ISM-Member Akram killed during clashes in Jenin

6th September 2007

Akram Ibrahim Abu Sba’, member of the ISM regional committee Jenin and co-founder of one of ISM’s first permanent presences was killed by members of Islamic Jihad in the north Palestinian city of Jenin.

Akram was killed on duty, when he tried to smooth tensions between members of Palestinian security forces and members of Islamic Jihad.

Palestinian police officers and members of the security forces reported the following:

At approximately 10 pm Palestinian security forces stopped a car on Mustashfa street, near Jenin’s governmental hospital. The car driver, member of Islamic Jihads Al-Quds Brigade couldn’t show any valid registration papers for the car and so verbal clashes erupted between the people in the car and the security forces. When Akram, also member of the security forces joined the scene in order to smooth the clashes, he was shot twice in the chest by one of the men, sitting in the car. He was brought to Jenin’s governmental hospital and passed away as a consequence of his injuries.

Akram was buried on the graveyard of Jenin refugee camp at 3.30 pm.