New Settlement Puts Pressure on Jerusalem Palestinians

by Jon Elmer
The New Standard

Situated on a hill overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem, the new Israeli housing development looks like it could be an upscale planned community in suburban North America: a billboard solicits buyers for “phase one” housing units; another shows the blueprint of the future community, complete with a daycare, a shopping center, a school, parks, a country club and, eventually, a hotel.

Read the rest right here.

Israeli troops say they were given shoot-to-kill order

by Conal Urquhart
The Guardian

Israeli military prosecutors have opened criminal investigations following allegations by soldiers that they carried out illegal shoot-to-kill orders against unarmed Palestinians.

The 17 separate investigations were prompted by the testimony of dozens of troops collected by Breaking the Silence, a pressure group of former Israeli soldiers committed to exposing human rights abuses by the military in suppressing the Palestinian intifada. The investigations cover a range of allegations, including misuse of weapons and other misuses of power.

Some of the soldiers, who also spoke to the Guardian, say they acted on standing orders in some parts of the Palestinian territories to open fire on people regardless of whether they were armed or not, or posed any physical threat.

The soldiers say that in some situations they were ordered to shoot anyone who appeared on a roof or a balcony, anyone who appeared to be kneeling to the ground or anyone who appeared on the street at a designated time. Among those killed by soldiers acting on the orders were young children.

While the background to the soldiers’ experience is the armed conflict that has been going on in the West Bank and Gaza Strip since October 2000, many of the shootings occurred in periods of calm when there was no immediate risk to the soldiers involved.

Yehuda Shaul, the co-founder of Breaking the Silence, said it aimed to show that individual soldiers were not to blame for killings of innocent Palestinians. “It is the situation which is to blame and that is created by military and political leaders, not the soldiers on the ground,” he said.

The testimonies shed light on how around 1,700 Palestinian civilians have been killed during the second intifada.

ICAHD and other Israeli Peace Groups call for the cancellation of a planned Muslim Quarter new settlement

Another illegal act in East Jerusalem undertaken by the Israeli Government and the Municipality of Jerusalem has recently been uncovered: a plan to build a new Jewish settlement in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City near Herod’s Gate.

Recently the Sub-committee of the Local Committee for Planning and Construction in Jerusalem has confirmed a plan to erect a Jewish neighbourhood in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. According to the plan, 30 housing units and a synagogue will be built to accommodate some 150 people. Professionals (BIMKOM – Planners for Planning Rights) warn of the implications of this plan:

The proposed plan violates the basic planning principles of all construction in the Old City:

  1. Principles of preservation: in order to preserve the history and heritage of the Old City, any construction is limited by height and proximity to the walls of the city. The proposed plan violates these two principles.
  2. The Old City is the most densely inhabited place not only in Jerusalem but also in Israel; this density in the Muslim Quarter is 182.7 capita per dunam (5-20 capita in other neighbourhoods in Jerusalem). In recent years planners have been working to find ways to decrease or dilute that density. Any new project aiming to house external communities will badly harm the planners’ work.
  3. In addition to the density, changing the open space, which is among the extremely few open spaces in the Old City, into a housing area will seriously harm the welfare of the people living there.
  4. Besides the above planning drawbacks and the environmental implications, we recognize the political danger inherent in the plan. Building housing units for Jews in the Muslim Quarter has far-reaching implications over the delicate social fabric of the city. The Palestinians in East Jerusalem live in socio-economic distress, therefore a permanent presence of Jews in such a vicinity, in improved living conditions, would lead to provocation and a serious political and social crisis. Moreover, the proposed plan is also a continuation of a consistent Israeli policy whose purpose is a violation of the balance between Palestinians and Israelis in Jerusalem, creating by this policy a Jewish majority in East Jerusalem.

    Increasing Israeli control over Palestinian land in East Jerusalem is intended unilaterally to create facts on the ground. With such policy Israel is violating international law, which does not recognize Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem, occupied in June 1967. Resolution 478 of the UN Security Council declares the annexation of East Jerusalem to be illegal under international law, and according to article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention it is illegal for an Occupying Power to deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.

    This is basically a political plan that gives new meaning to the term “United Jerusalem,” preventing any possibility for political negotiation for a just solution in Jerusalem.

    Please find maps and aerial photos at the following website:

    AIC: Alternative Information Centre;
    Bat Shalom;
    Gush Shalom;
    ICAHD: Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions;
    Peace Now;

SOS – Stop the Wall!


RAMALLAH, Occupied West Bank — Black smoke will be seen rising at 10 a.m. on Thursday July 28 along the path of the Apartheid Wall in the central West Bank region from Marda to Qalandia as an SOS to the world to take action to stop Israel’s annexation of land, and imprisonment of the Palestinian people.

In an era that witnessed the forces of freedom and world peace bring an end to the ideology and policies of racial segregation in South Africa and the United States, where the international community is focused on the defense of human rights, the Israeli Occupying Power continues building a of racial segregation which threatens the development of civilized humanity and violates international human rights law.

The International Court of Justice on July 9, 2004 issued an advisory opinion on the legality of the wall Israel is building in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, declaring it illegal, stating it “must come down. “To date, Israel continues to confiscate Palestinian land, demolish trees and erect a wall that locks Palestinians into ghettos, cutting them off from their source of livelihood and from each other.

Behind the smokescreen of the Gaza disengagement, the very foundations of peace are destroyed as the Apartheid continues to be constructed to the deafening silence of the international community. On Thursday, July 28 the people of the Salfit, Ramallah and northwest Jerusalem villages who have been using nonviolent resistance to combat the Wall from Marda (Salfit) to Budrus (Ramallah), Biddu (NW Jerusalem) to Bil’in (Ramallah), will light rubber tires on fire along the path of the Wall sending up an SOS to the world — STOP THE WALL!

We will also be placing black ribbons on our cars to symbolize the oppression, sadness and death caused by this Apartheid Wall. We call on those who see and hear us around the world to use this black ribbon to spread the word about the destruction and new Apartheid created with this Black Wall and to join the efforts of the Palestinian people, along with Israeli peace activists and people from around the world who seek true peace in this region.

For more information please contact: 054-792-4952 or 0599-57-52-57.

Is the World Blind: Two more families lose their homes in East Jerusalem today

Merijn De Jong, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)$6

Two more families in East-Jerusalem lost their homes today and another two families had their belongings thrown out into the street as a new wave of house demolitions swept through Dahiat Al-Salaam and Silwan.

In Dahiat Al-Salaam in East-Jerusalem, the Hannafiya family’s home was demolished at 9:30 this morning. Eight people were made homeless by the demolition because their house did not have a building permit. The Jerusalem municipality makes it nearly impossible for most Palestinians in East Jerusalem to receive building permits.

As the children of the family gathered their toys from atop the rubble that was once their home, the homeowner spoke of his son who will soon return from the United States to get married: “How do I explain this to him when he gets back, that the house is not there anymore?”

The two Hamdan brothers, who live with their families down the street from the Hannafiya family, had all of their belongings taken from their homes in preparation for demolition. While the family’s attorney, Sami Arshid, was able to stop the demolitions from taking place through a court order, most of the family’s belongings were severely damaged by the workers who removed them from the home. Needless to say, there will be no compensation from the municipality for the damage; and while the demolitions were postponed today, the homes are still at risk for demolition in the future.

The mother of one of the families, whose belongings were thrown into the street, showed us around her home. “Is the world blind?” she asked, as she displayed the now ruined pictures that had been drawn by her son.

After the demolition of the house in Dahiat Al-Salaam, another home was destroyed in Ein Luze, near the El-Bustan area in Silwan. The recently completed home belonged to the Musa Siam family who had yet to move in. When the bulldozers were unable to reach the house, the municipality sent workers to demolish it by hand.