133rd Demonstration in Bil’in – IOF Violence Against Peaceful Demonstration

Bil’in 24 august 2007 video:

The 133rd consecutive demonstration against the illegal apartheid wall in bil’in took place today. The illegal wall segregates Palestinian farmers from their legitimately owned land depriving them of their livlihood and their economic means of survival.

With approximately 100 demonstrators participating, of these around 50 were international and Israeli, and the other 50 Palestinian, the demonstrated got underway following friday prayers at the local mosque. The demonstrators marched towards the olive groves chanting against the Wall, the occuption and the oppression they faced. Without reaching even 100 meters of the wall soldiers unleashed a barrage of tear gas and sound grenades at the non-violant group.

The demonstration lasted 1 hour and a half. During that time the demonstrators tried to persevere, despite the suffocating tear gas, and pushed on through to continue their demonstration. As the level of violance inflicted by the IOF steadily escalated, Palestinian youth responded to the military violance by exercising their legitimate right to resist the occupation and threw stones in response to the rubber bullets fired at them through the olive groves.

At one point, demonstrators were within 20 meters of the soldiers, and trying to reduce the aggression they faced, they sat down peacefully on the road. The soldiers replied by hurling 5 teargas bombs into the middle of the group of demonstrators. This caused the group to disperse leaving a few demonstrators behind. In the commotion caused by the soldiers, one Israeli activst was detained by the soldiers and dragged away.

The demonstrators eventually left in the same peaceful fashion that they arrived. Thankfully nobody was hurt.

Gulf Times, AFP: Four Hurt During Anti-Barrier Rallies

Four hurt during anti-barrier rallies
Published: Saturday, 11 August, 2007, 01:10 AM Doha Time

Gulf Times

Demonstrators scuffle with Israeli soldiers during a protest against Israel’s barrier near the West Bank village of Umm Salamouna, south of Bethlehem, yesterday
BILIN, West Bank: Two Palestinians and two Israeli policemen were injured yesterday during protests against the controversial separation barrier being built by the Jewish state on the West Bank.
The Israeli military said the two policemen were hurt by stones hurled by demonstrators near the Palestinian village of Bilin, near Ramallah.
Around 150 people, including Israeli pacifists and foreigners, took part in the protest – an event occurring almost every Friday.
Two Palestinians were also injured during a similar demonstration against the barrier in the Bethlehem area, further south, witnesses said.
Some 500 acres of land in Bilin has been seized for the barrier, and thousands of olive trees uprooted, according to the Palestinians.
The Jewish state says the barrier, extending more than 650km, is needed as an anti-terrorist measure. The Palestinians term it an “apartheid wall”.
Encroaching on the West Bank, the barrier makes the creation of a viable Palestinian state extremely problematic. – AFP

Haaretz: “State Asks High Court to Rule if it Must Evacuate Heftsiba Squatters”

By Yuval Yoaz, Haaretz Correspondent

The State Prosecution asked the High Court of Justice on Tuesday to rule on whether it is obligated to remove to squatters from dozens of apartments in the Matityahu East district of the West Bank settlement of Modi’in Illit.

The High Court issued an injunction roughly a year and a half ago preventing the apartments from being populated, in response to a petition Peace Now and the Bil’in council that argued the settlement neighborhood is illegal.

The would-be tenants stormed apartments they had purchased after it became clear the construction company, Heftsiba, was going bankrupt. On Monday, the Jerusalem District Court ruled the state is allowed to remove them.

The State Prosecution query to the High Court followed a correspondence it had held with the petitioners’ lawyer, Attorney Michael Sefarad. The prosecution maintains that the High Court ruling, which prohibits the habitation of Matityahu East but does not demand immediate evacuation, is untenable.

In its ruling, the Jerusalem District Court said, “This decree does not contradict previous court ruling, including some issued by the High Court of Justice, that clearly prohibit any use of Heftsiba housing projects.”

JTA: “Settlements a Risky Investment”

Legally questionable land purchases have played a role in bringing one of Israel’s largest contractors and one of the chief builders of West Bank settlements to the brink of bankruptcy, says the spokesman for Americans for Peace Now.

by Ori Nir. Published: 08/10/2007

WASHINGTON (JTA) — When West Bank settlers recently launched an ambitious campaign to sell homes in settlements to American Jews, Peace Now warned that investing in real estate across the Green Line was not only politically and morally wrong but also financially risky.

Little did we know that this real estate twilight zone would play a role in bringing Heftzibah Construction, one of Israel’s largest contractors and a chief builder of West Bank settlements, to the brink of bankruptcy.

Although the financial collapse of Heftzibah was due not only to its illegal building on privately owned Palestinian land, its story should serve as a red flag for anyone considering a real estate deal in a West Bank settlement. Ask the 430 fervently Orthodox families that paid Heftzibah $100,000 each for small apartments in the settlement of Modi’in-Illit. These homeowners are barred by court order from occupying their homes because Heftzibah built some of them on private Palestinian land.

The story of Heftzibah’s entanglement in Modi’in-Illit is a microcosm of how land has been grabbed and manipulated by settlers, dealers and contractors — with the generous helping hand of Israeli politicians and government bureaucrats.

It started with the dubious purchase by an Israeli land dealer of large plots around the village of Bil’in, west of Ramallah. The land dealer, Shmuel Enav, was later convicted of encouraging other land dealers to make financial contributions to the right-wing Likud Party in exchange for expected favors from Likud’s elected officials.

In and around the site of Modi’in-Illit, Enav bought large plots of land from Palestinians who apparently misrepresented themselves as the legal owners of the land. According to an investigation by the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, Israeli government officials declared the land “state land” and then leased it to the dealers in order to launder potentially illegal land deals.

Other portions of the land zoned for the large housing project in Modi’in Illit, now the largest settlement in the West Bank, were outside the municipal boundaries of the settlement and known to have been privately owned by Palestinians. Despite all that, building permits were issued — illegally — and Heftzibah went ahead with the construction project.

At that point Peace Now, with some of the landowners, appealed to the Supreme Court, which ordered the work stopped. The court also ordered the government to open a criminal investigation to determine how the illegal building permits were issued and explain why it would not demolish the illegally constructed homes.

If anything is unique about this story, it is that Heftzibah and others are being held accountable by the Supreme Court for the kind of illegal conduct that has become common practice in the West Bank. Recent Peace Now reporting, based on official Israeli government data, shows that about one-third of land used by West Bank settlements is private Palestinian property. The data show that nearly a quarter of land on which the settlements are actually built is privately owned by Palestinians.

Furthermore, Peace Now reporting points out that despite the very generous allotment of land for settlements by the government — only 9 percent of the area under the jurisdiction of West Bank settlements has been built on — nearly all of the settlements, 90 percent, exceed their official boundaries. About one-third of the territory used by the settlements lays outside their jurisdiction.

Peace Now’s petition to the High Court of Justice was intended not only to protect the rights of Palestinian landowners. Foremost, it was done with Israel’s security in mind, with the strong conviction that a viable, stable Palestinian state in the West Bank is a necessary condition for long-term Israeli security. Settlements hinder the establishment of such a state.

The intensified litigation efforts by Peace Now obviously are not an alternative to political action by the Israeli government to freeze and then reverse the settlement enterprise. This litigation, rather, serves the function of deterrence. It is a way to remind Israelis — the government and the public — that settling the West Bank is not cost-free and that land across the Green Line is not a reserve of real estate for expansion. Court action is a tool to focus Israelis on the tremendous political value of the West Bank as the territory from which Israel will need to withdraw if it is to continue to exist as a democratic Jewish state.

Hopefully, by giving a second thought to the financial risks of investing in West Bank real estate, Israelis and American Jews will also ponder the damage done to Israel’s future by constructing settlements across the Green Line.

Ori Nir is the spokesman for Americans for Peace Now, a Zionist organization that promotes Israel’s security through peace and supports the Israeli Peace Now movement.