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Tag Archives: west bank

White Roses

A picture of a compass lying on brown fabric.

When I came to Palestine, I brought with me a compass. And when I open it, covering up what would point me north to find my way is white rose petals. The White Rose Society was a group of people ...

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Israeli occupation forces arrest Ahed Tamimi

6 November 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | International Women’s Peace Service  Prominent Palestinian activist, Ahed Tamimi, was arrested in her home in the village of Nabi Saleh near Ramallah, in the early hours of today, November 6. Following the ...

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Gaza Under Attack: ISM statement and call to action

Damage to Ahmed Yassin mosque in Gaza

In these days, as Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is vowing “mighty vengeance” following Saturday’s offensive by the Palestinian resistance, European governments are releasing statements essentially greenlighting Israel’s bombing campaign, which has already killed more than 400 Palestinians in Gaza ...

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