Al-Jazeera: “Protests against Gaza beach killings”

By Khaled Amayreh, Al-Jazeera, Sunday 11 June 2006

Credit: ISM

Hundreds of Palestinians, Israeli and international peace activists have protested against the killing of eight Palestinians while they picnicked on a Gaza beach. Wearing white T-shirts dyed in red to signify Friday’s killings, protesters lay on the ground at an Israeli checkpoint at Kalandia, 10km north of Jerusalem, on Sunday. Abdullah Abu Rahma, head of the Committee against the Separation Wall in Ramallah said: “We are Israelis, Palestinians and internationals united against the oppression of the occupation.

Continue reading Al-Jazeera: “Protests against Gaza beach killings”

TODAY: “Die-In” Against Gaza Massacre at Qalandia Checkpoint


At 4:30pm today, Palestinians from Ramallah and the surrounding areas will be joined by Israeli and international peace activists to hold a demonstration at the Qalandia checkpoint against the massacres and on-going Israeli bombardment in Gaza. It will be a “die-in” – demonstrators will come in white clothes and spread fake-blood around in a dramatic re-enactment of the massacre carried out by the Israeli military on the Gaza beach on Friday.

For more information call:
Mansour Mansour: 0545 804 830 or 0599 964 448

The Day: “Women Share Challenges Of Daily Life In The Gaza Strip”

by Katie Warchut, The Day 8th June 2006

We hear the tanks, said 23-year-old Fida Qishta.

At least 20 extended family members were huddled in a room of her house in Gaza. Finally, a neighbor came by to state the obvious: “They’re trying to destroy your house.”

We just want one minute to be safe, Qishta said. “Maybe after a month, but not today,” she thought.

It was June 21, 2004, when her house was turned into rubble.

Qishta took long pauses, careful with her sometimes halting English, as she told her story to a small group of women at the Islamic Center of New London Wednesday in Groton.

A few were Muslim; others were members of the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme who visited Israel and its occupied territories last year.

Laila El-Haddad, a Palestinian mother and journalist who writes for, joined Qishta in describing the challenges of women living in Gaza, who are prevented from traveling in and out of the tiny territory.

Qishta was a teacher, living in Rafah, close to the border with Israel, in 2000 when the second Intifada, or uprising of Palestinians, began. Qishta moved in with her uncle, where it was safer.

Then one day she saw an American woman on the news, Rachel Corrie. Corrie was killed by a bulldozer while trying to protect a family’s home in Gaza.

Back home, Qishta soon realized the smallest events in life had the potential for danger. She was standing on a street, with her mother on the other side. There was confusion with Israeli soldiers about whether they were allowed to cross, she said. One man crossed anyway, and was shot in the head.

Qishta found herself at his side and handed him to an ambulance driver.

“I can’t believe it was me,” she said. “I can’t believe I moved.”

Qishta began helping people empty their houses before they had to leave them. She helped found a nonviolent direct action group of her peers called Rachel’s Way. She also helped found the Lifemaker Center to keep kids out of the street, so they wouldn’t see the demolition and death.

She found that women want to do something, but don’t know how to organize, she said. She started holding meetings in a friend’s store to talk about how they could help.

“We come in peace,” she said they tell soldiers whenever they can. “We just want to help the people.”

El-Haddad, a graduate of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, is from Gaza, but she was living in Boston and three months pregnant when she decided to go back.

It was a decision she calls “my own personal jihad.” When it came time to give birth, she went back to Boston and delivered her son, Yousuf.

But she was soon back in Gaza with him, as one of the few journalists working in the territory. Most journalists stay in hotels in Jerusalem and go into Gaza after the violence is over, she said.

She constantly had to pump breast milk so her baby could be fed, she said, because of the possibility she would not get through Israeli checkpoints.

“I never knew how many days I would be cut off from him,” she said.

When Yousuf was just 4 months old, she had to take him to Cairo to get her passport, and saw lines of cars waiting at the checkpoints in the blistering heat. She could see only the tips of the guards’ rifles and hear their voices, which gave her a feeling of occupation by an invisible force, she said.

“It was like a torture game,” she said, not knowing if one would get through. Some women delivered babies at those checkpoints because they couldn’t get to hospitals, she said. She took a donkey cart, navigating steep slopes, to get around the checkpoint.

El-Haddad showed pictures of earthen streets and a woman washing dishes in a bowl after her home was destroyed.

There were happier photos of the disengagement in the summer of 2005, when the Israelis pulled back, and the Palestinians flocked to the beaches, reunited with family, and re-opened businesses.

El-Haddad’s husband, Yassine, grew up in a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. He isn’t allowed into Gaza, and she can’t go to Lebanon. When his student visa runs out for medical school in the United States, she doesn’t know where they’ll be able to live as a unit, she said.

Raising Yousuf: A Diary of a Mother Under Occupation:

Begging For a Response

Israel’s ongoing air strikes on Gaza are politically motivated

by Sam Bahour

The Israelis are a stiff necked people. They refuse to accept anything less than full acquiescence by anyone involved in their plans, no matter the cost — human, political, financial, or otherwise. Israel’s non-stop aggression against Palestinians – averaging two Palestinian deaths a day for several years now – is much more than what is popularly being coined in Israel and abroad as low-intensity warfare. If international and humanitarian laws are to be used as a measure, the ongoing Israeli killing spree is taking on the shape of a sustained campaign of war crimes aimed to remove the Palestinians from Israel’s way.

The recent Israeli shelling of a crowded Gaza beach full of Palestinian civilians spending a weekend by the sea is the latest tragedy in an unrelenting effort undertaken by the newly elected Israeli government to provoke Palestinians, in specific, the Hamas-led Palestinian government. The carnage of this latest Israeli attack (the afternoon attack, not the morning one) left a toll of 10 dead and over 50 wounded. The entire incident, like the hundreds prior, quickly become a footnote in some Israeli military report that will most likely also carry an empty apology for the large numbers of children and women among the dead. President Bush refused to condemn the attack and the United Nations, like a large slice of the Israeli public, will most likely not even take note of it.

In a world that has become numb to Middle Eastern carnage, except if the dead are Israeli, it does not come as a surprise that, at most, the dead are merely counted, hardly ever are they named. The lack of world leadership has moved the international community to completely lose any moral compass whatsoever. The basic fact that one party, the one burying its children on nearly daily basis, is an occupied people, the Palestinians. The other party, the one launching air and sea strikes on civilian populations, and constantly shelling the Gaza Strip is the occupying party, Israel. This core fact of the conflict has become lost in some misguided desire to create symmetry between Palestinians and Israelis. International and humanitarian laws classify an occupied people as “protected persons,” and every signatory to the Fourth Geneva Convention, including the US, has an obligation to interfere to stop this cruel and inhumane Israeli collective punishment of Palestinians.

Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention defines war crimes as: “Wilful killing, torture or inhuman treatment, including…wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health, unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement of a protected person, …or wilfully depriving a protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial, …extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly.”

International law does not release from responsibility an occupying force because it apologizes for killing those it occupies, especially an occupying force that has instilled a mode of operation of systematically killing and then cynically apologizing.

Israel kills with purpose. Following the rise to government of the hard line Hamas movement to the Palestinian government, Israel is optimizing on the US led campaign to bring a full collapse of the democratically-elected Palestinian government, by killing on a daily basis of what the world’s media has sadly accepted as “targeted assassinations.” There is a clear political agenda in the latest round of Israeli attacks. Israel is begging for Hamas to react in kind by breaking its one sided truce that Hamas has held for over a year, despite Israel’s continued provocations.

Israel knows that as it continues to cage Palestinians in pockets of living hell, it is human nature that sooner or later the Palestinian government or even Palestinian individuals will be forced into reacting by trying to defend its population, never mind that the Palestinians do not have the means to even dent the Israeli military powerhouse. Nevertheless, by the Palestinians striking back, and sadly taking Israeli lives in the process, Israel can then kick into action its well-oiled public relations spin machine to turn the tables on the entire Palestinian cause for independence and self-determination and thus, further continue the delegitimization and the demise of the Palestinians.

Israel’s renowned planning efforts forgot one elementary fact of life. Like with slavery, there was a right and wrong and in the end right prevailed and slavery ended. And, like with South Africa’s Apartheid, there was a right and wrong, and the racist Apartheid system fell flat on its face. The Israelis have forgotten that militarily occupying the Palestinians — for over forty years now — is wrong too, and their occupation will come tumbling down in due time. Sadly, as Israeli politicians do cartwheels to sustain their oppression of Palestinians, or maintain their popularity with the dead bodies of Palestinians, both Palestinians and Israelis are paying the price with their lives.

The writer is a Palestinian-American living in the besieged Palestinian City of El-Bireh in the West Bank. He is co-author of HOMELAND: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians (1994) and can be reached at

June 9, 2006

Bloody Friday: 10 killed in Gaza massacre, as shelling, sonic booms continue

By Leila Al Haddad

Just as I’ve made my way back to Maryland USA, getting ready to write a post about how my stint on Democracy Now went this morning, I learned that 10 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli shelling in northern Gaza as they were picnicking on the beach. 3 of them were children-two under the age of two. And their mother. And forty others wounded. We called my Aunt, who works with the al-Awda hospital in northern Gaza. She was hysterical, and this is a woman who seldom loses her grip.

She just spoke of blood and body parts, and how one of the cameramen at the hospital couldn’t hold it together and dropped his camera as he was filming after he heard a bloodied, battered girl crying out for her father.

I feel so useless being here in the United States, so impotent and angered, and I just want to cry and scream at once. After a week of energizing talks, in which I really felt I could contribute a little bit by informing people this happens.

My aunt also said the dreaded Sonic Boom Attacks had resumed and that Israeli air crafts were beginning to shell areas of Khan Yunis, in al-Qarara. And just last night, I was talking about how the sonic booms, under pressure from human rights organizations, had seemed to cease-albeit without official declaration. I spoke too soon.

The horror continues, and the main headline on Yahoo’s sidebar? “Hamas to resume attacks in Israel.”

I guess that answer’s Amy Goodman’s question to me this morning: “How do you think this all is being conveyed in the media?”