Fisherman’s union hold a sit-in at Gaza port demanding an end to Israeli abuses

Palestinian fishermen protest Israeli violence and restrictions on their livelihoods

13 July | International Solidarity Movement | Gaza

On Sunday, the Fishermen’s Syndicate in the Gaza Strip organized a protest sit-in and a press conference, demanding an end to the Israeli abuses against fishermen and the expansion of the fishing areas in the Gaza Sea.

Dozens of fishermen took part in the Gaza Port vigil under the title (a scream from Gaza fishermen). Balloons bearing photos of fishermen who were martyred by the Israeli occupation were launched into the sky during the demonstration. Protesters also raised banners in both Arabic and English calling for the re-expansion of the fishing zones and an end to the targeting of fishing boats.

Protesters attach pictures of Palestinian fishermen killed by Israeli occupation forces to balloons

The head of the Fishermen’s Syndicate, Nizar Ayyash, has stated that the Israeli occupation continues to violate the rights of fishermen in the Gaza sea, violating international regulations and laws.

At the conference, Ayyash added that these violations pose an ongoing threat to the lives of about 4,500 fishermen, whose only source of income is fishing. He urged the international community to pressure the occupation to expand the fishing area again and allow fishermen to make their living.

The head of the Fishermen’s Syndicate Nizar Ayyash

Gaza’s fishing industry has been decimated, especially in the last five years, due to increasingly punitive Israeli restrictions on where Palestinian boats can fish. Fishermen face constant harassment and violence from Israeli naval vessels. Since 2005, 14 fishermen have been killed, 32 wounded and 450 arrested, according to the Syndicate.

Ayyash called out several recent crimes committed by the occupation, including the killing of three members of the Al-Lahham family’s after an Israeli vessel crashed into their boat, and another fisherman who lost his eyesight as a result of being directly fired upon. Israeli soldiers also sank some fishermen’s boats, causing them to lose their only source of livelihood.

Protesters carry signs demanding Israel open the sea borders and cease firing on fishermen

Ayyash also pointed out that the latest Israeli bombardment of Gaza in May affected the fishermen through the loss of work equipment and nets as a result of the heavy bombing. He called for the community to stand with them.

The head of the Fishermen’s Syndicate also asked the international community and its organizations to support the fishermen of Gaza by helping put an end to the occupation’s violence against the Palestinian people in general and the fishermen in particular.

“Ridiculous, spurious, and easily disproved” – Huwaida Arraf responds to recent right-wing attacks on the International Solidarity Movement

Once again right-wing media, politicians, and even supposed academics are attacking the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) with spurious allegations that are easily disproved. This time it comes in their ongoing effort to undermine Representative Ilhan Omar, the Congresswoman from the 5th district of Minnesota.

On June 8, Rep. Omar retweeted a post by Marwa Fatafta, a well known and highly respected policy analyst and digital rights activist, that included a video watermarked with “International Solidarity Movement.” The video showed a young Palestinian boy wearing a backpack “snatched and detained by Israeli forces.” There is no timestamp on the video so we do not know when it was recorded, but we do know that this sort of violence directed at Palestinian children by the Israeli military is commonplace.

This tweet, and Omar’s sharing of it, were in response to Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s June 7 testimony to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. During that hearing, Omar asked Blinken pointed questions about where Palestinians should turn in search of justice for the abuses they suffer at the hands of Israeli forces, settlers, and the government. Blinken’s response was that they should turn to the Israeli court system. This response is ridiculous on its face, and Marwa Fatafta used this video to highlight that.

Let’s clear up some of the misleading claims made by those attacking the International Solidarity Movement, such as in this article by Fox News.

  1. The video was not “produced” by ISM; rather it was one of countless egregious abuses committed by Israeli soldiers that was captured on video by an ISM volunteer. Unfortunately, volunteers witness far more Israeli abuses than they’re able to capture on video.
  2. ISM is not anti-Israel; it is, however, anti-racist, anti-occupation, anti-colonization, anti-apartheid, anti-oppression. The Anti-Defamation League and Fox News translate this to being anti-Israel.
  3. That the ISM was “investigated by the FBI” is yet another blight on the agency, which spent years and scarce resources on a fishing expedition that revealed nothing but First Amendment-protected activity campaigning for Palestinian human rights and freedom. The ISM’s statement on this “investigation” can be read here. The investigation lasted for years and targeted ISM activists in 11 U.S. cities, myself included. No evidence of wrongdoing was ever found, according to the FBI.
  4. As for being identified by the ADL as one of the top 10 anti-Israel organizations, see #2 as to why the ADL labels the ISM as “anti-Israel.”
  5. ISM is proud to be listed amongst incredible human rights defending allies like Jewish Voice for Peace, the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, Friends of Sabeel – North America, Students for Justice in Palestine and others.
  6. The ADL itself is a deeply problematic organization. It describes itself as a “leading anti-hate organization,” but has a history of supporting racist-policing, surveillance, colonialism & apartheid, as detailed in a letter signed by over 100 human rights organizations.
  7. In May 2021, five progressive civil society leaders resigned from the Civil Society Fellowship (CSF) over the group’s connection to the ADL. Read their statement here.
  8. Most recently, long time national director of the ADL (1987-2015) Abe Foxman went on a tirade against the New York Times for printing names and faces of more than 65 Palestinian children slain in Israel’s May 2021 onslaught on Gaza. According to Foxman, humanizing Palestinians is “blood libel”.
  9. The ADL, like the entire Zionist project, is built on the propagation of Jewish supremacy, the vilification and erasure of Palestinians, and the defamation of anyone advocating for Palestinian freedom.
  10. The second half of the Fox News article is devoted to quoting Prof. David Bernstein, whose relationship with facts & truth is tenuous, at best. I responded to a libelous 2015 Washington Post piece by Bernstein that can be read here.
  11. Bernstein told Fox News that he “doesn’t believe ISM has ‘been very active lately.’” This is simply wrong. ISM activists are currently on-the-ground in occupied Palestine continuing to report, document rights abuses, and support popular resistance to colonialism & apartheid.
  12. ISM activists also continue to be active around the world, organizing with allies against the forces that oppress Black, Brown, indigenous & poor peoples. We’re marching, engaging in BDS, #BlockTheBoat, #ShutElbitDown, all towards a #FreePalestine and a more just world for all our children.

The one and only thing Bernstein was correct about is that the video in question is a few years old. Sadly, however, there are many more recent videos of Palestinian children being abused, arrested and terrorized by Israeli soldiers. The Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem hosts an entire video library of them here. Learn more about human rights violations against Palestinian children here.

Lastly, the Fox News article states at the end: “Neither Omar’s office nor ISM immediately responded to Fox News’ requests for comment.” For the record, ISM received no request for comment from Fox News.

Webinar: International Solidarity & Resisting Colonization

WEBINAR: Palestine On The Ground: International Solidarity & Resisting Colonization

Saturday, December 19
11 AM PST – 2 PM EST – 7 PM UTC – 9 PM Palestine (EEST)
Register online to join the event:

Join ISM Northern California for a webinar next Saturday, December 19, 2020 to learn about the current situation on the ground in Palestine, grassroots resistance and the work of the International Solidarity Movement. Hear from Palestinian rights defenders and international volunteers on the front lines of popular struggle in Palestine and learn more about how you can get involved.

Join us next Saturday, December 19th!

Speakers will include:

Abdel Karim Dalbah – Palestinian journalist, field researcher and human rights defender. An ISM coordinator for almost two decades and an educator in nonviolent resistance, Abdel has been campaigning for human rights and Palestinian emancipation since the 70’s.

Edmond Sichrovsky – Edmond is an ISM activist of Jewish origin, currently based in northern Europe. In the summer and fall of 2019 he volunteered with ISM in Palestine, taking part in solidarity actions in East Jerusalem, Hebron, and the Jordan Valley. Banned by the Israeli government from returning, he now works to advocate for Palestine locally and in media.

Sophie – International Solidarity Movement volunteer from Spain.

Organized by the International Solidarity Movement – Northern California

Resistance in a time of annexation and Covid-19 – an ISM webinar

Resistance in a time of annexation and Covid-19 – an ISM webinar

June 30, 20:00 Ramallah time (EEST)

As the world reels from the global COVID-19 pandemic, and the global struggle for racial equality and justice spreads, Palestine once again finds itself at a pivotal moment in the history of its struggle for freedom and human rights.

Covid-19 has caused severe disruptions around the world, and its effects have been extreme in the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip. The Israeli Occupation has exacerbated and taken advantage of the global health crisis. In the West Bank, inhumane checkpoints where Palestinians are inhumanely herded have proved major transmission zones for the virus, while illegal settlers increased violent attacks on Palestinians during lockdown. In Gaza, a decade of besiegement that has starved the strip of medical supplies, bombed hospitals, and daily power outages are only some of many problems. All of this has made preparation for the pandemic virtually impossible. Furthermore, the long term issues of overcrowding in refugee camps, water and food shortages, and Israeli bans on importing medical supplies all exacerbate the challenges of social distancing and disease containment. This has led to a rapidly deteriorating situation, termed “A Nightmare Within a Nightmare” by international health experts. 

During the current pandemic, the Israeli government is moving to enact the annexation bill – to extend Israeli control across the Jordan Valley and much of the area surrounding the illegal settlements, legalizing their own crimes with self-created laws. Scheduled for July 1st, the annexation of the West Bank will increase violations of Palestinians’ few remaining rights and create new forms of discrimination and apartheid.

Scheduled on the eve of annexation, the International Solidarity Movement will host a webinar and Q&A session, providing a comprehensive overview of the current oppression of the Palestinians and nonviolent resistance to occupation. Our speakers will explore these issues from a legal, journalistic, and political perspective, together with activists on the ground joining us live from Tulkarem, Nabi Saleh and Gaza.

Huwaida Arraf

The webinar will be facilitated by Huwaida Arraf, a Palestinian-American joining us from Detroit. A civil rights attorney and human rights activist, Huwaida has conducted research for the Public International Law and Policy Group and is a former chairperson of the Free Gaza movement, part of a long career as a human rights and international law specialist. She is also one of the founding members of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).

Bassem Tamimi

Joining us from the village of Nabi Saleh in the West Bank is Bassem Tamimi. Born ten weeks before the 1967 occupation of Palestine by the Israeli Occupation Forces, Bassem Tamimi has spent his entire life as a grassroots activist. His commitment to non-violent resistance has been recognized by the European Union and Amnesty International. His daughter, Ahed Tamimi, was imprisoned for 8 months as a child for slapping an Israeli soldier after her cousin was shot in the head. He mainly works in Nabi Saleh, a village that has become encircled by Israeli military infrastructure and illegal settlements.

Wafa Aludani

A journalist and coordinator of the Foreign Media Unit in Al-Thorayya, Wafa Aludaini will be joining us from Gaza, where her parents fled during the Nakba. As a journalist she has covered the Israeli siege of Gaza for over a decade, as well as Israeli invasions in 2008 and 2015. More recently, she has reported on the Great March of Return which she attended even as the UN found Israeli snipers had intentionally targeted and killed journalists during the protests.

Abdul-Karim Dalbah

Palestinian journalist, field researcher and human rights defender. An ISM coordinator for almost two decades and an educator in nonviolent resistance, Abdul Kareem has been campaigning for human rights and Palestinian emancipation since the 70’s. Abed will be be talking about the upcoming annexation and strategies for international solidarity with Palestine, based on his decades of experience, historical perspective, and current activism   

Ahmed Abu Artema

Joining from Gaza is a founder of the Great March of Return, Ahmed Abu Artema. Thousands of Palestinians met his call on Facebook in 2018 to take part in a massive peaceful protest towards the barrier fence surrounding them, to demand freedom and the right of return. Ahmed was born in Rafah and is a refugee from Al Ramla village. He works as an independent journalist and author.

International Solidarity Movement (ISM)

The webinar is hosted by ISM. The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the long-entrenched and systematic oppression and dispossession of the Palestinian population, using non-violent, direct-action methods and principles. Founded in August 2001, ISM aims to support and strengthen Palestinian popular resistance with our activists working alongside Palestinians inside the West Bank and Gaza.


The Webinar will take place at 20:00 Ramallah time, EEST (17:00 GMT). It will consist of updates, news, and examples of how internationals can support Palestinians during these times. It will also feature an Q&A session; if you have a question, either for a specific activist, or in general, you are welcome to send it in, to The entire webinar will be streamed live on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.


Keep Palestinian-led activism alive during COVID-19

Donate here

To our friends and comrades:

We would like to thank all of you for your continued solidarity and support for the freedom of the Palestinian people, whether through activism, protest, boycott, donations, or raising awareness online and personally. Because of you, the International Solidarity Movement has been able to continue using non-violent methods to resist Israeli apartheid in Palestine for almost two decades. 

ISM is an entirely grassroots funded organization, with no corporate or fixed sponsors, and all of our volunteers are self-funded. However, the global pandemic has forced many countries to adopt exceptional measures, such as quarantines and travel disruptions. Volunteers can no longer travel to Palestine and the consequent economic slowdown has seriously impacted us financially, to a point where we may be forced to close all of our offices in Palestine. This would severely limit our ability to advocate for Palestinian issues, not only during the pandemic but also for months afterwards, preventing us from resuming operations once the lockdown ends. 

With settler attacks up 78% amid the pandemic, and Israeli forces continuing with demolitions, arrests, imprisonment, and shootings of civilians, we believe it is more important than ever to maintain a presence in Palestine. Our goal, with your help, is to raise $7,000(USD) in emergency funds to ensure ISM can continue to operate until the  lockdown resulting from Covid-19 will be gradually lifted and international travel resumes. The funds will be used to cover costs including legal fees (Palestinian and international activists often face unjust arrest and trial for peaceful activism), rental fees for ISM’s offices and volunteer apartments across Palestine, maintaining current projects and media advocacy, transportation, and other incidental costs. 

Over the last 12 months, we have documented and reported on Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing across Palestine, working as international human rights observers and defenders. Our recent actions include:

  • Our ongoing protective presence program with children in Hebron on their way to and from school.
  • Protective presence for farmers and villages in the South Hebron Hills. 
  • Protective presence for farmers across the West Bank during the olive harvest.  
  • Using direct action to oppose illegal settlement expansion, home demolitions, and arrests by occupying forces. 
  • Documenting, reporting, and media advocacy on human rights abuses and violence against innocent Palestinians. 
  • Internationally, we have continued to provide training for independent activists in non-violent direct action activism.
  • Worked with British researchers on a forensic report into the shooting of a Palestinian child by Israeli forces. 

With the spread of COVID-19 and consequent lockdown across Palestine, our newest projects include:

We are counting on all of you, our friends around the world, to keep ISM’s Palestinian-led, non-violent direct action approach to activism alive and ready to resume during this difficult time. We know that many of us are facing financial difficulties due to the current global crisis. In whatever capacity you are able we ask for your support as we face this unprecedented challenge to our movement. Please donate if you can, any amount helps. Please share this call and most importantly continue to support the Palestinian cause by raising awareness and advocating in your home countries and adhearing to and supporting the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against those complicit in Israeli occupation and apartheid.

Together we can continue to spread solidarity and work for a free Palestine!

Follow the link to donate securely online: 

If you have any questions or payment issues, tell us about it at 


التبرعات هنا

إلى أصدقائنا و رفاقنا :

نود شكركم لتضامنكم ودعمكم للفلسطينيّن سواءً من خلال نشاطكمم، وقفاتكم الاحتجاجية، الاضرابات، الدعم المادي، أو من خلال نشر الوعي والمعرفة عن طريق الانترنت أو شخصيا . 

بسببكم حركة التضامن الدولية استطاعت متابعة استخدام طرق سلمية في مقاومة التميّز العنصري الإسرائيلي في فلسطين لعقدين من الزمن تقريباً.

‏ISM مموّلة بشكل كامل عن طريق المتطوعين والعاملين فيها من دون مساعدة راعٍ  مستمر أو متعاون، جميع المتطوعين في ISM مستقلين ماديا ، على أي حال ، الجائحة العالمية أجبرت الكثير من الدول على اتباع اجرائات استثنائية على سبيل المثال: الحجر الصحي، وإيقاف الرحلات الجوية.

لم يعد بإمكان المتطوعين السفر إلى فلسطين ، والاضرابات الاقتصادية العالمية أثّرت علينا مادياً بشكل كبير ، وقد أوصلتنا إلى مرحلة قد تجبرنا على إغلاق جميع مراكزنا في فلسطين مما سيؤثر بشكل كبير على قدرتنا في دعم وتأيد القضية الفلسطينية، ليس فقط خلال هذه الجائحة ولكن لبضعة شهور بعد انتهائها  أيضاً، مما سيمنعنا من استئناف مشاريعنا عند انتهاء الحجر .

مع ارتفاع هجوم المستوطن بنسبة ٧٨٪؜ وسط الجائحة، ومتابعة القوات الإسرائيلية عمليات التدمير ، التخريب، الاعتقالات و السجن واطلاق النار على المدنيّن نحن نؤمن بأهمية بقائنا في فلسطين أكثر من قبل.

هدفنا بمساعدتكم هو جمع ٧٠٠٠ دولار أمريكي لتمويل طارئ، لضمان استمرارية ISM بالعمل لحين الانتهاء من الحجر الصحي بسبب ڤيروس كورونا المستجد واستئناف الرحلات الجوية.

التمويل سوف يستخدم لتغطية بعض النفقات من ضمنها : ضرائب قانونية ( بعض الفلسطينين والناشطين الدوليّن يواجهون في بعض الأحيان اعتقالات قسرية غير عادلة وتحديات بسبب نشاطهم السلمي)، رسوم إيجار لمراكزنا وشقق المتطوعين عبر فلسطين ، والمحافظة على استمرارية المشاريع الحالية، و التأيد الاعلامي، والمواصلات، وبعض المصاريف الطارئة.

خلال الشهور الاثنا عشر الماضية قمنا بتوثيق الاحتلال الإسرائيلي وما يقوم به من تطهير عرقي في فلسطين، عملنا كمراقبين ومدافعين لحقوق الإنسان الدولية، أعمالنا مؤخراً تضمنت:

مع انتشار ڤيروس كورونا المستجد وما ترتب عليه من حجر صحي في فلسطين، آخر مشاريعنا تتضمن:

 دعم للوضع الحالي في فلسطين عبر الانترنت.

حملة معا، بمشاركة فلسطينين ومنظمات دولية أخرى للمطالبة بإجراء تحقيق مع Herbon funds – مجموعة متطرفة عدائية أمريكية تقوم برعاية الاستيطان الاسرائيلي والاعتدائات العسكرية في الخليل.

نحن نعتمد عليكم جميعاً، أصدقائنا في جميع أرجاء العالم لإبقاء ISM بقيادة فلسطينية و إبقاء نهج النشاط السلمي على قيد الحياة ومهيئ لمتابعة العمل خلال هذه الأوقات العصيبة.

نعلم أن العديد منا يواجه صعوبات مادية بسبب الأزمة العالمية، نحن نطلب المساعدة بأي إمكانية مادية تستطيع عليها، في الوقت الذي نواجه فيه تحدٍ غير مسبوق في حراكنا السلمي . 

الرجاء الدعم،أي مبلغ باستطاعتك سوف يساعدنا.

الرجاء نشر هذا النداء والأهم الاستمرار بدعم الفسطينيّن عن طريق نشر الوعي، وتأيد القضية في بلدك الأم، والالتزام بدعم بدعم النداء الفلسطيني لمقاطعة ،وتعرية، وفرض عقوبات [BDS] ضد المتواطئين مع الاحتلال الاسرائيلي والتميز العنصري. 

معاً يمكننا متابعة نشز التضامن والعمل من أجل فلسطين حرة.

اتبع الرابط للتبرع والدعم بشكل أمن عبر الانترنت: 

في حال وجود أي استفسار أو إذا واجهتك مشكلة في الدفع أخبرنا عنها عبر : 


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Amigas, amigos y camaradas:

Queremos agradeceros a todas/os vuestra incondicional solidaridad y apoyo a la libertad del pueblo palestino, ya sea a través del activismo, la protesta, el boicot, las donaciones o la sensibilización en línea y presencialmente. Gracias a vosotras, el International Solidarity Movement (ISM) ha podido continuar utilizando métodos no violentos para resistir el apartheid israelí en Palestina desde hace ya casi dos décadas.

ISM es una organización de base y, al igual que todas las personas voluntarias que participan en el movimiento, se autofinancia sin ningún tipo de patrocinio.  Sin embargo, la pandemia ha obligado a muchos países a adoptar medidas excepcionales, como cuarentenas y restricciones de movilidad. Las personas voluntarias ya no pueden viajar a Palestina y la consiguiente desaceleración económica nos ha afectado seriamente a nivel financiero, hasta tal punto que podemos vernos obligadas a cerrar todas nuestras oficinas en Palestina. Esto limitaría severamente nuestra capacidad de abogar por los problemas del pueblo palestino, no sólo durante la pandemia sino también durante los meses venideros, impidiendo que reanudemos las operaciones una vez que termine la cuarentena.

Los ataques por parte de los colonos israelíes han aumentado un 78% durante la pandemia, y mientras que las fuerzas israelíes continúan con demoliciones, arrestos, encarcelamientos y tiroteos de civiles; consideramos que es más importante que nunca mantener una presencia activa en Palestina. Nuestro objetivo, con vuestra ayuda, es recaudar 7.000$ (USD) en fondos de emergencia para garantizar que ISM pueda continuar operando hasta que la cuarentena resultante del COVID-19 se levante gradualmente y se reanude la movilidad internacional. Los fondos se utilizarán para cubrir multas y tasas judiciales (tanto activistas de Palestina como internacionales a menudo se enfrentan a arrestos y juicios injustos por acciones de resistencia pacífica), los costes de alquiler de las oficinas de ISM y los apartamentos de voluntariado en Palestina, el mantenimiento de los proyectos actuales, la difusión mediática, el transporte y otros costes relacionados.

Durante los últimos 12 meses, hemos documentado e informado sobre la ocupación israelí y la limpieza étnica en toda Palestina, trabajando como observadoras/es y defensoras/es internacionales de derechos humanos. Nuestras acciones recientes incluyen:

  • Nuestro programa de presencia protectora continua para el acompañamiento de niños y niñas de Khalil (Hebrón) en su camino de ida y vuelta de la escuela, constantemente acosados por colonos y las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes.
  • Presencia protectora para familias agricultoras y residentes de aldeas en las colinas del sur de Khalil (Hebrón).
  • Presencia protectora para familias agricultoras en Cisjordania durante la cosecha de aceitunas.
  • Uso la acción directa no violenta para oponernos a la expansión ilegal de asentamientos, demoliciones de viviendas y detenciones por parte de las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes.
  • Documentación, generación de informes y difusión en los medios de comunicación sobre los abusos de los derechos humanos y la violencia contra la población palestina.
  • A nivel internacional, hemos seguido brindando formación a activistas independientes en materia de activismo de acción directa no violenta.
  • Colaboración con investigadores británicos en un informe forense sobre el disparo a un niño palestino por parte de las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes.

Con la propagación del COVID-19 y el consiguiente bloqueo en toda Palestina, nuestros proyectos y actuaciones más recientes incluyen:

Contamos con todas vosotras/os, amigas de todo el mundo, para mantener vivo el activismo de acción directa no violenta liderada por activistas palestinas, y poder disponer de los recursos necesarios para seguir actuando durante este difícil momento. Sabemos que muchas de nosotras nos enfrentamos a dificultades financieras debido a la actual crisis mundial. En la medida que os sea posible, os pedimos vuestro apoyo mientras afrontamos este desafío sin precedentes para nuestro movimiento. Por favor, si podéis, donad; ya que cualquier contribución es bienvenida. Compartid este comunicado y, lo que es más importante, continuad apoyando la causa palestina, creando conciencia y abogando en vuestros países de origen a adherirse y apoyar el movimiento de Boicot, Desinversión y Sanciones (BDS) contra la complicidad con la ocupación y el apartheid israelí.

¡Juntas podemos seguir difundiendo la solidaridad y seguir luchando por una Palestina libre!

Haced clic en el enlace para hacer una donación segura en línea:

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A nos amis et camarades

Nous aimerions vous remercier tous pour votre solidarité et votre soutien continus à la liberté du peuple palestinien, que ce soit par le militantisme, les manifestations, le boycott, les dons ou la sensibilisation en ligne et personnelle. Grâce à vous, le Mouvement de solidarité internationale (ISM) a pu continuer à résister à la colonisation et à l’apartheid israéliens en Palestine par des méthodes non violentes pendant près de deux décennies.

L’ISM est une organisation entièrement financée par la base, sans entreprise ni sponsor, et tous nos bénévoles s’autofinancent. Toutefois, la pandémie mondiale a obligé de nombreux pays à adopter des mesures exceptionnelles, telles que des quarantaines et des interruptions de voyage. Les volontaires ne peuvent plus se rendre en Palestine et le ralentissement économique qui en résulte nous affecte sérieusement financièrement, au point que nous risquons d’être contraints de fermer tous nos bureaux en Palestine. Cela limite gravement notre capacité à soutenir la cause palestinienne, non seulement pendant la pandémie mais aussi pendant les mois suivants, en nous empêchant de reprendre nos activités une fois le confinement terminé.

Avec des attaques de colons en hausse de 78% dans le contexte de la pandémie, et les forces israéliennes qui continuent les démolitions, les arrestations, les emprisonnements et les tirs sur les civils, nous pensons qu’il est plus important que jamais de maintenir une présence en Palestine. Notre objectif, avec votre aide, est de réunir 7.000 dollars US de fonds d’urgence pour que l’ISM puisse continuer à fonctionner jusqu’à ce que le verrouillage résultant de Covid-19 soit progressivement levé et que les voyages internationaux reprennent. Les fonds seront utilisés pour couvrir les frais, notamment les frais juridiques (les militants palestiniens et internationaux sont souvent confrontés à des arrestations et des procès injustes pour avoir milité pacifiquement), les frais de location des bureaux et des appartements des bénévoles de l’ISM dans toute la Palestine, le maintien des projets en cours et la défense des médias, les transports et autres frais annexes.

Au cours des 12 derniers mois, nous avons documenté et publié des articles sur l’occupation israélienne et le nettoyage ethnique en Palestine, en tant qu’observateurs et défenseurs internationaux des droits de l’homme. Nos actions récentes comprennent :

– Notre programme de présence protectrice continue avec les enfants à Hébron sur le chemin de l’école.

– Présence protectrice pour les agriculteurs et les villages dans les collines du sud d’Hébron.

– Présence protectrice pour les agriculteurs de Cisjordanie pendant la récolte des olives.

– Organisation d’actions directes pour s’opposer à l’expansion des colonies illégales, à la démolition des maisons et aux arrestations par les forces d’occupation.

– Documenter, rapporter et dénoncer dans les médias les violations des droits de l’homme et la violence contre des Palestiniens innocents.

– Sur le plan international, nous avons continué à former des militants indépendants à l’action directe non violente.

– Nous avons travaillé avec des chercheurs britanniques sur un rapport médico-légal concernant le tir des forces israéliennes sur un enfant palestinien.

Avec la propagation de COVID-19 et le verrouillage consécutif de la Palestine, nos projets les plus récents consistent en :

Témoignages en ligne sur la situation actuelle,

– et une campagne, avec des organisations palestiniennes et d’autres organisations internationales, pour exiger une enquête sur le Fonds d’Hébron – un groupe extrémiste américain qui promeut la violence des colons et des militaires à Hébron.

Nous comptons sur vous tous, nos amis du monde entier, pour maintenir vivante l’approche d’action directe non violente de l’ISM, dirigée par des Palestiniens, et prête à reprendre ses activités pendant cette période difficile. Nous savons que beaucoup d’entre nous sont confrontés à des difficultés financières en raison de la crise mondiale actuelle. Dans la mesure de vos moyens, nous vous demandons votre soutien pour faire face à ce défi sans précédent pour notre mouvement. Merci de faire un don, si vous le pouvez, tout montant est utile. Merci de partager cet appel et surtout de continuer à soutenir la cause palestinienne en sensibilisant et en plaidant dans vos pays d’origine, et en écoutant et en soutenant l’appel palestinien au boycott, au désinvestissement et aux sanctions (BDS) contre ceux qui sont complices de l’occupation et de l’apartheid israéliens.

Ensemble, nous pouvons continuer à répandre la solidarité et à travailler pour une Palestine libre !


Si vous avez des questions ou des problèmes de paiement, n’hésitez pas à nous en faire part à l’adresse suivante : ou


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Ai nostri amici e compagni:

Vogliamo ringraziarvi tutti per la vostra costante solidarietà e sostegno alla libertà del popolo palestinese, sia attraverso l’attivismo, la protesta, il boicottaggio, le donazioni o la sensibilizzazione, online e di persona. Grazie a voi, l’International Solidarity Movement è stato in grado di continuare a utilizzare metodi non violenti per resistere all’apartheid israeliana in Palestina per quasi due decenni.

ISM è un’organizzazione interamente finanziata dal basso, senza sponsor aziendali o fissi e tutti i nostri volontari sono autofinanziati. Tuttavia, la pandemia globale ha costretto molti Paesi ad adottare misure straordinarie, come le quarantene e le interruzioni degli spostamenti. I volontari non possono più recarsi in Palestina e il conseguente rallentamento economico ci ha gravemente influenzato finanziariamente, al punto che potremmo essere costretti a chiudere tutti i nostri uffici in Palestina. Ciò limiterebbe gravemente la nostra capacità di sostenere la questione palestinese, non solo durante la pandemia, ma anche per mesi dopo, impedendoci di riprendere le operazioni una volta terminato il blocco.

Con gli attacchi dei coloni in crescita del 78%  nel bel mezzo della pandemia e le forze israeliane che continuano con demolizioni, arresti, incarcerazioni e sparatorie di civili, riteniamo che sia più importante che mai mantenere una presenza in Palestina. Il nostro obiettivo, con il vostro aiuto, è quello di raccogliere $ 7.000 (USD) in fondi di emergenza per garantire che l’ISM possa continuare a funzionare fino a quando il blocco risultante dal Covid-19 sarà gradualmente revocato e riprenderanno i viaggi internazionali. I fondi verranno utilizzati per coprire i costi, comprese le spese legali (gli attivisti palestinesi e internazionali spesso affrontano arresti e processi ingiusti per attivismo pacifico), i canoni di locazione per gli uffici dell’ISM e gli appartamenti che ospitano i volontari in tutta la Palestina, mantenendo i progetti attuali di difesa, il lavoro sui media, i trasporti e altri costi collaterali.

Negli ultimi 12 mesi, abbiamo documentato e riferito sull’occupazione israeliana e sulla pulizia etnica in tutta la Palestina, lavorando come osservatori e difensori internazionali dei diritti umani. Le nostre azioni recenti includono:

Con la diffusione di COVID-19 e il conseguente blocco in tutta la Palestina, i nostri progetti più recenti includono:

  • Advocacy online sulla situazione attuale
  • Una campagna, insieme a organizzazioni palestinesi e altre organizzazioni internazionali, che richiede un’indagine sull’”Hebron Fund” – un gruppo estremista statunitense che promuove l’odio e sponsorizza la violenza dei coloni e dei militari a Hebron.

Contiamo su tutti voi, i nostri amici di tutto il mondo, per mantenere vivo l’approccio di azione diretta non violenta guidato dall’ISM, e per restare pronti a riprendere dopo questo momento difficile . Sappiamo che molti di noi stanno affrontando difficoltà finanziarie a causa dell’attuale crisi globale. A qualunque titolo ne siate in grado, chiediamo il vostro sostegno mentre affrontiamo questa sfida senza precedenti al nostro movimento.

Se vi è possibile, vi chiediamo di donare. Qualsiasi importo aiuta.
Condividete  questo appello e, soprattutto, continuate a sostenere la causa palestinese sensibilizzando le persone nei vostri Paesi d’origine e ascoltando e sostenendo la richiesta palestinese di boicottaggio, disinvestimento e sanzioni (BDS) contro i complici dell’occupazione israeliana e dell’apartheid.

Insieme possiamo continuare a diffondere solidarietà e lavorare per una Palestina libera!

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An unsere Freund*innen und Kamerad*innen:

Wir möchten Euch allen für Eure fortwährende Solidarität und Unterstützung für die Freiheit des palästinensischen Volkes danken, sei es durch Aktivismus, Protest, Boykott, Spenden oder Online- und persönliche Sensibilisierung. Durch Euch kann International Solidarity Movement seit fast zwei Jahrzehnten gewaltfreie Methoden anwenden, um der israelischen Apartheid in Palästina zu widerstehen.

ISM ist eine vollständig von der Basis finanzierte Organisation ohne Unterstützung von Unternehmen oder sponsoren, und alle unsere Freiwilligen sind selbst finanziert. Die globale Pandemie hat jedoch viele Länder gezwungen, außergewöhnliche Maßnahmen wie Quarantänen und Reisebeschränkungen zu ergreifen. Freiwillige können nicht mehr nach Palästina reisen, und die daraus resultierende wirtschaftliche Abkühlung hat uns finanziell ernsthaft getroffen, bis zu dem Punkt, an dem wir möglicherweise gezwungen sind, alle unsere Büros in Palästina zu schließen. Dies würde unsere Fähigkeit, sich nicht nur während der Pandemie, sondern auch für Monate danach für palästinensische Herausforderungen einzusetzen, stark einschränken und uns daran hindern, den Betrieb wieder aufzunehmen, sobald die Sperrung endet. 

Angesichts der um 78% gestiegenen Siedlerangriffe während der Pandemie und den fortgesetzten Zerstörungen, Verhaftungen, Inhaftierungen und Erschießungen von Zivilipersonen durch die israelischen Streitkräfte halten wir es für wichtiger denn je, in Palästina präsent zu sein. Unser Ziel ist es, mit Eurer Hilfe Notfallmittel in Höhe von 7.000 USD (USD) aufzubringen, um sicherzustellen, dass ISM weiter betrieben werden kann, bis die durch Covid-19 verursachte Sperrung schrittweise aufgehoben und die internationalen Reisen wieder aufgenommen werden. Die Mittel werden zur Deckung von Kosten verwendet, einschließlich Anwaltskosten (palästinensische und internationale Aktivisten werden häufig wegen friedlichen Aktivismus ungerechtfertigt verhaftet und vor Gericht gestellt), Mietgebühren für ISM-Büros und Freiwilligenwohnungen in ganz Palästina, Aufrechterhaltung aktueller Projekte und Medienvertretung, Transport und anderer beiläufigen Kosten.

In den letzten 12 Monaten haben wir als internationale Menschenrechtsbeobachter*innen und Verteidiger*innen die israelische Besatzung und ethnische Säuberung in ganz Palästina dokumentiert und darüber berichtet. Unsere jüngsten Maßnahmen umfassen:

  • Unser laufendes Schutzpräsenzprogramm mit Kindern in Hebron auf dem Weg zur und von der Schule.
  • Schutzpräsenz für Bauern und Dörfer in den South Hebron Hills.
  • Schutzpräsenz für Landwirte im gesamten Westjordanland während der Olivenernte.
  • Einsatz direkter Maßnahmen gegen illegale Siedlungserweiterung, Hauszerstörungen und Verhaftungen durch Besatzungsmächte.
  • Dokumentation, Berichterstattung und Medienvertretung zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Gewalt gegen unschuldige Palästinenser*innen.
  • International haben wir weiterhin unabhängige Aktivist innen in gewaltfreiem Direktaktivismus geschult.
  • Arbeit mit britischen Forschern an einem forensischen Bericht über die Erschießung eines palästinensischen Kindes durch israelische Streitkräfte.

Mit der Verbreitung von COVID-19 und der damit verbundenen Ausgangssperre in ganz Palästina umfassen unsere neuesten Projekte:

  • Online-Anwaltschaft über die aktuelle Situation,
  • Und eine Kampagne, die zusammen mit palästinensischen und anderen internationalen Organisationen eine Untersuchung des Hebron Fund fordert – einer extremistischen US-Hassgruppe, die Siedler- und militärische Gewalt in Hebron fördert.

Wir zählen darauf, dass Ihr alle, unsere Freunde auf der ganzen Welt, den von Palästinenser*innen geführten, gewaltfreien direkten Aktionsansatz von ISM für Aktivismus am Leben erhalten und bereit seid, in dieser schwierigen Zeit wieder aufzunehmen. Wir wissen, dass viele von uns aufgrund der aktuellen globalen Krise mit finanziellen Schwierigkeiten konfrontiert sind. In welcher Form   auch immer Ihr in der Lage seid, wir bitten Euch um Eure Unterstützung, wenn wir uns dieser außerordentlichen und neuen Herausforderung für unsere Bewegung stellen. Bitte spendet, wenn Ihr könnt, jeder Betrag hilft. Bitte teilt diesen Aufruf und unterstützt vor allem weiterhin die palästinensische Situation, indem Ihr das Bewusstsein und die Befürwortung in Ihren Heimatländern schärft und den palästinensischen Aufruf zum Boykott, zur Veräußerung und zu Sanktionen (BDS) gegen diejenigen, die an der israelischen Besatzung und Apartheid beteiligt sind, unterstützt.

Gemeinsam können wir weiterhin Solidarität verbreiten und für ein freies Palästina arbeiten!

Folgt dem Link, um sicher online zu spenden:

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Amics, amigues i camarades:

Volem agrair-vos a tots i totes la vostra incondicional solidaritat i suport en la llibertat del poble palestí, ja sigui a través de l’activisme, la protesta, el boicot, les donacions o la sensibilització en línia i de forma presencial. Gràcies a vosaltres, l’International Solidarity Movement (ISM) ha aconseguit continuar utilitzant mètodes no violents per resistir l’apartheid israelià a Palestina des de fa ja gairebé dues dècades.

ISM és una organització no governamental totalment finançada des de la base, sense patrocinadors corporatius o fixos, i totes les persones voluntàries que participen del projecte són autofinançades. No obstant això, la pandèmia ha obligat molts països a adoptar mesures excepcionals, com quarantenes i interrupcions de desplaçaments. Les persones voluntàries ja no poden viatjar a Palestina i la desacceleració econòmica ens ha afectat seriosament a nivell financer, fins a un punt en què ens podem veure obligades a tancar totes les nostres oficines a Palestina. Això limitaria severament la nostra capacitat d’advocar pels problemes del poble palestí, no només durant la pandèmia sinó també durant els propers mesos, ja que no es podrien reprendre les operacions una vegada que acabi la quarantena.

Amb l’augment del 78% dels atacs per part dels colons enmig de la pandèmia i davant del fet que les forces israelianes continuen amb demolicions, detencions, empresonaments i tirotejos a civils, creiem que és més important que mai mantenir una presència activa a Palestina. El nostre objectiu, amb la vostra ajuda, és recaptar 7.000$ (USD) en fons d’emergència per garantir que l’ISM pugui continuar operant fins que el bloqueig resultant del Covid-19 s’aixequi gradualment i es reprenguin els viatges internacionals. Els fons s’utilitzaran per cobrir costos que inclouen impostos o multes (els i les activistes palestines i internacionals sovint s’enfronten a detencions i judicis injustos per accions de resistència pacífica), els costos de lloguer de les oficines d’ISM i els apartaments de voluntariat a Palestina, el manteniment dels projectes actuals, la difusió en mitjans de comunicació, el transport i altres despeses relacionades.

Durant els últims 12 mesos, hem documentat i informat sobre l’ocupació israeliana i la neteja ètnica a tota Palestina, treballant com a observadors/es i defensors/es internacionals  dels drets humans. Les nostres accions recents inclouen:

  • El nostre programa continu de presència per protegir als infants de Khalil (Hebrón) en el camí d’anada i tornada a l’escola, constantment assetjats pels colons i les forces d’ocupació israelites.
  • Presència protectora per a famílies agricultores i residents de pobles als turons del sud de Khalil (Hebrón).
  • Presència protectora per a famílies agricultores a tota Cisjordania durant la collita d’olives.
  • Ús de l’acció directa no violenta per oposar-nos a l’expansió il·legal d’assentaments, demolicions de vivendes i detencions per part de les forces d’ocupació israelites.
  • Documentació, generació d’informes i difusió als mitjans de comunicació sobre els abusos dels drets humans i la violència contra la població palestina.
  • A nivell internacional, hem seguit realitzant formació a activistes independents en matèria d’activisme d’acció directa no violenta.
  • Treball amb investigadors britànics en un informe forense sobre el tret a un infant palestí per part de les forces d’ocupació israelites.

Amb la propagació del COVID-19 i el bloqueig a tota Palestina, els nostres projectes i actuacions més recents inclouen:

Comptem amb tots i totes vosaltres, amics/es de tot el món, per mantenir viu l’activisme d’acció directa no violenta liderada per persones palestines, i poder disposar dels recursos necessaris per seguir actuant durant aquest difícil moment. Sabem que molts i moltes de nosaltres afrontem dificultats financeres a causa de l’actual crisi mundial. En la mesura que us sigui possible, us demanem el vostre suport mentre fem front a aquest desafiament sense precedents per al nostre moviment. Si us plau, si podeu,  doneu. Qualsevol quantitat serà d’ajuda. Compartiu aquesta crida i, el que és més important, continueu donant suport a la causa palestina, creant consciència i advocant, en els vostres països d’origen i de residència, perquè s’adhereixin i donin suport al moviment de Boicot, Desinversió i Sancions (BDS) contra els còmplices de l’ocupació i el apartheid israelià.

Junts i juntes podrem seguir difonent la solidaritat i seguir lluitant per una Palestina lliure!

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