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Tag Archives: Cast Lead

Gaza siege also hits disabled people

Luisa Morgantini | Liberazione 15 May 2009 They worked for years for Israeli companies. For years, they paid their taxes and social insurance contributions in Israel in compliance with Israeli labour and fiscal law. But they also had accidents at ...

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UN moves on Gaza probe despite Israeli objections

Voice of America 20 May 2009 A U.N. human rights expert says he will proceed with a mission to the Gaza Strip to investigate possible war crimes during the recent Israel-Hamas conflict despite Israeli objections. The U.N.’s Richard Goldstone says ...

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Life among the ruins in Gaza

Amira Hass | Ha’aretz 15 May 2009 Wadi Gaza is an agricultural region southeast of Gaza City. The ruins of Hussein al Aaidy’s family home are immediately apparent. The houses (and several other heaps of ruins) are scattered among budding ...

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Gaza 2009: the moment of truth

Haidar Eid | The Palestine Chronicle 8 May 2009 Gaza has returned to its pre-massacre state of siege, confronted with the usual, conspiratorial, “international” indifference after 22 long days and dark nights, during which its brave people were left alone ...

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Ban Ki-moon’s moral failure

Hasan Abu Nimah | Electronic Intifada 6 May 2009 Late last week, according to the BBC Arabic news website, a report was submitted to the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon about the scale of destruction Israel inflicted on UN installations ...

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Life is blind

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights 5 May 2009 In this series of personal testimonies, PCHR looks at the aftermath of Israel’s 23 day offensive on the Gaza Strip, and the ongoing impact it is having on the civilian population. Mahmoud ...

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The complicit silence continues

Haidar Eid | The Palestine Telegraph 1 May 2009 Millions of people looked forward to Barack Obama’s presidency with a sense of pride and hope. But Obama’s first 100 days have raised critical questions about the limits of what we ...

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