Israel Kidnaps Non-violent Palestinian Activists


Palestinians active in non-violent struggle against the illegal Israeli annexation barrier were taken from their homes in the West Bank last night. This happens at a time when media attention is focusing on the taking of one Israeli soldier by Palestinians, and the mass-taking of 64 Palestinian government officials last night, including 20 MPs and 8 cabinet ministers.

Israel took 2 Palestinians from Bil’in and 1 from Beit Ummar – villages active in the struggle against the annexation barrier.

The Israeli military took 28 year-old Yousef Abu-Marya from Beit Ummar, Hebron region.. He has been active in non-violent resistance in that region in the past two years and is a member of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Beit Ummar. The Committee has recently been organising non-violent actions in the area that try to gain access for Palestinian farmers to their farm land after it has been is closed off by settler violence, or closure by the Israeli military.

In Bil’in, father of three, 29-year old Ahmad Katib (the brother of Mohammed Katib, one of the organisers of the weekly non-violent demonstrations against the apartheid barrier in the village) was taken by the army. Abdullah Abu-Rahme, from the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Bil’in said that another villager, Ayad Burnat, was being held hostage in order to pressure the family into “giving up” his brother Mujahid who they want to get hold of for reasons that were unclear.

Musa Abu-Marya, a member of the Popular Committee in Beit Ummar does not believe that they arrested Yousef for security reasons, but to continue a policy of threatening and arresting Palestinian peace activists. “They don’t like what we are doing in the Hebron region,” he said.

Arresting activists or threatening them with arrest or violence is not a new Israeli policy. It has often been used as a scare tactic against Palestinians active in non-violent struggle against the various forms of Israeli occupation in their daily lives.

For more information call:
Musa Abu-Marya: 0545-838 925
Abdullah Abu-Rahme: 0547-258 210
ISM Media office: 02 297 1824

CORRECTION: A previous version of this press release incorrectly stated that Israel had kidnapped 64 elected Palestinian representitives. In fact, out of the 64, 20 are elected MPs and 8 are ministers.

Palestinians Await Execution


This Friday June 30 2006, the people of Bil’in along with International and Israeli activists will engage in their weekly demonstration against the apartheid wall built through their land. For more than 1 1/2 years the villagers have been non-violently protesting with new creative themes representing various aspects of the Occupation. This week they will be focusing on the execution of Palestinians by Israeli incursions, starvation, bombardments on Gaza and daily restrictions on Palestinian life. They will be wearing hoods made to resemble those donned by people slated for execution.

For more information call:
Abdullah Abu Rahme: 054 725 8210
ISM Media Office: 02 297 1824

Israeli Military Raids Bil’in, Arrests Two

Library picture. From a previous Bil’in raid on the 15th of April.

by the Michigan Peace Team in Bil’in

At 2:00 a.m. last night, while we were staying in the town of Bil’in, we were awoken and informed that the Israeli army had come into the village. We were asked if we could accompany members of the Popular Committee of Bil’in and others as they followed the soldiers through town. A few of us joined a cameraman and others in a part of the village where the IDF were surrounding a family’s home. The IDF eventually detained one man and witnesses say they used him as a human shield in order to find one of his family members that was believed to be in another part of the village. The Israeli High Court ruled in October 2005 that it was illegal for the IDF to use Palestinian civilians during military actions. The decision was made on a petition that Israeli group B’Tselem and six other human rights organizations filed in 2002. Since then the Israeli military has argued against the ruling and continued the practice, ignoring the Israeli High Court.

Meanwhile, at another family’s home other international Human Rights Workers witnessed a man being arrested. The man was blindfolded and dressed in an orange prison uniform. The Israeli military had more than five soldiers standing around the front of his home and a number of others sitting in four jeeps (there were seven jeeps in total inside Bil’in). This lasted for over two hours. At one point, a soldier came up to a Palestinian and pointed his gun at him and said, “If you follow us, I will kill you.” They finally left the home and we followed the jeeps until we hit the middle of town. The people of the town had put up barricades in the road with large rocks and burning debris to put up a resistance to the invasion of their village. As the jeeps were rolling through town, the young men threw stones. The Israeli military fired rubber bullets and used sound bombs numerous times throughout the night. Finally, as the last jeep was exiting the center of the village at 6am, someone threw a molotov cocktail at the side of the military jeep creating a burst of flames with no visible damage.

As we were writing this report the man that was arrested had not been released. He is father of three, 29-year old Ahmad Katib, the brother of Mohammed Katib, one of the organisers of the weekly non-violent demonstrations against the apartheid barrier in the village. Abdullah Abu-Rahme, also from the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements said that another villager, Ayad Burnat, was being held hostage in order to pressure the family into “giving up” his brother Mujahid who they want to get hold of for reasons that were unclear.

Bil’in Demos Endure – Even During the World Cup!

Photo By IMC Israel

By ISM Media Office volunteer

Today Palestinians from the village of Bil’in had another demonstration against the apartheid wall. They were joined by internationals from several different countries as well as Israeli activists.

photo Tess Scheflan

There is a small outpost on the outside of the village on the other side of the annexation barrier. This is within view of the Israeli settlement there. Different people are posted daily to keep watch. Two activists–one from Sweden and one from the UK–staying here for several days, were present during the World Cup when their countries played against each other. TV Arabia came to interview them in this interesting circumstance, that they should be here, struggling together against this illegal occupation, watching this game with other Palestinians while their friends were possibly in the stands or at home enjoying the same match.

From this, an idea for today’s action was born. Several people came dressed in various team jerseys representing different countries, and a giant soccer ball was created for use in a mock match. In addition, several activists wore white t-shirts stained with red paint to represent the continuous massacre of Palestinians while the world enjoys the football games in Germany.

We arrived at the fence, where soldiers greeted us with jeeps, guns and shields. There were several people who threw the large soccer ball around, and things were relatively quiet until a local man was seized by the soldiers and pulled over the gate where he was carried away by more than 5 soldiers. He was later released.

The soldiers crossed the gate and tried to push us back. People lay in the white ‘blood’ stained t-shirts blocking the jeeps passage until they started to toss sound bombs into the crowd.

Afterward activists linked arms and sat down in front of the jeeps passage. The soldiers didn’t advance further.

Children tossed rocks at the soldiers, and they released tear gas upon the group as we walked. Afterward we debriefed the day’s actions together before parting.

While the World Watches, Palestinians Die


This Friday, the 23rd of June, the villagers of Bil’in will be joined by Israeli and international supporters in their weekly demonstration against the apartheid barrier built in their land. They will carry a large football and wear t-shirts bearing the flags of the nations participating in the Football World Cup The demonstration will call on the world not to forget the killing and oppression of Palestinian people that continues under the occupation, even as everyone is engrossed in watching the World Cup on TV.

For more information call:
Abdullah Abu Rahme: 054 725 8210
ISM Media Office: 02 297 1824