Webinar: International Solidarity & Resisting Colonization

WEBINAR: Palestine On The Ground: International Solidarity & Resisting Colonization

Saturday, December 19
11 AM PST – 2 PM EST – 7 PM UTC – 9 PM Palestine (EEST)
Register online to join the event: https://bit.ly/palestinewebinar

Join ISM Northern California for a webinar next Saturday, December 19, 2020 to learn about the current situation on the ground in Palestine, grassroots resistance and the work of the International Solidarity Movement. Hear from Palestinian rights defenders and international volunteers on the front lines of popular struggle in Palestine and learn more about how you can get involved.

Join us next Saturday, December 19th!

Speakers will include:

Abdel Karim Dalbah – Palestinian journalist, field researcher and human rights defender. An ISM coordinator for almost two decades and an educator in nonviolent resistance, Abdel has been campaigning for human rights and Palestinian emancipation since the 70’s.

Edmond Sichrovsky – Edmond is an ISM activist of Jewish origin, currently based in northern Europe. In the summer and fall of 2019 he volunteered with ISM in Palestine, taking part in solidarity actions in East Jerusalem, Hebron, and the Jordan Valley. Banned by the Israeli government from returning, he now works to advocate for Palestine locally and in media.

Sophie – International Solidarity Movement volunteer from Spain.

Organized by the International Solidarity Movement – Northern California