Far Right Settler March Demanding Control of Al Aqsa Mosque Disbanded for Inciting Violence

8 December 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Occupied East Jerusalem

     Marking the first night of Hanukkah, on December 7, around 150 ultra-nationalist, Kahane terrorist linked extremist settlers demanding “full Jewish control” of Al Aqsa Mosque shouted racist abuse and waved banners of violent incitement against Al Aqsa Mosque. The violent-extremist group was granted authorization to march through the Muslim Quarter, but was stopped before it could start when Israeli police confronted the mob for violating the terms of its protest permit and inciting violence. Signs calling for the bulldozer-demolition of Al Aqsa, one of the holiest structures in Islam, were reportedly confiscated.  

Clashes between Israeli police and far-right activists at a march through Jerusalem’s Old City on Thursday night. Credit: Olivier Fitoussi.

     Permission was granted on the eve of the event, against every indication that march organizers would not be following the tepid ‘restrictions’ placed on the march including an attendance cap and disallowance of the route reaching the holy site. Extremist, settler-colonial citizen forces are granted the right to murder and showered with arms by their government with which to do so. But under pressure through public outcry against the provocative event, occupation police dispersed the demonstration.

     Far right march organizers had circulated a declaration through social media linking the events in Gaza with continued zionist incitement to wrest control of Al Aqsa from the Islamic Endowment waqf. Extremist settlers, instead, want to place it under the control of the same occupying force which is committing daily atrocities against occupied and besieged Palestinians, atrocities which have shocked the world. 

     The Haram Al-Sharif and the Al Aqsa Mosque, was the first place Muslims prayed toward and remains a sacred site of great importance in Islam. It has long been a flashpoint for far right extremist settler and occupation forces’ violence and antagonization of Palestinians through continuous incursions; its majesty the backdrop of the repeated and arbitrary denial of access to Muslims.  

     Across a timeline littered with incursions into the area, May saw hundreds of settlers marking “Flag Day” by rampaging through occupied East Jerusalem where soldier and settler alike hurled racial insults and assaulted Palestinians in the area. And in early October, far-right extremists repeatedly stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque compound coinciding with the Jewish Sukkot seven day pilgrimage festival. Incited by Jewish ultra-nationalist groups, extremist settlers continued an antagonistic campaign of repeated trampling of the courtyard at the holy site even as faithful Palestinians were being violently denied entry, an arbitrary age-restriction which is ongoing.  

Al Aqsa Compound stormed by extremist settlers on October 5, 2023. photo credit: The New Arab.

     Al-Aqsa’s administrative workers, including Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, one of Al Aqsa’s main Imams, have endured repeated targeting. Sheikh Sabri has faced terrorist death threats by settler vigilantes, a raid of his home to announce an arbitrary travel ban against him, and an outrageous eviction and notice of impending demolition of his home just days ago. This home demolition is especially egregious because it involves the collective punishment of 100 Palestinians who also live in separate homes inside the threatened structure.  

     People of all faiths, including Palestinian Muslims, have an inalienable right, echoed in OCHA’s International Standards article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of freedom from religious-based discrimination. Palestinians regularly attempt to reach Al Aqsa Mosque for Friday prayers, but are blocked by Israeli barricades, police, and military who attack the worshippers while they are praying week after week. Human rights defenders holding a non-violent presence to document the restriction, assault, and harassment of Palestinian Muslims at their holy site, have had their phones and passports confiscated and have been forced from the site by occupation soldiers. Despite these provocations, and the recent jailing and forced deportation of a Belgian human rights defender while documenting an illegal home demolition, international human rights defenders continue to document and intervene in human rights violations. 

     The violent, extremist settler march was an incitement to further violence and marginalization of indigenous Palestinians and the obscene violation of a holy site meant to be a welcoming sanctuary to those whispering prayers within its walls. The organization, Jewish Voice for Peace, blueprints the odds between the Jewish faith and this supremacist Zionist ideology; “Zionist interpretations of history taught us that Jewish people are alone, that to remedy the harms of antisemitism we must think of ourselves as always under attack and that we cannot trust others. It teaches us fear, and that the best response to fear is a bigger gun, a taller wall, a more humiliating checkpoint.” Their statements and demonstrations are part of a growing worldwide Jewish resistance to occupation, apartheid and the systematic dehumanization which maintains them. “Rather than accept the inevitability of occupation and dispossession, we choose a different path. We learn from the anti-Zionist Jews who came before us, and know that as long as Zionism has existed, so has Jewish dissent to it.”

     Many Palestinian families remember the stories of their great grandparents who recall how Palestinian Arab and Jewish neighbors babysat for each other and were not only at peace, but close friends, prior to the imposition of settler-colonialism. Palestine, “the land of barakah” (the land of blessings, peace, salvation, liberation, and spiritual presence) and site of the stories that have shaped so many Jewish, Christian, and Muslim lives is experiencing a tragedy of unimaginable proportions. The Al Aqsa Mosque, the soul of Jerusalem, is at the epicenter of the fate of this land and its people, with reverberations around the world; a crossroads between liberatory survival and genocidal desolation, of human rights and the restriction thereof, justice and justice denied.

Masafer Yatta Families Displaced Following Home Demolitions

7 December 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Masafer Yatta, Occupied West Bank

In just over one week, several Palestinian family homes were relegated to fields of rubble after occupation army bulldozers invaded several villages including al Deirat, Umm Lasafa and Umm Qissa. The demolitions left Palestinian children and their families homeless as the targeted destruction and expulsion of Masafer Yatta communities continues to accelerate.  

The ruins of a demolished family home in Masafer Yatta. Photo Credit: BNN

On December 6, Occupation forces took the opportunity to demolish a sheep barn in Umm Qissa overnight during their destructive incursion in furtherance of the attacks on the shepherding and farming infrastructure of Palestinian communities in the South Hebron Hills. Coupled with the violent raids, antagonism and invasion of Palestinian homes by extremist ideological settlers, the pattern of harassment towards the achievement of a land ethnically cleansed of indigenous Palestinians grinds forth.  

Taking advantage of the gap in coverage with the world’s eyes on the genocide in Gaza, and the isolated nature of the villages of Masafer Yatta, the occupation army has enabled and participated in the increasing momentum of settler terrorist attacks along with the destruction of residences to force Palestinian expulsion.  

On December 3, settler extremists invaded Esfay, Maghayir Al-Abid and At-Tuba, leaving behind them the destroyed water network of a wide swathe of villagers of the South Hebron Hills communities. With surgical exacting, occupation forces are removing all elements of a people’s ability to exist; from the slashing of water cisterns to the destruction of water flow pipes, a community without water cannot survive. In image after image filtering out of the embattled villages, homes are seen crashing down under the gears of army-driven bulldozers while armed IOF stand guarding the destruction from intervention.  

Credit: OCHA data on demolition and displacement in the West Bank. 12/03

On OCHA’s data on demolition and displacement in the West Bank website rolling figures which “reflect the demolition of Palestinian-owned structures and the resulting displacement of people from their homes across the West Bank since 2009” are updated every 48 hours. The numbers continue to grow and the project of colonial expansion continues to saturate the occupied West Bank. 

Occupation Forces Issue Demolition order for Al-Aqsa Imam

Occupied East Jerusalem

     On December 3, Israeli Occupation forces converged on the Sawaneh neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem evicting its residents and pinning intention-of-demolition orders to all families in the building albeit their target was solely the home of one of Al-Aqsa Mosque’s main Imams, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri.  The order affects 18 homes, ultimately impacting over 100 Palestinian residents of the building.

(Photo credit: Anadolu Agency 3/12/23)

     Noted in Hebrew, the demolition orders state, “In order to minimize damage, you must immediately remove possessions from said premises.  If you do not, the state will not be responsible for damages.”  The titled headline announces, “We hereby affirm you of our intent to demolish the house according to court order.” 

     Sheikh Sabri is no stranger to incitement against his person and property as he has been the subject of the arbitrary harassment, arrest, and imprisonment which has become the signature of the occupier whose very existence depends on silencing liberatory voices representative of justice and dignity for the Palestinian people, including when the 85 year old Imam’s home was stormed by occupation forces who imposed a 6 month travel ban for the stated reason that he had been deemed a “security threat.”

     With several families residing in the building being the recipients of this same demolition order which will displace them as a consequence of the targeting of Sheikh Sabri, it is again evidenced that the Israeli government, Israeli authorities and the Israeli occupation forces are in violation of International Humanitarian Law, specifically Article 33 on collective punishment.  The article states, in no uncertain terms, that “Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.” Thus, the purveyors of prolific violations of human rights of an entire people continue to be rewarded for their troubles with impunity, copious funding and arms provisions to wage further war crimes, genocide and countless other daily transgressions.  For now and the immediate future while whatever veneer of an appeals process accessible to Palestinians saddled with notices of home demolitions is acted out, their already daily lot has been made heavier with this additional form of torment.  

     Reports from across the occupied West Bank flash across the eyes of the world like a disturbing stop-motion reality; settler incursions, beatings, murders, abductions, theft, vandalism and death threats.  One of the most heinous tributaries of such threats floated Sheikh Sabri’s name across it just one month ago.  

     The extremist settler Telegram channel “Nazi-Hunters, known for incitement to murder Palestinians across the occupied territories as well as inside of Israel has named Sheikh Sabri as a target, joining him with the journalists, student activists, Al-Aqsa administrative workers and others being targeted for terror attacks and death ostensibly for ‘Nazism,’ which has become code among violent ideological zionists projected onto Palestinians and allies resisting oppression and occupation.  

Screenshot of “Nazi Hunters” Telegram channel. Photo credit: Middle East Eye

     The channel displays images of Palestinians with crosshairs placed over their faces, encouraging the choir to circulate the calls for murder, “share a lot maybe it will reach the Nazis themselves and they will kill themselves out of fear.”  

     As noted by UNRWA’s Demolition Watch site, home demolitions are a leading cause of Palestinian’s continued displacement and their toll on families cannot be overstated, “The impact of home demolitions on children can be particularly devastating. Many children affected by demolitions show signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety.”  The effect leaves emotional wreckage long after the rubble from the felled house has been cleared. 

Solidarity Worldwide: actions, protests and initiatives for Palestine around the globe

As the Israeli army continues its genocidal war on Gaza, and as the Israeli occupation forces and settler militias carry out ethnic cleansing in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, people around the world are taking to the streets, engaging in direct actions and BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) and pressuring their governments to enforce an immediate permanent ceasefire, an end to the blockade of Gaza and an end to the Israeli occupation and apartheid.

This post will cover the ongoing solidarity with the Palestinian struggle around the world. It will be updated with media and reports of direct actions, demonstrations, vigils and other forms of solidarity currently happening around the world, so that we can inspire each other, learn from each other and connect struggles.


Jewish Voices for Peace launches a Week of Action (11-15 December)

Jewish Voices for Peace and partner organisations are launching a week of mobilisations for the week (11th – 15th December). Their toolkit  includes guidelines on how to take action during the week in the US:

#1 – Organize a protest at your elected official’s office

#2 – Organize a protest or creative direct action at a weapons manufacturing and corporate targets.

#3 – Tell Congress: stop arming this genocide and Vote NO on sending more weapons to Israel, and join us every Tuesday and Wednesday to make calls to Congress.

#4 – Host a teach-in or create a zine on the role of U.S. militarism and Palestine in your community.

#5 – Something else! Plan a creative action!


Students in Queen’s University Belfast vote for divestment from military and colonial projects, ending all ties to arms firms (December 8th)

An overwhelming majority of students (88.71%) at Queen’s University Belfast student union voted for a position that called for divestment from military and colonial projects and the ending of all ties with to arms firms. The motion also called for the removal of Hillary Clinton as chancellor, and for giving more power to students and staff over senior appointments, partnerships and investments of the University.



French activists protest in front of manufacturer supplying Israeli army (December 7th)

Activists from the group Stop Arming Israel France blocked the entrance to the offices of Exxelia, a company that manufactures components of Israeli missiles, such as position sensors.

During the 2014 war on Gaza, an Israeli bomb killed three Palestinian children from the Shuheibar family, leaving other two seriously injured. The bombing occured on July 17th, during a five-hour humanitarian ceasefire brokered by the UN, and targeted what was evidently a civilian target — a rooftop where children were playing. Relatives of the three child martyrs found a residue of the bomb read “Eurofarad France“. Experts have since determined that the component is a Hall effect sensor made by Exxelia Technologies.

The family has since brought Exxelia to court for complicity in war crimes.


Groups take UK government to court over arms exports to Israel (December 5th)

Palestinian human rights organisation Al-Haq and the UK-based Global Legal Action Network (GLAN) are taking the British government to court for violating its arms export regulations, which obligate the government to suspend licenses for arms exports if there is a clear risk that the exported weapons might be used in breach of international humanitarian law.

According to the organisation Campaign Against Arms Trade, the UK provide “15 percent of the components of the F35 stealth combat aircraft which Israel has used to bomb Gaza in recent weeks. They also supply missiles, tanks, small arms and ammunition”.

(from Israel-Palestine war: Groups take UK government to court over arms exports to Israel | Middle East Eye)


British activists halt operations at LondonMetric, which rents property to arms manufacturer Elbit Systems (December 5th)

Activists from the British group “Palestine Action” have targeted LondonMetric, a British property company that rents lands and buildings to Elbit Systems. Elbit Systems is the primary provider of the Israeli military’s land-based equipment and and unmmaned aerial vehicles.


“LondonMetric owns the land and building at Unit F, Meridian Business Park, Meridian E, Leicester LE19 1WZ, from which Elbit operates their UAV Tactical Systems (U-TacS) drone factory. U-TacS exports millions of pounds worth of drone technologies annually to Israel, including parts for armed Hermes drones. These drones have well-documented links to war crimes and are sure to play a significant role in the ongoing genocide in Gaza”. (from: Elbit’s drone factory landlords targeted – Freedom News)


Protesters target COP28 summit in Dubai with peaceful direct action (December 4th)

Dozens of protesters gathered in front of the venue of the COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai for a peaceful action of solidarity with the Palestinian people. Protesters demanded for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and read the names of the victims of the Israeli attack.

In response to the authority’s ban on raising Palestinian flags, the protesters held banners and flags with watermelons painted on them. The watermelon is a well-known symbol of the Palestinian struggle — since it bears the colours of the Palestinian flag — and it has been widely used to evade restrictions on Palestinian symbols both in Palestine and around the world.

Watch a report of the action here

Find more about the watermelon and other symbols of the Palestinian struggle here

Human rights organisations bring Dutch government to court over complicity in Israeli war crimes (December 4th)

Human rights organisations, including Amnesty International and Oxfam, are bringing the Dutch government to court over its export  of reserve parts for fighter jets to Israel, which has continued in the past weeks, despite the figther jets being the backbone of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza.


Palestinian Boycott National Committee publishes statement putting forward grass-root policies to enact Palestine solidarity (December 2nd)

The BNC published a statement putting forward a guide to grass-root policies that activists around the world can push in their local unions, organisations and city councils to put solidarity into action. The policies, which are laid out with practical resources and examples, include: Call for a Permanent Ceasefire, Apartheid Free Pledge, Divestment policies.


South Africans march for International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (November 29th)

Some of the thousands of people protest as part of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Johannesburg, South Africa.
March in Johannesburg, South Africa [Kim Ludbrook/EPA]
South Africans marched through Johannesburg on November 29th, crossing Nelson Mandela Bridge and calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Veteran South African anti-apartheid activist Ronnie Kasrils called for the boycott and isolation of Israel over the current war:

“All over the world, millions and millions are coming out and saying no, no, no. We will boycott and isolate Israel until it hurts them, and we stand by the Palestinian people fully, in our total support”

A reel showing the march can be found here




A Prayer Against An Army

Every Friday for the past two months now, there are pitched battles between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers in the Old City of Jerusalem. 

But what makes these battles unique is that on one side are the Israeli soldiers and police, with their assault rifles, barricades, tear gas, water cannons, “skunk” machines and assorted weapons, and on the other side are Palestinians, unarmed, without even stones to throw at their Goliath. The only weapons these Palestinians carry with them are their prayer rugs. 

Palestinians – men, women, youth, and elders – walk miles attempting to reach Al Aqsa Mosque, trying every gate. Each path is blocked by Israeli guns and barricades. 

People prevented from entering Al Aqsa pray as close to the Mosque as possible

Palestinians hear the call to prayer, put down their prayer mats, and pray as close to the holy site as possible. Israeli soldiers and police then attack the worshippers. 

The next week these same acts are repeated.

Israeli authorities have now issued demolition orders for the housing complex where the Imam of Al Aqsa, 84 year old Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, lives, in apparent collective punishment and retaliation for encouraging Muslims to pray at Al Aqsa, or as close as they can get.  

Imam of Al Aqsa, Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, and home demolition papers. photo credit: isramudallal on Instagram

For those who have criticised Palestinians for a lack of commitment to nonviolence, or otherwise hypothesized the end of nonviolent resistance among Palestinians, one need only follow the voice of the muezzin in the Old City of Jerusalem to see the creative, steadfast, courageous, living embodiments of peace and grace under pressure—the noble worshippers of Al Quds—who, week after week, face down an army with a prayer.