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Three martyred and five wounded in Tulkarem

People mourn a martyr in Tulkarem

By Diana Khwaelid Three Palestinian men were martyred and more than five Palestinians were wounded during the Israeli occupation’s invasion of Tulkarem. The city of Tulkarm in the northern West Bank has witnessed dozens of incursions by the Israeli occupation ...

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Dispatches from Palestine

2024 (rolling) | International Solidarity Movement | Occupied West Bank As the Israeli occupation continues its genocidal war in Gaza and Western governments fail to take decisive action to end their complicity in the massacre, the mass movement around the ...

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Second Friday of Ramadan at Qalandia Checkpoint

22 March 2024 | International Solidarity Movement | Qalandia checkpoint Palestinians perform Friday mid-day prayer outside of Qalandia checkpoint this morning while held at gunpoint by Israeli occupation soldiers, after being forcefully denied their right to enter Al-Quds to pray ...

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