Home / Reports / Israeli forces detain youth in Tel Rumeida

Israeli forces detain youth in Tel Rumeida

19 April 2009

Tel Rumeida, Hebron – 4 Palestinian girls, residents of Tel Rumeida, were detained for more than 3 hours as they left one of their houses.

Two of the girls were about 6 years old, and two were about 13. Two of the girls lived on Tel Rumeid Street and two lived on Al Shuhara Street. At about 5:50 PM, the girls were walking back to Al Shuhada Street, and a settler spoke with soldiers at a checkpoint. The soldiers then detained the girls until after 9 PM. There are Israelis living in illegal settlements on both streets, and Israeli forces are present on the streets 24 hours a day.

Two internationals observed and tried to talk with the soldier and the detained girls. Israeli police threatened the international with arrest, saying the area was a “closed military zone.” The soldiers refused to give reasons as to why the girls were detained.