The delegation – composed by 8 MEPs belonging to different political groups and by one Member of the Italian Senate – will stay in Gaza from Saturday 10 to Tuesday 13 January, when the MEPs will come back to Strasbourg to report back about the situation to the Plenary session of the EU Parliament and they will hold a press conference.
In Gaza the delegation will be staying with UNRWA and visit refugee camps, hospitals and towns.
The MEPs are grateful to the Egyptian Authority and UNRWA for their cooperation and support.
MEPs Participants:
Luisa Morgantini (Italy)
David Hammerstein Mintz (Spain)
Hélène Flautre (France)
Véronique de Keyser (Belgium)
Miguel Portas (Porturgal)
Feleknas Uca (Germany)
Chris Davies (UK)
Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (Cypre)
Alberto Maritati (Italy) Member of the Italian Senate