Photo Essay: Women in Hebron

12th July 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

The current al-Khalil team were privileged to visit the Women in Hebron centre located in Idna, just outside of al-Khalil city.

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Two women making a rug that takes approximately two weeks to complete
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Nursery at the centre to facilitate the women bringing their children while they work
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Different designs of kafias
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Embroidery work
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The centre was full of laughing and smiles
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Detailed embrodiery work
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A beautiful, social atmosphere is fostered at the centre
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After your pillow cases are handmade, they’re hand ironed as well
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The workstation
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Make Apartheid History
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It took a few takes to get a photo of the women, but we love all of the photos

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Make sure you visit Women in Hebron and support them and other local organisations in al-Khalil who suffer greatly from the ongoing occupation which reduces the number of tourists and locals alike who visit the beautiful old city of al-Khalil.