Non-violent march through Ramallah streets ends reading the names of the fallen in Gaza at the Muqata

On Sunday, March 2nd, Palestinians marched alongside international supporters through the streets of Ramallah, banging pots, chanting, and making noise. They were protesting the massacres in Gaza, the continued siege, the silence in the international community, and the ongoing violations of international law.

Around 200 people gathered near the Manara Square in central Ramallah and walked through roads and refugee camps singing, chanting, banging noise into the night in order to express their outrage and encourage bystanders to join. In the end they arrived at the Muqata, where Yassir Arafat is buried, and negotiated with the police to enter the closed off area. Inside, the names of the newly dead in Gaza were read to the crowd. After, a member of the P.A. spoke, and the entire crowd turned their backs to him and walked away, possibly signifying their outrage at the P.A. reaction to the massacres in Gaza.

This non-violent demonstration was organized by the Gaza 3ala Bali group and contained people from all walks of life, children from Qadurra camp, students from Bir Zeit, and Mustafa Barghouti, all came to show their support.