IMEMC: Demonstration against the wall in Azzun

Dozens of residents from Azun Village together with Israeli and international peace activists protestors chanted slogans against the Wall, settlements and Israeli polices of land grab and annexation, and demanded Israeli to implement the international resolutions and the decisions of the International High Court of Justice during a demonstration in Qalqilia district.

Saturday evening, a medical source in Qalqilia reported that protestors suffocated after inhaling gas fired by the army, The WAFA news agency reported that soldiers fired gas bombs, and rubber coated bullets while the protestors were attempting to reach a gate installed between the villages of Azzoun and Kafer Thuluth, east of Qalqilia.

At least five residents were badly bruised after the soldiers attacked and clubbed them, and were transferred to local clinic in Azzoun.

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Israeli troops kill Palestinian boy

By Laila El-Haddad

Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian boy and injured 18 others in separate incidents in the West Bank during protests against the illegal separation barrier, officials and witnesses said. Fifteen-year-old Muheeb Ahmad Assi was pronounced dead at the scene after being shot by an Israeli security guard, according to Mohammad Hawani of the Sheikh Zayed Hospital in Ram Allah.

Hawani said Assi died of a bullet wound to his chest.

Witnesses said clashes broke out between Assi’s group of friends and an Israeli security guard near a part of the separation barrier in the village of Beit Lakiya, where he lived.

The guard shot at them with live ammunition, and Assi was hit.

Palestinians were not allowed near the boy until over a hour had passed, by which point he had bled to death, doctors said.

Assi was the son of Ahmed Assi, the village’s head of the Popular Committee Against the Wall.

Earlier, in the West Bank village of Biilin, 18 people were injured when clashes broke out during a protest held against Isreal’s separation barrier.

Ramzi Yassin, 22, was in a critical condition after a rubber-coated metal bullet hit his head. He sustained internal bleeding, according to doctors at the Ram Allah Government Hospital.

A second Palestinian, Yunis Husain, 21, was in a stable condition after a rubber-coated metal bullet was removed from his stomach during surgery, hospital officials told

Witnesses at the protest confirmed the account.


“After Friday prayers, Palestinian shabab (youth) began throwing stones at soldiers off the side of the demonstration.

“Twenty minutes later, the soldiers began using tear gas, rubber bullets, sound bombs, and stones were thrown again. Eighteen people were injured,” said a rights activist Linda M, who asked her full identity be concealed for security reasons.

The demonstration comes on the first anniversary of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling that declared Israel’s separation barrier illegal.

After Israeli courts refused appeals to prevent the wall’s construction, the Palestinians of Biilin – along with Israeli and foreign activists – began peacefully protesting against the confiscation of their land. They have held over 45 non-violent demonstrations since February 2005.

Friday’s demonstration was attended by Palestinian parliament representatives and ministers, Israeli Knesset members, representatives from the Palestinian National and Islamic parties, along with international and Israeli supporters.

“Our message, simply, is ‘no to the barrier’ “, Abd Allah Abu-Rahma, founder of the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Biilin told

Non-violent protests

Biilin has become famous for its non-violent demonstrations against the wall.

Last week, protesters placed themselves in mock cages to symbolise how their village was becoming a big prison.

“Every protest has to have a goal and a new theme so the world can see that there is a small village in Ram Allah whose land is being annexed and that it is being oppressed.

“We try to use new methods of resistance and try to carry the message to regular Israelis to show them that we don’t hate them: I am a Palestinian who does not hate human beings, only oppression and occupation,” said Abu-Rahma, who has been detained by the Israeli secret service for his involvement in the protests.

Livelihood destroyed

Abu-Rahma says the wall is destroying the village’s very livelihood, and accuses the Israeli government of following a policy of indirect transfer of the villagers to make room for new settlements.

“The wall is a catastrophe that has fallen on our village, and on our people, as a whole. It takes half the land of our village. Our village is small, so when it takes half the land, there is not much left. The only land we have left is the land with our houses on it,” he said.

The wall will isolate more than 60% of the lands of Biilin, if completed, according to the Popular Committee Against the Wall.

Child shot dead today and another in critical condition one year after ICJ decision

17 year old Mahayoub Aasi was shot dead by the private security guard defending the construction of Israel’s illegal barrier in the west bank village of Beit-Likya.

Today (Friday) around 5 p.m., confrontations developed between the security guards of the Barrier and five children from the village of Beit-Likya. Shortly afterwards, the guards shot at the children using live ammunition. Mahayoub Achmad Nimer Aasi was shot in the chest. The bullet entered the right upper side of his chest and came out his back.

When the children heard the shooting, they began to run away…but when they noticed that their friend had been hit, they returned to find him lying on the ground surrounded by soldiers. The children tried to approach Mahayub to evacuate him, and were met with more gun fire as soldiers shot in their direction. Over an hour later a Red Crescent ambulance was allowed access to him – By which point he had bled to death. His body was taken to the hospital in Ramallah.

Just two months ago in this same village two cousins (14 & 15 year old) were murdered by the military in another demonstration against Israel’s Barrier.

Meanwhile less than five Kilometers away the Israeli military injured 18 people in the village of Bil’in, during a demonstration. The protest marked the year anniversary of the decision of the International Court in the Hague that ruled that the barrier is illegal. 5 of the wounded were hospitalized.

24 year old Ramzi Yasin remains in critical condition. He was shot with a rubber bullet to the head, and underwent surgery.

20 year old Yones Yasin, also at demonstration, was shot in the abdomen at close range with a rubber-coated steel bullet: it penetrated his stomach.

Two days ago, a secret service (shabak) agent threatened the head of the popular committee in Bil’in: “if the demonstrations in the village continued, Bil’in will suffer the fate of the neighboring village, Biddu.” The agent elaborated “the people that organized the demonstration in Biddu – do you know what they’re doing today? – they are sitting in their homes and not making problems. 5 people were killed, and then they stopped demonstrating”.

In the last 18 months, at least nine people have been murdered by the Israeli security forces in the events related to nonviolent resistance to the illegal annexation barrier.

While the world focuses on Israel’s unilateral disengagement plan for Gaza the Israeli military has escalated it’s violent oppression of the popular resistance to the Annexation Wall specifically, and to the occupation of Palestinian lands in general.