ISM Gaza: Israeli navy shoots cables on Palestinian fishing boat

On 15th November, 2008, seven human rights observers accompanied four Palestinian trawling vessels from the port of Gaza City as they fished in Palestinian territorial waters. At approximately 09:00 an Israeli naval gunboat marked ‘833’ approached one of the fishing vessels and proceeded to circle it. A soldier, possibly the commander of the gunboat, began ordering the fishermen via megaphone to go south. The fishing boat was already heading in a south-westerly direction so this demand seemed arbitrary. Gunboat ‘833’ then fired live ammunition a metre from the stern of the fishing vessel. At 09:20 gunboat ‘833’ left the area but was replaced by another Israeli naval gunboat, this time marked ‘840’.

At the same time, another trawler accompanied by two ISM volunteers was still heading out to sea. At about 09:30 it was approached by an Israeli naval gunboat which fired warning shots in its general direction. By approximately 10:00 the fishing boat was about nine nautical miles offshore when it was attacked by an Israeli naval ship firing a water cannon in a 25 minute-long barrage. The VHF radio onboard the vessel was damaged as were the window frames. Before the water cannon assault, the fishermen had signalled to the soldiers their intention to change course but the Israelis attacked them anyway. After the assault, the naval ship blasted a football-style chant on its foghorn in a sarcastic fashion. The fishing boat then headed towards shore until it was approximately three nautical miles from the coast, resulting in a poor catch this day.

Meanwhile, gunboat ‘840’ had been trailing the first fishing vessel as it headed further out to sea. Then, at about 10:30 it closed in on the port quarter of the fishing boat and fired repeatedly at the stern, seeming to aim at the metal cables towing the net. Several of the fishermen and an ISM volunteer were at the stern signalling and shouting to the gunboat that they were unarmed. The bullets were striking so close to the fishing vessel that people on-board were being sprayed by seawater. It was a miracle no-one was injured. This attack lasted until about 11:00.

After a quiet afternoon, the gunboat marked ‘833’ which had opened fire on this fishing vessel earlier in the morning, re-appeared and harassed the fishing boat shortly after 16:00 until some time after 16:30. An ISM volunteer accompanied one of the fishermen to the very stern of the vessel where the navy was targeting its shooting at the metal trawling cables. After several rounds of shooting they actually hit one of the cables in the pair, then the other. There were several frenzied minutes when the fishermen battled desperately to pull in the cables by hand and secure them. The situation was impacted by the rough sea conditions at the time. An ISM volunteer contacted the navy via VHF radio to inform them that they had hit the boat’s equipment and the vessel was now in distress. Despite the navy regularly targeting the cables, they’ve only been hit once before on this particular vessel and that was five years ago.

The gunboat then began ordering the fishing boat to go west, which ironically meant going further out to sea. The fishermen shouted back their intention to go to shore, in fact to port, but the confusing demand persisted. The captain of the fishing vessel refused to be intimidated and began making way on his chosen course, whilst a fishermen and an ISM volunteer signaled clearly their intended direction. The fishing captain suspected that the gunboat commander was attempting to send them towards the naval ship bearing the water cannon, or possibly to a location where they would have been arrested. Fortunately the fishing boat managed to proceed safely to port as dark fell.

Ynet: UN closes Gaza aid centers, citing lack of food

World body says doesn’t have enough food to distribute because of Israeli siege on Strip

Associated Press

To view original article, published by Ynet on the 15th November, click here

UN aid workers are turning away thousands of Gaza residents meant to pick up food from UN distribution centers because the international organization has run out of supplies.

Some 20,000 people were meant to pick up rice, flour, sugar and oil on Saturday from a UN agency that distributes aid in Gaza. In all, some 750,000 Gazans are eligible for food aid.

But the UN says it doesn’t have enough food to distribute because of the closure of Gaza by Israel.

Israel has kept its border crossings closed for the past 11 days because Palestinian militants are firing rockets from Gaza at nearby Jewish communities.

Gaza’s power plant has also shut down because it has run out of industrial fuel. That’s caused widespread power cuts in Gaza.

Haaretz: The ebb, the tide, the sighs’

By Gideon Levy

The young fisherman is now in hospital, feeble and pale, one leg in a cast held in place by iron screws. He is awash with pain. His mother does not leave his bedside. A blind Palestinian physician takes him for a brief physiotherapy session in the corridor. Mohammed Masalah leans on a walker. The blind orthopedist encourages him to take one step and then another, but the pain defeats him and he asks to be taken back to bed.

The sea is the same sea and the Arabs are the same Arabs, as an Israeli prime minister once said. Only the cease-fire is no longer the same cease-fire. On land and in the air it is generally maintained, but not at sea. There, Israeli forces continue to shoot at fishermen from besieged Gaza, who are trying to wrest from the sea a living that is so difficult to make on land.

Gaza’s 40,000 fishermen have been deprived of their livelihood. Before the siege, they caught 3,000 tons of fish a year; now it is 500 tons. The fishing season begins with the advent of winter, when schools of fish migrate from the Nile Delta and the waters off Turkey toward the Gaza area. But few of them are now entangled in the nets of Gaza’s fishermen. Today, most of the fish can be found about 10 miles offshore, in an area that is off-limits to the fishermen. Israel has restricted them to a six-mile limit, though sometimes navy boats attack at three miles – just to keep the fishermen honest.

The siege makes it hard to obtain fuel for the fishing vessels, and also the sea is polluted with 50 million liters of sewage every day, following the collapse of the sewage infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s fish markets are also closed to merchants from Gaza.

Hardest of all, though, are the naval attacks. Every few days the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) publishes reports from its volunteers in Gaza about attacks on fishermen. Sometimes the naval boats ram the wretched craft, sometimes the sailors use high-pressure water hoses on the fishermen, hurtling them into the sea, and sometimes they open lethal fire on them. The boat of Mohammed and his friend, Ahmad Bardaawi, came under such fire for about 20 minutes, until the two managed to get away, with Bardaawi rowing for all he was worth. A bullet slammed into Mohammed’s leg, however, and it was hours before he reached the hospital, after a long, exhausting and bloody journey along the Rafah coast with his friend. The physicians in the Khan Yunis hospital wanted to amputate. Now, with Israel’s permission, Mohammed is being treated in a hospital in East Jerusalem, and his leg will probably be saved.

“The ebb, the tide, the sighs / The sailor who whitens the trunks of tamarisks / The gatherers of conches collect on the shore / Seagulls’ broken keening for desperate love,” Meir Banai sings to the words of Natan Yonatan’s poem “The Fisherman’s Prayer.” There is nothing very romantic about Mohammed’s story. Certainly there is no keening of seagulls, and what is desperate is the need to provide for a family, and the prayer that he will be able to walk on both legs again.

A fisherman will get up at around 2 A.M. and walk about three kilometers in the dark to the shoreline, where a rowboat awaits him. There’s no money for fuel, and in any case it’s hard to find fuel in Gaza, so it’s row, row, row your boat – as far out as Israel allows. Dabur-class patrol boats lurk everywhere. As everyone knows, the occupation of Gaza has ended, and the Strip has been completely liberated.

Mohammed Masalah is a 19-year-old twelfth-grader, the son of a fisherman from the Tel al-Sultan neighborhood of Rafah. His father no longer goes out to sea. Mohammed does most of his studying at home, and three or four times a week goes to fish at night. Since the age of 16, he has been getting his schooling in the morning and fishing at night. He has about 700 fish hooks that he throws into the water, hoping for the best. Now is the season of the groupers and red snapper, known in Gaza as farfur. On a very good night he catches 15 kilograms of fish, two kilograms on a bad night, and there are also nights with nothing. Fish go for NIS 50 per kilo in an abundant season, double that when there are no fish. He splits the earnings with his companion. Their GPS tells them where to stop: 1,800 meters from the shore, no more.

“If the Jews have a good ‘shift,’ they let us stay; if not, they start shooting and we have to escape,” he says in a weak voice from his hospital bed. About a month and a half ago, Israeli sailors broke his oars. At first light, he says, he and his friend would head home to do their homework and study for exams.

The night of October 5th was no different. Mohammed’s mother woke him, and at 2 A.M. he met up with Bardaawi and they headed for the sea. At 3:30 the two young fishermen reached the limit allowed them and cast anchor. Close by was the rowboat belonging to Bardaawi’s cousin. They were about to cast their hooks when they suddenly noticed a flashing red light; a red light, they know, means danger. The Dabur was lying in wait, with all lights except the red one turned off.

The firing began instantly, on both sides of the boat and over their heads. Masalah says that this time no warning flares were fired, as is usually done. No one bellowed at them to move away through a megaphone. Indeed, the soldiers always yell at them to get out, but not that night. The young men were about 70 meters from the patrol boat, and Masalah was hit in the first volley. His leg felt as though it had caught fire, and he started to shake all over. Bardaawi grabbed the oars and started to row furiously, the Dabur speeding in their wake. Masalah, shouting with excruciating pain, pressed on his leg to try to stanch the bleeding. The shooting lasted about 20 minutes, he says.

Reaching safe haven at last, they sent one of the children of the fishermen on the beach for help. The ambulance was slow to arrive, so a vehicle belonging to the Palestinian Coast Guard rushed Masalah to Yusuf Al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah. There was no physician on duty. In the meantime, the ambulance showed up and took Masalah to the European Hospital in Khan Yunis. (They did not take him to Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, because the physicians there are on strike against Hamas.)

Masalah’s bleeding worsened, chills ran through his body and he lost consciousness. The doctor said his leg would have to be amputated, but the family begged him to wait. They wanted to transfer him to a hospital in Israel, but the Palestinian Authority refused to pay for that, and suggested Makassed Hospital in East Jerusalem. It took three full weeks to collect all the necessary permits to leave Gaza. Masalah and his mother were granted “hospitalization authorization” from the Interior Ministry of the State of Israel, signed by Major Azhar Ghanem, head of civil coordination. The permit was valid for one day, October 26, 2008, from 5 A.M. until 7 P.M. By the time they went through the Erez checkpoint and reached the hospital, it was already 4 o’clock.

Masalah and his mother, making their first visit outside the Gaza Strip, are now “illegally present” in East Jerusalem. She spends the nights in an armchair by his bed, and he is focusing on trying to rehabilitate his leg. He has had one operation and will need two more.

The IDF Spokesman’s Unit has stated in response that, “an investigation with the Israel Navy found that no casualties were identified in this event. On the night between October 4 and October 5, two Palestinian fishing boats went past the area in which fishing is permitted. The navy launched warning flares and implemented deterrent fire only, with the emphasis on avoiding casualties. An additional check with the navy, at the correspondent’s request, did not turn up any new findings.”

MSP asks Israeli embassy to investigate Israeli Defence Force “misinformation”


12 November 2008

For Immediate Use

Dr Bill Wilson, SNP MSP for the West of Scotland, today announced that he had suggested the Israeli Embassy in London launch an inquiry into the “misinformation” he implied it was being fed by the Israeli Defence Force (IDF).

The suggestion was made in a letter he sent today to Ms Ronit Ben Dor, the Embassy’s Head of Public Affairs, and follows correspondence on the subject of the IDF’s alleged aggressive interactions with Palestinian fishermen and international peace activists in waters under the authority
of Gaza.

Dr Wilson commented, “I originally wrote to the Embassy to protest against the IDF shooting in the direction of Gazan fishermen and the peace
activists trying to help them pursue their livelihood in waters in which they are entitled to fish, waters in which they have long been prevented from fishing by the IDF.

“Reliable reports suggest the Israelis are continuing to attack fishermen and protestors — by shooting, by the direct ramming of boats and by the
use of chemicals. This is in waters over which Israel has no jurisdiction. If the head of Public Affairs does not know this, as suggested by her claim that it is the activists who chose (and, by implication, are continuing to choose) to confront the IDF and that the IDF fired into the air (and, by implication, are continuing to fire into the air) — then she is being lied to by the IDF and she should investigate immediately.

“As I said in my letter, preventing fishermen from feeding themselves and their families does nothing to make Israelis safer.”


Dr Bill Wilson MSP
Tel +44 (0) 131 3486805
Fax +44 (0) 131 3486806

Notes to Editors

1. The full text of Dr Wilson’s letter

2. Further information on the interaction between elements of the Israeli
Defence Force, Palestinian fishermen and peace activists

ISM Gaza: Resistance is plowing the fields of Fukharee

Fukharee, Gaza Strip, Palestine, 11th November 2008

By Donna Wallach

On Tuesday 11th November 2008, four international Human Rights Observers accompanied some farmers to plow their fields for wheat, rye and lentils. The day started out with a long walk to the field. As in previous accompaniments to the “Buffer Zone”, the fields waiting to be plowed were close to the fence separating Palestinians farm lands from Israel.The farm lands of the Gaza Strip located on the eastern border have been turned into a desert by the Israeli occupation force army – destroying all the crops, trees and hot houses that existed 300 – 500 meters inside.

Tuesday’s accompaniment enabled a few Palestinian farmers to plow their lands – something they haven’t been able to do for at least 5 years! If they go by themselves to their fields they are shot at and face imminent death or permanent injury. When international HRO volunteers are out in the fields alongside the Palestinian farmers, the Israeli occupation force soldiers seem to be more reluctant to shoot to kill or to wound and maim.

The work began at 09:30 and by around 10:30 the Israeli occupation force soldiers drove up to the fence in three jeeps. After about 15 minutes of standing the soldiers started shooting their rifles, at first a few shots into the air and then above the heads of the volunteers – it was only a few shots. The tractor driver immediately left the field when the shooting started, to make sure the tractor wouldn’t be damaged. The volunteers and the farmers stood together in defiance of the soldiers shooting at unarmed civilians. Soon the tractor came back to the field and the driver accompanied by the Human Rights Observer resumed plowing.

At around 11:40 the volunteers walked to a nearby field and accompanied another farmer to plow 12 dunams of his land.This time without the soldiers or the gunshots.

The next field was the largest, 50 dunams, and took the longest. At around 14:15, when most of the field had been plowed, three jeeps again drove up to the fence and soldiers got out with their guns and shot a few shots. The volunteers yelled at the soldiers “Stop shooting!” “We are unarmed” “We are on Palestinian land.” “The Palestinians have the right to farm on their land.” The shooting didn’t last long and soon the soldiers got into their jeeps and drove away. The Israeli occupation force soldiers had been watching all day, from before their first attack in the morning. It was a rather ridiculous action on their part to drive up in three jeeps and open fire again when it was so clear that all were unarmed and were just farming.

The loud outcry of outrage at denying farmers to farm their lands and provide a livelihood for their families and to feed the people is overwhelmingly silent! The time is now to roar at the injustice. It is an act of terrorism to shoot at a farmer holding a pail of seeds as he or she sows the fields or at a tractor driver plowing the earth so that the seeds can bury themselves into the dirt and become the food of sustenance.

It was a major victory for the farmers of Fukharee – 72 dunams of land were plowed. The lentils will be ready for harvest in a month and a half, the rye soon after in three months, and the wheat will be ready in the spring, five months from now. What a difference to look out into the fields and see freshly plowed rows and no longer the desert-like fields of weeds and sticker bushes.