The Third Annual Apartheid Week

1.The Third Annual Apartheid Week 2. Arbitrary Arrest of Two Boys in Tel Rumeida 3. Nkwenkwezi Bil’in: The Star of Bil’in 4. Despite Promises, Israel Continues to Deny Foreign Nationals Entry to the Occupied Palestinian Territories 5. IOF invades PA controlled Hebron 6. Boycott Israeli Apartheid Vigil in Los Angeles 7. Update from the South … Continue reading The Third Annual Apartheid Week

Haaretz: Twilight Zone / ‘I’ve lost my heart’

by Gideon Levy, January 25th Was it the stun grenade that hit her head, the shock caused by its explosion or the rubber bullet fired by the Border Police? Does it make any difference? Did the Border Policeman intend to kill a child of 11 – or not? What difference does it make? The real … Continue reading Haaretz: Twilight Zone / ‘I’ve lost my heart’

Bethlehem villagers pray on bulldozed land and appeal for international solidarity

1. Bethlehem villagers pray on bulldozed land and appeal for international solidarity 2. Bethlehem Villagers Resist Occupation Bulldozers 3. Ten-year old girl brain dead after border police shooting 4. Thirty Days Against Checkpoints Underway in Nablus 5. Foreign Nationals still denied entry to West Bank by Israel 6. Tel Rumeida resident walks home along street…twice … Continue reading Bethlehem villagers pray on bulldozed land and appeal for international solidarity

Thirty Days Against Borders – Children of Nablus against the Occupation

1. Thirty Days Against Borders – Children of Nablus against the Occupation by the Palestinian Body for Peace, Dialogue and Equality (HASM) Sunday 14th of January School children from Nablus dressed up like Native Americans will gather in a peaceful demonstration at Huwarra checkpoint. On the other side of the checkpoint, Israeli peace activists will … Continue reading Thirty Days Against Borders – Children of Nablus against the Occupation