Home / Features / Israeli Occupation Kills Two During Second Consecutive Raid in Tulkarem

Israeli Occupation Kills Two During Second Consecutive Raid in Tulkarem

By Diana Khwaelid

Tulkarem – July 1, 2024

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) killed two Palestinians, a woman and a child, during their second consecutive raid in the city of Tulkarem, on July 1.

According to the Palestinian Health Organization, a 46-year-old Palestinian woman and a 15-year-old child, Mohammed Sarhan, were killed during the raid on Tulkarem refugee camp. Mohammed was standing near the Shuwaika roundabout, far from the camp, when an Israeli sniper shot him as the army was withdrawing. The occupation also bombed a house in the camp.

Dozens of Israeli military vehicles, including D9 bulldozers, stormed the city of Tulkarm in the northern West Bank in the early hours of Monday. The siege was centred first in the Nur Shams refugee camp, northeast of the town, and the Tulkarm refugee camp.

Nur Shams camp was stormed for 10 hours, with the destruction of the main street leading to the camp and the main entrance to the camp. Occupation forces also destroyed water networks and infrastructures and dozens of shops overlooking the street near the camp were fully or partially destroyed.

The Israeli army also bombed another Palestinian house with an aerial bombardment: the house belonged to one of the most famous and largest families in the camp. Palestinian civil defence and medical teams only managed to enter the camp and reach the site after occupation forces withdrew, as the army prevented ambulances to reach the injured.

The Nur Shams refugee camp has been subjected to at least 30 raids since October 7 and is considered one of the most dangerous camps in the West Bank after the Jenin camp, according to Israeli media sites.

The fierce incursions carried out by the Israeli occupation in the camp, especially after October 7, made the residents of the camp feel constant fear, and dozens of Palestinian families who had grown up in the camp since childhood had to leave the camp to protect their children and women.

The death toll in the city of Tulkarm has risen to 118 since October 7.

Occupation forces storming Tulkarem