West Bank village sues developers in Montreal court

Leigh Anne Williams | Anglican Journal

22 June 2009

The Israeli-Palestinian dispute over land in the occupied territories has come to a Montreal courtroom this week. Lawyers for the West Bank village of Bil’in are suing developers Green Park International and Green Mount International, which are registered in Quebec, for building settlements on land that was confiscated from the village by Israel.

Prior to the start of the hearings, Mohammed Al-Khatib, who serves on the village council and is one of a committee of people who organizes weekly non-violent protests against the occupation, and Emily Schaeffer, a lawyer with the Israeli law firm that has taken on Bil’in’s case, traveled across Canada to explain why the village was suing the developers. Their tour was supported in part by Kairos, an ecumenical social justice organization of which the Anglican Church of Canada is a member, and numerous other organizations.

Late in 2004, Israel constructed the part of its security wall that cuts Bil’in’s land in half, Mr. Khatib says. It separated the residential part of the village from the agricultural land where they cultivate olive trees. In this place, he said, the wall is 4.5 km into Palestinian territory, outside the Green Line. The villagers were not offered compensation for the land that was taken, he said, but added they would not have accepted it anyway because they want their land, not money.

Ms. Schaeffer said that attempts to fight the case in Israeli courts have failed because it is within the context of “Israeli law, law made for the West Bank. And that’s why we’re here in Canada because we are looking for a country that will recognize that Israel’s laws in the West Bank are null and void. International law is what matters.”

Since the land was confiscated, parts of it have been used to build communities for Jewish settlers, and Green Park International and Green Mount International are the developers that have built the homes and buildings.

The case, Ms. Scaheffer said, is based on Canadian legislation called the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act of 2000, which incorporates the fourth Geneva Convention and the Rome statute of the International Criminal Court and calls settlements a war crime. Bil’in’s lawyers are asking the court to declare that settlements are illegal, to stop the building of new structures, to remove the buildings and restore the land and to rule that each company must pay a penalty of $2 million and the registered director must pay $25,000. “It’s important to say that this is not compensation for the loss of the land but only a penalty. There is no price tag for this land. Bil’in is not interested in selling,” she said. “The next thing that is bigger than Bil’in and even bigger than Palestine is the idea that corporations need to be held accountable for violating human rights and violating international law,” she said.

The case is in its early stages. Filed in July 2008, this is the first time the two sides will appear in court for preliminary hearings on three motions filed by the corporations to dismiss the case. Ronald Levy, one of the lawyers representing the corporations, was unavailable for comment, but CBC reported that he planned to argue that the case should be dismissed because it is not the right jurisdiction for this issue.

Bil’in is known for its non-violent approach to protest, and it has many international supporters, including Israelis, who come to show solidarity with the villagers for weekly protests, and on anniversary days when there are larger demonstrations. Mr. Khatib says there are sometimes hundreds of Israelis protesting with them. “The struggle came to us, so it forced us to struggle, but also we [were] waiting for this chance to do what we think is a good way to resist, which is the non-violent resistance,” he said. Still, this kind of protest can be dangerous and has cost the villagers dearly. Mr. Khatib said thousands of protesters have been injured and, in April, a friend was killed when he was hit by a tear gas canister at close range. The canisters are meant to shoot as far as a half a kilometer, so they are like rockets, Mr. Khatib said.

He added that “our struggle is not against the Jewish (people)…we are against the occupation.” He said that the group does resist against the settlers as representatives of the occupation, but not as human beings. Mr. Khatib said he counts an Israeli man who was in the army as one of his best friends. “He was in the army and we know that he was in the army, but he’s here in Bil’in to resist the occupation … so we welcome him and anyone who will come to know and understand and to participate with us.”

The preliminary hearings are scheduled to wrap up on June 25.

Hearing begins over Palestinian lawsuit against Quebec builders

CBC News

22 June 2009

A Palestinian village in the West Bank will argue Monday that a Quebec court should hear its lawsuit against two Canadian construction companies that it alleges illegally constructed buildings on Israeli-occupied territory.

Bil’in, a community of about 1,700 inhabitants located northwest of Ramallah, is suing the Quebec-based companies for $2 million.

“They know it’s a legal long shot, but if the Quebec Superior Court even agrees just to hear their case, it would be a partial victory, set an international legal precedent, and it would be a public relations coup for the small village,” said the CBC’s Dan Halton, reporting from Montreal.

Beginning Monday, the Quebec Superior Court in Montreal will hear arguments from both sides on whether it should hear the suit.

The village’s claim was filed July 9, 2008, against sister companies Green Park International and Green Mount International. It asks the Quebec Superior Court for an injunction to stop further construction and demolish apartment buildings already erected in Moddin Illit, a Jewish settlement northwest of Ramallah.

It alleges that both companies illegally built buildings and roads in the settlement, which was part of the Palestinian village until Israel seized the West Bank from Jordanian control in the Six-Day War in 1967. That seized land is subject to international law, which the construction violates, the lawsuit claims.

The lawsuit asks the court to rule whether the construction represents a violation on several fronts: the Fourth Geneva Convention, which deals with the protection of civilians in times of war and occupation; Canada’s Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes; the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms; and the Civil Code of Quebec.

The Fourth Geneva Convention forbids an occupying power from transferring its own civilians into occupied territory.

Jurisdiction disputed

In the lawsuit, the village’s municipal council and chief Ahmed Issa Abdallah Yassin allege Green Park and Green Mount acted as “agents of Israel” by building the housing.

The lawyers for Green Park and Green Mount International declined to be interviewed by the CBC.

But Ronald Levy, one lawyer for the two companies, told Halton “that he considers the lawsuit totally inappropriate.” He has filed three dismissal motions in the case.

“Today in court, he’ll argue that the judge dismiss the lawsuits on the basis that it’s just not the right jurisdiction,” said Halton.

“International legal experts say while this is a very creative legal challenge, they’re pessimistic on the chances for their success. They say that Canadian courts would be very reluctant to interfere with Canada’s foreign relations and really weigh in on the legal status of Israeli settlements,” Halton said.

The lawsuit also names Annette Laroche, who is named as the director of both companies. She did not return the CBC’s calls.

The hearings into the dismissal motions will take place Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Village sues Canada companies cashing in on occupation

Deborah Guterman | Electronic Intifada

11 June 2009

The small Palestinian village of Bilin will face-off this month against two Canadian corporations accused of aiding and abetting the colonization of the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Bilin has charged Green Park International and Green Mount International with illegally constructing residential buildings and other settlement infrastructure on village territory, and marketing such structures to the civilian population of the State of Israel. The condominiums in question are located in a settlement neighborhood known as Matityahu East.

Still in its preliminary phase, the lawsuit sheds light on the shady pairing of corporate interest with Israeli expansionist ambition. Representing the village of Bilin, the Bilin Village Council headed by Ahmed Issa Abdallah Yassin seeks to hold the companies accountable for violations of international law.

The lawsuit, filed by Canadian attorney Mark Arnold in 2008, accuses Israel of “severing” village land from Palestinian control, and transferring territorial control to Israeli planning councils. The rights to develop the territory were then sold to the Green Park companies.

Arnold is optimistic. “Certainly the Canadian law and the Quebec law appears to be on the side of Bilin, and against the side of the defendants,” he said.

The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 prohibits an occupying power from relocating part of its civilian population to the territory it has occupied. A violation of this principle is deemed a crime of war under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Insofar as Green Park International and Green Mount International constructed the buildings meant to house Israelis within the occupied West Bank, the corporations are considered complicit in the commission of this war crime.

According to Emily Schaeffer, an Israeli attorney representing the Village of Bilin, both the articles of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Rome Statute have been incorporated into Canadian federal law under the Canadian Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Statute.

“The Canadian statute specifically makes aiding and abetting a country in committing those crimes a crime,” she said. “This is the essential article that ties the [actions of] corporations to government responsibilities.”

A court of last resort

The Bilin case is one of a growing number of civil and criminal motions filed abroad that attempt to hold Israel and its corporate agents responsible for breaches of international humanitarian law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

However, according to Schaeffer, this increased tendency reveals the failure of the Israeli court system to protect Palestinian rights.

“The truth is that Israel is not willing to implement all of international humanitarian law and the laws on occupation on the occupied [Palestinian] territories,” she said. “We’ve made some headway, we haven’t gone far enough, and that’s why we’re in Canada.”

The question of the legality of the settlements has been brought to the Israeli high court on multiple occasions. However, the courts have repeatedly refused to rule on this issue. Instead, the courts deem this concern political in nature and thus outside the jurisdiction of the justice system.

Green Park International and Green Mount International have motioned to dismiss the suit. They claim that Canada is not the appropriate forum in which to try the case. Instead, the defendants contend that the suit should be heard in Israel as it is the country where the activity in question has taken place.

“Our opponents want us to go to Israel,” said Arnold. “We say — and the Israeli courts have said — that issues of this type are not justiciable [in Israel]. In other words, no justice can be given by the Israeli courts on these types of issues. The Israeli courts see them as being politically-based as opposed to legal issues.”

The Canadian scene

In the run-up to the preliminary hearings, Mohammed Khatib of the Bilin Popular Committee Against the Wall, and Schaeffer will tour 11 Canadian cities. The speaking tour is part of a civil society campaign to mobilize support for the embattled village. A spokesperson for the Coalition for the Bilin Tour, who wishes to remain anonymous, emphasized the need to hold corporations accountable for affronts to human rights.

“As members of the community, it is our duty to curb the power of large multinational corporations. We need to tell them, ‘There are limits to your quest to seek profits,'” she said in French.

Schaeffer highlighted the importance for concerned individuals to show solidarity with Bilin.

Speaking of the highly controversial nature of the lawsuit in question, she said, “The judge in this case needs to feel that it’s okay to rule in favor of the village — that there’s not going to be a major backlash. And that judge also needs to feel supported in making a decision that might very well influence Canadian foreign policy with Israel.

“I think the role of civil society is to say, we’re with you on this, we want this to happen.”

Bilin is seeking a permanent injunction against the Canadian corporations. In addition, if successful, the Green Park companies will be ordered to destroy the buildings they have already constructed and pay two million dollars each in punitive damages to the village.

However, it is doubtful that such orders will ever be implemented by Israeli authorities. In order for the ruling to be enforced, the defendants will have to petition the Israeli high court to accept the Canadian decision.

Bilin is located four kilometers east of the green line (the 1949 armistice line that marks the boundary between Israel and the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967) and is adjacent to Modiin Illit, a large settlement bloc that sits on territory confiscated from Bilin and the neighboring Palestinian villages of Nilin, Kharbata, Deir Qadis and Saffa. Since 2005, the residents of this agricultural community have been leading a nonviolent struggle against the construction of Israel’s wall in the West Bank on village land.

Ostensibly built to protect the existing residents of the settlement bloc, the route of the wall was drawn to incorporate the future construction of Matityahu East located just east of Modiin Illit. The wall appropriates an additional 450 acres, which accounts for 60 percent of Bilin’s land.

In 2007, the Israeli high court deemed the route of the wall in Bilin illegal, and ordered the Israeli military to move it closer to the edge of the settlement boundary.

To date, the military has yet to implement the high court’s decision.

Deborah Guterman is a member of Young Jews for Social Justice, a collective of Montreal Jews who take action on racism, injustice in the Middle East and inequality in their communities.

A world away, Palestinian seeks justice

Iain Marlow | The Star

16 June 2009

First came the fence, which splintered the olive trees from Bil’in, the Palestinian village that tended them. Then came the tear gas canister that hit a local, well-liked man named Basem Abu Rahme in the chest, killing him.

Everyone knew Basem, which is what everyone called him. Mohammed Khatib, one of the village’s 1,700 residents, was at that protest, and is still deeply disturbed by the death. Khatib, 35, was in Toronto on the weekend on a national tour to promote the village’s latest bid to seek justice – using Quebec’s courts to stop Israeli settlements.

“We want to show that there is no justice in Israel,” said Khatib.

The case, filed last year, alleges Green Park International Inc. and Green Mount International Inc. are complicit in war crimes because they helped build an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank. The village’s lawyers have based their case on international and domestic Canadian law.

Canada’s federal Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act states a population transfer by an occupying power to “territory it occupies” is a serious violation of international humanitarian law.

Montreal lawyer Ronald Levy, who represents the corporations, declined to comment in detail, saying only he “questioned why they found it necessary to conduct a cross-Canada tour.”

Mark Arnold, the village’s Canadian lawyer, said Levy will argue the case should be tried in Israel and that it should be dismissed on jurisdictional grounds. First, Arnold said, the case deserves to be heard here because the companies are registered in Quebec.

“Secondly, the Israeli courts have never, and will never, hear a case that deals with the illegality of settlements on the West Bank.”

For human rights groups and others, using domestic law to prosecute alleged foreign crimes is not new. In May, under the same federal act, a Quebec court found Désiré Munyaneza guilty of war crimes committed during the Rwandan genocide in 1994.

Most famously, the American oil corporation Unocal was dragged into a U.S. court in 2005 by Burmese villagers who alleged the company was complicit in human rights violations there. The company settled for an undisclosed amount, generating buzz among human rights groups that domestic laws may help in their struggle against international corporations.

In 1998, however, a Quebec court dismissed a class-action suit that sought damages from a Canadian company, Cambior, for a chemical spill in Guyana. The judge said the plaintiffs should instead seek redress in the Guyanese legal system.

But Emily Schaeffer, an Israeli lawyer representing the village, said they are looking to a recent, more positive precedent involving the corporation Veolia, commissioned to run a rail system between West Jerusalem and East Jerusalem, also considered occupied territory under international law.

“The French courts ruled that they had jurisdiction over acts that took place in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories,” Schaeffer said. “That sets a really good precedent for us, particularly, because it’s a French court’s civil law system, which the Quebec courts were modelled after.”

The dismissal motions begin Monday in Montreal.

Court to decide if builders can be sued for settlements

Janice Arnold | The Canadian Jewish News

10 June 2009

A Quebec court will decide whether a lawsuit against two Canadian-based companies that are alleged to have illegally constructed residential buildings for Jewish settlers on disputed land in the West Bank can be heard here.

On June 22, 23 and 25, Quebec Superior Court is scheduled to hear a motion from the firms’ lawyer to dismiss the case.

The lawsuit, filed last July by the municipal council of the Palestinian village of Bil’in and one of its residents, claims that the companies, Green Mount International and Green Park International, which are registered in Quebec, are violating international and Canadian law.

If the motions to dismiss are rejected, it would be the first time that any foreign court has agreed to hear a suit against a corporation for construction of Jewish settlements on territory under dispute between Palestinians and Israelis.

The companies’ lawyer, Ronald Levy, denounced the suit as “a media exercise intended to besmirch Israel; they don’t care if they win or not, they just want attention. We consider this an abusive action.”

Levy has filed three motions outlining why a Quebec court shouldn’t hear the case. The first main argument is that Israeli courts have determined that the individual plaintiff, Ahmed Issa Abdallah Yassin, was not the owner of the land on which the companies built. Yassin, who was head of the village council, died this year and his heirs are now named. In addition, Levy said the village itself can’t be a plaintiff, only its residents.

The second argument is that because this is a civil matter, it’s justiciable only where the alleged grievance happened, and the third, closely related, is that there is no aspect of this case that places it under the jurisdiction of a Canadian court.

“The fact that the companies are registered in Quebec is irrelevant,” Levy said.

Emily Schaeffer, the Israeli lawyer representing the plaintiffs, held a press conference outside the Montreal courthouse on June 4 to outline the arguments she, with Canadian lead lawyer Mark Arnold of Toronto, will be making.

Their case is based primarily on Canada’s 2000 Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, which ratified its obligations under the Rome Statutes of the International Criminal Court. They include a prohibition against an occupying power from transferring its civilian population into territory occupied as a result of war, which is also contained in the Geneva Conventions.

She said that while the case was lost in Israel, an argument based on international humanitarian law was not made “because Israeli courts never consider violations of international law” in such cases. “The Israeli government holds that this is state land, and that it has legitimate title… [Any contestation of that] is considered a political discussion and not for legal debate.”

The U.S.-born Schaeffer said there’s a precedent for a foreign court deciding it has jurisdiction to hear a lawsuit against a company from its country involving territory disputed by Israel and the Palestinians. The French company Veolia was sued in a French court for its construction of a tram line between west and east Jerusalem, she said, although that is now being appealed.

Montreal was the first stop on an 11-city cross-Canada tour that Schaeffer was scheduled to make leading up to June 22. She is publicizing the plight of the residents of Bil’in, a village of about 1,800 west of Ramallah near the Israeli security barrier.

She was to have been joined by Mohammed Khatib of Bil’in’s Popular Committee Against the Wall, but at the time of the press conference, he had not been granted a visa by Canadian officials.

For the past four years, Bil’in and its international supporters have been contesting the loss of part of its land due to the erection of the security barrier. In 2007, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled the adjacent Jewish settlement of Modi’in Illit could expand onto that land.

Schaeffer said Green Mount/Green Park bought sections of that land, a purchase she does not recognize as legal. It built 16 of the 42 apartment buildings housing about 1,000 Jewish families on the land in dispute. She said the companies also marketed and manages them.

The Bil’in plaintiffs are asking for three things in the lawsuit: a declaration that the companies’ construction is illegal under Canadian and international law; the demolition of the buildings and restoration of the land to the way it was, and $2 million in punitive damages from the companies, as well as $25,000 from their sole known officer and director, Annette Laroche, a resident of Deux-Montagnes.

However, lawyers for Bil’in said last year that they believe Laroche is “a nominal director having no direct involvement” with the companies, and that they have no evidence implicating her personally in the alleged wrongs.

Schaeffer said the only other information she has been able to find out about the companies, which are registered at the same Montreal address, is that the majority shareholder is a corporation listed in Panama.