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Press briefing: Case closed on shooting of American citizen Tristan Anderson

Who: Tristan Anderson’s family and attorney, Michael Sfard
What: Press briefing about the status of Tristan’s case and the planned next steps
When: Monday February 1st, 1:00 pm
Where: Alternative Information Center (AIC) – Queen Shlomzion Street 4 – Jerusalem
Why: Case closed on Tristan Anderson’s case with suspicion of negligence of investigation process – indications that police did not visit the scene of the alleged offense and most probably interviewed the wrong group of border policemen.

On Monday, February 1 at 1:00, the family of Tristan Anderson will hold a press conference at the AIC in Jerusalem to expose new information about the case. Anderson’s lawyer, Attorney Michael Sfard will give a comprehensive update about the case, the decision to close it made by the District Attorney’s office and negligence of the police investigation, and discuss the next legal steps.

This week’s disturbing news – that the DA decided to close the case on Tristan and the injury he sustains after being shot in the head at close range with a high-velocity tear gas canister during a demonstration in the West Bank village of Nil’in last March – will have significant impact on Tristan’s future and his family’s. The outcome in this case is not unique, but exemplary of the general lack of accountability of Israeli security forces. It points both to the complete negligence of the police investigation and to the Israeli military’s ability to disregard even the gravest of offenses committed by security forces.