Join the International Solidarity Movement in Palestine: Long-Term Volunteers Needed!

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) in Palestine is seeking dedicated long-term volunteers to join our efforts in standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people. ISM is a Palestinian led movement founded in 2001 committed to resisting the long-entrenched and systematic oppression and dispossession of the Palestinian population, using non-violent, direct-action methods and principles

**Minimum Commitment:** 2 weeks volunteering ON THE GROUND!! (excluding travelling/ training)
**Maximum Commitment:** As long as your visa allows

While a minimum commitment of 2 weeks is required, staying for longer periods, especially 3 months, greatly enhances the continuity and impact of our work. As we grow and strengthen our connections with local families and communities, an extended presence is invaluable.

**Why Stay Longer?**
– **Continuity:** Longer stays help maintain the momentum of our initiatives and relationships.
– **Impact:** A deeper understanding of the situation on the ground.
– **Support:** We strive to assist volunteers staying for 3 months in making their stay more financially sustainable.

Join us in supporting the Palestinian popular resistance to the Israeli occupation and apartheid. We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people’s just demand for freedom.

**Get Involved Today!**

For more information and to apply, visit @ismpalestine

Can’t come? You can still participate! Considering donating to support our work in Palestine: