Invitation – Join us!

Below is the program of Tulkarem’s solidarity actions for all the intenationals and Israeli activists who are against the Occupation

Freedom summer to resist the Wall and Occupation Program in Tulkarem

Sunday July 3rd:

  • Arrival of solidarity group at 6pm in the municipality park.

Monday July 4th:

  • Protest in front of the Red Crescent in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners at 10am
  • 5-7 pm protest in Faroun village in solidarity with Palestinians whose homes are under threat of demolition.

Tuesday July 5th:

  • March towards the Israeli chemical factories based in West Tulkarem to protest against them. Gather near the municipality at 11am.
  • Evening event with the national committee of the Palestinian martyrs families.

Wednesday July 6th:

  • Demonstration in Bet Lid village against stealing Palestinian lands and settlement expansion at 11am.

Thursday July 7th:

  • Protest in Nazlat Essa village at the check point, against the wall and isolation of houses at 11am.
  • 5pm solidarity visit, meetings with local people of Saida village because of several army invasions of the village.

Friday July 8th:

  • Roadblock removal in Saffareen and Shufa villages after Friday prayer.
  • March in solidarity with Refugees rights and the right of return.

Saturday July 9th:

  • Protest at Jabara check point against checkpoints, Annexation Wall, tunnel construction, isolation of Jabara village, and reminding the world of the decision of the International Court of Justice one year ago.
  • Afternoon meeting in Tulkarem with the governor (having lunch and saying thanks)

Signed by:
The governor and mayor of Tulkarem,
National and Islamic Committee,
International Solidarity Movement,
National Committee against the Wall

Verdict on Killing of Tom Hurndall – ISM London

Regardless of the outcome of today’s verdict on the killing of Tom Hurndall, the International Solidarity Movement, London maintains that justice cannot been served while the culture of impunity in the Israeli army remains intact. Tom was one of hundreds of civilians killed in Rafah alone in the past four years. He was shot whilst trying to get children out of the line of Israeli army gunfire. As he bent down to pick up a young boy, he was shot in the head.

Human rights activist, Raphael Cohen (39), who was with Tom on the day of the shooting said, “On the very street where Tom was shot, two children had been shot just days before. This is why he and the rest of the group went to that spot, to protest against the shooting of children as they played outside their homes. There has never been any investigation into the shootings of those children.”

Last month, two Palestinian teenagers were shot dead by Israeli soldiers in the village of Biet Liqya near Ramallah. Adi Asi, 15 years old and Jamal Asi, 14 years old, were killed as the soldiers who were guarding the Apartheid Wall surrounding the village shot at the group of children. They were killed with live bullets to the chest and abdomen. Witnesses said they were playing football.

Recent Human Rights watch Report

As Human Rights Watch state in their recent report, “Promoting Impunity, The Israeli Military’s Failure to Investigate Wrongdoing”, “Pressure for a proper investigation rises every time a high-profile killing takes place, but Israeli authorities have taken no serious steps to improve the accountability of the armed forces, create an independent investigation system, or reform the military justice system.”

According to the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem, between the beginning of the intifada and the end of November 2004, 3,040 Palestinians were killed by Israeli security forces, including 606 children. According to Human Rights Watch, “The number of official investigations into alleged wrongful use of lethal force equals just two percent of the total number killed and only 15 percent of the number of children killed, despite the fact that many deaths occurred in non-combat circumstances and the extreme unlikelihood that many of the children killed were legitimate targets.”

The investigation into Tom’s killing was the result of a long hard process by his family and supporters to pressurise the Israeli government into providing answers. Without the family’s unrelenting efforts and personal investigations, this trial would not have happened.

No Human Rights for Palestinians

Israel has no national human rights institution, nor any independent commissioner for complaints about human rights violations committed by the army. Meanwhile, the government of Israel continues to deny entry to human rights activists, witnesses and journalists and deports those who take part in non-violent demonstrations against the seizure of Palestinian land and destruction of homes.

We, at ISM London, are calling to the people of Britain to do what our government refuses to do, to demand justice for the Palestinians. Britain continues to supply military equipment to Israel to be used in its campaign against the civilian Palestinian population. We urge people to put pressure on the government and people of Israel via economic boycott, to end the killings, withdraw the settlements, end the occupation and allow the people of Palestine and Israel to have a peaceful and prosperous future. This will be impossible while the occupation continues. Without justice there can be no peace.

Visit the ISM London website at

Download the Human Rights Watch report (pdf):
“Promoting Impunity: The Israeli Military’s Failure to Investigate Wrongdoing”

Download the summary & recommendations in Arabic (pdf) here.

Israeli Army prevents villagers from feeding livestock

Military prevents them from walking more than two meters in direction of illegal settlement

This Tuesday, June 28th, Palestinian villagers of Arab as Suweitat were prevented from feeding their livestock. Three villagers were detained when they attempted to carry bundles of hay close to the fence of the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Kadeem. The settlement is located a short distance south of the Jenin refugee camp, deep inside Palestinian Authority territory.

Kadeem settlement’s boundary fence is located less than 50 meters from the village and encloses large parts of the village’s land. The fence restricts access to the remaining grazing land. The three villagers detained were released after a short time, but the entire village has been warned not to go more than two meters from their houses in the direction of the settlement fence.

Imneizel Villagers Bring Occupation Bulldozers To Standstill

Palestinian flags adorned the bulldozers which have razed 400 dunums of land here in the last week as villagers took back their confiscated land. Two Palestinians were injured as the Occupation Forces spent several hours pushing and beating demonstrators back. Water shortages are becoming an increasingly dire problem in Hebron district as the Wall’s route has been planned to isolate many of the local natural water resources.

“Palestinian Ghandi” Still in Jail, Bal’in Protests to Continue Friday

This day, June 29th, Rateb Abu Rahma, “the Palestinian Ghandi,” – a non-violent peace activist from Bil’in remains in custody after the prosecution appealed against his release on bail yesterday.

Gaby Lasksi, Rateb’s lawyer, has filed an urgent appeal for his immediate release. The hearing will take place tomorrow at Ofer military base at 1:30pm.

Rateb, 40, married with children, was arrested whilst he lay on the ground holding a fake tombstone. The tombstone represents the death of Bil’in due to the illegal separation barrier being built close to the village.

Rateb was injured by a sound grenade thrown at him while he lay on the ground. He was then arrested, and refused medical treatment. Israeli peace demonstrators videoed everything and their tape proves Rateb is innocent. Since his arrest on June 17th, he has remained in custody charged throwing stones.

Protests Outside Bil’in Set to Continue

A non-violent protest against the building of the illegal separation barrier near Bil’in will be held at 1:00pm on Friday July 1st. Residents will be joined by Israeli and International peace activists in the latest of a series of protests against the building of the barrier that have occurred near Bal’in.