AP: Testimony ends in Israel case over killed American

10 July 2011 | Associated Press

An Israeli court heard its final witness Sunday in a trial surrounding the death of American activist Rachel Corrie, who was crushed by an Israeli military bulldozer in the Gaza Strip in 2003.

Israel’s commanding officer in Gaza at the time, Col. Pinhas Zuaretz, testified Sunday.

Corrie, a pro-Palestinian activist from Olympia, Washington, who was 23 at the time, was killed when she stood before the bulldozer on the Gaza-Egypt border. She and other activists believed the military was about to demolish nearby Palestinian homes.

The military cleared the soldier who drove the bulldozer, saying he could not see the activist.
That prompted Corrie’s parents to file a civil suit against Israel’s Defense Ministry in 2005, charging Israel with responsibility for killing their daughter.

The trial opened in 2010 and had 15 hearings and 23 witnesses. The verdict is scheduled to be announced April 23, 2012, said Craig Corrie, the dead woman’s father.

“I demand to get some kind of accountability,” he said. “That’s what a court can do. That’s certainly why we’re here.”

Corrie belonged to a pro-Palestinian group called the International Solidarity Movement, whose activists enter conflict zones despite Israeli bans and attempt to interfere with the activities of Israel’s military.

Corrie’s death made her a symbol for pro-Palestinian activists, and a play has been written about her.
An officer who testified earlier in the trial said Corrie and other pro-Palestinian activists had spent hours trying to block two military bulldozers under his command from clearing vegetation and rubble near the border, ignoring repeated warnings to leave.

Though the military did at times demolish houses used by gunmen or arms smugglers, he said, no houses were set to be demolished that day.

The infantry major was identified only by his initials, S.R., according to military regulations.

RCF: Final witness in Rachel Corrie’s case to testify

7 July 2011 | Rachel Corrie Foundation

Rachel Corrie (Courtesy Rachel Corrie Foundation)
Rachel Corrie (Courtesy Rachel Corrie Foundation)

Former Gaza Division’s Southern Brigade Commander, Colonel Pinhas (Pinky) Zuaretz – the final witness in the case – is scheduled to testify Sunday, July 10, in the Corrie civil trial against the State of Israel.

Colonel Zuaretz was the commanding officer of the Israeli military’s Gaza Division’s Southern Brigade in 2003, when American peace activist Rachel Corrie was killed. Troops under his command were responsible for the actions resulting in her killing. Zuaretz is the highest ranking officer called as a government witness in the civil trial who had command responsibility in Gaza. He is possibly the highest such officer ever to face cross examination in a civil suit regarding the actions of the Israeli military against civilians in Gaza during the second intifada. His testimony is expected to shed light on the Israeli military’s failures as an occupying power to protect civilian life and property in the region.

The lawsuit, filed in 2005 by Attorney Hussein abu Hussein, charges the State of Israel with responsibility for killing Rachel in Rafah, Gaza in 2003. Since the trial opened in March 2010, 14 hearings have been held, with over 2000 pages of court transcripts recorded from 22 testimonies – including that of 14 Israeli Military personnel, and four peace activist eye-witnesses with the International Solidarity Movement. Most government witnesses for the State of Israel were identified only by their initials, and many testified while hidden behind a screen. Each hearing was attended by officials from the American Embassy, numerous observers from legal and human rights organizations, and members of the Corrie family.

Craig and Cindy Corrie, Rachel’s parents, will hold a press conference on Monday, July 11, at 11:00 AM at the American Colony Hotel in Jerusalem to discuss the conclusion of this phase of the case, as well as next steps in their efforts to seek accountability for their daughter’s killing. They will be joined by their other daughter, Sarah Corrie Simpson and Attorney Hussein Abu Hussein. The press conference will be held in English, with attorneys available at the conclusion for brief interviews in both Arabic and Hebrew.

Court proceedings on Sunday, July 10, will begin at 12:00 noon in the courtroom of Judge Oded Gershon, 6th floor, Haifa District Court, 12 Palyam St., Haifa, Israel.

Please visit the Trial Update page of the Rachel Corrie Foundation website for updates, last minute changes to the court schedule, and related information.

For press related inquiries, contact:
Email: stacy@rachelcorriefoundation.org and press@rachelcorriefoundation.org
Phone: Stacy Sullivan (in Israel) at +972-54-280-7572 or +972-52-952-2143

Spirit of Rachel Corrie attacked by Israeli navy

16 May 2011 | Perdana 4 Peace

The Spirit of Rachel Corrie Mission, involving a Malaysian owned ship carrying aid for Palestine, has been intercepted and attacked by the Israeli naval forces in the Palestinian security zone this morning at 0654 Jordan time. Currently the ship has been forced to anchor in the Egyptian waters at one and a half nautical miles from the Gazan waters.

The vessel left the Port of Piraeus, Greece on Wednesday, May 11 carrying 7.5 kilometers of UPVC (plastic) sewage pipes to help restore the devastated sewerage system in Gaza.

The humanitarian initiative is sponsored by Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF) and participating in this mission includes anti-war activists and journalists, consisting of 7 Malaysians, 2 Irish, 2 Indians and 1 Canadian.


Reproduced below is the transmission by Matthias Chang onboard the ship ‘The Spirit of Rachel Corrie’ to Perdana during the attack.


From Matthias Chang, Mission Leader Onboard The Spirit of Rachel Corrie – Mission to Gaza

10:54am KL, Gaza 5:54am:
We have been intercepted by Israeli ship and Egyptian ship.
We are disobeying the orders and sailing ahead to Gaza.

10:57am KL, Gaza 5:57am:
One Israeli warship coming to us very fast!
We are in international waters, therefore they have no right to attack us.
We are still sailing ahead.

10:59am KL, Gaza 5:59am:
They are opening fire across our ship!
We are still sailing ahead.

11:09am KL, Gaza 6:09am:
They are shooting all over the place.
We can’t continue …

11:35am KL, Gaza 6:35am:
They circled our ship twice and fired across our ship. Machine guns.
No one was injured.
One of the fishing nets caught the propeller, so we can’t move now.

11:37am KL, Gaza 6:37am (Derek Graham):
The Israeli ship was coming from one end and the Egyptian ship was coming from another end.
We are just stalled now.
Everybody is okay.
No one is injured.


About PGPF
The Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF), formerly Perdana Global Peace Organisation (PGPO), is a first but resolute step in the arduous journey towards global peace, moves towards the single goal of putting an end to war. Its founder, YABhg Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, envisages “a serious, active and sustained struggle against war and for peace”. Sharing and supporting this agenda are world-prominent professionals, intellectuals, authors, statesmen – all passionate advocates of international peace. Together, they have signed the Kuala Lumpur Initiative to Criminalise War.

Former IDF spokesperson and Southern Brigade Commander to testify final court hearing of Corrie civil trial on May 22

17 May 2011 | Rachel Corrie Foundation

Former IDF Spokesperson Brigadier General Ruth Yaron and former Southern Brigade Commander, Colonel Pinhas (Pinky) Zuaretz are both scheduled to testify on May 22 in what is anticipated to be the final hearing in the Corrie family’s civil lawsuit against the State of Israel.

The lawsuit, filed in 2005 by Attorney Hussein abu Hussein, charges the Israeli government and Ministry of Defense with responsibility for killing American peace activist Rachel Corrie in Rafah, Gaza in 2003. Since the trial opened in March 2010, nearly 2000 pages of court transcripts have been recorded, from more than 20 testimonies, including that of 14 military personnel. Most government witnesses were identified only by their initials, and nearly half testified while hidden behind a screen.

Brigadier General Yaron served as the Israeli Military’s spokesperson from 2002-2005. Her testimony will focus on the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), an organization committed to opposing the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands using non-violent methods. Rachel was protesting against civilian home demolitions, as part of ISM, when she was run over and killed by an Israeli military D9R bulldozer.

Colonel Zuaretz was the commanding officer of the Gaza Division’s Southern Brigade at the time, and the bulldozer units were under his command. Zuaretz is the highest ranking officer called as a government witness in the trial, and possibly, the highest ranking military officer ever to face cross examination in a civil suit for the actions of the Israeli military against civilians in Gaza during the second intifada. His testimony is expected to shed light on the Israeli military’s failure to protect civilian life and property in the region.

“The final State witnesses attack Rachel’s right to non-violently protest in defense of her Palestinian friends, their home, and their family,” said Craig Corrie, Rachel’s father. “I have seen the wholesale destruction of the civilian neighborhood the IDF calls a military zone. Rachel not only had the legitimate right to protest against massive home demolitions, she had a moral obligation to stand with this family in the face of the Israeli military actions and threats which violated the bedrock legal obligation to protect civilians and their property.”

The hearing is scheduled to take place Sunday, May 22, from 9:00 – 16:00 in the courtroom of Judge Oded Gershon, 6th floor, Haifa District Court, 12 Palyam St., Haifa, Israel.

Please visit the Trial Update page of the Rachel Corrie Foundation website for updates, changes to the court schedule, and related information.

RCF: State again reschedules testimony of Col. Pinky Zuaretz

26 April 2011 | Rachel Corrie Foundation

Rachel Corrie
Rachel Corrie / Courtesy Rachel Corrie Foundation

In another round of last minute maneuvering, attorneys for the State in Corrie vs. State of Israel requested that testimony from their highest-ranking witness be postponed. Former Brigade Commander Colonel Pinhas (Pinky) Zuaretz, who was scheduled to testify on April 27, will not testify until May 22.

The witness was originally scheduled to testify on May 22, but on April 17, just before the court recessed for Israel’s Passover holiday, the State filed an emergency request to move Zuaretz’s testimony forward by nearly a month. Haifa District Court Judge Oded Gershon granted the government motion, without hearing from the Corrie family’s lawyers, citing availability of the witness as the main factor in his ruling.

Only after the court granted this request did the State provide Corrie family lawyers with Zuaretz’s five-page witness affidavit, though the document was signed nearly three weeks earlier.

Attorney Hussein Abu Hussein, who represents the Corrie family, opposed the State’s April 17 request and filed motion for reconsideration, citing due process violations. He indicated there was inadequate time to prepare for the witness given the expanded scope of the newly acquired affidavit and the delay in receiving it. The court denied his motion and granted the State’s request for the hearing to occur Wednesday, April 27.

However, the day before he was to appear, the State again requested a change from the court, citing the witness’ lack of availability due to a new scheduling conflict; an appointment with hired home movers. Judge Gershon rescheduled Zuaretz’s appearance for the original May 22 date. Such last-minute maneuvering is not unusual in the case.

In 2003, Colonel Zuaretz was the commanding officer of the Gaza Division’s Southern Brigade. Troops under his command were responsible for military actions on March 16, 2003, that resulted in the killing of American peace activist Rachel Corrie in Rafah. Zuaretz is the highest ranking officer called as a government witness and is, possibly, the highest ranking Israeli military officer to face cross examination in a civil suit regarding Israeli military actions against civilians in Gaza during the second intifada. His testimony is expected to shed light on the Israeli military’s failures as an occupying power to protect civilian life and property in the region.