ALERT: Call for Gaza volunteers falsely attributed to the International Solidarity Movement

25 October 2010 | International Solidarity Movement FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Recently an article titled “We are looking for the next Rachel Corrie” appeared on several IndyMedia websites purporting to be an official ISM call for volunteers in Gaza. This article was not written or released by the International Solidarity Movement. Some versions of the article … Continue reading ALERT: Call for Gaza volunteers falsely attributed to the International Solidarity Movement

PROTEST CALL: oppose the OECD’s Tourism Conference in Jerusalem October 20-22nd

The International Solidarity Movement is calling on activists to protest in Jerusalem in the third week of October against the annual tourism conference of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) which should not be held in the occupied capital of an apartheid state in violation of a plethora of international laws. >>>>> ISRAEL … Continue reading PROTEST CALL: oppose the OECD’s Tourism Conference in Jerusalem October 20-22nd

Emily Henochowicz: artist turned pro-Palestinian activist

21 August 2010 | The Guardian Jewish-American Emily Henochowicz recalls how she lost an eye at a protest in Israel after the storming of the Gaza aid flotilla As a student artist, Emily Henochowicz has always been fascinated by the way the brain processes visual signals to form images of the physical world around us. … Continue reading Emily Henochowicz: artist turned pro-Palestinian activist

The weekend in protests

August 2010 | ISM Media Reports of all the weekend demonstrations in the West Bank attended by ISM activists. Bil’in: tributes paid to Olympia and music from rappers in solidarity with Palestine (July 30th) Dozens suffered from tear gas inhalation and stun grenades in Bil’in’s weekly demonstration, and two people were injured. On Friday 30 … Continue reading The weekend in protests

Desmond Tutu backs U.S food co-op boycott of Israeli products

30 July 2010 | Ha’aretz South African Nobel laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu issues statement of support for boycott announced by food co-op in Rachel Corrie’s hometown of Olympia, Washington South African Nobel laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu said on Wednesday that he supports the Olympia Food Co-op’s boycott of Israeli products. The Olympia Food Co-op, located … Continue reading Desmond Tutu backs U.S food co-op boycott of Israeli products