International Peace Activists Released From Hospital

phil and BJ

May 14, 2006

The two international peace activists shot by the Israeli military at Friday’s anti-wall demonstration in Bil’in have been discharged from hospital. Phillip Reiss from Australia was released today, and BJ Lund from Denmark, was released yesterday from the Tel Hashomer hospital in Tel Aviv. They are still recovering from their injuries and will meet with a lawyer later today to talk about the possibilities for suing the Israeli Military, after Israeli Border Police shot them in the head with rubber bullets at close range. Israeli Military regulations stipulate that rubber bullets should be shot at a distance of 40 meters, only at the legs or arms. Several Palestinians were also shot, beaten and tear-gassed on Friday.

BJ has a fracture in his jaw and is suffering from the painful swelling caused by the injury. He still has headaches and can’t chew. There is a lot of fluid and swelling in the jaw muscles which prevents him from opening his mouth. When he was shot he lost hearing in his ear for 10 seconds and now feels pressure in one ear.

“I don’t remember getting hit; when I heard the shooting I just remember turning my head and falling,” BJ said. “There was an explosion next to me and I put my hand on my ear and it was wet. I looked and there was blood all over it. I was stunned until someone grabbed me and just started running. I feel really lucky: if I hadn’t turned my head I could have lost all my teeth.”

Phil described himself as generally okay, despite a large lump on his head, headaches and exhaustion, the nausea and shooting pain has subsided. He was diagnosed with a sub-ural hematoma, swelling cuased by bleeding in the brain, and given 8 stitches for the gash near his temple. He has been prescribed anti-convulsive medication and after 6 weeks will have to return to the hospital for a CT scan. “I feel pretty lucky, I’ll tell you what.” said Phil. “If I was Palestinian it would have been a lot worse ”. The Israeli military often use rubber bullets when Israeli and international demonstrators are present and rubber coated steel bullets on Palestinians when they demonstrate on their own.Both Phil and BJ will have to return to hospital in a week for checkups.

“I feel kind of strange because there is a lot of media attention and we were told that there would be an investigation by the Israeli police, but we are still waiting for them to contact us, and I am wondering if they are going to give us any attention,” BJ reported. He added that in the hospital, “so many doctors wanted to talk politics with us, telling me I should go back to Denmark and work on social things instead of getting involved here.”

When asked how he felt about the soldiers that shot them, Phil responded, “I think they are a bunch of thugs and how they acted was very inappropriate, but I can’t say that I feel angry at them for shooting me.” BJ also was not angry but thought that, “their response was unnecessary because it was a peaceful demonstration. I didn’t see the person who shot us, and I wonder how he can deal with this when he knows they hit someone in the head who wasn’t violent. I hope he didn’t feel good when he went to sleep that night. It is frightening – it just tells me how much more insane the situation is”.

For more information: ISM media office 02 297 18 24

Bil’in demonstration in the press

1. “Australian injured in West Bank protest” From the Australian

2. “Sydney man shot in Israel during protest” From The Age

3. “Hamas Supporters Help Palestinian Gov’t” From The Guardian

4. “Bil’in protest wounds 2 border police” From the Jerusalem Post


1. Australian injured in West Bank protest
From the Australian

May 13, 2006
An Australian has been injured when soldiers fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse a crowd who were protesting the building of Israel’s West Bank separation barrier, according to *Associated Press* and an activist website.

An *Associated Press* reporter at the demonstration saw four people hit with rubber bullets during the protest, including a photographer.

Activist Philip Reess from Sydney and a Danish national were reportedly hit in the head with the rubber-coated metal balls during the demonstration, said the International Solidarity Movement on its website.

The website report said Mr Reess was shot in the head “as he was running away,” and had been filming the demonstration, held in Bil’in village on the West Bank.

Both injured men are in Tel Aviv’s Tel Hashomer hospital. At least five Palestinian protesters were injured by rubber bullets, while the ISM’s website claims Israeli troops beat protest leaders.

The ISM reports that the bullet which hit Mr Reess caused a hemorrhage, though he is said to be conscious.

Around 300 people were involved in the demonstration.


2.Sydney man shot in Israel during protest
From The Age

May 13, 2006 – 6:19AM

A Sydney man is being treated in an Israeli hospital after being shot in the head during a protest in the West Bank, an activist group says.

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) said Israeli soldiers started throwing sound grenades and firing rubber-coated bullets during the demonstration, injuring seven people.

ISM spokeswoman Zadie Susser said Phil Reiss, from Yowie Bay in Sydney’s south, and a Danish demonstrator were seriously injured after being shot in the head at close range with rubber bullets.

Ms Susser said Mr Reiss had been volunteering with the ISM for two weeks and had been filming the demonstration.

“He was standing with a video camera filming and they shot him,” she told AAP.

“Phil walked a little bit then sat down, and me and an Israeli activist helped him get up and the blood was spurting out of his head.

“We got him out of the line of fire and … as we were getting him into the ambulance an Israeli soldier grabbed his long hair and they all tried to stop him from leaving in the ambulance even though they knew he was injured.”

Ms Susser said Mr Reiss had haemorrhaging in his brain and was being treated in Tel Hashomer hospital in Tel Aviv.

“We spoke to the doctor a few hours ago and he told us Phil was in a moderate condition,” she said.

“He had haemorrhaging in his brain and they were monitoring him.”

The ISM is a non-violent, Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.

The violence occurred during a weekly demonstration protesting against the building of Israel’s separation barrier at the West Bank town of Bilin.

A Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade spokesman said the injured man was 29 years old. He could not confirm his name at this stage.


3.*Hamas Supporters Help Palestinian Gov’t*
From The Guardian
*Friday May 12, 2006 5:31 PM*

*AP Photo JRL109*


*Associated Press Writer*

NABLUS, West Bank (AP) – Thousands of Hamas supporters rallied in the West Bank Friday, donating money and jewelry to help out the cash-strapped government as the U.N. human rights chief warned Palestinians were on the brink of a humanitarian crisis.

The Hamas-led government is facing a crippling international boycott over its refusal to renounce violence and recognize Israel.

About 5,000 people demonstrated in support of Hamas in the West Bank city of Nablus. As they offered up their money and jewelry, organizers announced over megaphones how much participants were donating while speakers criticized Western economic pressure on the Islamic militant group.

“These donations are our way of telling the world that we can live without them, and our children are paying what the Europeans should be paying,” said Bassam al-Shaqaa, a former mayor of Nablus.

Western nations, which list Hamas as a terror group, have cut off all funding to the Palestinian Authority, and the Israeli government froze its monthly transfer of $55 million it collects in taxes for the Palestinians.

The economic boycott has left the Palestinian government unable to pay salaries of its 165,000 workers, causing a deepening financial crisis throughout the West Bank and Gaza.

Concerned about the worsening humanitarian situation, Western donors agreed this week to resume some humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. But they said no aid will be sent to the Hamas government until it renounces violence, recognizes Israel and accepts past peace agreements.

Meanwhile, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour said the rising casualty toll from both Israeli attacks on suspected militants and Palestinian suicide bombings was “unacceptable.”

“Civilians, particularly the most vulnerable, such as children, women and the elderly, should not pay the price for the neglect of human rights and humanitarian obligations,” she said in a statement released at U.N. European headquarters in Geneva.

The statement said Palestinians were “on the brink” of a humanitarian crisis.

Her warning came a day after Palestinian officials said that senior militants imprisoned in an Israeli jail have hammered out a proposal softening Hamas’ rejection of Israel’s right to exist.

If Hamas agrees to the plan calling for a Palestinian state alongside Israel, it would represent a major concession. However, even if the group accepts a two-state solution to the conflict, it is unlikely it would be able to secure a resumption of Western aid without an explicit recognition of Israel.

Top Hamas leaders have not yet responded publicly to the proposal.

Since taking power in March, Hamas has sent conflicting signals about its willingness to accept the international community’s conditions for doing business with it.

While the draft document could signal an important turning point for Hamas, it includes key Palestinian demands that Israel rejects. These include affirmation of the right of millions of Palestinian refugees to return to homes in what is now Israel and a complete withdrawal from all of the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

The prisoners’ document also asserts that Palestinians have the right to attack Israelis in the West Bank, but that Israel itself should be off-limits for bombings and shootings.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said he is ready to withdraw from much of the West Bank to make way for an independent Palestinian state, but he plans to keep large blocs of West Bank settlements and holy sites in east Jerusalem.

Hamas leaders in Gaza and the West Bank have previously hinted they might abandon the group’s call for the destruction of Israel. But Khaled Mashaal, the Syria-based leader of Hamas, has rejected any suggestion of moderation.

Attending a conference in Qatar on Thursday, Mashaal made no reference to the prisoner document.

Moderate Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah said he backs the prisoners’ plan, which would authorize him to lead peace talks with Israel. Abbas, who is embroiled in a power struggle with the new Hamas government, has repeatedly urged the group to soften its positions.

Also on Friday, a Palestinian militant was killed during an Israeli raid in Nablus. The army said it shot the man, a member of the Fatah-linked Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, after militants opened fire at troops.

Two Palestinians, an Australian and a Dane were hurt during a protest against Israel’s separation barrier near the West Bank village of Bilin, witnesses said. The four were hurt by rubber-coated steel pellets.

The Israeli military said troops fired rubber bullets and tear gas after protesters tried to tear down barbed wire and threw rocks. Two border policemen were hurt by stones, the army said.


4. Bil’in protest wounds 2 border police
From the Jerusalem Post

Two border policemen were lightly wounded by rocks when some 150 anti-security fence protesters scuffled with security forces on Friday in the Palestinian village of Bil’in.

A French news photographer was also wounded during the protest. Demonstrators claimed that he had been hurt by security forces; the police, however, refuted the protesters’ version of events and said that the photographer had been hit by a rock thrown by the demonstrators, Israel Radio reported.

The protesters also claimed that five of their group had been struck with rods and three others wounded by rubber bullets.

Bil’in has become one of the more volatile foci of protests against the security barrier. Demonstrations against the continued construction of the barrier have become weekly events, and often degenerate into violent altercations

Israeli Soldiers Shoot Two International Peace Activists In The Head at Bil’in

To view the video footage that Phil, who was hit in the head with a rubber bullet, was filming when he was shot click one of these links: Streaming. Download. In the clip you can see how close the demonstartors were to the soldiers when the soilders opened fire – the sound of the shots fired is clearly audible.

“I saw blood gushing out of his head, and helped bandage it. As we were getting him into the ambulance an Israeli soldier grabbed his long hair and they all tried to stop him from leaving in the ambulance even though they knew he was injured”, said American eyewitness Zadie Susser who saw Phillip Reiss from Austraila sitting in shock immediately after he was hit.

At today’s Bil’in demonstration, Israeli soldiers shot seven Palestinians with rubber bullets. One Australian and one Danish demonstrator were hospitalised after being shot in the head with rubber bullets at close range.

AFP Cameraman Jamal Al Aruri was shot in the hand with a rubber bullet while he was filming two of his fingers were broken. Adeba Yasin (65) was hit by a rubber coated bullet under her eye while she was sitting on the balcony of her home.

Phillip Reiss (25) from Sydney, Australia was shot as he was running away – he had been filming the demonstration. BJ Lund (21) from Ry, Denmark was also shot as he was standing near army jeeps. Both Phil and BJ are currently in Tel Hashomer hospital in Tel-Aviv. The bullet caused a hemorrhage to Phil’s brain, though he is now conscious. BJ required stitches to the head.

Abed Al Karim Khatib (60) was hit by a rubber coated bullet in his private parts, Abed Albased Abu Rahme (15) was hit on his thigh by a rubber coated bullet and Waleed Mahmoud Abu Rahme (20) was hit in his abdomen by a rubber coated bullet. Mohammad Ahmad Issa was hit in the leg with a rubber bullet. Wajdi shokut (18) was hit by a rubber coated bullet in the hand

Ashraf Muhammed Jamal (24) was hit by a tear gas canister aimed at his head.

Abdullah Abu-Rahme (35 and the Co-ordinatior of the Bil’in Popular Committee Against the Wall), Muhammad Al Katib (32, also from the Popular Committee) and Akram Al Katib (34) were beaten.

The demonstration of about 300 people had marched, singing, chanting and waving flags to the gate in the apartheid barrier.

This week, the gate had been locked open, so the Israeli soldiers relied on their jeeps and barbed wire to stop the people of Bil’in from walking into their land. After a while, some of the demonstrators started to open the barbed wire. The Israeli soldiers started hitting people with clubs. A few rocks were thrown from a small group of youth who were away from the main demonstration in front of the jeeps. The soldiers then started firing on the peaceful demonstrators at near point-blank range as they were running away – they were a maximum distance of 10 meters away when shot.

Mohammed Katib is beaten by Israeli Border Police

According to Israeli Human Rights group B’Tselem, Israeli Military Regulations stipulate that “the minimum range for firing rubber-coated steel bullets is forty meters. The Regulations emphasize that the bullets must be fired only at the individual’s legs, and are not to be fired at children” Israeli soldiers fire rubber-coated steel bullets at Palestinian children during the Bil’in demonstration every week. Israeli demonstrator Matan Cohen was recently shot in the eye during a demonstration in Beit Sira. He now has only partial sight in that eye.

The injuries done to Mohammd Katib’s back

The Israeli military usually uses rubber bullets during demonstrations when Israeli and international activists are present. When Palestinians demonstrate on their own the military uses live ammunition or rubber coated steel bullets.

Two of the demonstrators that were shot from close range were filming the demonstartion. British attorney general, Lord Goldsmith confirmed on the 6th of May he was considering whether to seek the extradition and prosecution of an Israeli soldier who shot dead British cameraman James Miller in Gaza, after a jury in a British inquest unanimously agreed that “Mr Miller was indeed murdered”

Eleven Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers during non-violent demonstrations against the apartheid wall.

On Sunday, May 14, the Israeli Supreme Court will hear Bil’in’s legal challenge over the theft of their land by the illegal wall.

Bili’in villagers have been protesting the wall nonviolently for the last 15 months and have become a symbol of Palestinian-Israeli-International cooperation.

The route of the wall in Bil’in is designed to annex the settlement of Modi’n Elite and it’s outpost, Matityahu Mizrah, to Israel along with the land belonging to Bil’in so that these illegal settlements can continue to grow.

In a separate court case brought by the village and Peace Now against the new settlement of Matityahu Mizrah, the High Court was told of a land-laundering scheme that allowed the real-estate dealers and settler organizations to convert private land – “purchased” sometimes through dubious means – into “state land..” Then, before the construction of the separation barrier, the land was “returned” to the buyers so that they could establish facts on the ground and press the Defense Ministry into moving the route of the fence to the east of the new illegal neighborhood.

After being prodded by the Supreme Court, the Israel Police’s National Fraud Squad opened a criminal investigation into the illegal construction of hundreds of housing units in the Matityahu East “neighborhood” of the Modi’in Ilit settlement.

According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, hundreds of millions of dollars are believed to have changed hands in the affair.

For more information call:
ISM Media office: 02 297 1824
Zadie Susser: 054 590 2319

More photos:

Bil’in Puts The Wall On Trial


The Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements is holding a large demonstration this Friday, May 12th. The demonstration will include Arab Knesset members, Palestinian Legislative Council members and representatives from the Palestinian National and Islamic forces.

On Sunday, May 14, the Israeli Supreme Court will hear Bil’in’s legal challenge over the theft of their land by the illegal wall.

Bili’in villagers have been protesting the wall nonviolently for the last 15 months and have become a symbol of Palestinian-Israeli-International cooperation.

The route of the wall in Bil’in is designed to annex the settlement of Modi’n Elite and it’s outpost, Matityahu Mizrah, to Israel along with the land belonging to Bil’in so that these illegal settlements can continue to grow.

In a separate court case obrought by the village and Peace Now against the new settlement of Matityahu Mizrah, the High Court was told of a land-laundering scheme that allowed the real-estate dealers and settler organizations to convert private land – “purchased” sometimes through dubious means – into “state land..” Then, before the construction of the separation barrier, the land was “returned” to the buyers so that they could establish facts on the ground and press the Defense Ministry into moving the route of the fence to the east of the new illegal neighborhood.

After being prodded by the Supreme Court, the Israel Police’s National Fraud Squad opened a criminal investigation into the illegal construction of hundreds of housing units in the Matityahu East “neighborhood” of the Modi’in Ilit settlement.

According to Haaretz, hundreds of millions of dollars are believed to have changed hands in the affair.

For more information call:

Abdullah 0547-258-210

Mohammed 0545-804-830

ISM media office 02-2971824

Jerusalem Post: “Getting carried away”

Larry Derfner, Jerusalem Post, 4th May 2006

The violence typically begins as hundreds of protesters advance on lines of badly outmanned troops trying to block the way to the village’s land, which lies on the other side of the fence. The pushing, shoving and shouting, along with the troops’ inability to keep the protesters back, is what sets off the use of tear gas, concussion grenades, batons, rubber bullets and, in at least one lethal incident, live fire.

‘The army thought there were no Israelis present, then they saw that there were. I heard the commander shout to his soldiers, “Go back to regular open-fire orders, there are Israelis here.”‘ – anti-fence activist Jonathan Pollak

Fromthe city of Modi’in, just on the “Israel proper” side of the Green Line, the drive to Bil’in takes you past the large haredi settlement of Modi’in Illit, past the IDF checkpoint and along twisting roads that pass through a couple of other Palestinian villages before reaching this village of about 1,500 people. The Friday demonstration leaves at about 1 p.m. from the local mosque after prayers.

There are dozens of media people here from all over, including CNN and NBC, along with about 100 Palestinians and some 100 Israelis, foreigners and media. As usual, a group of youngish, exuberant Arab men are leading the chants on the march from the mosque down the road through the valley to the fence, and a smiling Asian man dressed in Buddhist robes, a regular, is beating a drum.

At the end of the road stand about 25 border policemen in riot gear, backed by another 25 or so soldiers standing in front of the gate to the fence. Beyond the fence lie the olive groves that may or may not develop into the Matityahu East neighborhood that Modi’in Illit plans to build – the reason for the demonstration – and beyond them, about 2 kilometers away, is the Israeli settlement itself.

Theoretically, the aim of the protesters is to advance through the gate to the olive groves, but with all the big media present, the demonstration turns into confrontation for confrontation’s sake – a constantly repeating surge by groups of Palestinians and, to a much less frequent and forceful degree, their supporters, to get right into the young troops’ faces, to rage and holler at them to “get off our land!” – to provoke a reaction. They push forward and the troops push them back.

“Where is it you want to go?” an exasperated soldier asks a few of the charging protesters, who ignore the question.

The media presence gives the demonstrators the advantage, restraining the soldiers’ response. There are no batons, no fists, no loss of control. The staged quality of the protest becomes a little ridiculous at times. A Palestinian who has sat down on the ground, defying orders to disperse, is carried off holding out an olive branch to the soldiers straining under his weight, as the cameras close in. A young American woman calls out to journalists to come see how a Palestinian man of about 50 has lost consciousness after being “beaten by soldiers,” as she puts it. On approach it turns out he has a medical condition; his friends are taking pills out of his pocket so he can swallow them.

“No, I was mistaken, he had some kind of attack,” the American girl calls out.

With the soldiers making way for the stricken man and even offering to treat him in the army ambulance stationed at the site, the Palestinian men carry him through the gate and toward the ambulance, then turn around and carry him back.

“We’ll take care of him ourselves,” one of the men says defiantly.

In the heat of the confrontation, with dozens of bodies pressed up against each other, the protesters take wooden mallets they’ve brought along and enthusiastically destroy the styrofoam model they’ve built of red-roofed settler houses. The border police commander declares the area a closed military zone and the demonstration illegal.

“I wanted to let you demonstrate, to express your opinions, that was fine with me,” he says through a bullhorn. “I thought you were adults, but you’re not, you don’t even respect yourselves,” he adds.

Standing next to a line of young border policemen who don’t appear too sure of themselves, the Buddhist, Gyosei Horikoshi, 50, a Japanese man who’s been in Israel since the 1991 Gulf War, beats his drum. The ground near him is smoking with spent concussion grenades fired in a futile try to disperse the protesters.

“This is a Buddhist prayer for peace,” he explains. But it doesn’t seem to be having a calming effect on anyone.

BEYOND THE theatrics, there is a very weighty matter at hand in Bil’in.

“That is my grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather’s land, those olive trees, and they won’t let me go there,” says Othman Mansour, at48 the village elder on the scene.

By Israeli regulation, the farmers are supposed to be allowed to pass through the gate and tend their groves. “But that’s all on paper; in reality the army doesn’t let us through,” says another protester.

During the close-in confrontations, one of the Palestinians demands of a soldier: “Why are you doing this? It’s not for your country, it’s for some contractors who are getting rich.”

Under orders, the soldiers don’t say a word.

Akram Hatib, 33, sitting on a low ridge of rocks, argues that Israelis “don’t even know where the fence is” – they think it’s being built according to security considerations alone, yet it just happens to transfer vast Palestinian agricultural lands to the western, Israeli side. “The fence is being built just so the millionaires can put more money in their pocket,” insists Hatib.

The demonstration passes with relatively little violence; even Jonathan Pollak, a leader of Anarchists Against The Wall, which usually dominates the Israeli presence at the protests, says the troops have behaved “about as well as they can.”

The one serious injury is to a Palestinian protester whose hand is badly bloodied by a concussion grenade – evidently fired in a flat trajectory at fairly close range, although army regulations call for them to be fired in a long-range arc. Soldiers also fire rubber bullets and tear gas at Palestinian boys aiming slingshots at them from about 100 meters away – a distance, by the way, from which it is extremely hard to hit a human target, and virtually impossible if the target takes minimum safety precautions.

By the end of the afternoon, five Israelis, including Pollak, and six Palestinian protesters are arrested.

“They brought the Israelis to the police station at Givat Ze’ev and released us after we signed an agreement that we wouldn’t go back to Bil’in for two weeks,” says Pollak. “The Palestinians arrested were released without being taken in.”

But once the confrontations subside, some of the Palestinians in Bil’in show their “war wounds” from previous protests. Hatib pulls down his shirt to show welts on his neck and shoulders. “I got these from a young woman soldier when she was beating me over the head,” he says.

Mustafa Hatib, a cousin, says he once took a “baton to the balls” that laid him up for awhile. He adds that troops frequently come into the village and “go into people’s houses and beat them up, out of habit.”

PROTESTS LIKE the one at Bil’in on March 24 have been largely ignored here, even as the anti-fence campaign has gained considerable attention abroad. The protests, which have been going on for three and a half years, are seen as part of the intifada, part of the “terror war” – a baseless attack by Palestinians, pro-Palestinian Israelis and foreigners on the barrier that has proven its worth by deterring suicide bombers. The claim by Palestinians that the fence cuts them off from much of their farmland is seen as a negligible issue; after all, of what importance are Palestinian olive groves compared to the lives of innocent Israelis?

Invisible to most Israelis are the injuries that protesters suffer during the demonstrations – injuries like those to Matan Cohen’s left eye, for example, which is discolored and cannot focus. Sitting in a Tel Aviv cafe, Cohen, 17, says he was hit by a rubber bullet fired from 25 meters away by a border policeman during the February 24 protest at Beit Sira. The border policeman was in no danger whatsoever, he adds.

A military source with long-standing, first-hand experience of the anti-fence protests insists that Cohen is doing what his colleagues have been doing throughout the campaign: defaming Israel with lies.

“[Cohen] told me he had been standing near a soldier who fired a rubber bullet that hit him in the eye, but our investigation showed there were no soldiers at all in that area who had fired rubber bullets,” says the military source. “It’s all lies. He was really hit by a rock coming from a slingshot fired by the Palestinians. We have soldiers who say they saw one of the Palestinian boys fire a rock that hit [Cohen] in the eye.”

To this, however, Cohen replies: “No investigator from the police or the IDF ever talked to me. I have eight witnesses, including two Israeli cameramen, who saw the border policeman shoot me, and they’ve never been interviewed either in this so-called investigation.”

There is a huge gap between what the average Israeli thinks of these protests, together with the way Israeli security officials portray them, and the reality from “the other side.”

Pollak says 10 Palestinians have been killed in the anti-fence demonstrations, citing reports by Israeli media, B’tselem, Palestinian villagers he’s in regular contact with and his own experience.

“I was at the demonstration in Biddu on February 26, 2004, when three Palestinians were shot to death. An elderly man there died later in the hospital from the effects of tear gas fired into his home. I was standing 10 meters from a man when he got shot in the forehead and killed. I saw limp bodies with blood all over them being carried away,” says Pollak.

He says he himself has been mildly injured about 30 times, mainly by rubber bullets, but that a year ago during a demonstration in Bil’in, which has become the focus of the Friday afternoon demonstrations, he was hit in the right temple by a tear gas canister fired at him by a soldier from 20 meters away.

“I had two brain hemorrhages, I was in Tel Hashomer for three or four days, I can’t remember exactly how many, and I couldn’t stand up for two weeks,” says Pollak, 23. Besides Matan Cohen, two other Israelis, Gil Namati and Itai Levinsky, have been shot, with Levinsky ending up losing an eye.

Besides the 10 Palestinians killed, Pollak estimates that “hundreds” of them have been severely wounded at the protests, not counting the many more who’ve been mildly injured.

In the face of these accusations, the military source replies: “They could just as easily say 20 dead, or 200. I don’t know of one person who has been killed in these demonstrations, and if there had been, I would have known about it. We would have felt the consequences on the ground. I don’t even know of any demonstrator suffering an injury that required hospitalization – except Matan Cohen, and that was because of a slingshot, not because of us. These people lie, they make this all up to besmirch the army.”

The interview with the military source was arranged by the IDF Spokesman’s Office. The source defended the army and made counter-accusations against the protesters with vehemence, as if he fully believed what he was saying. Yet his account – including his remarks that Cohen’s eye injury at Beit Sira had been “investigated,” and that no anti-fence demonstrator had ever been killed or even seriously wounded by Israeli troops – is simply untenable.

Footage filmed by members of Anarchists Against the Wall at several past demonstrations shows a soldier opening fire with an Uzi submachine gun on advancing demonstrators, with one of the protesters getting hit and having to be carried off. From short range, troops fire tear gas canisters that explode amid tightly-packed protesters, causing panic. From long range, tear gas canisters are fired at a group of wheelchair-bound protesters. Face-to-face, soldiers and border policemen beat milling protesters with batons.

In all these demonstrations, the protesters are unarmed, except for some young Palestinian boys firing slingshots at a great distance. The violence typically begins as hundreds of protesters advance on lines of badly outmanned troops trying to block the way to the village’s land, which lies on the other side of the fence. The pushing, shoving and shouting, along with the troops’ inability to keep the protesters back, is what sets off the use of tear gas, concussion grenades, batons, rubber bullets and, in at least one lethal incident, live fire.

Asked what serious injuries Israeli troops had suffered during the years of anti-fence protests, the military source replies that one soldier suffered “irreversible damage to his eye” from a stone fired by slingshot. Another soldier suffered two broken fingers when a Palestinian demonstrator he was carrying off bit him. Many other soldiers have been hit by rocks, he says, but the wounded eye of one and the two broken fingers of another were the only serious injuries to troops that he can recall.

The thorough imbalance of power between Israeli troops and protesters resembles not the “terror war,” but the first intifada, the “war of stones,” except that the protests are much, much less violent. And if the anti-fence protests are also a “propaganda war,” then Israel – through its military’s implausible accounts of the clashes – is definitely holding up its end.

EVEN FOR Palestinians, this issue has cooled off, at least temporarily. As the “terror war” has subsided, so has the battle over the fence, whose ranks are and always have been filled mainly by Palestinians, with Israelis and “internationals” playing a small supporting role – mainly to keep the issue in the Israeli and world media.

But in principle, the conflict over the fence is still very much alive and entirely unsettled. Villages across the West Bank – Azun, Nebi Elias, Ras a-Tira, Abud, Bitunia, Mas’ha, Kharbata, Jayyus, Beit Likiya, Biddu, Beit Sira, Bil’in and many others – are pressing their cases against the State of Israel in the Supreme Court, fighting to keep many tens of thousands of dunams of their farmland from being placed on the opposite side of the security barrier from them, where much of it stands to fall into the hands of Jewish settlements.

An outsider might look at these demonstrators and wonder why they go through it, what they have gained. After all, the only real victories won by the Palestinian villages to move the fence away from their land happened in the Supreme Court, not at the protest sites. And while the route of the fence has been curtailed, it remains a very hard, and likely permanent, fact on the ground.

Nonetheless, leaders of the movement believe the effort has been a success, even at such a high blood price. After about a year of scattered protests by individual villages, beginning with Jayyus, near Kalkilya, in September 2002, Israelis and foreigners joined in, and the campaign jelled, turning the fence into an international controversy.

“A new movement of joint Israeli-Palestinian resistance that didn’t exist before came to life,” says Pollak. He also thinks the protests and early media attention affected the thinking of the Supreme Court judges, noting that the court’s landmark decision ordering the curtailment of the fence route came only in June 2004 – after the protests gathered steam.

One of the Palestinian leaders of the movement, Ayed Morrar, 44, of Budrus, near Bil’in, agrees that the protests influenced the Supreme Court, adding that this has convinced many Palestinians in the West Bank that non-violent protest can be effective. Calling the Palestinian boys’ long-range slingshot attempts “a game” that poses no threat to the soldiers, Morrar says the unarmed protests were chosen both for moral and pragmatic reasons.

“First, we don’t want anyone to be killed on our side or any side, and second, we need all the people around the world to support us, and they won’t support us if we use violence,” says Morrar, who has been jailed repeatedly by Israeli authorities.

Pollak maintains that Israeli troops clearly have one set of use-of-force and open-fire regulations for Israelis and foreign demonstrators, and another, much more permissive set of regulations that they use on Palestinians.

“At one demonstration in Bil’in last year, I think it was in May,” Pollak says, “the army thought there were no Israelis present, then they saw that there were. I heard the commander shout to his soldiers, ‘Go back to regular open-fire orders, there are Israelis here.'”

IN REPLY, the military source acknowledges that there are, in effect, different open-fire regulations against some Palestinians than there are against Israelis and foreigners, but this is because it is only Palestinians who use rocks. Israelis and foreign supporters limit themselves “to provocations, to fanning the flames of Palestinian violence,” he notes.

The source lays 100 percent of the blame for the violence on the protesters: “I’m happy to say that I have never witnessed an incident in any of these protests when the violence was started by Israeli troops.”

The demonstrations, he says, aim to provoke violence for the purpose of making Israel look like the bully in the media. “These are illegal demonstrations, they are held in closed military zones. Even so, our interest is that they remain peaceful, which is the opposite interest of the protesters. They always go out to confront the soldiers, to hurt them and to damage the fence, and when that happens, we stop it by force,” the military source maintains, repeating his claim that all the deaths and serious injuries to Palestinian demonstrators are “made up.”

Yet the footage from past anti-fence demonstrations taken by Anarchists Against the Wall tells an entirely different story. The soldier firing the Uzi that severely wounds one of the demonstrators is standing far from the action, in no danger. The crowd is unarmed.

The concussion grenades exploding among the demonstrators are not being fired in an arc, but in a flat trajectory, which makes them quite dangerous.

A slightly-built Palestinian man, seen with a few foreign supporters arguing with soldiers who will not let them pass, is soon seen again on his knees, holding his head, his face bleeding. The outraged foreigners demand to know why he was beaten. “He was resisting arrest,” replies one of the soldiers.

A gathering of Palestinians in wheelchairs set out on the road that leads from Bil’in to the fence when troops fire tear gas canisters in their direction.

“This is a demonstration of handicapped people in wheelchairs!” shouts a protester through his bullhorn at the troops. “Are you crazy?”

As for the reported 10 Palestinian deaths and far more numerous severe injuries at the hands of Israeli troops, it’s unclear what evidence could conceivably convince the military source that all of them weren’t, as he says, “made up.” The names of the dead are: Taher Ahmed Nimr Assi, 15; Jamal Jabber Ibrahim Assi, 15; Uday Mufid Mahmoud Assi, 14; Ala Muhammad a-Rahman Khalil, 14; Islam Hashem Rizk Zaharan, 14; Diah a-din Abd el-Karim Ibrahim Abu Eid, 23; Hussein Mahmoud Awad Alian, 17; Mahmoud Daoud Salah Beduan, 21; Zakaria Fadl Hashem Rian, 25; Abd el-Rahman Abu Eid, 62. (The first nine names were documented by B’tselem; the 10th by Pollak.)

REGARDING MATAN COHEN’S eye injury, a leading Israeli pathologist hired by the boy’s family says the initial results of his examination of the eye “point to a very high probability that the injury was the result of a rubber bullet.”

On that day in Beit Sira, Cohen recalls, the protesters and the IDF had an agreement that the demonstration would go off without physical confrontation.

“Then at one point a border police jeep drove up in the middle of the crowd, and the troops got out and started firing in the air, shooting tear gas and concussion grenades, beating people with rifle butts and batons, and firing rubber bullets,” he says.

“Some Palestinian boys starting firing slingshots at the troops from, I’d say, about 80 meters away. I saw and heard the IDF commander go up to the border police commander and tell him to order his men to stop shooting, but the border police commander told him, ‘I want to hit each of these people with a rubber bullet so they’ll know that there will be no demonstrations here.’

“There were four of us Israelis standing about 25 meters from the border policemen,” Cohen continues. “We were telling them, ‘Don’t shoot, nobody is threatening you.’ We were trying to calm them down. Then one of them raised his rifle and shot me.”

Cohen was taken by ambulance to Tel Hashomer Hospital, where he spent two weeks undergoing two operations on his left eye. He hopes that in about six months the eye will have recovered to the point where surgeons can perform a lens transplant that could diminish the eye’s impairment. The Hebrew media gave Cohen’s story a lot of play.

“The only reason is because my hair is light,” he says. “Palestinians get injured like I did all the time – and they get killed. But what happens to Palestinians doesn’t interest Israelis, so it’s as if it never happened at all.”

Bil’in’s beef

At stake in the weekly protests at Bil’in are approximately 1,000 dunams of village olive groves that now lie on the far side of the security barrier, and on which the large haredi settlement of Modi’in Illit plans to build a 3,000-unit housing project.

The question posed by the protests isn’t why Israel must build a security fence, but why the fence must run along a route that slices off so much land that has been farmed for so long by Palestinian villages. The question is all the more pressing now that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is vowing that this route is the base line for the country’s permanent border.

The police National Fraud Squad is reportedly investigating how Modi’in Illit acquired the land on which Matityahu East was being constructed. The State Attorney’s Office told the Supreme Court that the roughly 1,000 dunams in dispute is “state land” that includes land purchased by Israeli buyers from Bil’in villagers.

However, the villagers say that at most, eight dunams were actually sold, according to attorney Michael Sfard, who is representing Bil’in. Targets of the fraud investigation reportedly include Modi’in Illit municipal officials, settler organizations, construction companies and real estate dealers.-