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Amazon, Israel, and the Occupation of Palestine

A screenshot of the “Make Israel Palestine Again” T-shirt removed by Amazon.

As Amazon launches operations and deliveries in Israel, the e-commerce giant and its founder Jeff Bezos face increased scrutiny of their close ties with Israeli military, financial, and technology companies involved in the Occupation of Palestine, in addition to accusations of anti-Palestinian bias.

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Telling old stories in a new way: Palestinian dabke

At the first annual Hebron Festival, an event organized by the Hebron Municipality to celebrate the culture and history of Palestinians in Hebron, students from across the West Bank put on a theatrical performance, telling of life and history in Palestine through a play combined with music and dabke.

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Call for volunteers: Olive Harvest 2019

August 25 | International Solidarity Movement | Occupied Palestine At a time of regular settler and IOF violence in the West Bank, the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is issuing an urgent call for volunteers to join us for the 2019 ...

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