For Immediate Release

Not one that celebrates Apartheid…

We, a group of Palestinians and local and international supporters concerned with OneVoice’s “One Million Voices to End the Conflict” campaign, are disturbed by the methods by which they have been collecting signatures, and oppose the upcoming concerts that serve to obscure the reality and illegality of Israel’s belligerent occupation.

The OneVoice formula for ending the “conflict,” (i.e. occupation), outlined in a 10-point document, is oversimplified and misleading. It fails to mention key elements required for a just and lasting peace. From justifying settlement blocs to avoiding the refugees’ right to return, the OneVoice plan avoids the framework of international law, and serves to subordinate Palestinian rights to Israeli interests. Such high profile initiatives serve as a dangerous distraction to the facts that Israel continues to create on the ground and will only obstruct any real solution that is based on justice.

“Like many other diplomatic misadventures, the OneVoice campaign overlooks the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and repackages dangerous concessions into an initiative that looks nice on the surface. It is misleading, and many are starting to realize that,” said Another Voice organizer Haithem El-Zabri.

Furthermore, we are disturbed by the manner in which OneVoice has been gathering support for their campaign. We are discovering that many Palestinians and Israelis have signed on without access to the 10 pillars or proper understanding of the OneVoice initiative. Several organizations that have been listed as endorsing OneVoice’s campaign have informed us that they had not authorized such endorsement and have contacted OneVoice to have their name removed. Several artists have also withdrawn their participation in the October 18th event, after learning more about it. We are interested in making sure that our people are fully informed about the OneVoice formula and its implications before signing on or attending its public events.

Another Voice opposes any efforts that violate Palestinian national and human rights, and asserts that the only solution to the Israeli-Palestinian “conflict” is one based on international law and human rights, references to which are completely absent from OneVoice’s campaign and literature. If OneVoice organizers are truly interested in a just and lasting peace, they are called upon to join efforts to demand that Israel comply with international law.

For more information, contact:
Natasha Aruri: +970-599-794-761
Huwaida Arraf: +972-547-473-308 / +970-599-130-426


Palestine Center: A Barrier to Peace

By Samar Assad

October 1st, 2007

As Palestinians and the international community exert effort in order to guarantee a successful mid-November peace meeting, Israel has focused its attention on another matter. Ahead of the planned high-level talks, Israel has published maps that reveal a change in the route of its Separation Wall. The new maps, published on Israel’s Ministry of Defense website, show a significant increase in the length of the Wall to allow the annexation of large tracts of Palestinian land. According to a recent assessment report by the PLO’s Negotiations Affairs Department, the new route will annex 12 percent of the West Bank. The change to the Wall’s route and the planned expansion of settlements will place 46 percent of the West Bank under full Israeli control.

The Wall’s New Route

Israel claims the new route will annex “only” 8-7 percent of the West Bank. However, a study of the Israeli maps by the PLO’s Negotiations Affairs Department, which employs experienced experts in all fields, concluded that an additional 9 -12 percent of West Bank land will be annexed to Israel as a result of the new route. The Wall will stretch an additional 5 percent east of the Green Line in the area of the Modi’in Illit settlement bloc. The change in course will force 20,000 Palestinians in five villages to live between two walls creating another Palestinian ghetto.

The route will annex vast tracts of Palestinian land south of the West Bank, specifically in the Dead Sea area. The new route will put Ein Gedi Springs and the Mizpe Shalem settlement on the Israeli side of the wall, thus annexing approximately 2.6 percent of land near the Dead Sea to Israel.

In addition to the 2.6 percent of land in the Dead Sea area, the new route will encompass the Latrun Valley and East Jerusalem which comprise 2 percent of the West Bank; the Ariel and Kedumim Finger, which comprise 2.2 percent of the West Bank; and settlements east of the Wall which give Israel an additional 8 percent of the West Bank.

The Jordan Valley and West Bank Settler Population

The Jordan Valley sits on 26 percent of the West Bank, which Israel seeks to annex. Currently, Jewish settlements in the Jordan Valley have almost complete control of the area, which limits Palestinians use or development of the land.

The route change will allow 87 percent of settlers, more than 398,000 inhabitants, to remain in their settlements and become part of Israel. Furthermore, the new route will allow Israel to expand the illegal settlement blocs since they will be in “Israel” rather than in the Occupied Palestinian Territory after they have been annexed.

Percentage and Impact

Palestinian negotiators have long realized that negotiating over percentages does not guarantee the best outcome. As in all real estate deals, location is the prime rule. Although the Ariel and Kedumim Finger comprise 2.2 percent of the area, it contains the richest sources of water in the West Bank. And while East Jerusalem sits on 1.3 percent of the West Bank, it is the economic, cultural and religious center of Palestinian life. Furthermore, the new route reinforces the isolation of East Jerusalem from the West Bank. The Wall will separate 255,000 Palestinian Jerusalemites from the West Bank and more than 2 million Palestinians living on the “East side,” or the Palestinian side of the Wall, will be cut off from Jerusalem.

The new route reinforces the creation of Palestinian ghettos in the northern, central and southern West Bank. It also reinforces religious inaccessibility to holy sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Mainly, the new route reinforces Israel’s race to create facts on the ground that further complicate efforts toward the creation of a viable Palestinian state.

Samar Assad is Executive Director of the Jerusalem Fund and its educational program, the Palestine Center. The above text does not necessarily reflect the views of The Jerusalem Fund.

In Memory of Haidar Abdel Shafi

Speech by Haidar Abdel Shafi Madrid 31 October 1991

In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate. O esteemed audience.
Allow me first to extend greetings of thanks and appreciation to the State of Spain, king, government, and people, for hosting this historic conference. I would also like to extend greetings of pride and appreciation for the sons of the Palestinian people who are still
struggling for freedom and independence. I will now speak on their behalf to you and the various democratic powers in the world in English.

Mr. Baker, Mr. Pankin, ladies and gentlemen: On behalf of the Palestinian delegation, we meet in Madrid, a city with a rich texture of history, to weave together the fabric which joins our past with future, to reaffirm a wholeness of vision which once brought about a reverse of civilization and a world order based on barmony in diversity. Once again, Christian,
Muslim, and Jew face the challenge of heralding a new era enshrined in global values of democracy, human rights, freedom, justice, and security. From Madrid, we launch this quest for peace, a quest to place the sanctity of human life at the center of our world, and to redirect our energies and resources from the pursuit of mutual destruction to the pursuit of joint
prosperity, progress, and happiness.

We, the people of Palestine, stand before you in the fullness of our pain, our pride, and our anticipation, for we long harbored a yearning for peace and a dream of justice and freedom. For too long, the Palestinian people have gone unheeded, silenced and denied. Our identity negated by political expediency; our right for struggle against injustice maligned; and our present existence subdued by the past tragedy of another people. For the greater part of this century we have been victimized by the myth of a land without a people and described with impunity as the invisible Palestinians. Before such willful blindness, we refused to disappear or to
accept a distorted identity. Our intifada is a testimony to our perseverance and resilience waged in a just struggle to regain our rights. It is time for us to narrate our own story, to stand witness as advocates of truth which bas long lain buried in the consciousness and conscience of
the world. We do not stand before you as supplicants, but rather as the torch-bearers who know that, in our world of today, ignorance can never be an excuse. We seek neither an admission of guilt after the fact, nor vengeance for past inequities, but rather an act of will that would make a just peace a reality.

We speak out ladies and gentlemen, from the full conviction of the rightness of our cause, the verity of our history, and the depth of our commitment. There in lies the strength of the Palestinian people today, for we have scaled walls of fear and reticence, and we wish to speak out with the courage and integrity that our narrative and history deserve. The cosponsors have invited us here today to present our case and to reach out to the other with whom we have had to face a mutually exclusive reality on the land of Palestine. But even in the invitation to this peace conference, our narrative was distorted and our truth only partially aknowledged.

The Palestinian people are one, fused by centuries of history in Palestine, bound together by a collective memory of shared sorrows and joys, and sharing a unity of Purpose and vision. Our songs and ballads, full of tales and children’s stories, the dialect of our jokes, the image
of our Poems that hint of melancholy which colors even our happiest moments are as important to us as the blood ties which link our families and clans. Yet, an invitation to discuss peace, the peace we ail desire and need, comes to only a portion of our people. It ignores our national,
historical, and organic unity. We come here wrenched from our sisters and brothers in exile to stand before you as the Palestinians under occupation, although we maintain that each of us represents the rights and interests of the whole.

We have been denied the right to publicly acknowledge our loyalty to our leadership and system of government. But allegiance and loyaIty cannot be censored or severed. Our acknowledged leadership is more than the justly democratically chosen leadership of all the Palestinian people. It is the symbol of our national unity and identity, the guardian of our past, the protector of our present and the hope of our future. Our people have chosen to entrust it with their history and the preservation of our precious legacy. This leadership has been clearly and unequivocally recognized by the Community of nations, with only a few exceptions who had chosen for so many years shadow over substance. Regardless of the nature and conditions of our oppression, whether the disposition and dispersion of exile or the brutality and repression of the occupation, the Palestinian people cannot be torn asunder. They remain a united nation wherever they are, or are forced to be.

And Jerusalem, ladies and gentlemen, that city which is not only the soul Palestine, but the cradle of three world religions, is tangible even in its claimed absence from our midst at this stage. It is apparent, through artificial exclusion from this conference, that this is a denial of its
right to seek peace and redemption. For it, too, has suffered from war and occupation. Jerusalem, the city of peace, has been barred from a peace conference and deprived of its calling. Palestinian Jerusalem, the capital of our homeland and future state, defines Palestinian existence, past, present, and future, but itself has been denied a voice and an identity.
Jerusalem defies exclusive possessiveness or bondage. Israel’s annexation of Arab Jerusalem remains both clearly illegal in the eyes of the world community, and an affront to the peace that this city deserves.

We come to you from a tortured land and a proud, though captive people, having been asked to negotiate with our occupiers, but leaving behind the children of the intifada, and a people under occupation and under curfew who enjoined us not to surrender or forget. As we speak, thousands of our brothers and sisters are languishing in Israeli prisons and detention
camps, most detained without evidence, charge, or trial, many cruelly mistreated and tortured in interrogation, guilty only of seeking freedom or daring to defy the occupation. We speak in their name and we say: Set them free. As we speak, the tens of thousands who have been wounded or permanently disabled are in pain. Let peace heal their wounds. As we speak, the eyes of thousands of Palestinian refugees, deportees, and displaced persons since 1967 are haunting us, for exile is a cruel fate. Bring them home. They have the right to return. As we speak, the silence of demolished homes echoes through the halls and in our minds. We must
rebuild our homes in our free state.

And what do we tell the loved ones of those killed by army bullets? How do we answer the questions and the fear in our children’s eyes? For one out of three Palestinian children under occupation has been killed, injured, or detained in the past four years. How can we explain to Our children that they are denied education, for schools are so often closed by the army? Or why their life is in danger for raising a flag in a land where even children are killed or jailed? What requiem can be sung for trees uprooted by army bulldozers? And most of all, who can explain to those whose lands are confiscated and clear waters stolen, a message of peace?
Remove the barbed wire. Restore the land and its life-giving water. The settlements must stop now. Peace cannot be waged while Palestinian land confiscated in myriad ways and the status of the occupied territories is being decided each day by Israeli bulldozers and barbed wire. This is not simply a position. It is an irrefutable reality. Territory for peace is a travesty when territory for illegal settlement is official Israeli policy and practice. The settlements must stop now.

In the name of the Palestinian people, we wish to directly address the Israeli people with whom we have had a prolonged exchange of pain: Let us share hope, instead. We are willing to live side by side on the land and the promise of the future. Sharing, however, requires two partners, willing to share as equals. Mutuality and reciprocity must replace domination and hostility for genuine reconciliation and coexistence under international legality. Your security and ours are mutually dependent, as entwined as the fears and nightmares of our children. We have seen some of you at your best and at your worst. For the occupier can bide no secrets
from the occupied, and we are witness to the toll that occupation bas exacted from you and yours.

We have seen you agonize over the transformation of your sons and daughters into instruments of a blind and violent occupation. And we are sure that at no time did you envisage such a role for the children whom you thought would forge your future. We have seen you look back in deepest sorrow at the tragedy of your past, and look on in horror at the disfigurement of the victim-turned-oppressor. Not for this have you nurtured your hopes dreams, and your off-spring. This is why we have responded with solemn appreciation to those of you who came to offer consolation to our bereaved, to give support to those whose homes were being demolished and to extend encouragement and counsel to those detained behind barbed wire and iron bars. And we have marched together, often choking, together in the nondiscriminatory tear gas or crying out in pain as the clubs descended on both Palestinian and Israeli alike, for ain knows no national boundaries, and no one can claim a monopoly on suffering. We once formed a human chain around Jerusalem, joining hands and calling for Peace. Let us today form a moral chain around Madrid and continue that noble effort for peace and a promise of freedom for our sons and daughters. Break through the barriers of mistrust and manipulated fears. Let us look forward in magnanimity and in hope.

To our Arab brothers and sisters, most of whom are represented here in this historic occasion, we express our loyalty gratitude for their life-long support and solidarity. We are here together seeking a just and lasting Peace, whose cornerstone is freedom for Palestine, justice for the
Palestinians, and an end to the occupation of all Palestinian and Arab lands. Only then can we really enjoy together the fruits of peace, prosperity, security, and human dignity and freedom,

In particular, we address our Jordanian colleagues in our joint delegation: our two peoples have a very special historic and geographic relationship. Together we shall strive to achieve peace. We will continue to strive for our sovereignty, while proceeding freely and willingly to
prepare the grounds for a confederation between the two states of Palestine and Jordan, which can be a cornerstone for our security and prosperity.

To the community of nations on our fragile planet, to the nations of Africa and Asia, to the Muslim world, and particularly to Europe, on whose southern and neighborly shores we meet today, from the heart of our collective struggle for peace, we greet you and acknowledge your support and recognition. You have recognized our rights and our government, and have given us real support and protection. You have penetrated the distorting mist of racism, stereotyping, and ignorance, and committed the act of seeing the invisible and listening to the voice of the silenced. Palestinians under occupation and in exile have become a reality in your
eyes, and with courage and determination, you have affirmed the truth of our narrative. You have taken up our cause and our case, and we have brought you into our hearts. We thank you for caring and daring to know the truth, the truth which must set us all free.

To the cosponsors and participants in this occasion of awe and challenge, we pledge our commitment to the principle of justice, peace, and reconciliation based on international legitimacy and uniform standards. We shall persist in our quest for peace to place before you the substance and determination of our people, often victimized but never defeated. We shall
pursue our people’s right to self-determination to the exhilaration of freedom and to the warmth of the sun as a nation among equals.

This is the moment of truth. You must have the courage to recognize it and the will to implement it, for our truth can no longer be hidden away in the dark recesses of inadvertency or neglect. Peo ple of Palestine look atyou with a straightforward, direct gaze, seeking to touch your heart, for you have dared to stir up hopes that cannot be abandoned. You cannot
afford to let us down, for we have lived up to the values you espouse, and we have remained true to our cause.

We, the Palestinian people, made the imaginative leap in the Palestine
National Council of November 1988, during which the Palestine Liberation
Organization launched its peace initiative based on Security Council
Resolution 242 and 338, and declared Palestinian independence based on
Resolution 181 of the United Nations, which eave birth to two states in
1948, Israel and Palestine. December 1988, a historic speech before the
United Nations in Geneva led directly to the launching of the
Palestinian-American dialogue. Ever since then, Our people have responded
positively to every serious peace initiative and have done the utmost to
ensure the success of this process. Israel, on the other hand, has placed
many obstacles and barriers in the path of peace to negate the very
validity of the process. Its illegal and frenzied settlement activity is
the most glaring evidence of its rejectionism, the latest settlement being
erected just two days ago. These historic decisions of the Palestine
National Council wrench the course of history from inevitable
confrontation and conflict towards peace and mutual recognition- With our
own hands and in an act of sheer will, we have molded the shape of the
future of our people. Our parliament has articulated the message of the
people, with the courage to say “yes” to the challenge of history, just as
it provided the reference in its resolutions last month in AIgiers and in
the Central Council meeting this month in Tunis to go forward to this
historic conference. We cannot be made to bear the brunt of other people’s
“no’s.” We must have reciprocity. We must have peace.

Ladies and gentlemen: In the Middle East, there is no superfluous People
outside time and place, but rather a state sorely missed by time and
place. The state of Palestine must be born on the land of Palestine to
redeem the injustice of the destruction of its historical reality and to
free the people of Palestine from the shackles of their victimization.

Our homeland has never ceased to exist in our minds and hearts, but it has
to exist as a state on all the territories occupied by Israel in the war
of 1967 with Arab Jerusalem as its capital ‘s in the context of that
city’s special status and its nonexclusive character

This state, in a condition of emergence, has already been a subject of
anticipation for too long, should take place today rather than tomorrow.
However, we are willing to accept the proposal for a transitional stage
provided interim arrangements are not transformed into permanent status.
The time frame must be condensed to respond to the dispossessed
Palestinians’ urgent need for. sanctuary and to the occupied Palestinians’
right to gain relief from oppression and to win recognition of their
authentic will.

During this phase, international protection for our people is most
urgently, needed; And the de jure application of the Fourth Geneva
Convention is a necessary condition. The phases must not prejudice the
outcome. Rather, they require an internal momentum and motivation to lead
sequentially to sovereignty. Bilateral negotiations on the withdrawal Of
Israeli forces, the dissolution of Israeli administration, and the
transfer of authority to the Palestinian people cannot proceed under
coercion or threat in the current asymmetry of power.

Israel must demonstrate its willingness to negotiate in good faith by
immediately halting all settlement activity and land confiscation while
implementing meaningful confidence-building measures.

Without genuine progress, tangible constructive changes and just
agreements during the bilateral talks, multilateral negotiations will be
meaningless. Regional stability, security, and development are the logical
outcorne of an equitable and just solution to the Palestinian question,
which remains the key to the resolution of wider conflicts and concerns.

In its confrontation of wills between the legitimacy of the people and the
illegality of the occupation, the intifada’s message bas been consistent
to embody the Palestinian state and to build its institutions and
infrastructure. We seek recognition for this creative impulse which
nurtures within it the potential nascent state.

We have paid a heavy price for daring to substantiate our authenticity and
to practice popular democracy in spite of the cruelty of occupation. It
was a sheer act of will that brought us here; the same will which asserted
itself in the essence of the intifada as the cry for freedom, an act of
civil resistance and people’s participation and empowerment.

The intifada is our drive towards nation-building and social
transformation. We are here today with the support of our people, who have
given itself the right to hope and to make a stand for peace. We must
recognize as well that some of our people harbor serious doubts and
skepticism about this process. Within our democratic, social, and
political structures, we have evolved a respect for pluralism and
diversity and we shall guard the opposition’s right to differ within the
parameters of mutual respect and national unity.

The process launched here must lead us to the light at the end of the
tunnel. And this light is the promise of a new Palestine-free, democratic,
and respectful of human rights and the integrity of nature.

Self-determination, ladies and gentlemen, can neither be granted nor
withheld at the will of the political self-interest of others. For it is
enshrined in all international charters and humanitarian law. We claim
this right; we firmly assert it here before you and in the eyes of the
rest of the world. For it is a sacred and inviolable right which we shall
relentlessly pursue and exercise with dedication and self-confidence and

Let’s end the Palestinian-Israeli fatal proximity In this unnatural
condition of occupation, which has already claimed too many lives. No
dream of expansion or glory can justify the taking of a single life. Set
us free to reengage as neighbors and as equals on our holy land-

To our people in exile and under occupation, who have sent us to this
appointment, laden with their trust, love, and aspirations, we say that
the load is heavy and the task is great, but we shall be true. In the
words Of our great Poet Mahmud Darwish: My homeland is not a suitcase and
I am no traveler.

To the exiled and the occupied we say you shall return and you shall
remain and we will prevail, for our cause is just We will put on our
embroidered robes and kafiyehs in the sight of the world and celebrate
together on the day of liberation.

Refugee camps are not fit for people who were raised to the land of
Palestine in the warmth of the sun and freedom. The hail of Israeli bombs
almost daily pouring down on our defenseless civilian population in the
refugee camps of Lebanon is no substitute for the healing rain of the
homeland. Yet, the international will had ensured their return in United
Nations Resolution 194-a fact willfully ignored and unenacted. Similarly,
all other resolutions pertinent to the Palestinian question beginning with
resolution 181, through resolutions 242 and 338, and ending with Security
Council Resolution 681, have until now been relegated to the domain of
public debate rather than real implementation. They formed a larger body
of legality, including all relevant provisions of international law within
which any peaceful settlement must proceed. If international legitimacy
and the rule of law are to prevail and govern relations among nations,
they must be respected and impartially and uniformly implemented. We as
Palestinians require nothing less than justice.

Palestinians everywhere: Today we bear in our hands the precious gift of
your love and your pain, and we shall set it down gently here before the
eyes of the world and say there is a right here which must be
acknowledged-the right to self-determination and statehood. There is
strength and there is the scent of sacred incense in the air. Jerusalem,
the heart of our homeland and the cradle of the soul, is shimmering
through the barriers, of occupation and deceit.

The deliberate violation of its sanctities is also an act of violence
against collective human, cultural, and spiritual memory and an aggression
against its enduring symbols of tolerance, magnanimity, and respect for
cultural religious authenticity.

The cobbled streets of the old city must not echo with the discordant beat
Israeli military boots. We must restore to them the chant of the muezzin,
chimes of the church, the call of the ram and the prayers of all the
faithful calling for peace in the city of peace

From Madrid let’s light the candle of peace and let the olive branch
blossom. Let’s celebrate the rituals of justice and rejoice in the hymns
of truth, for the awe of the moment is a promise to the future, which we
all must redeem.

Palestinians will be free and will stand tall among the community of
nations in the fullness of the pride and dignity which, by right, belongs
to all people. Today, our people under occupation are holding high the
olive branch of peace.

In the words of Chairman Arafat in 1974 before the UN General Assembly:
Let not the olive branch of peace fall from my hands. Let not the olive
branch of peace fall from the hands of the Palestinian people. May God’s
mercy, peace, and blessings be upon you.

Broad Coalition of Human Rights groups speak out against the collective punishment of Gaza

B’Tselem: The Israeli Information Center for Human Right in the Occupied Territories
Gisha: Legal Center for Freedom of Movement
Association for Civil Rights in Israel
Physicians for Human Rights
Public Committee against Torture in Israel
HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual
Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights

September 20, 2007

Israeli rights groups condemn proposed state sanctions against Gaza civilians:

Cabinet decision will impose collective punishment on a civilian population, lead to grave breach of International Law

Seven Israeli human rights organizations jointly warn that yesterday’s Cabinet decision to limit the electricity and fuel supply to the Gaza Strip and to further restrict movement in and out of Gaza will exacerbate the existing humanitarian crisis there. In addition, the sanctions constitute a grave breach of the foremost principle of international humanitarian law: the obligation to distinguish between combatants and civilians. In addition, the decision is liable to constitute a violation of one of the absolute prohibitions of international law: the ban on collective punishment. The coalition believes that these sanctions will also not prevent armed groups from launching rocket attacks on Israeli communities.

The Israeli Cabinet’s claim that the proposed sanctions will not affect the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is false. Limiting the electricity supply will drastically reduce the functioning capacity of hospitals and health clinics. In addition, limited electricity will reduce Gaza’s water pumping system, and will cripple its sewage system and water supply. Thus, the Cabinet’s decision not to cut Gaza’s water supply is not a humane gesture because the other sanctions will effectively diminish it in any case.

The human rights organizations urge the Cabinet to reverse its decision to impose collective punishment on the Gaza Strip – a grave violation of international humanitarian law.

The coalition of human rights groups consists of: The Association for Civil Rights in Israel; Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights; B’Tselem – the Israeli Information Cent er for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories; Gisha: Legal Center for Freedom of Movement; HaMoked: The Center for the Defense of the Individual; Physicians for Human Rights; The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel.

For additional details:

Sarit Michaeli, B’Tselem Communications Director, +972(0)50-538-7230

Sarit Michaeli
Communications Director
+972 (0)2 6735599 (office)
+972 (0)50 5387230 (cell)

Right to Enter: Israeli Authorities Deny Entry to Clergyman

17 September 2007

In a continuing demonstration of Israel’s arbitrary denial of entry policy, and disregard for the Palestinian population’s right to practice their religion and worship freely, Father Faris Khaleifat, priest of Ramallah’s Greek Catholic Melkite Church was barred entry to the West Bank on Friday, 14 September.

Father Faris, a holder of both Vatican and Jordanian passports, commented: “For the past six years, I have been traveling regularly between the West Bank and Jordan on church affairs without any problems whatsoever.” Just one week ago, Father Faris traveled to Amman for several days and returned without incident. However, on Friday, his multiple entry visa as a clergyman serving in the occupied Palestinian territory, valid until February 2008, was cancelled by Israeli authorities at the Al Sheikh Hussein Bridge without explanation and he was forced to return to Jordan. His de facto deportation has left the Ramallah parish without its sole clergyman.

Father Faris is one of thousands of foreign passport holders who have been denied entry by the Israeli Authorities over the past several years. The priest’s case is just one of numerous incidents of entry denial documented by the Campaign in recent months, demonstrating that Israel’s regulation of entry into the occupied Palestinian territory by foreign nationals remains arbitrary, abusive and internationally unlawful. Even clergymen are not immune. Israel continues to abuse its control over entry, presence and residency in the occupied Palestinian territory in a manner damaging family life, businesses and the religious and social institutions serving the occupied population.

The Campaign calls on third states, religious leaders and congregations worldwide to protest Israel’s actions harming the Greek Catholic Church and to demand a clear, transparent and lawful policy for all foreign nationals wishing to enter the occupied Palestinian territory.

Contact: Rasha Mukbil, Coordinator, Media Committee
(c) +970-(0)59-817-3953 (email)