Friday demonstration against the illegal apartheid wall in Ni’lin

On Friday 12 December 2008 at 12 o’clock approximately 200 villagers from Ni’lin together with 15 internationals and Israelis protested against the construction of Israel’s illegal Apartheid Wall on their land.

The level of violence from the Israeli army was high from the beginning of the demonstration. They shot live ammunition in the air regularly for the entire 5 and half hours the protest lasted. The shots increased in the last hour when soldiers were very close to the protesters who were pushed back to the outer houses in the village from the olive field.

Huge amounts of round, plastic coated steel bullets, rubber coated steel bullets and tear gas were shot at the demonstration, starting even before the demonstrators had gathered by the local clinic.

At least 10 demonstrators including two Swedish and a Scottish solidarity activist were hit with plastic and rubber coated steel bullets. Tear gas was also shot at people’s homes, two of which had to be evacuated due to the gas.

Today’s demonstration started with a prayer by the local clinic. Nine Soldiers were already present on a hill top in front of the clinic and started shooting tear gas and rubber coated steel bullets at the children in the fields about half an hour before the prayer started.

Members of the Popular Committee changed the protest route to avoid the tear gas and the non-violent demonstrators got almost all the way down to the construction site of the illegal apartheid wall before the army stopped them.

The army shot live ammunition in the air and plastic coated steel bullets at head height to push back the protest.

When the demonstrators were pushed back to the village the army continued the use of live ammunition.

The soldiers shot round steel bullets covered in a thin layer of plastic at the heads of the demonstrators. A 15-year-old boy was hit right under the eye with such a bullet and had to have six stitches at the local clinic.

One family had a window broken by a tear gas canister causing an old woman and two children to suffer from heavy tear gas inhalation.

A woman in another house fainted when gas was fired into her home.

B’Tselem have previously released a statement highlighting the use of rubber-coated steel bullets in Ni’lin.

The villagers of Ni’lin have protested against the construction of the illegal Apartheid Wall since May 2008 that with its completion will annex more than 90 percent of their land. In August 10-year-old Ahmed was killed by a live bullet shot in his head from a short distance, at his funeral 17-year-old Yousef was also shot in the head with rubber coated steel bullets and later died at the hospital.

There is an Israeli military order for IOF forces to use live ammunition against Palestinian demonstrations unless internationals or Israelis are present.

In order to draw use from the clear racism in this law and attempt to give a level of security to the Palestinians who are using their right to protest, internationals have been present in solidarity with the Palestinians to every protest at Ni’lin.

Twelve people injured as Israeli forces attack Ni’lin prayer demonstration

Friday 5th December

Palestinian residents of Ni’lin gathered, together with Israeli and international activists, at 11.30am for the weekly demonstration held by the medical clinic close to the land due to be confiscated by Israel. Twelve people were injured during the demonstration.

Before the prayer ceremony was carried out, the Israeli army moved jeeps and many soldiers close to the site of the clinic. Once the prayer ceremony was over, heavy tear-gas kept the demonstrators from entering the fields. Protesters were kept from going further than approximately 30 meters from the village.

The army was very aggressive and shot a lot of teargas and rubber-coated steel-bullets, aiming directly at the non-violent protesters. They also fired at the houses closest to the fields, smashing peoples windows and scaring young children inside. The violence was such that one of the families had to evacuate their house.

Ten people needed medical treatment due to injuries by rubber-coated steel bullets, one of them shot in the head. Two ware treated after being hit by teargas-cannisters fired at them from close range. One of those injured by tear-gas was an international solidarity activist. The demonstration ended at 5pm.

In the West Bank village of Ni’lin, the resistance against the construction of a wall that will confiscate Palestinian land continues. The building of the Apartheid Wall will further assist in the deterioration of the lives of residents. The Wall will not only steal privately-owned land, but will ensure that Ni’lin residents will be more restricted in their movement, having to pass through a checkpoint to reach other villages.

Ni’lin holds prayer demonstration against the Apartheid Wall

28th November 2008 – Ni’lin village

On Friday 28th November at 12.30pm approximately 150 Palestinians, internationals and Israelis gathered in protest against the illegal Apartheid Wall that is now under construction on Ni’lin village’s land.

The army met the protesters with teargas and rubber-coated steel bullets half a kilometer before they reached the construction site of the wall. This meant that the people of Ni’lin were now even being restricted from land that is not being confiscated by the Apartheid Wall.

Several people were hit by rubber coated steel bullets and tear-gas canisters aimed directly at persons in the demonstration.

Two Palestinians and one international activist required medical treatment after being hit by tear gas canisters. One of the Palestinians was hit in the chest, breaking a rib, and was taken to Ramallah hospital for treatment.

Todays demonstration started with a prayer close to the medical clinic in Ni’lin with the plan being to continue to the construction site of the Wall.

A bus full of students from An-Najah university, Nablus, came to support the local activists in their shared struggle against the construction of the Apartheid Wall.

The protesters were stopped on a hill top right next to the clinic by Israeli soldiers who shot huge amounts of tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets from all sides of the group on the hill top.

There were several attempts from protesters to continue towards the construction site, but every time they moved forward they were targeted by the army and pushed back again.

The demonstration ran from 12.30pm to around 5pm in the afternoon.

Six people injured as Israeli forces attack Ni’lin prayer demonstration

On Friday 21st of November a prayer demonstration was held in Ni’lin.

During the demonstration 6 people were injured including one international activist who was shot by a teargas canister in his arm.

Other demonstrators suffered by gas inhalation and rubber coated steal bullets.

During the prayer, two jeeps parked out in the fields close to the site where the prayer was being held. As the demonstrators tried to enter the field on their way to the construction site, the army directly started firing teargas and rubber coated steal bullets in attempt to hit peoples bodies.

The army kept close to the village, firing also at people standing on balconies and rooftops during a couple of hours. After the army pulled back the demonstration was able to enter the fields but was again violently attacked by the army and shot at with live ammunition despite an international presence, violating their own military order. The demonstration started at 11.30am and ended at 5.30pm.

Nine residents of Ni’lin arrested for particpation in popular resistance against the apartheid wall

12th November 2008

Eight people have been arrested during Israeli invasions of Ni’lin on the nights of November 10th and 11th. Another resident of Ni’lin also decided to turn himself in to Israeli authorities after his home had been invaded by the army for several consecutive nights while his wife and children were harassed by the soldiers looking for him.

All of the nine are arrested for activel participation in the popular resistance against the apartheid wall in Ni’lin since April 2008.

At approximately 3 am November 10th around 200 Israeli soldiers invaded the village of N’ilin and arrested 7 people in their homes. Those arrested were:

Mohammad Sabti Khawaja, 28

Ahmed Sabti Khawaja, 24

Mohammad Yaser Amera, 28

Mussa Khaleel Nafea, 19

Abedallah Abed Al Kareem Srour, 18

Ayham Mohammed Nafea, 23

Tariq Khaled Srour, 17

They also came looking for Hilal Abed Al Qader Nafea, 35 but he was not in his home. On 11th November he went to the check point in the entrance to Ni’lin and turned himself in to avoid further harassment from the Israeli army towards his family.

At 3am the 9th of November Wahid Taysir Nafea, 21, was arrested. After his arrest, he was so badly beaten by the Israeli soldiers, that he had to be hospitalized in the military prison in Ramla.

Israeli forces invade N’ilin at night at a regular basis in order to arrest the people who have been active in the resistance against the wall being built on their lands. The wall annex 23 hectares of agricultural land from the village in addition to the wall two tunnels that are planned as the only entrances in and out of Ni’lin will annex 2 hectares.

432 hectares of farming land have already been annexed by the Israeli state since 1948 leaving Ni’lin with only 23 hectares of land including the land the houses are build on.

When the apartheid wall is completed it will completely encircle the village together with two roads that can only be used by Israelis. The constructions turns Ni’lin into a small enclave closed of from the rest of the West Bank.

Since the start of the construction of the annexation wall on N’ilin land in April 2008 more than 50 villagers have been arrested out of which 23 are still in jail. Besides from Tariq Khaled Srour, 4 other children are imprisoned and have been so for more than a month. They are:

Ibrahim Khalqel, 16

Majed Hisham Nafea, 17

Sufyan Khawaja, 17

Mohammad Ata Mussa, 14

In the past two months the Israeli Military have tended to keep those arrested much longer and demand much higher bail for their release. The villagers suspect that the occupation forces are attempting to make it impossible for them to keep up their resistance against the illegal land theft through these arrests and bail conditions.

The Popular Committee in Ni’lin continues arranging non violent demonstrations against the apartheid wall at least once a week.