Stolen Beauty: the struggle for a just peace in the Middle East coming to a store near you

Code Pink

21 July 2009

As the dust settled on the destroyed homes, schools and lives in the aftermath of Israel’s assault on Gaza earlier this year, mainstream human rights groups from Amnesty International to Physicians for Human Rights/Israel issued reports condemning Israel’s attack and alleging that the Israeli government and the Israeli Defense Forces had committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. The staff of CODEPINK Women for Peace re-opened a discussion of what we could do about Israel’s flagrant flouting of international law and the brutality of the ongoing blockade of Gaza, the occupation of the West Bank and the home demolitions in East Jerusalem. We decided to revisit the idea of a boycott against Israeli products—a boycott that was having more difficulty gaining traction here in the United States than in Europe. But the best way to end an occupation is to make it unprofitable, and one of the best peaceful ways to make something unprofitable is to organize a boycott.

While doing research on the Global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement for Palestine, I came across the web site Who Profits, a project of the Israeli Coalition of Women for Peace. On that site I found a list of Israeli and international companies that are directly involved in and profit from the occupation of the Palestinian West Bank. It seemed strategically and morally important to select for our campaign a corporation whose practices were clearly in contravention to international law. Many of the corporations on the Who Profits list were either unfamiliar to me, discouragingly huge, or didn’t seem like obvious targets for a women’s peace group. But I saw one name that I recognized: Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories. In fact, I knew there was a plastic bottle of Ahava Eucalyptus Mineral Bath Salts sitting on the windowsill next to the tub in my bathroom.

If you take a look at Ahava’s web site, you can read about the company’s environmentally responsible practices: “Our manufacturing processes are non-polluting and environmentally conscious. No animals are involved in testing phases and all of our products are encased in recyclable tubes, bottles and jars.” Ahava’s spokeswoman is fresh-faced Sex & The City actress Kristin Davis, whose commitment to doing good is evidenced by her status as an Oxfam Goodwill Ambassador and her position on the advisory board of The Masai Wilderness Conservation Fund. On the Ahava site, Davis is quoted as saying, “My personal beliefs, which include treating both animals and the environment with respect, are equally important to AHAVA.”

If you navigate around the web site you will see pristine images of the Dead Sea, enticing products with beautifully designed labels, and a photo of a water lily leaf with the caption, “This leaf has nothing to hide.” But, unfortunately, Ahava does have something to hide—an ugly secret about its relationship to a brutal occupation. The Hebrew word “Ahava” means love, but there is nothing loving about what the company is doing in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank. Ahava is an Israeli profiteer exploiting the natural resources of occupied Palestine.

AHAVA Dead Sea Laboratories, an Israeli cosmetics company, has situated its main manufacturing plant and showroom at the Israeli Jewish settlement Mitzpe Shalem in the Occupied Palestinian West Bank near the shores of the Dead Sea. Mitzpe Shalem, built on occupied land in 1970, is an illegal settlement, as are all Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Ahava’s capture of Palestinian natural resources from the Dead Sea is, according to the Fourth Geneva Convention, a patently illegal use by an occupying power of stolen resources for its own profit. To add insult to injury, Ahava’s labels claim that the country of origin of its products is “The Dead Sea, Israel”—this type of labeling has been decried by Oxfam, among other human rights groups, as blatantly misleading.

While we were working on putting together the new AHAVA boycott campaign we called STOLEN BEAUTY, CODEPINK led several delegations to Gaza, one of which never made it into the Strip because the Israeli government wouldn’t let them through the Erez crossing. Several CODEPINK activists decided to take a fact-finding mission to the Ahava plant in the West Bank, corroborating what we had read about the plant’s location and its practices. The women decided to seize the opportunity and—with the avid encouragement of the Israeli Jewish and Palestinian peace activists that they had met—they went to the Ahava store at the Hilton Hotel in Tel Aviv to stage a protest action. Some put on bikinis, wrote on their bodies with mud NO AHAVA/NO LOVE, while others carried signs with slogans such as “There is no love in occupation.” They chanted, sang and made the Israeli evening news.

About a week later, we heard that Kristin Davis was going to be at Lord & Taylor on Fifth Avenue promoting Ahava products and signing autographs. Two of us went to the store to deliver a letter to Davis, requesting she stop letting Ahava use her beautiful face and good name to cover up their crimes. She was less than receptive, and we were escorted out of the store. A week later, the CODEPINK bikini brigade showed up at the “Tel Aviv Beach Party”—part of the Israeli government’s multi-million dollar “Re-brand Israel” campaign—in New York’s Central Park. The bikinis and our anti-occupation message made Fox News.

We recently sent letters to Ahava’s headquarters in Holon, Israel, as well as to Ahava USA and Kristen Davis, giving them notice of our boycott. We sent copies of these letters to Shamrock Holdings, the investment company of the Roy E. Disney family, which owns 19% of Ahava’s shares. On Monday of this week, CODEPINK women showed up in bikinis and mud at the Cosmoprof North America Trade Show in Las Vegas to let Ahava representatives know we were launching our STOLEN BEAUTY campaign.

We have sent letters to over 100 retailers requesting that they stop stocking Ahava products because Ahava helps finance the destruction of hope for a peaceful and just future for both Israelis and Palestinians. In August we’ll be outside a drugstore, department store or mall near you, exposing Ahava’s dirty secrets and showing that real beauty is more than skin deep. You can go to to find out how to join our campaign. And you don’t have to wear a bikini to do it.

Israeli forces arrest Palestinian on his return from testifying to the UN in Geneva

Update: According to his legal representation, Mohammad Srour will be released on bail.

For Immediate Release:

22 July 2009: Israeli forces arrest Palestinian on his return from testifying to the United Nations in Geneva.

Mohammad Srour was arrested on 20 July 2009 while crossing the Allenby Bridge from Jordan.

Srour and Jonathan Pollack, an Israeli solidarity activist, testified to the United Nations in Geneva on 6 July 2009 about the murder of 2 young men by Israeli forces during a demonstration in Ni’lin.

(Video available:, download the video:

Srour, a member of the Ni’lin Popular Committee Against the Wall, participates in demonstrations that take place against the theft of Ni’lin’s land. He and Pollack were witness to the shooting of 2 Ni’lin residents (Arafat Rateb Khawaje and Mohammed Khawaje) on 28 December 2009, during a demonstration in solidarity with Gaza.

“I know full well that I will pay the price for this testimony when I return at Israeli crossing points in my journey of return after this hearing.” –Mohammad Srour stated at minute 4 of his testimony to the United Nations

Srour was arrested at the border crossing of the Allenby Bridge and taken to Ofer prison. On Wednesday, he was interrogated by Israeli forces and his lawyer has requested an urgent hearing for Thursday. He will likely be taken to court on Thursday, 23 July 2009 to hear the charges against him.


The West Bank village of Ni’lin has been demonstrating since the Israeli government began for a second time to construct the Wall on village lands in May 2008. To date, Israeli forces have killed 5 residents of Ni’lin and critically injured 1 American solidarity activist. According to local medics who volunteer with the Palestinian Red Crescent, over 450 people have been injured during demonstrations as of April 2009.

Visibly, the violence from Israeli forces dramatically increased during and after the 22-day assault on Gaza that began on 27 December 2008. Israeli forces have killed 3 demonstrators since the beginning of the Gaza assault in Ni’lin. Additionally, the Israeli army has introduced new weapons against demonstrators; using the high-velocity tear gas projectile and a 0.22 calibre live ammunition shot by sniper fire as a means of crowd dispersal.

Additionally, Israeli arrest and intimidation campaigns on the villages that demonstrate against the Wall, have led to the arrests of over 76 Palestinians in Ni’lin alone.

  • 5 June 2009: Yousef Akil Srour (36) was shot in the chest with 0.22 caliber live ammunition and pronounced dead upon arrival at a Ramallah hospital.
  • 13 March 2009: Tristan Anderson (37), an American citizen, was shot in the head with a high velocity tear gas projectile. He is currently at Tel Hashomer hospital with uncertain prospects for his recovery.
  • 28 December 2008: Mohammed Khawaje (20) was shot in the head with 5.56mm caliber live ammunition. He died in a Ramallah hospital 3 days later on 31 December 2008.
  • 28 December 2008: Arafat Rateb Khawaje (22) was shot in the back with 5.56mm caliber live ammunition and pronounced dead upon arrival at a Ramallah hospital.
  • 30 July 2008: Yousef Amira (17) was shot in the head with two rubber coated steel bullets. He died in a Ramallah hospital 5 days later on 4 August 2008.
  • 29 July 2008: Ahmed Mousa (10) was shot in the forehead with 5.56mm caliber live ammunition and pronounced dead upon arrival at a Ramallah hospital.

In total, 19 people have been killed during demonstrations against the Wall.

In total, 38 people have been shot by Israeli forces with live ammunition in Ni’lin: 9 were shot with 5.56mm caliber live ammunition and 29 were shot with 0.22 caliber live ammunition.

Since May 2008, residents of Ni’lin have been organizing and participating in unarmed demonstrations against construction of the Apartheid Wall. Despite being deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004, the Occupation continues to build the Wall, further annexing Palestinian land.

Ni’lin will lose approximately 2,500 dunums of agricultural land when construction of the Wall is completed. Israel annexed 40,000 of Ni’lin’s 58,000 dunums in 1948. After the occupation of the West Bank in 1967, the illegal settlements and infrastructure of Kiryat Sefer, Mattityahu and Maccabim were built on village lands and Ni’lin lost another 8,000 dunums. Of the remaining 10,000 dunums, the Occupation will confiscate 2,500 for the Wall and 200 for a tunnel to be built under the segregated settler-only road 446. Ni’lin will be left with 7,300 dunums.

Bil’in leading demonstrator imprisoned by Israeli forces

For Immediate Release:

Tuesday July 21, Ofer military base, Occupied West Bank: In a new escalation in the military’s campaign targeting the popular protests in Bil’in against the Annexation barrier, a military appeals judge ruled that non-violent Bil’in activist Adeeb Abu Rahme be held until the end of proceedings against him. This could mean months or a year in military prison for Adeeb who was arrested from the demonstration against the annexation barrier that took place in Bil’in village on 10 of July. Adeeb, a leading non-violent activist in Bil’in’s ongoing struggle against the Wall and settlements on their land, is being charged with incitement to violence and rioting.He is the sole provider for his family of 9 children, wife and mother.

Bil’in residents have been holding weekly demonstrations for the last 5 years. In a celebrated decision, the Israeli Supreme court ruled on the 4th of September 2007 that the current route of the wall in Bil’in was illegal and needs to be dismantled; the ruling however has not been implemented. Israeli forces have been conducting night arrest raids on the village since 29 June 2009.

Since the renewed campaign against Bil’in demonstrators, 17 have been arrested. Of the 17 arrested, 13, mostly children are still in detention.

Kamel Alkhatib (16), Khalil Yassen (16), Mohammed Abu Rahmah (23), Motasem Alkhatib (17), Hamwda Yassen (17), Mohsen Alkhatib (17), Suliman Alwalydi (17), Oda Abu Rahmah (20), Mahmud Yassen, Majdi Abu Rahmah, Adeeb Abu Rahmah , Ronnie Barken (Israeli activist), Charlie (American activist), Basel Bornat (20), Mohammad Bornat (19), Emad Bornat and Tamer Alkhatib.

Abdullah Abu Rahme coordinator of the popular committee stated, “Adib has been injured dozens of times over the course the last five years and as all the video footage and thousand and witness can attest he has never responded with violence. The recent arrests of activists against the wall , like all previous attempts to criminalize and intimidate non-violent Palestinian resistance, is doomed to failure. The fact is the Apartheid Wall and the settlements built on Palestinian land are illegal under international law, in the case of our village even the biased Israeli court declared the route illegal. Yet instead of prosecuting the constructors of the Apartheid Wall and settlements Israel is prosecuting us for struggling nonviolently for our freedom.”

A military judge had ruled that Adib Abu Rahme be released with the condition of staying 100 meters from the Wall on Thursday, 16 July. But the military prosecution appealed then at 5:00 am on Sunday, 19 July, Israeli soldiers surrounded the home of journalist and film maker Imad Burnat, 37, pulling him from his home in front of his wife and four children, and pushing him into one of their vehicles. Imad was questioned by the Israeli secret service about his filming of the demonstrations in Bil’in and about Adib who frequently appears in his footage.The footage can be seen on Clips from this “incriminating” footage was shown to the appeals Military appealls judge later that day. and the decision of the previous military judge was reversed.

In response, the Bil’in popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements is organizing a demonstration on Wednesday, 22 July 2009.

CPT: Israeli military delivers stop work orders on 9 Palestinian structures in At-Tuwani

Christian Peacemaker Team

20 July 2009

At-Tuwani – In the afternoon of 20 July, the Israeli District Coordinating Office (DCO) delivered stop work orders for nine Palestinian structures around the village of At-Tuwani. These orders were delivered to seven new houses, one cave, and one cistern in the area. The Israeli military sometimes delivers a stop work order to a structure prior to a demolition order; and after a demolition order is delivered, the Israeli military may then demolish the structure. While the DCO and Israeli soldiers delivered the stop work orders, Palestinian children and adults gathered in the area, protesting the delivery of the stop work orders. One Palestinian admonished the DCO and soldiers to deliver demolition orders to the illegal buildings in the Israeli outpost of Havat Ma’on, which continues to expand. Palestinian children surrounded each house and chanted loudly, attempting to make it difficult for the DCO to leave the orders at each house and making it difficult for the DCO and soldiers to use their radio and phones. In addition, Palestinians sat in protest in front of the military and DCO and prayed together on their land.

While delivering the stop work orders, a member of the DCO struck a small child and an Israeli soldier shoved a Palestinian civilian to the ground. In addition, Israeli police arrested a Palestinian man who was present to protest the stop work orders. He is supposedly charged with “threatening soldiers” and remains in the Kiryat Arba police station.

One of the houses had already been destroyed in the night of 16 July (see release: New Palestinian House and Olive Tree Destroyed in the Night.) The Palestinian family suspects the house had been demolished by Israeli settlers from the Israeli settlement of Ma’on or the illegal outpost of Havat Ma’on, and the family began rebuilding the home the next day.

Despite Israeli settler and soldier harassment to discourage the growth of the village of At-Tuwani, Palestinians remain committed to asserting their right to develop and build their privately owned Palestinian land.

Photos from the day are available at:

A short video from the day is available at:

IMORB: End the siege on Gaza, open the Rafah border

Dear friends,

Please take a few minutes on Monday to call the Egyptian embassy in your country to demand the Rafah border be opened!

Since June 13, when International Movement to Open the Rafah Border members set their sit-in at the Rafah Gate, we witnessed the Egyptian authorities’ collaboration in the Gaza siege enforced by the Israeli government with the US an international community support.

Even after the Viva Palestina folks and some aid got into Gaza, the plight of the people waiting to get out or into Gaza has not changed,

Please call the Egyptian embassy Monday, July 20. Please spread this call far and wide. It will make a difference to so many Palestinians, And for those who can, come and join us at the Rafah Gate. Come and witness these tragedies at the border.

Below details of Egyptian embassies in 40 countries

Ambassade d’Egypte à Alger, Algérie
Tél: (213) 21 69 16 73
Fax: (213) 21 69 29 52

Egyptian Consulate in Sydney, Australia
Phone: (61 2) 9281-4844
Fax: (61 2) 9281-4344
Web Site:
Office Hours: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Open to public: 9:30 am – 2:00 pm

Egyptian Embassy in Canberra, Australia
Phone: (00612) 6273 4437 – 6273 4438
Fax: (00612) 6273 4279
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Egyptian Consulate in Melbourne, Australia
Phone: (00613) 9654 8869
Fax: (00613) 9654 8634
Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.

Ambassade d’Egypte à Bruxelles, Belgique
Tél : (02) 663.5800
Fax : (02) 675.5888

Egyptian Embassy in Brasilia, Brazil
Phone: +55.61.3323.8800
Fax: +55.61.3323.1039
Office Hours: Mo Fr: 9:00 17:00

Egyptian Embassy in Ottawa, Canada
Phone: (613)234-4931, (613)234-4935
Fax: (613)234-4398
Office Hours: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm.

Egyptian Embassy in Beijing, China
Phone: (8610) 6532 1825
Fax: (8610) 6532 5365

Egyptian Embassy in Nicosia, Cyprus
Phone: 00357 22449050/1
Fax: 00357 22449081

Egyptian Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 224 311 506
Fax: +420 224 311 157
Office Hours: Monday through Friday from 09.00 to 16.00

Sr. Embajador de la República Árabe de Egipto en Madrid, España
TEL: (0034) 915776308 – 915776309 – 915776310
FAX: (00.34) 915781732,

Ambassade d’Egypte à Paris, France
Tel : 01 53678830-32
Fax: 01 47230643

Consulat d’Egypte à Marseille, France
Tel : 04 91 25 04 04
Fax: 04 91 73 79 31

Consulat d’Egypte à Paris, France
Tel : 0145009989 – 0145007427 – 0145007710
Fax: 0145003528

Egyptian Embassy in Berlin, Germany
Phone: 030 477 54 70
Fax: 030 477 10 49
Web Site:

Egyptian Consulate in Hamburg, Germany
Phone: 0049 – 40-413326 0
Fax: 0049 – 40-413326 19
Office Hours: Application: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 12:00

Egyptian Embassy in Athens, Greece
Phone: 210 36 18 612 13
Fax: 210 36 03 538

Egyptian Embassy in Budapest, Hungary
Phone: (+361) 225-2150
Fax: (+361) 225-8596
Office Hours: Mo Fr: 9:00 17:00

Egyptian Embassy in New Delhi, India
Phone: 26114096/7
Fax: 26885355
Office Hours: Monday till Friday 9am till 4 pm

Egyptian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: (+6221) 3143440, 31935350, 31931141
Fax: (+6221) 3145073
Office Hours: Office hours: 8:30 am 4:00 pm

Egyptian Embassy in Dublin, Ireland
Phone: +353-1-6606718
Fax: +353-1-6683745

Egyptian Embassy in Roma, Italy
Phone: +39-6-8440192 – +39-6-8440191
Fax: +39-6-8554424

Egypt Consulate General , Milano, Italy
Phone: +39-2-9516360 – +39-2-9526482
Fax: +39-2-9518194

Egyptian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan
Phone: 03-3770-8022(3)
Fax: 03-3770-8021
Web Site:

Egyptian Embassy in Amman, Jordan
Phone: 5605175 / 5605176 / 5605202 /5605203
Fax: 5604082
Office Hours: Sunday to Thursday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m

Egyptian Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: 3870298-3870278-3870360
Fax: 3870383
Office Hours: Embassy Working Hours: From 09:00 till 16:30

Egyptian Embassy in Benghazi, Libya
Phone: 00218612232522
Fax: 00218612232523
Office Hours: Working Hours Daily from 8:30 am till 3:00 pm

Ambassade d’Egypte à Rabat, Maroc
Tél: (212) 37 73 18 33
Fax: (212) 37 70 68 21

Ambassade d’Egypte en Mauritanie
Tél: (222) 25 21 92

Egyptian Embassy in The Hague, Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0) 70-354 20 00, +31 (0) 70-354 45 35
Fax: +31 (0) 70-354 33 04
Office Hours: From 8.30 a.m. To 15.30 p.m.

Egyptian Embassy in Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 22 44 77 67 or +47 23 08 42 00
Fax: +47 22 56 22 68
Web Site:
Office Hours: 09.00-15.00

Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: +92 (51) 2209072 or 2209082
Fax: (+92) 51 2279552
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00am to 12:00 pm

Egyptian Embassy in Lisbon, Portugal
Phone: +351-1-213018301
Fax: +351-213017909

Egyptian Embassy in Bucharest, Romania
Phone: (4021) 2110938 – 2110939
Fax: (4021) 2100337
Office Hours: The Chancellery Monday to Friday; from 0900 to 1700

Egyptian Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Phone: 009661)4810159 – 4831275
4810427 – 4831367 – 4810464
Fax: (009661)4810463
Web Site:

Egyptian Embassy in Singapore, Singapore
Phone: (+65) 67371587 / (+65) 67371811
Fax: (+65) 67323422
Office Hours: Mon – Fri: 9.00 am – 3.00 pm

Egyptian Embassy in Seoul, South Korea

Phone: 00 822/ 749-0787, 749-0788, 749-0789
Fax: 00 822/ 795-2588

Egyptian Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: (46 8) 662 9687 or 662 9603 or 660 3145
Fax: (46 8) 661 2664

Egyptian Embassy in Bern, Switzerland
Phone: 031 352 80 12 / 13
Fax: 031 352 06 25
Office Hours: Opening hours: Monday Friday 09.00 14.00

Egyptian Consulate in Geneva, Switzerland

Phone: 022 347 62 55
Fax: 022 346 05 71
Office Hours: 09.00 15.00

Ambassade d’Egypte en Tunisie
Tél: +216 71 792 233 / 841 192
Fax: +216 71 794 389

Egyptian Embassy in Ankara, Turkey

Phone: 09003124261026 / 00903124682240 / 00903124266132
Fax: 0090312- 4270099
Office Hours: Working Hours of the embassy:- 9 am -4 pm

Egyptian Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine

Phone: 272-13-27 / 486-65-30
Fax: 4869428

Egyptian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Phone: 4445656 4445566
Fax: 4449878
Office Hours: 9 am till 4 pm.

Egyptian Consulate in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Phone: 3971122
Fax: 2971033

Egyptian Embassy in London, United Kingdom
Phone: 020 7235 9777
Fax: 020 7235 6562

Egyptian Consulate in London, United Kingdom

Phone: 020 7235 9777
Fax: 09065 540 833
Office Hours: Opening Hours: Monday-

Egyptian Embassy in Washington D.C., United States

Phone: (+1) (202) 8955400
Fax: (+1) (202) 2444319

Egyptian Consulate in Chicago, United States

Phone: (312) 828-9162-3-4
Fax: (312) 828-9167
Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Egyptian Consulate in Houston, United States
Phone: (713)961 4915 (713)9614916 (713)9614407
Fax: (713) 9613868
Office Hours: = From 9:00 AM Till 3:00 PM

Egyptian Consulate in New York, United States
Phone: +212-759-7120/1/2
Fax: +1212-308-7643
Web Site:

Egyptian Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela
Phone: 0058212 9926259
Fax: 0058212 9931555
Office Hours: From 9 am till 3:30 pm

In solidarity,
International Movement to Open Rafah Border