Four medics killed by Israeli forces in Gaza

International Human Rights Activists working with Palestinian medical crews today reported that another four Palestinian medics were killed today by Israeli forces.

International Solidarity Movement activists spent the night accompanying ambulances in Gaza. They were, and will continue, working with medical personnel during the Israeli occupation forces ground invasion into northern Gaza.

In addition to the doctor and medic that the Israeli military murdered on the 31st of December, they have killed four more medics today. One was shot in Jabaliya, one in Al Sheikh Ejleen. Three have just been killed when a missile directly hit their ambulance in the Tal Hawye neighborhood in Gaza City. The medics are constantly in contact with the Red Cross for them to negotiate passage with the Israelis. The Israelis constantly refuse. – Sharon Lock (Australia), International Solidarity Movement

The Israelis dropped a bomb in front of our ambulance to prevent us accessing wounded people. However a donkey cart emerged carrying a wounded family; a mother and father and three teenage brothers. One of the teenagers was attempting to shield the other two with a blanket. They were both horrifically injured, I could see the lungs of one of them. As I assisted the medics to move him off the cart I found my hand inside his body. – Alberto Arce (Spain), International Solidarity Movement

I got a call 30 minutes ago, on a poor phone line, saying that Arafat is dead, killed while working, by Israeli fire. He was one of the emergency medics I met two nights ago, compassionate, emotionally strong, and with an unabashedly wacky sense of humour. I’m more saddened by his death than I can express. – Eva Bartlett (Canada), International Solidarity Movement

Israel is claiming that there is no humanitarian crisis because they do not consider us as humans. – Natalie Abu Shakra (Lebanon), International Solidarity Movement

Israel has continued to violate international conventions by attacking medical personnel. They are massacring the people of Gaza. With the swelling number of civilian casualties, Israel must ensure that medical assistance is available. Instead, they are intentionally targeting the medical teams that are meant to be protected by the Geneva Conventions. Israel’s disregard for international law must be confronted by the international community. – Vittorio Arrigoni (Italy), International Solidarity Movement

The ground invasion of last night has lead to Beit Lahiya and Beit Hanoun being shut down. We managed to get into Beit Hanoun to collect bodies of some of the dead. We are now headed to Jabaliya to continue our work with ambulance accompaniment. There is nowhere for the Gazan people to escape to, civilians cannot leave for safety because of the siege. These prolonged attacks on Gaza are horrific and last night’s ground invasion by the Israeli occupation forces has led to a swelling amount of civilian casualties. – Ewa Jasiewicz, Free Gaza Movement

Human Rights Activists in Gaza
Ewa Jasiewicz – Poland/Britain
Alberto Arce – Spain
Dr. Haider Eid – South Africa
Sharon Lock – Australia
Fida Qishta – Palestine
Jenny Linnel – Britain
Natalie Abu Shakra – Lebanon
Vittorio Arrigoni – Italy
Eva Bartlett – Canada

For free footage from Ramatan News Agency inside Gaza:
eutelsatw6. downlink 11691.08 horizontal symbol rate 2.894. this will work if ec is 3 over 4 (satellite co-ordinates)

For blogs from inside Gaza see:

International Human Rights Activists now working with medical teams in northern Gaza as Israel launches invasion of Gaza Strip

For Immediate Release

7:30pm, 3rd January 2009, Gaza: European, Australian and American Human Rights Activists are now based in northern Gaza as Israel has intensified shelling in what appears to be the beginning of a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip.

They will be accompanying ambulances and medical teams in the Jabaliya, Beit Lahia and Beit Hanoun areas while working from the Northern Station of the Red Crescent in Jabaliya.

“Pieces of 10cm shrapnel are now flying into the Red Crescent Station. Ambulance crews cannot make it to injured people due to the massive Israeli shelling of the area” Alberto Arce (Spain) – International Solidarity Movement

“The ambulance crews have requested international assistance and so we will be working from the Red Crescent Northern Station in doing that. We have been working with the medics for the last three days and are first aid trained.” Sharon Lock (Australia) – International Solidarity Movement

Other International Human Rights Activists are now based in Rafah and Gaza City.

International Human Rights Activists have been accompanying ambulances in the Gaza Strip since the murder of medic Mohammed Abu Hassera and Doctor Ihab Al Mathoon by Israeli missiles on the 31st December 2008.
Human Rights Activists now in Gaza:
Alberto Arce – Spain
Ewa Jasiewicz – Poland/Britain
Dr. Haider Eid – South Africa
Sharon Lock – Australia
Fida Qishta – Palestine
Jenny Linnel – Britain
Natalie Abu Shakra – Lebanon
Vittorio Arrigoni – Italy
Eva Bartlett – Canada

Foreign passport holders in Gaza decide to stay – “We will not leave”

2nd January 2009, Gaza:

Despite the exception that Israel is making or foreign passport holders to allow them to leave Gaza for safety, some of the foreigners have chosen to remain and share the fate of the rest of the Palestinian people.

Alberto Arce (Spain) has been accompanying ambulances and reporting from hospitals; “Israel does not want witnesses to the crimes that it is committing against the people of Gaza. International journalists and aid agencies are not here. If we leave who will testify to the war crimes we are seeing.

On the 28th December I looked into the dying eyes of sisters Lama and Haya Hamdan, four and twelves years old, killed an Israeli missile. The humanity I saw there was no different from our humanity. Are our lives worth more than theirs?” Alberto Arce – International Solidarity Movement.

South African-Palestinian Dr. Haidar Eid said; “I believe that this a historical moment. That this massacre in Gaza runs parallel to that of the 1960 Sharpeville Massacare that took place in South Africa which led to the initiation of the BDS Campaign against Apartheid. The Gaza massacre of 2009 will intensify the BDS campaign against Israeli apartheid. In Apartheid South Africa, the BDS campaign ultimately led to the release of Nelson Mandela being released from prison to later become the first black president of a democratic, muliti-racial, muliti-cultural state in South Africa. So, the BDS campaign against Israeli apartheid must result in a unitary state where all citizens will be treated as equals.” Dr Eid is a Professor of Social and Cultural Studies at Al Aqsa University, Gaza. He is also on the Steering committee of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel ( PACBI) and one of the founding members of the One Democratic State Group.

Natalie Abu Shakra (Lebanon) stated; “They did the same thing in Lebanon, but while in Lebanon some places were under heavy bombardment, some places were safe. In Gaza nowhere is safe. How can we lieace these peole behind, we will either live with them or die with them” – Natalie Abu Shakra – International Solidarity Movement

“With the Israeli ban on international journalists, the Gazan voice has been further muted. Communicating the reality on the ground with the external world is essential to highlight the illegality of Israel’s attacks. We recently started accompanying ambulances to document the attacks on medical personnel, which is a violation of the Geneva Convention. I have seen and felt the suffering of families and cannot leave them, all the civilians are vulnerable to Israel’s attacks. We intend to stay and continue exposing the nature of Israel’s attacks on the Gazan people. ” Jenny Linnel – International Solidarity Movement

“Israel not only decides who can leave Gaza, but also who can enter. I have seen the demolished houses, mosques, universities and have felt the impact of terrorizing missile attacks in civilian areas. I have seen the dead children and heard the screams of families trapped in their homes as Israel bombs 30 meters away. The Gazan people, all 1.5 million of them, are unable to escape these illegal attacks. Our lives are no more important than theirs and we will stay during their suffering in solidarity and to document what Israel is preventing foreign journalists from revealing.” Eva Bartlett – International Solidarity Movement

“Palestinians of Gaza have been isolated from the world by the Israeli imposed siege. Now we are being given the opportunity to leave, an unavailable option for the Gazan people. Staying here, in solidarity with Gazan families, is crucial during this horrific increase in Israeli violence. I have witnessed the effects of the siege, I have seen the ongoing violence towards the civilian population. We will continue to stand with the victims of Israel’s illegal policies.” Sharon Lock – International Solidarity Movement

“I believe I have a responsibility to be here in solidarity with the people of Gaza who are enduring crimes against humanity perpetrated by Israel. If the international community will not act to stop this physical, psychological and political war on the entire population of Gaza, then international observers, journalists and activists are needed here in Gaza. We must witness, document and stop wherever possible, the war crimes being committed by Israeli occupation forces against the people of Gaza. Israel doesn’t want witnesses to its’ crimes against humanity, but the people of Gaza do. They keep telling me, ‘Please, tell the world what is happening to us, we can’t believe what is happening to us. They fear the worst, everybody here is terrified and terrorized. I will not be leaving, it is the Israeli occupation forces that need to abide by international law’ and leave Palestine.” Ewa Jasiewicz – Free Gaza Movement

“The opening of the Eres Crossing should be used to transport international observers and medical supplies into Gaza, not out. We have seen firsthand the deaths caused by the siege and more recent bombings. I have lost many friends because of Israel’s illegal military actions. We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and will continue to document the atrocities. As international observers, we have the responsibility to ensure that the international community has access to the reality of Israel’s attacks on Gaza.” Vittorio Arrigoni – International Solidarity Movement

International Human Rights Activists have been accompanying ambulances in the Gaza Strip since the murder of medic Mohammed Abu Hassera and Doctor Ihab Al Mathoon by Israeli missiles on the 31st December. The international activists were at the Kamal Adwan hospital, Beit Hanoun, as Dr Mathoon died.

Human Rights Activists staying in Gaza:

Alberto Arce – Spain

Ewa Jasiewicz – Poland/Britain

Dr. Haider Eid – South Africa

Sharon Lock – Australia

Vittorio Arrigoni – Italy

Jenny Linnel – Britain

Natalie Abu Shakra – Lebanon

Eva Bartlett – Canada