Palestinians Harassed during Eid Celebrations in Masafer Yatta

16 June 2024 | International Solidarity Movement | Masafer Yatta

What began as a joyous Eid celebration turned into a tense invasion for the residents of the small Palestinian village of At-Tuwani, Masafer Yatta, on Sunday afternoon, June 16. Children, cousins, and extended family members were playing in the yard of Mosahb’s home when an Israeli military jeep sped up to the house, a short distance from the nearby Ma’on settlement.

The security video shows soldiers jumped out of their vehicle with guns drawn, causing panic among the children playing in front of the house. The soldiers ignored the frightened children and stormed toward the house, attempting to force their way inside. The family, led by Mosahb, quickly emerged, only to be met with threats of arrest for Mosahb and his brother.

The situation dissipated as international human rights activists, who were in the area, rushed to the scene. The local community also gathered in support, holding many eyes on the aggressive soldiers. After a short while, the soldiers retreated, justifying their combative actions by claiming they were responding to reports of someone taking pictures.

This incident is the latest in a series of harassments faced by Mosahb’s family and other villagers in At-Tuwani. Residents report an increase in such confrontations since the expansion of the Ma’on settlement during the COVID-19 pandemic. The harassment has intensified further since the events of October 7, creating a constant state of terror and fear among the villagers.

Despite the community’s resilience and international support, the ongoing presence and actions of settlers and the military continue to disrupt the daily lives of At-Tuwani’s residents, highlighting the broader issues of settlement expansion and military occupation in the region.