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Alt-Arch: From Shiloah to Silwan – Urgent Update

By: From Shiloah to Silwan: An Alternative Archaeological Tour of Ancient Jerusalem

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During the last months the efforts to raise awareness and to try to change the deteriorating situation in Silwan in East Jerusalem have gained momentum. We offer a short update and invite you to take part in bringing on a change.

International petition signed by university professors:

In recent weeks, university professors and lecturers from all over the world have been signing a petition aiming to stop using archaeology against the residents of Silwan. The petition calls to prevent the ELAD organization from running the National Park “City of David” and from using archaeology for their political needs. It is still possible to sign the petition. You can find it at our website: http://www.alt-arch.org/petition.html

Hearing in the Supreme Court:

On the 21st of May at 9 a.m., there will be a hearing in the Supreme Court in Jerusalem regarding the archaeological excavations under the houses of the Silwan village in East Jerusalem. Your presence is important!

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) financed by Elad organization is excavating a tunnel under the houses of Silwan residents, without informing them about it and ignoring their property rights.

The residents of Silwan filed a petition to the Supreme Court concerning the illegality of this excavation; demanding that the IAA will halt the excavation under their homes until a better solution will be found based on an agreement with the residents.

Silwan residents would appreciate if you could attend the hearing as a demonstration of support in their plight and in demand that the court instructs the state and its institutions (IAA and National Parks Reservation Authority) to cease their slanted use of archaeology as a political tool, and will mark a begging to an end of the existing cooperation of the state with ELAD’s expansionist agenda.

Finally, here are a two links to media coverage on the issue from the last few months.

Archaeologists for Hire:
Digging Too Deep: