Masafer Yatta: Shi’b Al Butm villagers determined to stay on their land

16 November 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Masafer Yatta

Shi’b Al Butm is a village on the side of one of the South Hebron Hills. It is  home to 18 Palestinian families with an illegal Israeli settlement close by, and a settler outpost sprouted by the main settlement even closer, very near the houses at the top end of the village.

When we arrived last night, the yellowish shine of the settlement lights looked too near for comfort. The white lights of the the Palestinian town of Yatta were far more distant. A modern settler road stretches along the other side of the village, cutting through the rolling hills and cutting Shi’b Al Butm off from Yatta.

Our host and his family were sitting around a massive burning log of an olive tree trunk, with tea and coffee repeatedly making the rounds. When the settlers’ drone went up in the night sky, we knew that they were keeping an eye on us and reminding us of their presence.

There was some movement in the direction of the outpost. Night sounds are obvious to those who lived there all their lives, but not to us unfamiliar with the area.

The consensus was that it was likely to be the settlers removing the tent nearest to the village houses. Why do that in the middle of the night? Israeli solidarity activists told us that a tour of the settlements was organised for the next day to show their peaceful nature and idyllic nature and having a tent as a sign of outpost extension on the verge of a Palestinian village could not be a part of that gaslighting tour.

The host and his sons told us that they would be staying awake in shifts through the night and we made a rota for us internationals to keep them company. A Los Angeles Times journalist, spending the night in the village, also joined the vigil.

During my night shift, all noises were a cause for alert.  Our host and his son again and again getting up, listening hard and shining a torch to make sure that there are no unwanted visitors. Then the dogs would start barking and our host’s son would venture in the dark to see what excited them.

Luckily the night was quiet, but with several men of the house hardly sleeping a wink. The idea was that they would all catch up on their sleep after the morning prayer.

An Israeli woman activist who spends lots of time in the area, staying in different villages, told me that the setters always come from the outpost just above the village. Last time, a few days ago, they came and told the entire village population to leave or they would kill them. But the villagers were not planning to leave, nor were they going to be caught asleep.

The Israeli activist said that that was the third in the wave of attacks since the start of the war on Gaza, with the previous ones ending in the entire contents of one home bring wrecked, flour spilled all over, flower pots smashed and a duck and chicken killed. She quoted the cynical remark of a villager: “Now that Palestinian lives don’t matter anymore, can someone at least try to protect the lives of animals?”

Another day of grief in Tulkarem refugee camp

16 November 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Tulkarem

By. Diana Khwaelid

Hundreds of Palestinians mourned the 7 martyrs who were killed by the Israeli occupation forces last Tuesday, November 14, in Tulkarem refugee camp: 2 of them were killed by Special Forces, 3 of them were killed while targeting homes with drones and others were killed by Israeli snipers.During the storming of the camp last Tuesday evening, the camp witnessed the almost complete destruction of roads and streets: something which has not witnessed for a long time. A state of sadness and fear prevails in the atmosphere of the camp after a real massacre was committed, which claimed the lives of 7 Palestinians in less than 12 hours.The seven martyrs are: Mahmoud Hadadida (25), Hazem al-Hosri (29), Saeed Abu Tahoun (24), Jihad Ghanem(27), Musab Gul (21), Walid Musaie (26) and Abdul Jarban (33).
Palestinians could not mourn the seven martyrs the next day after the storming because of the destroyed roads, and the camp residents postponed the date of the funeral of the 7 martyrs to the day after, November 16, so that they could repair the destroyed roads as much as the place.
The bodies of the 7 martyrs were transported from the hospital (AL Shaheed Thabit Thabit) in the city. The crowd arrived at the camp on foot, repeating the words of strength and national unity denouncing the crimes of the occupation until they reached the camp.
Each body was taken to his family home for a final farewell by family and friends.
After that, they were transferred to a youth Hall of the UN International Agency for a farewell by the families of the camp residents and friends and to pray for them for the last time, as there was not enough space to pray for them inside the mosque in the camp.
Residents of the camp carried the bodies of the 7 Palestinian martyrs with echoing words denouncing the crimes of the Israeli occupation against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the number of martyrs since October 7 has reached more than 200 in the West Bank. In the city of Tulkarem alone there have been 36 martyrs since October 7.


“Leave, or we kill everyone”: contact your representatives to stop the ethnic cleansing in Masafer Yatta

UPDATED-14 November, 2023, Wadi Tiran in the occupied West Bank, Palestine

Thanks to the efforts of human rights volunteers and their supporters, the inhabitants of the village of Wadi Tiran have survived another night. The inhabitants were given a 24 hour warning “”. The volunteers kept a night watch, sleeping in a rota so that the villagers could get a sound night sleep for the first time in months. The ethnic cleansing of communities across the West Bank has escalated as world attention is focused on the genocide unfolding in Gaza.

Some local diplomats reacted today and have talked to members of the volunteer support group. But we must keep the pressure on. The settlers will only be reined in by political pressure on their leaders in the Israeli government. Our political representatives must be asked to act immediately to stop the displacement of these villagers.

Residents, along with a handful of international and Israeli human rights defenders, will be gathered in a large tent again tonight, awaiting their fate. The Israeli police have been called but they continue to refuse to attend.

The village of Wadi Tiran is a small herding community located next to what was the larger village of Zanuta, whose 150 residents were forced to leave their homes on 31 October under similar, persistent and violent Israeli settler attacks.

Seven colonial settlers from the Havat Yehuda illegal outpost that lies above the village arrived in Wadi Tiran three nights ago: “You have 24 hours to leave or we will kill everyone”. This threat has become the standard threat issued to herding communities across the Occupied West Bank. Fifteen of these communities have already been wiped off the map. After 24 hours passed, settlers entered the community and destroyed cars, a solar panel, a tractor, and anything they could get their hands on.

Now that night has fallen again, the entire village remains gathered in one tent waiting for the settlers to complete their threats.

We ask people around the world to pressure their governments to take immediate action to stop the displacement of Wadi Tiran.

American Human Rights Defenders, Jimmy Dunson and Dezeray Lyn, from Tampa, Florida, are present in Wadi Tiran. During this time, they have become concerned about the continual attacks against Palestinians by settlers. Residents, along with a handful of international and Israeli human rights defenders, are gathered in a large tent awaiting their fate. One human rights defender from Tampa holds onto the values of the White Rose Society, a group of people in the center of Nazi Germany who maintained their humanity amid the inhumanity around them and resisted the Holocaust. He speaks fondly of the Israelis who have chosen “to oppose another shoah, another nakba. I believe them to be some of the righteous among the nations in this generation, and I am grateful to be beside them. They, from below in the valley, rather than the settlers on the hilltops, are a light unto the nations, holding onto a culture of solidarity against the odds.”

For this reason, Human Rights Defenders everywhere demand a ceasefire and an immediate end to settlers raiding on Palestinian villages.

If you are a US citizen, please contact your local representatives and embassies:

Embassy in Jerusalem:
Ambassador: Jack Lew
Phone: (02) 630 400
Twitter: Jack Lew@USAmbIsrael
Follow @USembassyJLM and @USPalAffairs for updates.

Tel Aviv Branch Office:
Phone: (03) 519 7575

US Palestinian Affairs in Jerusalem:
Phone: (02) 6227230

Script for communication to Embassies and Representatives:

I am writing to demand rapid action be taken by this body to defend human rights in the West Bank. As violations of International Humanitarian Law continue to be committed against occupied Palestinians, world leaders who do not take every action to defend human life and dignity are complicit in the denial of them.

Daily incidents of violence committed by Israeli settlers against isolated and vulnerable Palestinian families in the South Hebron Hills are being documented and transmitted to the world. Daily transgressions of the rights of Palestinians to live their lives without being harassed, searched, arbitrarily arrested and held without charge, raided, shot at and humiliated by the army and settlers -who are being emboldened by the silence of the international community. These violations are being reported by human rights organizations across the globe. With the whole world watching, what side of history will you be on?


Another crime committed in Tulkarem camp by the Occupation Forces

Several Israeli military vehicles driving down the street in Tulkarem
Several Israeli military vehicles driving down the street in Tulkarem

14 November 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Tulkarem

By Diana Khwaelid

Another crime perpetrated by the Israeli occupation in the Tulkarem refugee camp. The blood of the four Palestinians who were killed about a week ago had not yet dried up before the Israeli Occupation Forces committed a new crime that claimed the lives of 7 Palestinian civilians.

On the evening of last Tuesday Nov 14th, the Israeli occupation forces stormed the city of Tulkarem. Around 10pm Israeli special forces tried to infiltrate the Tulkarem refugee camp as well but initially failed after being met with resistance by Palestinian youths.

Dozens of Israeli military vehicles including troop carriers and D9 bulldozers, stormed the city of Tulkarem and the camp, during which the IOF bulldozed the main roads connecting the camp. The Balawneh neighbourhood was especially hard hit. The IOF also destroyed and demolished the memorial symbol at the entrance to the camp which is dedicated to the two martyrs Samer Al-Shafi’I and Hamza Al-Khoshafqi.

A street in Tulkarem that has been severely damaged. Several adults and children are walking around.
A street in Tulkarem that has been severely damaged
Another street that has been torn up by a D9 bulldozer.
Another street that has been torn up by a D9 bulldozer

7 Palestinian civilians were killed in the 13 hours the military operation lasted. 2 of them were killed by Israeli Special Forces and 4 of them were killed in the bombing of the 3 residential buildings, including one 3 storey building. Dozens of civilian cars belonging to the camp residents were also destroyed.

Two houses whose fronts have collapsed from bombings
Two houses whose fronts have collapsed from bombings
The aftermath of the bombing of a residential area. Several residents are on the ground taking in what has happened.
The aftermath of the bombing of a residential area

Electricity was cut off from the camp residents and the water network was destroyed in the first hours of the invasion. The Israeli occupation forces prevented medical staff from performing their work, refusing to let them enter the camp to transport the injured to the hospital or even provide first aid. During this, press crews were targeted with tear gas bombs.

14 continuous hours of anxiety and fear experienced by the residents of Tulkarem city and in particular the Tulkarem refugee camp.

Rubble filling the streets of Tulkarem, in the background is a house that has been bombed.
Rubble filling the streets of Tulkarem camp where several houses where bombed
Several residents walking down an unpaved street after the invasion
Several residents walking down an unpaved street after the invasion

White Roses

A picture of a compass lying on brown fabric.
A picture of a compass lying on brown fabric

When I came to Palestine, I brought with me a compass. And when I open it, covering up what would point me north to find my way is white rose petals.

The White Rose Society was a group of people in the center of Nazi Germany who maintained their humanity amid the inhumanity around them and resisted the Holocaust.

Yesterday a group of little Palestinian children took me to a playground. We played together, prayed together, and they gave me more white rose petals.

Last night I slept in a small Bedouin Palestinian community. 3 days ago they were given 24 hours by violent extremists from nearby illegal settlement outposts to leave their village or all be killed. As I write this, they are still alive and still in their homes, but I don’t know how much longer this will be the case.

In the tent I stayed in, to document and intervene, there were internationals and Israelis. The Israelis I was with have chosen to oppose another shoah, another nakba. I believe them to be some of the righteous among the nations in this generation, and I am grateful to be beside them. They, from below in the valley, rather than the settlers on the hilltops, are a light unto the nations, holding onto a culture of solidarity against the odds.

Last night Wadi Tiran, where I rested my head, was not wiped off the map, but there have already been whole communities that have disappeared completely because of similar threats. And the IDF fighter jets I heard overhead every hour, reminded me that even as I try to stop ethnic cleansing, I am failing. I paid my taxes. And those U.S.  tax dollars are murdering thousands of children just like the ones who gave me white rose petals.

As somebody who is inspired by all the Abrahamic faith traditions, I know that the survival, peace, freedom, and right to return of one people or faith does not have to mean the denial of the survival, peace, freedom, and right to return of another people or faith.

The Islamic mystic poet Jelaluddin Rumi says, “Wherever you go may you be the soul of that place.” One meaning of Al Aqsa, the Mosque in the heart of Jerusalem’s old city, is the soul. The soul of this place is in danger. And with it, the soul of humanity.

I hope I will see more white roses bloom.