of a fierce war. In order to win the war, we have to do many things—to fight on the military front, to take action on the diplomatic front, to settle, to pray. For the military victory to arrive, we have to remove everything that interferes with it. We can’t win without fighting against those who are doing everything they can to interfere with our justified war.

“That is the reason we have convened today, in the middle of the war, to discuss the issue of the anarchists. So much unnecessary verbiage has been uttered in the past about ‘settler violence,’ but people have not yet dealt here, in this House, with those who truly create a great deal of severe violence in Judea and Samaria—radical, anarchist left-wing activists who harass the IDF soldiers and heroic settlers. This is a scourge, and we are here to deal with it. I believe that after eradicating this malady, we will be one important step closer to the important victory,” said MK Sukkot.

MK Gilad Kariv (Labor): “For any person who employs violence, the law enforcement agencies should provide a response. But that is completely unrelated to the pointless political debate that is being conducted here. It’s clear to everyone that this debate is not serious. The committee chair’s introduction attests to the purpose of this debate. It is not to discuss a problem that exists on the ground, but rather to turn around the reality and continue to obscure the real phenomenon on the ground, which is that radical parts of the settler public, which are a numerical minority among [the settlers], have cast off the yoke of Israeli law.

“If there is a phenomenon that should be dealt with beyond the war against terrorism, it is the violence of these fringe elements, which receive a tailwind from the establishment that is not willing to look reality in the eye. The human rights activists perform an important role, and if there is anyone that is interfering with the IDF it is the extremist elements among the settlers,” said MK Kariv.

MK Ariel Kallner (Likud): “Our war over this land in general and Judea and Samaria in particular is [facing] a pincer movement. On one hand, the vicious Arab terrorism, operating on a daily basis, and on the other, we have this problem of anarchists, fringe elements from Israel and around the world, who come to the region in order to stir up the situation on the ground. These people are antisemites, for all intents and purposes, and supporters of terrorism.”

MK Merav Michaeli (Labor): “There is a basic misunderstanding here. I have news for many people—this is not inside the State of Israel; Judea and Samaria is not part of the State of Israel. There is a world of sovereignty, a legal world, and in this world, Judea and Samaria is not part of the State of Israel. There are elements who are trying to create activity on the ground, as if this were part of the State of Israel’s territory, and they are causing significant harm not only to the Palestinian residents but also to the security forces on the ground. I am talking about nationalist criminals.

“You are conducting a debate that is designed to create a psychological manipulation against a public that is fighting for the image and values of the Zionist State of Israel. Nationalist crime threatens the State of Israel, and the security forces say this constantly. This is an outrageous attempt to present an opposite and completely false reality, which is being done by the same violence that you are backing,” said MK Michaeli.

MK Limor Sonn Har Melech (Otzma Yehudit): “The State of Israel is engaged in an existential struggle over our very life here, and there are people who, in an insane and delusional manner, enable a phenomenon that could not exist anywhere else. These people come here under the guise of tourists. We have to create a body that will take the lead on eradicating this phenomenon, which has very dangerous ramifications and aspects for the security of the State of Israel’s citizens. Such a phenomenon would not be permitted in any sane country.”

David Elhayani, head of the Jordan Valley Regional Council: “There is an organized, financed and orchestrated group of people, the sole purpose of which is to create flashpoints of friction in order to inflame the situation on the ground and besmirch the State of Israel. Since October alone, there have been 70 incidents of friction. Each such incident compels the security forces, instead of guarding the settlers in this sensitive period, to scurry between the flashpoints of friction.”

Cmdr. Avishai Mualem of the Judea and Samaria District Police said that as far as he was concerned, there was no difference between lawbreakers, regardless of gender, religion, race or nationality. He said, “Since October 7 there are statistics showing a 50 percent decrease in Jewish nationalist crime versus last year—270 from the start of the warfare until today, versus 527 last year. In 2023, 63 administrative orders were issued, including 16 administrative detention orders, against right-wing activists, for attacking Palestinians and torching Palestinian vehicles.

“Since the start of the war there has been an increase in the number of cases and complaints by Palestinians and anarchists; 191 cases were opened, of which 90 proved to be false complaints, in the southern Hebron hills sector. Most of the complaints are deliberate complaints from radical left-wing organizations which are situated in Tel Aviv and announce that there is violence by right-wing activists. In the Jordan Valley sector, we are talking about 70 incidents, of which 50 percent proved to be false complaints,” said Cmdr. Mualem.

After the open part of the debate, the committee conducted the classified portion, in which the committee members heard additional data, mapped the gaps and examined courses of action for expanding the tools for coping with the phenomenon and strengthening coordination between the different agencies.

Subcommittee Chair MK Sukkot announced that he intended to conduct a follow-up debate within the coming month.